Why doesn't this king's concubine compete for favor?

Chapter 541 1 Everything is very bad for the prince

Chapter 541 Everything is very bad for the prince

Jiang Xin had a good night's dream. When she woke up in the morning, she could even recall how sweet the dream she had last night was.

In the dream, a pair of big hands with a sense of security raised her high and patted her on the back gently, making her feel very dependable, and her heart had a kind of peace that she had never had before.

And during the holidays, a gentle woman looked at her with pity and love in her eyes, and prepared brand new dresses and beautiful shoes for her, as well as sumptuous meals, all of which she loved. .

The whole family surrounded her, and she was obviously the center of all the stars.

That feeling is really good.

Fortunately, after Jiang Xin woke up, she still couldn't forget it, and sat there alone for a long time.

Qiu Yuebai had already gotten up and went out, and Zhu Qing beside her asked softly:

"Ma'am, what are you thinking?"

Jiang Xin came back to her senses:

"No, nothing, maybe I'm homesick."

Today, King Jinyang left the mansion early for the first time, and went straight to Lianchasi.

After Lian Cha Si Pan Niu was busy with the morning meeting, he heard that a distinguished guest had arrived, so he hurried to receive him. When he saw that it was the King of Jinyang, he was extremely surprised.

Although the King of Jinyang has relatives with his inner family, they have not had any contact with each other all the time, but they have a fairly close relationship with Tu Yong of the Yan State Company. Presumably, the King of Jinyang's visit this time is related to the Duke of Yan.

After all, Pan Ni is a smart person, and if he thinks a little deeper, it is not difficult to think of what is the most important thing in the court today, of course it is the current corruption case involving the current prince of the Supervisory Department.

Pan Nitrate was full of thoughts, and greeted King Jinyang respectfully and enthusiastically.

This conversation lasted for two or three hours.

Although King Jinyang has been immersed in the romance for many years and is ignorant of court affairs, once he gets his mind up, he still has some means of winning people's hearts.

Pan Nitrate had intended to befriend the King of Jinyang, but now seeing that the King of Jinyang had no airs at all, he took the initiative to talk to him for a long time, and was immediately convinced in his heart.

In the end, King Jinyang hinted at the case of the Supervision Department, hoping that Pan Nit would immediately understand Pan Nit's attitude, and then promised that he would do business properly!

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, King Jinyang got up and prepared to leave. Of course, he exchanged pleasantries several times before leaving, and the distance between the two couldn't help but narrowed a lot.

Pan Nitrate immediately expressed that he would stay with King Jinyang for lunch, but King Jinyang politely declined.

At noon, Qiu Yehan returned to the palace, and Situ Yong had been waiting for a long time.

"Your Highness, how is it? Pan Nitrate's side"

Qiu Yehan was in a very good mood, he smiled and said:
"Uncle, don't worry, the matter has been settled."

Situ Yong clapped his hands in satisfaction:

"Great, now that the east wind is blowing, let's just wait for that King Xunyang to capsize."

At this time, Qiu Yehan was obviously also infected by Situ Yong's joy, but his mind was full of Jiang Xin's beautiful image.

At this moment, word came out from the palace that King Xuan Jinyang entered the palace to have an audience.

Situ Yong hurriedly said to Qiu Yehan:

"Your Majesty has announced you more and more times, which is enough to show the importance he attaches to you. Your Majesty must also seize the opportunity and not let this honor fade away."

Qiu Yehan nodded:
"I understand, uncle."

Qiu Yehan entered the palace and paid homage to Emperor Yongning.

Emperor Yongning seemed to be in a good mood today, playing with the antique vase inside and out, and when he saw Qiu Yehan, he called out very kindly:

"Han'er, come here and take a look at Father's new treasure."

Qiu Yehan has not been diligent in government affairs these years, but has a lot of research on rare and exotic toys. He immediately tasted this treasure, which made Emperor Yongning laugh and was very satisfied. This son is his direct son, although The first queen made a mistake, but time can smooth everything out, these things are finally over, and now Qiu Yehan has won his heart, the more he looks at it, the more satisfied he is.

(End of this chapter)

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