Why doesn't this king's concubine compete for favor?

Chapter 548 She is a younger sister, we know

Chapter 548 She is a younger sister, we know

Soon, Lu Xueshan and Lu Xiaosi came out to welcome them.

They were obviously very happy to see their mother's arrival, but as soon as their eyes fell on Jiang Xin who was beside her, a look of ecstasy filled their faces instantly.

The faces of the two young men were flushed, obviously happy.

Jiang Xin didn't know why they were so happy, she had obviously lost her composure.

"My son has met my mother!" The two saluted excitedly, their eyes flicked at Jiang Xin from time to time, the corners of their mouths kept rising, and their demeanor looked very helpless.

Jiang Xin felt even more ridiculous, what happened to these two people.

However, as long as the two of them are here, Jiang Xin can safely return Mrs. Lu to their hands.

Jiang Xin said:
"Young masters, I'm really sorry. Today, because of me, my carriage collided with Lingtang's carriage. Lingtang was quite shocked, so I sent it back in person. I will bear the consequences. I am deeply sorry."

However, the two of them did not show the reaction Jiang Xin wanted.

They still giggled and said nothing.

Jiang Xin wants to remind again.

Mrs. Lu said:

"Come here, both of you, this is your sister, you must treat your sister well in the future, remember?"

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Xin felt extremely embarrassed. She only thought that Mrs. Lu might not be clear about her mind again. In order to avoid misunderstanding, she hurriedly looked at Lu Xueshan and Lu Xiaosi, hoping that they could help explain.

"My son knows, this is my little sister, our little sister!"

"Mother, don't worry, we will definitely treat my little sister twice as well!"

Jiang Xin was completely dumbfounded. Where did this go? Why did Lu Xueshan and Lu Xiaosi go crazy together? Did they agree to punish themselves together?
"No." Jiang Xin waved her hands and tried to explain:
"Mr. Lu, don't do this, me."

There was light in Lu Xiaosi's eyes, he looked at Jiang Xin fixedly, with a look of pampering in his eyes, he said seriously:

"Little sister, you may not know many things, but we will explain them to you slowly. Mother just returned to Beijing today, and she met my sister on the street before even returning to the mansion. This must be God's arrangement. Everything is predestined, little sister, welcome home!"

"Sister, welcome home!" Lu Xueshan also took a step forward and said sincerely.

Jiang Xin staggered two steps, what, what's going on?

Mrs. Lu next to her held Jiang Xin's hand tightly, her expression was clear, she swept away the weakness just now, she turned to Jiang Xin, with tears in her eyes:

"Feng'er, wait for your father to come back later, and he will be very happy to see you."

Jiang Xin felt that Mrs. Lu in front of her didn't look sick, and she suspected that she was faking her fainting just now.

As for the 'Feng'er' in her mouth, why is this name so familiar.

Father, the father they were talking about, wasn't Da Rao's famous and legendary God of War, General Lu Yuanlu?Will he be his father?
For some reason, Jiang Xin's heart suddenly stirred, and her brain was instantly in a high-speed operation, and her eyes gradually became blurred. In a vague way, a picture that she had seen many times before appeared in front of her, a suit of steel armor The burly man held a little girl carved in pink and jade in his arms, and the feeling gradually changed. Jiang Xin only felt that the tentacles were cold, as if she was personally experiencing the armor, those big hands, being gentle. He hugged her and gently patted her back.

Everything is so real.

(End of this chapter)

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