Chapter 587
Prime Minister Hai arrived as promised. He was wearing a black robe and a veil, wrapping himself very tightly. In such an extraordinary period, Prime Minister Hai had already been extremely cautious.

Situ Yong warmly welcomed:
"Hai Xiang, three days later will be the day of your love's wedding. I'm really touched by Hai Xiang taking a break from his busy schedule."

Prime Minister Hai said righteously:
"Family affairs are as important as state affairs. No matter how busy you are, you can't delay discussing important plans with the state government!"

After making a generous statement, Prime Minister Hai looked around, and then asked:
"Where is His Royal Highness King Jinyang?"

Situ Yong hurriedly said:

"His Royal Highness King Jinyang is also very busy with the matter of marrying Ling Ai. He attaches great importance to this matter and will do everything personally. You see, he is so busy that he has forgotten the time. I will send someone to remind you one time."

Prime Minister Hai smiled with satisfaction:
"It's very good that His Royal Highness King Jinyang has such a heart."

Situ Yong went out with a smile all over his face, and the moment he closed the door and turned around, his face instantly turned into charcoal.

In fact, King Jinyang is in the side hall next door. Situ Yong walked up to Qiu Yehan and said in a low voice:

"Your Highness, I ask you to recognize the reality. At this point, you are doomed to be irreversible. You must move forward without hesitation. If you shrink back at this time, from now on, you will not even be able to keep your comfortable life now. You After many years of idle prince life, do you think you can experience that kind of cruel prison life?"

Qiuyehan trembled all over when he heard that, yes, he was used to comfort and enjoyment, and he couldn't even bear a little pain and pressure.

Without Jiang Xin, even though it made him extremely painful and desperate, but if he was to abandon everything for Jiang Xin, he really hesitated.

After Situ Yong's merciless blow, King Jinyang's condition finally recovered a bit.

When he walked in front of Prime Minister Hai, he couldn't see the decadence just now.

After all, he wants to live, he doesn't want to lose all his glory and wealth, he is not stupid, of course he knows that the only people who can help him are the two in front of him, the two pillars above the court.

On the other side of Jinyang Prince's Mansion, some people have become ants on the hot pot.

A young servant ran in, and Concubine Xu hurriedly asked him:

"How is it? Did my father and brother hear from me? How is the matter? Is there any room for maneuver?"

The boy showed bitterness:
"Your Majesty, the master and the young master asked the servants to tell the empress that they have tried their best and the matter is a foregone conclusion, and"

"Say it!" Concubine Xu sternly said.

The boy knelt down with a puff:
"Furthermore, news has spread from the palace that His Majesty the Emperor issued an imperial decree to advance the wedding date of His Royal Highness Prince Jinyang and the daughter of the Hai family to three days later."

Concubine Xu's knees softened and she knelt down on the ground. Her eyes were empty and her face was full of despair. She murmured:

"It's over, everything is over, what will happen to my son in the future, can he just be a bastard all his life?"

While talking, Concubine Xu had already started to cover her face and cry.

At this time, another servant ran in:
"Your Majesty, someone slipped in a letter just now, saying that you must personally open it, your Majesty."

Concubine Xu glanced at the letter with red and swollen eyes, but she was not very interested.

The servant hurriedly handed it over with both hands, Concubine Xu took it dejectedly, tore open the letter, took out a letter, opened it and glanced at the contents of the letter lightly.

Suddenly, the pupils trembled.

(End of this chapter)

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