Love Hate Covenant

109 Kneel down

109 Kneel down
"What if I hit you?"

In fact, since last night, she really wanted to beat him hard to vent her anger.

This autocratic, domineering, and even crazy old man!
"You are welcome." Jiang Shaoting spread his hands towards the sides of his body, and even closed his eyes cooperatively.

It was very cold in late autumn, and both of them could feel it, not to mention that Xu Fusheng was still wearing stockings that could only be spent in an air-conditioned room.

She was so close to him that she could reach him with an outstretched arm.

"Really?" Xu Fusheng raised his tail, a little naughty.

"If you're happy." Jiang Shaoting didn't open his eyes, his whole body relaxed.

"You can do anything?" She reconfirmed.

"If you want to push me out of here, then I think you'd better be two days late..."

He still had his eyes closed, which was rare, and he was also joking.

"Why?" Xu Fusheng moved closer to him.

"Because I haven't changed the terms of the agreement..."

Jiang Shaoting's voice stopped abruptly because he felt Xu Fusheng grabbing his tie.

Slowly opening his eyes, he looked down and saw Xu Fusheng standing on tiptoe and leaning towards his cheek.

There is a faint fragrance on her body, which is already familiar to Jiang Shaoting, he likes it very much...

When Xu Fusheng's lips fell on his slapped cheek, Jiang Shaoting felt something melting in his heart.

It's weird, it's...comfortable for him.

"Dear Mr. 'Old Squirrel', I hope you remember what you promised me."

It's just a taste, but Xu Fusheng's heart has already been disturbed, and she hastily backed away.

Jiang Shaoting looked at her dully, like a young boy, reaching out to touch the cheek she had kissed.

That action was unexpectedly shy.

"Old... squirrel?" What?
Xu Fusheng couldn't help laughing, just now she didn't expect that she would call out the nickname she had given him in her heart.


When Xu Fusheng returned to the office, the news of Louise's dismissal had just come from the personnel department.

The news was directly ordered by Jiang Shaoting, Xu Fusheng sighed in his heart, it was really not the right time for her to come back.

Sure enough, Louise swept the things on her desk to the ground like crazy.

Secretary Yu frowned and pressed the extension, ordering the security team to come over.

After all, it took time for them to come up, and at this moment Louise saw Xu Fusheng who had just come in.

"You bitch, are you happy!" Louise rushed straight towards her.

Xu Fusheng clearly heard the sound of other people gasping, but looking at herself, she just stood there quietly.

It took almost two or three seconds for Louise to come to her, making a gesture to hurt her.

With a bang, water splashed across Louise's face.

Louise, who was originally crazy, stood there in astonishment, watching Xu Fusheng's eyes widen.

She just...splashed tea all over her face?
Realizing this, Louise was even more furious.

It is no exaggeration to say that white smoke is about to rise from the top of her head.

"Louise, I think you'd better calm down." Xu Fusheng's voice was like ice water being poured from his head.

"Mr. Jiang said that if you can leave quietly, then he will not pursue what you did before."

Before going down to the rooftop, Jiang Shaoting told himself this sentence as if he had foreseen something.

When Jiang Shaoting was mentioned, Louise shuddered obviously, her eyes were full of panic!
"Don't pursue it?" Louise said the word awkwardly, looking really frightened.

"Yes, don't pursue it."

Otherwise, with Jiang Shaoting's ability, Louise would definitely be able to make her stay in City A or London...

I can't find a place where I can shelter myself!

After getting an affirmative answer, Louise took a breath, but...

It seems that there is still some reconciliation!

Looking up at Xu Fusheng, the corners of her eyes and brows were slightly cold, like a replica of Jiang Shaoting.

And this kind of thought made Louise turn around in a hurry and pack up the things on her desktop.

Seeing that she finally started to pack her things honestly, Xu Fusheng put down the empty water glass in his hand.

She admitted that she took advantage of this time to 'pay back' Louise with some bad intentions.

Louise quickly packed her things, and the security guard called by Secretary Yu also arrived.

"Please send her to the personnel department to settle the salary." Secretary Yu ordered with a cold face.

As for Louise, her face was ashen, allowing the security to take her down.

It's just that when passing by Xu Fusheng's side, those gray eyes fell on her face.

"You can't beat can't beat her..."

As he muttered, Xu Fusheng heard it clearly.

But I don't know, who is the "she" in her words?
The office quickly returned to tranquility, but Xu Fusheng could clearly sense that...

Pairs of eyes protruding from behind the desk.

He squatted down and picked up the document that fell on the ground just now, but before Xu Fusheng stood up...

A pair of high heels appeared in her sight, the latest Chanel high heels.

"Secretary Yu, I will take a few hours of personal leave for Xu Fusheng, please don't bother my uncle!"

