Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 110 You Need

Chapter 110 You Need

As if still not relieved, Chen Yurou broke free from Yin Luli's arms, and staggered towards Xu Fusheng.

"I'm sorry, I ran into your sister to death." Xu Fusheng said numbly.

Hearing this sentence, Fu Yu's pupils moved slightly, and Chen Yurou had already snatched the thermos from his hand.

"Kneel down, kneel down for me..."

She yelled like a lunatic, unscrewed the lid of the thermos, and poured hot chicken soup towards Xu Fusheng.

The scene was once extremely chaotic.

Until now, Jiang Jingshu felt a little scared, did she do...too much?
From the beginning to the end, Xu Fusheng was drenched in boiling hot chicken soup.

The back of Jiang Jingshu's hands hurt even a bit from being splashed, not to mention how painful Xu Fusheng should be.

"You compensate my sister, you compensate me..." Chen Yurou burst into tears, seeming to arouse Yin Luli's hatred.

"She told you to kneel, didn't you hear?"

Yin Luli's voice was cold to the bone, Xu Fusheng slowly raised his head and looked at him, without a single tear in his dry eyes.

Many patients have gathered around, and even nurses have come running from afar.

"I'm sorry, I ran into her to death." From the beginning to the end, Xu Fusheng only had this dry sentence.

Chen Yurou cried even harder when she heard this sentence, she rushed to her, grabbed Xu Fusheng's long hair and slammed into the wall.

"You kneel down, kneel down and apologize to my sister!"

It stands to reason that Chen Yurou shouldn't have that much strength, but no one paid attention to this chaos.

Not even Jiang Jingshu.

Xu Fusheng didn't cry or shout, he just stood quietly and let her vent, only kneeling, she didn't move.

"Brother Yin, help me..." Chen Yurou turned her head and looked at Yin Luli pitifully.

"That..." Jiang Jingshu felt that the situation was becoming more and more out of her control, and she was a little frightened.

But no one heard her, and Yin Luli's eyes became more and more gloomy.

As for Fu Yu, he watched all this happen with complicated eyes.

"Kneel down for Yurou!" This was the second time Yin Luli spoke, and the long corridor was crowded with people.

The doctor came to stop him, but was ignored by others.

"I won't kneel." Xu Fusheng looked at Yin Luli and smiled softly.

"I can't help you." Yin Luli's voice almost came out from between his teeth.

He came over abruptly and grabbed Xu Fusheng's wrist, pulling tightly and exerting force downward.

It seemed that she was forcing the embarrassed woman in front of her to kneel down and apologize.

Xu Fusheng's body was like a piece of floating duckweed, stubbornly insisting on standing still.

The professional attire on his body has been splashed with chicken soup, and the hot spots on his skin are almost numb.

"I said I won't kneel!" After the words fell, Chen Yurou slapped Xu Fusheng with a slap.

"You murderer!" She was shaking with hatred, and she couldn't tell the sweat from the tears on her face.

Xu Fusheng stared at Chen Yurou in a daze.

Since five years ago, the four words 'murderer' have been with me all the time.

Yin Luli has been forcing Xu Fusheng to kneel down, everything is in a mess.

"Get your dirty hands off her!" Suddenly, a hostile voice interjected.

Resounding in the hospital corridor!

Before Yin Luli could even react, he was beaten to the ground.

The ruthless fist seemed to punch through his mandible, blood and saliva spurted out, making Chen Yurou scream in fright.

Xu Fusheng's body was also tilted sideways by this sudden scene.

But when he was about to fall, he was wrapped in his arms by a strong arm.

It was just a split second, Xu Fusheng seemed to be unable to hear anything, and just raised his head to look at the person coming.

She never thought that Jiang Shaoting would show up when she was most embarrassed!

"Jiang Jingshu, I will settle this account with you later!"

Jiang Shaoting's gaze was like a torch, as if he wanted to burn Jiang Jingshu clean, making the latter tremble in fright.

Looking down at Xu Fusheng who was fine in the morning, but now he has become like this...

Jiang Shaoting was surrounded by a winter whirlwind, as if everything was going to be destroyed and buried with her.

"First... Mister..." Chen Yurou opened her eyes wide in shock, looking at the handsome man who reappeared!
But at this moment, he hugged that woman in his arms, without even looking at her...

Walking towards the hospital gate... Xu Fusheng remained silent until he stepped out of the hospital gate.

She is already in a mess, with messy hair and oily body, which attracts people to look back frequently.

But they were all scared back by Jiang Shaoting's fierce eyes.

"Let me down, I've stained your clothes." Xu Fusheng finally found his voice.

It was indeed dirty.

