Why doesn't this king's concubine compete for favor?

Chapter 530 Two Sister-Controlled Late Patients

Chapter 530 Two Sisters Control Advanced Patients

Quan'er replied one hundred and fifty:
"Reporting to the two young masters, the birthmark on Jiang's side concubine is exactly the same as the pattern drawn, without the slightest deviation."

Lu Xiaosi's voice trembled a little:

"you sure?"

Quan'er looked upright with a solemn expression:
"I guarantee it with my life, I'm absolutely sure!"

Lu Xueshan rubbed his hands excitedly:
"That's fine, that's fine."

Lu Xiaosi immediately jumped up:
"It turns out that everything is already doomed!"

It was Lu Xueshan who calmed down first, and said to Quan'er:
"Thank you, Quan'er, for helping us a lot."

Quan'er smiled shyly:
"My lord, you're being polite. This is what Quan'er should do. My lords, Quan'er will go back to serve the Jiang side concubine first."

Lu Xueshan nodded in agreement.

After Quan'er left, Lu Xiaosi hugged Lu Xueshan with a choked tone:
"Third brother, it turns out that she is really a little sister! I now understand why the first time I saw her, she was so kind, but every time I saw her later, I felt very different. It turned out that it was because We all have the blood of the Lu family flowing in our bodies, she is my sister, my real sister."

Lu Xueshan pulled Lu Xiaosi off his body with great effort, he was obviously very happy, so he didn't argue with Lu Xiaosi, he said:

"You don't need to say that, I feel the same as you. You forgot that day in Guangqu Baihua Garden. I said that her appearance is so similar to ours. At first glance, it is a family, the same family. Father and mother."

"Yes, third brother, what you said is correct. I am now incoherent and incomprehensible." Lu Xiaosi was a little flustered.

Lu Xueshan gave him a blank look:
"Don't panic. Although the identity of the little girl has been confirmed now, there are still a lot of problems waiting for us to solve. Now the little girl doesn't know her own background. Becoming the side concubine of King Xunyang requires us to understand in detail in the future. The Hai family frequently wants to frame the younger sister, and the younger sister's current situation is not safe. We used to be unable to control so many things, but now it is different. She is our daughter. My little sister, her business is our business, it is the business of the entire Lu family!"

"That's right, third brother, you are right! Younger sister is the most honorable daughter of our Lu family, but she has been subjugated to the side concubine of King Xunyang. I have really wronged her. Now His Majesty has married a princess to King Xunyang to be his official wife." Concubine, this is absolutely impossible!"

Lu Xueshan continued:

"The first thing we need to do now is to immediately write a letter to our parents about finding our little sister."

Lu Xiaosi:
"My father and mother knew about this, and they didn't know how happy they would be."

Lu Xueshan said:

"Maybe they can leave immediately and return to Yijing."

Just as the two talked more and more excitedly, the old housekeeper Wu Bo hurried over.

Uncle Wu said:
"My lords, why are you here? The front hall is in a mess. I really can't keep the guests and friends steady. You two should hurry up and have a look."

Lu Xueshan and Lu Xiaosi quickly followed Uncle Wu to the front hall. On the way, Lu Xueshan asked:

"What happened today?"

Wu Bo said:
"I also heard from one of the honored guests that His Majesty ordered today to seal up that office."

Lu Xiaosi said in surprise:

Lu Xueshan frowned:
"The Supervision Department is under the jurisdiction of King Xunyang. How can it be sealed up? Or His Majesty personally ordered it. How is this possible?"

(End of this chapter)

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