Chapter 586 The Walking Dead
Suddenly, only a sharp and piercing crackling sound was heard.

Qiu Yehan kicked down the shelf next to it, and all the porcelain vases and other items on the shelf fell to the ground and shattered.

Situ Yong's eyes widened, watching Qiu Yehan continue to go crazy, Qiu Yehan was still pushing the tables and chairs, destroying the room in an instant.

"Your Highness! What are you doing, Your Highness?"

Qiu Yehan suddenly raised his head, his eyes were bloodshot, he looked at Situ Yong, as if he wanted to penetrate him, Qiu Yehan gritted his teeth and said:
"You promised me that you would help me get Jiang Xin, but where is she now? Where is she? She is now the official concubine of Xunyang Palace!"

Situ Yong frowned:
"Your Highness, can you be more mature!"

Qiu Yehan didn't listen to what he said at all, he was still kicking and kicking crazily, hitting the wall with his fist hard, the wall skin fell off, and Qiu Yehan's fist also had bloodstains.

He smashed and shouted angrily:

"Liar! You are all liars! You are all lying to me! To make me do something I don't want to do, force me, lie to me! You bastards! You bastards!"

Situ Yong stepped aside, closed his eyes, and stopped talking, just watching Qiu Yehan go crazy in front of him with cold eyes.

At this time, a servant heard the sound and came in, and Situ Yong also sent him away.

Situ Yong has already figured out Qiu Yehan, this Qiu Yehan is very cowardly, he is used to enjoying life, he can't do anything to himself except lose his temper, go crazy and do self-mutilation, it's not that he looks down on this Jinyang Wang, his good nephew, but he has already seen through Qiu Yehan, and it is precisely because of this that he can successfully coax Qiu Yehan time and time again, and play him around.

It's so incompetent, it's so ridiculous to think that she's still a mere woman!
After a while, Qiu Yehan was tired from hitting and crying, and his whole body was like a puddle of mud, sliding down against the wall, and he completely lost his spirit.

Until this time, Situ Yong came over slowly, squatted in front of Qiu Yehan, and said lightly:
"Have you had enough trouble? Let's cheer up when we've had enough trouble. We have more important things to do."

"I want her, I want her, I want her" Qiu Yehan was full of tears, still murmuring.

There was sarcasm on the corner of Situ Yong's mouth:

"Her? She flew up to the branch to become a phoenix and became the first daughter of the general family. Please also recognize the reality as soon as possible. It is not impossible to want her. You have to work harder than before, work hard to defeat King Xunyang, and work hard to bring the Lu family together." Uproot you, and when the Lu family tree falls and the hozens disperse, and Jiang Xin's family is destroyed, you can appear like a savior and make Jiang Xin change her face and become your woman. At that time, Jiang Xin is the one thing you get as the winner. Trophy."

Qiu Yehan's voice is hoarse:

"I don't want to do that to her."

Situ Yong sneered:
"Your Highness King Jinyang, when will you stop being so naive? Hurry up and clear up your mood. The Prime Minister Hai will arrive in an hour, and his daughter will soon become your princess. He is your biggest brother now." Help, if you let him know your thoughts, be careful!"

Immediately afterwards, Situ Yong ordered people to come in and tidy up the hall, and the servants and servants forcibly cleaned up the appearance for the King of Jinyang. Qiu Yehan was like a walking dead and let others play with him.

(End of this chapter)

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