The grease stains from the chicken soup stained his white shirt, which must not be washed off.

But Jiang Shaoting is so rich, he probably wouldn't care about a shirt.

Xu Fusheng was thinking about it, but Jiang Shaoting looked down at her with unimaginable eyes.

Without stopping, he continued to walk towards the parking lot.

If I read it right just now, he just... stared at me?
Soon, within Xu Fusheng's line of sight, he saw that luxury car that seemed to have stopped suddenly.

Parked crookedly, one car occupied two places.

She has seen Jiang Shaoting's superb driving skills, he can park the car like this...

It was enough to see how anxious he was just now.

After two beeps, the central control opened, and he opened the car door with a bang, making a gesture to put her in.

"Mr. Jiang, I can't afford to make your car dirty." Xu Fusheng put his hand on the car door.

Jiang Shaoting's face was almost covered with frost, and Xu Fusheng could even clearly feel how tense his arm muscles were.

The thin lips were squeezed coldly, stretched into a line.

He was very angry, Xu Fusheng could tell that she didn't want to deliberately add fuel to the fire.

Jiang Shaoting suppressed his anger and tried hard to push her into the car, but Xu Fusheng did not give in at all.

"Who the hell made you pay!" Suddenly, like a volcanic eruption, he swears in front of her.

Xu Fusheng looked at him in astonishment, his hands that were originally supporting the door frame softened.

"Screw the shirt, fuck the car, fuck you can't afford it!"

If a prairie fire started, Xu Fusheng actually brought out the rudest side of Jiang Shaoting's heart.

Jiang Shaoting's face was covered with frost, and he spoke swear words, but it didn't make Xu Fusheng feel that he was vulgar, even...

It feels pretty cute.

Just before Xu Fusheng could react...

Jiang Shaoting has already angrily pulled her softened hand from the side of the car and cut it behind her.

Pushing her hard against the car door, he forced her to look straight at him with fiery and terrified eyes.

After this almost cathartic kiss, Jiang Shaoting seemed to have regained a little calmness.

His eyes were full of haze, and he locked her tightly.


After a long time, two cold words spit out from the thin lips that were still stained with the saliva of the two of them.

After the words fell, Xu Fusheng would still be pushed into the car by him...

"Where are you taking me?" At this moment, Xu Fusheng didn't care about getting the car dirty, and asked him sideways.

But Jiang Shaoting's face like an ice sculpture showed no signs of relaxation, and he didn't even fasten his seat belt.

He quickly drove the car out of the hospital parking lot with incredible speed!
He was driving too fast, and it was still in the urban area!

Xu Fusheng glanced over the rearview mirror inadvertently, but was taken aback by himself in the mirror.

Unkempt is no longer enough to describe her current situation, she is terrible!

Just like this, Jiang Shaoting was able to talk about it just now?
Does Xu Fusheng think that he should be advised to go to the hospital to see the ophthalmology department?

"red light!

Jiang Shaoting actually ran a red light, and it was still in a busy downtown area. Didn't he know that there was surveillance?

He still had that frosty look on his face, as if he didn't intend to tell her the destination at all!
If you are going back to the villa, you should drive in the opposite direction.

Xu Fusheng looked out of the window, and the smell of chicken soup was all over her body, which made her a little sick.

Just as she was thinking, a small sound came from in front of her, which startled her.

A gust of fresh air poured in from the originally airtight car, Xu Fusheng looked at Jiang Shaoting in surprise.

His hand had just moved away from the master window lock switch.

Does Jiang Shaoting know that she was suffering just now?
Thinking of this in his heart, the corners of Xu Fusheng's lips twitched inaudibly, but he forced himself to lick his lower lip.

The mouth was a little swollen and a little sore, which was the sequelae of the previous intense kiss.

It's like eating a hot pepper.

Xu Fusheng somewhat relaxed without the tenseness he had in the hospital before.

If it was the past, she would rather get together with those people in the hospital than get involved with Jiang Shaoting.

After all, what has changed?

The wind outside the window blew away the greasy smell of chicken soup, and Xu Fusheng felt a tingling pain on the back of his hand.

Looking down, it turned out to be scalded with blisters, presumably the skin that was directly splashed with chicken soup was not much better.

Just as he was thinking, Jiang Shaoting's car stopped.

"Get out of the car." The cold words are like 'get in the car'.

Xu Fusheng originally wanted to follow what he said, but when he recalled himself in the mirror just now...

She silently let go of the hand that had been clasped on the door handle.

Jiang Shaoting, who had already got out of the car, saw that she had not moved for a long time, and thought that Xu Fusheng wanted to continue to disobey him!

(End of this chapter)

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