Why doesn't this king's concubine compete for favor?

Chapter 571 One person does things and two people act

Chapter 571
Jiang Xin flat mouth:
"No, I want to kneel. This is the punishment I deserve. I have to admit the mistakes I made. Everything is caused by me. I just hope that His Highness will be angry and blame me. There is absolutely no connection with others!"

"Oh? There are other people. I'm getting more and more curious when you say that."

Qiu Yuebai's relaxed tone formed a strong contrast with Jiang Xin's heaviness.

"Okay then, tell me. Only after you tell me can I study how to punish you." Qiu Yuebai said playfully.

Jiang Xin had a determined look on her face, but her heart was still beating drums, and when the words came to her lips, she felt extremely hard to say.

All of her expressions were seen by Qiu Yuebai.

For some reason, Qiu Yuebai just felt like laughing.

Jiang Xin let out a deep breath, as if she had made up her mind:
"Then I'm going to start from the beginning."

Qiu Yuebai looked at her amusedly:

"Let's start from the beginning. Will it be long? Do you want to get up and talk?"

Jiang Xin stubbornly shook her head:

"No, I'll just kneel down, so I can feel better."

Qiu Yuebai didn't force her, so she just squatted there, accompanying her.

The dignified prince, handsome and incomparable, actually made such a gesture, I'm afraid no one would believe it.

"Your Highness, today all the imperial physicians said that Quan'er will not live for a month, and my third brother is about to collapse. I very much hope to help them."

Qiu Yuebai nodded:
"I know, I'm also thinking of a way."

Jiang Xin said:
"Now, I know that there is someone who can save Quan'er."

"Who is it?" Qiu Yuebai felt that Jiang Xin was about to reach a critical point.

Jiang Xin gritted her teeth:

"Lin Rui."

"Lin Rui?" Qiu Yuebai seemed to be recalling the name.

Jiang Xin observed his expression and couldn't help asking:

"You won't forget this person, will you?"

"How is it possible? My memory has always been very good. Even if it is an unimportant person, I will never forget it as long as it appears. What happened to Lin Rui? I remember that he was allowed to go back to his hometown to visit his relatives. In the end, there was no news at all. While dealing with this matter, I didn't ask any more questions."

Jiang Xin felt a little bit regretful, maybe she thought the matter too seriously, if Lin Rui came back secretly to treat Quan'er secretly, it's not impossible, why bother.

But Jiang Xin quickly vetoed this idea, things always have to be faced, Lin Rui and Shu Ling cannot be allowed to hide like this for the rest of their lives, let Lin Rui come back secretly, could it be that he is so shameless.

No, since I said it, I will do it to the end. No matter how difficult it is, if I can ask for a favor for Shu Linglinrui, it will be worth it if I can walk under the sun with integrity in the future.

"Your Highness, Lin Rui saved Quan'er before, and also treated Quan'er. He linked to Quan'er's physical condition, and he will definitely be able to save Quan'er. Please allow him to come back and treat Quan'er."

Qiu Yuebai didn't think too much, and said directly:
"I'm afraid it's not that simple. What secrets does Lin Rui have?"

Jiang Xin's heart was pounding, and her back was immediately drenched with sweat. Qiu Yuebai's insight was so powerful that Jiang Xin almost couldn't stand it.

"Your Highness, Shu Ling, my good sister, you must remember it too?"

Qiu Yuebai nodded, motioning for her to continue talking.

"I lied to you. Shu Ling is not dead. Not only is she not dead, she is still with Lin Rui. I helped them escape."

Jiang Xin almost closed her eyes and said everything.

(End of this chapter)

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