Why doesn't this king's concubine compete for favor?

Chapter 540 Don't Wrong Your Little Daughter

Chapter 540 Don't Wrong Your Little Daughter

The leading general seemed to have expected such a situation.

He took off the badge on his waist and held it up to the postman as a signal.

The postman immediately recognized it, and immediately fell to his knees:
"The next official kowtows to the general!"

Lu Yuan has sword-like brows and star-eyed eyes, majestic and majestic, with a very strong aura, but his words are very easy-going:
"Please get up, work hard."

Speaking of taking the letter from the postman, no one noticed that when Lu Yuan took the letter, his hand trembled slightly.

It was getting dark, Lu Yuan led the people to rest in the posthouse, and when Lu Yuan returned to his room, he couldn't wait to unfold the letter.

The letter was written jointly by Sanzilu Xueshan and Sizilu Xiaosi, which is enough to show its importance.

Lu Yuan has a very strong intuition that the content of this letter must be related to Xiao Feng'er!
Lu Yuan's thick hands are covered with calluses, which are the traces of leading soldiers to fight with bows and arrows all year round. At this moment, those hands are not slashing and slashing like a battlefield, but carefully slashing the thin silk like cicada's wings. The paper unfolds, as if carefully caring for a rare treasure.

Line by line, word for word, Lu Yuan read carefully.

Those eyes that were as bright as the stars gradually became moist.

How many years have not been touched by such emotions, finally, finally waited for this day.

His beloved little daughter, that cute little Feng'er carved out of jade, is still alive!She's grown up now and married
After reading this letter, Lu Yuan couldn't help crying.

There was a knock on the door, and the attendant asked in a low voice:

"Can the general sleep peacefully?"

Lu Yuan opened the door and said to his relatives:
"Madam's carriage has already set off?"

He bowed and said:
"According to the time, we set off yesterday."

"Okay, go back and rest early."

Lu Yuan closed the door again, as calm as he was always, at this moment he just hoped that his wife would enter Beijing soon, so that he could know the great news sooner and see their daughter sooner.

After he sorted out his mood, his thoughts returned to the last content of the letter.

The letter said that something happened to His Royal Highness King Xunyang, and the Supervision Division was thoroughly investigated. It was Pan Nitrate from the Anti-corruption Division who investigated the case, and the most critical part of the case was Pan Nitrate's attitude.

As far as Lu Yuan knew, Pan Nitre had no relationship with King Xunyang, but what few people knew was that Pan Nitrate owed himself a huge favor back then. He was the one who rescued him, and he has always exchanged letters with Pan Nitrate these years. Lu Yuan is very sure that what he wants Pan Nit to do is just a matter of words.

Lu Yuan's eyes were deep, and he would definitely help Xunyang King, for Xiao Feng'er.

The guy Xunyang King actually married his daughter. Lu Yuan lay on the bed, thinking about it, his mind was full of the few fragments of contact with Xunyang King over the years. For Xunyang King, he I still don't know enough about it, but this kid has a pretty good reputation. I hope the facts are as true as the rumors outside.

The daughter is the side concubine of King Xunyang, this is not a matter after all, the son said in a letter that His Majesty has granted a marriage, and betrothed Princess Yu to King Xunyang to be his concubine. Thinking of this, Lu Yuan sat up anxiously.

Let his Xiao Feng'er be a concubine for other men, this is absolutely not acceptable, now that Xiao Feng'er is a side concubine, it's okay to have a concubine on top, but once Princess Yu gets married and becomes a concubine, then Xiao Feng Don't you feel aggrieved!
All night, Lu Yuan was thinking about these things. For the first time in his life, he did not suffer from insomnia because of the border war!
(End of this chapter)

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