Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 108 Do You Dare To Meet Someone With Me?

Chapter 108 Do You Dare To Meet Someone With Me?
Moreover, he doesn't like to borrow money from women, which makes Jiang Shaoting feel...very weird!

"I will take this sentence as your compliment to me."

Xu Fusheng took a tentative bite, the taste was as greasy as before, as unpalatable as chewing wax.

Her mouth was stained with a little oil, which was bright and obvious in the sunlight.

Jiang Shaoting took it naturally, and ate it into his mouth.

Xu Fusheng looked at him in astonishment, obviously just now he said that he knew it must be bad when he smelled it.

"I'm really complimenting you." Jiang Shaoting still had something stuffed in his mouth, bulging like an old squirrel.

Xu Fusheng was amused by the word 'old squirrel' that he thought of.

"Didn't you hate it? Why did you eat them all?" Xu Fusheng looked at him, his eyes brightened with a smile.

"If I don't eat it, you will choose to swallow this disgusting thing."

Jiang Shaoting is like another Xu Fusheng, one can easily see through her with just one look.

"I know what it's like to be hungry, so I have a great respect for food."

That feeling of hunger and panic, the panic of not knowing if someone will maliciously throw away the food in the next meal...

Looking back now, it still seems like it happened yesterday.

"You..." Jiang Shaoting slowed down his chewing.

"I know what you want to ask. I was often bullied in prison."

Of course he knew this, because it was all ordered by him, and a report would be placed on his desk every month.

"Sometimes, I even think that I am too annoying to look at."

Of course not, you are very beautiful, very beautiful.

"Fortunately, I'm still alive and healthy."

There was something hidden behind Xu Fusheng's smile, but unfortunately Jiang Shaoting didn't notice it.

She thought back to those days in the country, Ian?The Chinese medicine practitioner Parker invited, the medicine list...

It proves that her body is not as healthy as she imagined.

"I also know the feeling of hunger." Jiang Shaoting suddenly said, and slowly swallowed the food in his mouth.

Xu Fusheng's expression originally did not believe what he said, but then he thought of the traces on his body...

Thinking back to the scene in the conference room just now.

"I was not very obedient when I first went, and she used some rather unusual means to 'take care' of me."

Jiang Shaoting took the milk that Xu Fusheng handed over, but didn't drink it, just lowered his head, thinking about something.

Remember your identity, it is absolutely not allowed to do it again!
Otherwise... you should still remember the punishment...

"That's... punishment?" Xu Fusheng hesitated to speak, fearing that he would hit something he didn't want to mention.

"Compared to punishment, making me hungry is good enough."

Jiang Shaoting shrugged and played with the cold eggs in his hands.

Speaking of these, Jiang Shaoting's handsome face carved from marble did not fluctuate in any way.

It's like every inch of the past has been deeply embedded in the bones.

"Besides there anything else?" Xu Fusheng didn't dare to imagine what would happen next.

"A lot." Randomly pick out one item from memory, it's shocking.

One by one, those Jiang Shaoting will never forget in his life, buried in the dark side of his heart...

"It's hard for me to imagine that a woman like her would do..."

At least in Xu Fusheng's opinion, Qu Yunxi should give a good impression, elegant and dignified.

I can't see at all that her essence is so... uncomfortable.

Jiang Shaoting's eyes, like a cold pool of water, fell on Xu Fusheng's small face, looking at her quietly.

Suddenly, he made a movement that surprised Xu Fusheng.

He put the egg beside him, and then slowly pulled the belt apart, and the metal buckle made a crisp sound when it collided.

"Give me your hand." Jiang Shaoting said softly.

"What do you want to do?" Xu Fusheng's pupils were as bright as her lips.

"Don't be afraid, at least... I won't do anything to you here."

His answers were soothing and his voice sounded comforting.

Even so, Xu Fusheng still looked at him dubiously, this man...

What are you afraid to do?
"Trust me." As if seeing her vigilance, Jiang Shaoting spoke out again, but it wasn't urging.

Perhaps because of the magical power of these three words, Xu Fusheng finally passed his hand over.

"It's hot on the inside of my thigh, because the next day, no one will notice my abnormality..."

"After all, no one would open another person's legs for no reason."

Xu Fusheng gasped, she couldn't believe that this happened to Jiang Shaoting.

From the moment she knew it to the present, the Jiang Shaoting she knew would never be willing to suffer such humiliation!

"Why don't you resist? Jiang Shaoting, you have the ability to resist!"

Xu Fusheng stared at him, still putting his hand inside his suit pants in a ridiculous gesture.

Her voice was like a wake-up call to remind him why he had to endure such humiliation!

The sinister gaze fell on Xu Fusheng's face, and he didn't speak for a long time... "Indeed, I can resist her, but I can't."

Jiang Shaoting removed her hand from the center of her leg, he never liked others to get too close to him, except her.

What did he just say?Can he stand against her?But he can't?

Xu Fusheng's almond-shaped eyes widened, since she knew him, he seemed to be omnipotent...

A man who seems to be able to control the whole world in the palm of his hand, saying that he can't resist?
"I don't understand why you can't." Xu Fusheng said lightly, she really didn't understand.

"Sooner or later, I will tell you, and you will understand."

When he said this, Jiang Shaoting's eyes were dark. Although the sun was so bright, it couldn't shine into his eyes at all.

Xu Fusheng looked at him, and for a moment, it seemed that he was about to sink into his eyes.

"I've been up for too long, I should go down." She can't be too willful, after all...

I am still working.

"I started the company." Jiang Shaoting forced himself to look away from her face.

The appearance was rather arrogant, and the subtext in the words made Xu Fusheng laugh dumbfounded.

"Yes, my lord president."

Xu Fusheng gave a serious answer, but the tension between the two of them last night was gone.

After saying that sentence that was like a joke, Xu Fusheng packed up the trash and prepared to take it downstairs.

But when he turned around, he seemed to think of something again, and turned to look at Jiang Shaoting.

When the wind blew, the shallow scars left in the village on his forehead were exposed.

"That..." Xu Fusheng originally wanted to ask if he could suspend the resort.

"I will ask them to suspend the matter of the resort." The document should have been sealed in his drawer.

Xu Fusheng was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect Jiang Shaoting to understand what she wanted to say.

"Thank you." This is the hope of Chaoyun and the others, I believe he will be very happy knowing this.

"I'm a businessman, do you think you can get rid of me with a thank you?"

Jiang Shaoting grabbed her arm and let her fly away from him like a butterfly as if he didn't want to.

"Don't push yourself too far, I'm still angry about what happened last night!"

With just one look, she already understood the desire in his eyes, and took two steps back to ensure a safe distance.

"Okay, I'll have someone drive that Chaoyun out of the village."

Jiang Shaoting kept a cold face when he was not smiling, which made his already serious appearance even worse.

"How dare you!" She stared, making her usually indifferent little face very angry.

"Look if I dare!" It's just that Jiang Shaoting is not to be outdone, and he will not give up until he achieves his goal.

"You..." Xu Fusheng was really angry.

Jiang Shaoting knew, so he didn't put on a straight face like a villain anymore.

"Hey, do something you would never do to me normally."

Jiang Shaoting stretched out his hand to her who was standing not far away, with the palm facing up, the career line and life line could not be more clear.

He stood proudly in front of Xu Fusheng, as if he was the ruler of all things.

In fact, Xu Fusheng knew that Jiang Shaoting was just joking to scare her.

Seeing that the swelling marks on the side face were no longer obvious, Xu Fusheng sighed in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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