The familiar tone rang from his ears, Xu Fusheng frowned and raised his head to look at Jiang Jingshu.

But at first glance, he was a little suspicious.

The woman in front of her is clearly the outline of Jiang Jingshu, but why does she look...

But so strange?
"Xu Fusheng, do you dare to meet someone with me?"

Jiang Jingshu smiled, very strangely!A red Ferrari convertible roars through the streets of the city.

It was very cold, but Jiang Jingshu opened the hood, and Xu Fusheng's black hair was messed up by the wind.

Obviously, Jiang Jingshu did it on purpose.

Even if he knew it in his heart, Xu Fusheng just sat quietly on the co-pilot.

And the reason why she decided to leave the company with Jiang Jingshu is very simple, just because of the person they are going to meet at this time.

Soon, the hospital arrived.

"Get out of the car." Jiang Jingshu parked the car in the parking lot and raised her eyebrows.

"I'm really curious about your reaction." Her voice came again, and Xu Fusheng got out of the car indifferently.

Jiang Jingshu asked the people in the secretary's office to watch for her before, and if Xu Fusheng came back, she would be notified immediately.

This is why she was able to block Xu Fusheng at the door so accurately.

That Chen Yurou looked like a green tea whore, pretending to be weak and pitiful every day to occupy Lu Li by her side...

She wanted to see, after seeing the real culprit who killed her sister, her fragile little heart...

Can you bear it!

Xu Fusheng hated the hospital very much, it was the same as before.

The hospital corridor is long, and Xu Fusheng can clearly hear the sound of soles of shoes stepping on the marble floor.

With every step she took, she seemed to recall what happened that night in her mind.

With a loud bang, Chen Yuxin's pregnant body rolled twice from inside her pupils...

The front windshield is cracked like a spider web...and bloody...

The memory of that night is vague but clear, constantly intertwined in front of my eyes.

For that night, she lost her personal freedom for five years, and became the object of the whole city A's castigation.

"Why are you here?" A sharp voice sounded, Xu Fusheng raised his head and saw Fu Yu!

That is Yin Luli's mother!
Obviously, Jiang Jingshu did not expect to meet Fu Yu here!

Counting it was Xu Fusheng's bad luck, ever since Chen Yurou came back, Yin Luli had been leaving early and returning late.

Fu Yu only found out about Chen Yurou in the past two days, and today she happened to be free, so she made chicken soup and came over to see her.

Unexpectedly, by such a coincidence, Jiang Jingshu brought Xu Fusheng here.

"What are you doing here? You want to see Yuxin's sister?" Fu Yu looked at Xu Fusheng with wary eyes!

The people in the ward seemed to have heard the movement, and the door was opened a crack from the inside, revealing Yin Luli's face.

Seeing Xu Fusheng, his expression was obviously stunned, but then it became difficult to look.

"Brother Yin, who is here?"

Chen Yu's soft and waxy voice sounded immediately, making Xu Fusheng's body stiff.

"It's just idle people waiting." Yin Luli said without turning his head, and gave Jiang Jingshu a glare.

"How could it be someone else? The one standing outside is the murderer who killed your sister!"

Jiang Jingshu deliberately raised her volume, enough for Chen Yurou in the ward to hear clearly.

After a brief silence, the sound of ping-pong sounded in the ward.

Yin Luli turned around anxiously and helped Chen Yurou who got out of bed in a hurry but fell to the ground.

Jiang Jingshu sneered, she really knows how to pretend!

From the beginning to the end, Xu Fusheng didn't say a word, just watched everything in silence.

She has always known that Chen Yuxin has a younger sister named Chen Yurou, but she did not expect to meet for the first time...

But in such a situation!
"What are you still standing there for? Why don't you kneel down and apologize to Yurou!"

Fu Yu was the first to react, and slapped Xu Fusheng on the back of the head. The dull pain made her dizzy.

Xu Fusheng didn't say a word, but through the gap in the door, she clearly saw Chen Yurou's face.

She doesn't look like Chen Yuxin at all, but she is hugged in a loving embrace.

"What are you waiting for!" As she was thinking, Fu Yu suddenly kicked her knee, causing Xu Fusheng to stagger.

Even Jiang Jingshu, who was gloating at the side, couldn't bear it for a while.

"Get her out! I don't want to see her! Get out!"

In the ward, Chen Yurou's emotions really became agitated, and she picked up everything and threw it at Xu Fusheng.

Xu Fusheng stood where he was, but lowered his head quietly, as if the heavy objects thrown on him didn't exist.

"Get out! Get out..." Chen Yurou cried and screamed, causing chaos in the ward.

"Brother Yin, tell her to get out!" She cried and fell into his arms, out of breath.

(End of this chapter)

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