Chapter 549 Is that, father?

Jiang Xin felt like she had a long, long dream.

The protagonist of the dream is a little girl who is loved by thousands of people, and will always be surrounded by her loving father, mother, and brothers.

Gradually, she felt more and more clearly that the little girl seemed to be herself
In this way, scenes appear one after another, and all the fragments are concatenated into a completed story.

That is the story of this little girl, and it is her story.

After an unknown amount of time, Jiang Xin tried her best to lift her eyelids. When she opened all her eyes, and saw the people around her clearly, Jiang Xin immediately woke up.

There were too many people, and the air became thinner in a circle.

Jiang Xin immediately sat up, speechless for a moment.

Sitting on the side of the bed closest to her was Mrs. Lu, her face was full of love and pity, she held Jiang Xin's hand tightly, and said softly:

"Feng'er, you're going to scare my mother to death. Why did you faint so well? Fortunately, the doctor said you're fine. Feng'er, how do you feel?"

Fenger, Lu Fenger, this is her name, Jiang Xin is very sure.

However, Jiang Xin's thoughts are still a little confused. It turned out that she thought that the world here is the world in her book. All the structures, characters, and story lines are almost the same. Even if some are beyond the scope, there will not be blind spots. .

But now it's different, a small character she wrote unintentionally, Jiang Xin, has so many story backgrounds that she doesn't know, even though all the memories belonging to Jiang Xin have come back now, they are integrated with her , but Jiang Xin still needs time to digest the whole thing.

No, there is another extremely urgent matter right now.

Qiu Yuebai was still in the palace, the emperor suddenly issued the imperial decree to cancel the marriage between Qiu Yuebai and Wei Linlang, maybe it was because something happened to Qiu Yuebai, the emperor was furious and wanted to punish Qiu Yuebai, so he took it back in a fit of anger If that's the case, then wouldn't Qiu Yuebai be very dangerous now?
No, she has to go to the palace. Thinking of this, Jiang Xin couldn't wait any longer, so she threw off the quilt and climbed off the bed.

"Feng'er, where are you going?"

Jiang Xin hurriedly rushed out, she also said:

"I'm sorry, I need to go to the palace right now, our business, if I can come back, we'll talk about it."

The people around, including Lu Xiaosi and Lu Xueshan, wanted to stop Jiang Xin, but they were afraid of bumping into her sister, so they had nothing to do with her.

Lu Xiaosi guessed it, and hurriedly said:

"Little sister, what are you going to do in the palace, to find King Xunyang?"

Jiang Xin didn't bother to answer, she just rushed out with all her heart, and ran for a while holding her skirt, and suddenly bumped into a warm and familiar chest.

Jiang Xin raised her head suddenly.

"Qiu Yuebai, why are you here?" Jiang Xin couldn't help exclaiming.

Qiu Yuebai looked at Jiang Xin with gentle and clear eyes:
"Xin'er, I'm here with the general." Qiu Yuebai said as she turned sideways so that General Lu Yuan could completely appear within Jiang Xin's line of sight.

Jiang Xin focused her eyes, and the moment she saw General Lu Yuan, her whole body turned into a stone sculpture.

"Father." Jiang Xin's lips moved slightly, and he murmured.

It was a face she hadn't seen for a long time, it was the most precious memory of her childhood, and it was also a sadness that she didn't want to mention.

In modern times, Jiang Xin's father, the person who loved her the most and existed like a hero, passed away suddenly when she was eight years old.

From then on, no matter how sad and missed Jiang Xin was, her father would never come back.

(End of this chapter)

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