Why doesn't this king's concubine compete for favor?

Chapter 582 Let Me Give You Strength

Chapter 582 Let Me Give You Strength
Jiang Xin's heart instantly turned into a pool of spring water, and she couldn't help but exclaimed:
"Qiu Yuebai, why are you here?"

Hearing the sound, Qiu Yuebai turned around, his movements were as outstanding as before, Jiang Xin was the only one in his eyes, and his voice was also gentle and charming:
"I'll take you home."

In fact, this place is not far from the palace, Jiang Xin and Qiu Yuebai didn't even take the carriage, they walked on the road holding hands.

The air in the morning is cool and cool, and the breeze blowing on the face is very comfortable.

The two looked sideways at each other from time to time, and they both saw in each other's eyes a love that was so strong that it couldn't be resolved.

Jiang Xin felt that the corners of her mouth were grinning all the time, as if she couldn't close it at all. She was happy from the bottom of her heart, feeling sweet from the inside out.

"Qiu Yuebai, I like you so much."

Qiu Yuebai smiled:

"Just like it?"

"I love you."

After Qiu Yuebai sent Jiang Xin back to the palace, she stayed with her for a while before entering the palace. After Qiu Yuebai left the mansion, Jiang Xin immediately went to find her third brother and Quan'er.

Before reaching the courtyard, he met Lin Rui on the road.

Jiang Xin was in a very good mood, especially after talking with Shu Ling yesterday, she learned about Lin Rui's ambitions and wanted to have a deep talk with Lin Rui.

However, unexpectedly, Lin Rui came to her more importantly.

Lin Rui saluted Jiang Xin:
"Your Majesty, Mr. Lu San is not in the palace right now, follow me to see Quan'er."

Jiang Xin was a little puzzled, Lin Rui's words were cryptic, as if there was another layer of meaning behind it.

But she just said:
"I'm going to see Quan'er too."

Jiang Xin followed Lin Rui to the room where Quan'er was, and when she opened the door to enter, she almost exited in shock.

She said in disbelief:

"Quan'er, are you awake?" She looked sideways at Lin Rui:

"Why didn't you tell me? Does the third brother know?"

As soon as he asked, he seemed to understand something immediately, and hurriedly said:
"Could it be that third brother doesn't know?"

At this time, a thin voice came from the other side of the bed:
"Jiang side concubine, I want to thank you."

As he said that, he got up with difficulty and wanted to slide down the bed.

Jiang Xin hurried over and held Quan'er by the shoulder:

"Don't come down, when did you wake up, why didn't you let the third brother know?"

Quan'er's eyes were full of sorrow, and her lips trembled:

"Your Majesty, thank you for saving Rui'er and treating him as if you were your own."

Jiang Xin was shocked, and she understood immediately.

Quan'er recalled the memory, she remembered everything, and directly proved Jiang Xin and Qiu Yuebai's conjecture.

Quan'er is really Liu Yunji.

Oh my god, third brother doesn't know yet.

"Mother, I have been lying here for the past two days. I have heard a lot and thought a lot. I can hear Mr. Lu say a lot to me every day. He is so sincere and touching. I really want to imagine As he said, put aside all concerns and stay with him."

Jiang Xin said firmly:

"Third brother is right, you can put aside all worries, you have to trust him!"

Quan'er's tears flowed down her cheeks unconsciously, which made Jiang Xin very sad. She could feel that Quan'er really cared about the third brother, and was really serious about the things between them.

Quan'er slowly opened the mouth and said:

"I know, I can no longer waste everyone's time, and I can't make Mr. Lu so sad anymore. I have to make a decision, so I ask Dr. Lin to invite you here. I have something to say to you .”

Jiang Xin sat down and held Quan'er's hand. Quan'er's hand was cold, and Jiang Xin held it tighter. She wanted to use this behavior to convey strength to Quan'er.

(End of this chapter)

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