Why doesn't this king's concubine compete for favor?

Chapter 572 This Hat Is A Little Green

Chapter 572 This Hat Is A Little Green

Quiet, eerily quiet.

Every second of silence is Ling Chi to Jiang Xin.

Jiang Xin lowered her head, not daring to look at Qiu Yuebai, sweat was dripping from her forehead, and she didn't dare to wipe it off.

After a while, Jiang Xin saw Qiu Yuebai get up slowly from the corner of his eye, and then, a voice came from above his head:
"Get up, stop kneeling."

Jiang Xin dared not move.

Qiu Yuebai could only reach out to pull her, Jiang Xin followed Qiu Yuebai's strength and slowly got up, but kneeling for too long, her legs were numb and trembling.

Qiu Yuebai knew that she would not be able to stand steadily, and the other hand was already prepared to support her in advance.

Just like that, Jiang Xin was like a pitiful kitten, allowing Qiu Yuebai to carry her to the couch and sit down.

Jiang Xin still didn't look up at him, but kept her head down.

Qiuyuebai's voice was very cold:

"Stop pretending to be pitiful."

Jiang Xin's heart sank, her tears turned red immediately, it was over, Qiu Yuebai got angry, she didn't like her anymore, she didn't want her anymore, what should I do?
Thinking like this, my heart felt like it was being torn apart.

Tears fell down uncontrollably.

Qiu Yuebai stretched out her hand, and happened to catch two teardrops.

He is puzzled:
"why are you crying?"

Jiang Xin's voice was muffled:
"If you don't like me anymore, I'll pack up and leave now."

"Oh? Where are you going?" Qiu Yuebai asked.

Jiang Xin bit her lip and said nothing.

After a while, Qiu Yuebai said:

"Shu Ling is your good sister. You two have such a good relationship. It's good for her to live."

Jiang Xin immediately looked up at him:

"Aren't you angry?"

Qiuyuebai said:

"I only want you. The matter of Shu Ling did cause me some troubles at the time. I had no intentions for her, and I didn't want to delay her. Since you have solved it for me, why should I be angry?"

Jiang Xin blinked and blinked:

"Qiu Yuebai, you are so broad-minded, then you must not be angry that I concealed you and lied to you."

Qiuyue gave her a blank look:
"Of course I'm angry that you lied to me. It's just this one time. Don't make another example!"

Jiang Xin nodded quickly:

"There must be no next time!"

Then, Jiang Xin asked cautiously:
"Then can I ask you for a favor for them?"

"Huh?" Qiu Yuebai glanced over.

Jiang Xin couldn't help shrinking her neck.

Qiu Yuebai was too lazy to say more on this matter, so she said directly:
"Although what you did was too much, I will treat it as never happened. If you want them to come back to treat Quan'er, I will punish them for their crimes."

Jiang Xin looked at Qiu Yuebai with gratitude.

"But!" Qiuyue Bai changed the subject.

Jiang Xin raised his heart in an instant.

"Don't let them come to see me. You can handle your affairs yourself. Regarding this matter, as your husband, I can choose to forgive, but as a prince, I have the title of prince on my head, and I should have the face of a prince." Qiuyue Bai Dao.

Jiang Xin knew that it was quite rare for Qiu Yuebai to make such a concession, and she had to know how to be grateful.

Lu Xiaosi's footsteps were very fast, and he hardly ever rested, so he brought Lin Rui back on the tenth day after he left.

When Jiang Xin saw Lu Xiaosi, he almost didn't recognize him, because Lu Xiaosi was stubbled and his hair was disheveled. It looked like he was on a journey and hadn't rested for several days.

Lin Rui behind Lu Xiaosi is obviously not much better, Lin Rui has also changed a lot, he is no longer the original appearance of a white-faced scholar, his skin color has become wheat-colored, and he looks mature and stable. few.

(End of this chapter)

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