Why doesn't this king's concubine compete for favor?

Chapter 581 1 Everything is in Silence

Chapter 581 Everything is silent

Lu Xiaosi's mood was shaken, he tried his best to control himself, and then quietly backed out.

He left the room, the courtyard, and ran away in one breath. Under the silvery moonlight, Lu Xiaosi kept recalling the scene he had just seen. He was absolutely sure that Quan'er must have woken up.

But the third brother said that Quan'er didn't wake up, and the third brother was so sad, he must not know the real situation of Quan'er, so should he tell the third brother, the good news?
Why didn't Ke Quan'er say it herself?Why is her expression so painful?
This is so confusing.

Lu Xiaosi thought about it, and vaguely guessed that there must be something else between the third brother and Quan'er.

At this time, Lu Xiaosi thought of a person, maybe he could know something.

So, Lu Xiaosi found Lin Rui, who was studying the prescription in the study, and when he saw Lu Xiaosi, he welcomed him in with great enthusiasm.

Lu Xiaosi said casually:
"Doctor Lin, I just went to see Quan'er, I think she looks good, is she awake?"

Lin Rui was pouring tea for Lu Xiaosi, when he heard Lu Xiaosi's words, his hands couldn't help shaking.

It was only for a moment, but Lu Xiaosi still noticed it.

Lin Rui immediately returned to normal, he smiled lightly:

"Why did the fourth son say such a thing?"

Lu Xiaosi took the teacup:
"I'm just guessing. Dr. Lin has superb medical skills. After two days of busy work, I guess there will be some progress."

The expression on Lin Rui's face was quite sincere:
"Miss Quan'er's disease stems from her heart knot. My medical skills can only keep her healthy, but if she wants to wake up, it depends on her own wishes."

Lu Xiaosi put down the teacup and stared at Lin Rui closely:

"You mean she could wake up anytime she wants, if she's already awake?"

This time Lin Rui didn't have any emotional ups and downs, but said calmly:
"Whether she is awake or not is not important. The important thing is whether she wants to let others know that she is awake."

After saying this, he took a deep look at Lu Xiaosi.

Hearing this, Lu Xiaosi already understood. He was glad that he didn't react at that time. It seems that Dr. Lin in front of him already knew about Quan'er's situation.

Quan'er has woken up, but she has some problems in her heart that she can't face, so she doesn't want third brother to know, thinking of Quan'er's sad expression, after all, it's a matter between the two of them, he doesn't have to Blending in, I just feel sorry for the third brother.

Lin Rui seemed to see what Lu Xiaosi was thinking, and he added:
"Fourth son, don't worry, Quan'er's heart is very strong, she just needs time, the third son has been with her every day these days, and talked to her a lot, I guess, Miss Quan'er's heart knot is about to be unraveled .”

At this point, Lu Xiaosi said no more, and left.

The night passed.

The next morning, Jiang Xin got up at dawn, but she didn't expect that Shu Ling got up earlier than her, and had already prepared breakfast for her when she got up.

Jiang Xin felt extremely happy as she ate the steaming breakfast made by Shu Ling herself.

"Xinmei, it's not yet dawn, do you want to wait until later?"

Jiang Xin is embarrassed to tell Shu Ling that she misses Qiu Yuebai a little in her heart, because she is used to seeing Qiu Yuebai every day, and she panics if she doesn't see her every day.

But maybe it's sisters connecting hearts, Shu Ling looked at Jiang Xin's flushed face, and then understood, so he turned to smile and said:
"Then go back quickly."

After saying that, he sent Jiang Xin out of the other garden.

As soon as the gate was pushed open, in the twilight of early morning, a tall figure stood quietly in front of the gate with hands behind their hands.

(End of this chapter)

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