Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 113: Domestication

Chapter 113: Domestication
But she doesn't understand.

If meeting Qu Yunxi in the conference room was not pleasant, she wouldn't use such eyes...

After Qu Yunxi said that, she turned around and walked downstairs, her movements were graceful, but her steps were a little messy.

"There are clothes in the cloakroom, change and go to Ruixi's room to stay."

Jiang Shaoting's face was very cold, that arrogant and cold man came back again.

"She won't hit you again, right?" Seeing that he was about to leave, Xu Fusheng subconsciously grabbed his wrist.

"Worried about me?" The gloomy expression gradually faded, and then was enveloped by another emotion.

"I'm not like you, standing there stupidly and being beaten, I will run away."

Just before Xu Fusheng said something that he didn't like to hear from that small mouth, Jiang Shaoting immediately spoke again.

"I don't know who was slapped in the conference room!"

When Xu Fusheng heard his allusion to himself, he couldn't help mumbling back.

"Hiss, are you talking back to me?" He had really seen her sharp tongue before.

"Go down quickly, be careful." Xu Fusheng pushed him, hiding his worries deeply.

"Remember, no matter what noise you hear, don't come down!"

Before opening the door, Jiang Shaoting urged again...

Sitting in the cloakroom, Xu Fusheng stared blankly at the row of ladies' clothes in front of him.

The style is very new, even the label has not been removed, it looks like a newly bought one.

Whether it's suits, casual styles, dresses, shoes, hats, underwear, etc., everything is available.

These things are all newly bought by them, and you can use them when you come to live.

In the bathroom before, Jiang Shaoting's words rang in his ears, these...

Is it for her to use when she comes to live?

"Jiang Shaoting, what on earth are you thinking? Why... you fell in love with me?"

Xu Fusheng bit her lower lip tightly, her heart was extremely chaotic.

Uneasiness, trepidation, fear, and worry filled her bottomless heart.

She felt that Jiang Shaoting was like the crow in the textbook when she was a child.

Throwing small stones with his name written on them into the water bottle.

And he was like the water in the water bottle, being reached by him bit by bit.

It's just... what happens after drinking water?

Could this crow named Jiang Shaoting just fly away?

Standing up and changing his clothes, Xu Fusheng's expression was ethereal...

Perhaps no one but herself could understand what she was thinking...

"Is she Xu Fusheng?" In the study, as soon as Jiang Shaoting entered, Qu Yunxi turned to him and asked him.

The information Jiang Zongxun requested was quickly placed in front of everyone.

It's just that when Qu Yunxi knew Xu Fusheng's identity, those memories that she thought she had forgotten were slowly remembered again.

Xu Fusheng, that is his daughter with Wen Huaisu!

It's so funny, after going round and round, his daughter was sent to him again!
The moment he heard Qu Yunxi call out Xu Fusheng's name, Jiang Shaoting's first reaction was to be defensive.

No one knows better than him how sick and crazy Qu Yunxi is.

He absolutely cannot let Xu Fusheng be targeted by Qu Yunxi, absolutely not!

"I know what you're thinking, you came to City A because of her!"

Qu Yunxi suddenly smiled. For so many years, Jiang Shaoting had never seen Qu Yunxi smile like this.

This made his hands on both sides of his body gradually tighten, and even the blue veins on the back of his hands could be easily grasped.

"You want to take revenge on her! Yes, you must want to take revenge on her!"

The more Qu Yunxi talked, the more excited she became, and her smile became brighter and brighter.

She was originally a woman like a camellia, and she was even more dazzling at this time.

"What are you doing looking at me like that? Did I say something wrong?"

Qu Yunxi sat gracefully on the leather chair, suddenly too many pictures appeared in front of her eyes, pictures from the past.

"Don't worry, I can stand by your side this time, no matter what means I use, just make her suffer!"

In Jiang Shaoting's memory, Qu Yunxi was someone who rarely revealed her true feelings.

But this time, the expression on her face was almost distorted.

Before this, she had never even met Fu Sheng, how could she have such a strong aversion to Fu Sheng?
"I really look forward to it, she looks desperate."

As if making up the picture in her mind, Qu Yunxi's smile brought warmth for the first time.

Jiang Shaoting frowned, she was a lunatic, she knew it from before, and when Qu Yunxi stared at Xu Fusheng...

The thought of protecting her, must protect her suddenly rose in his heart!

Obviously, he is also one of the culprits who want to put her to death, isn't he?
"It's rare for the two of us to agree so much on the same issue."

As soon as Qu Yunxi finished speaking, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." She asked the servant to make a cup of black tea and bring it over.

The door was pushed open from the outside. It was true that the black tea was delivered, but the person who brought the black tea...

It was Xu Fusheng that Qu Yunxi and Jiang Shaoting both talked about just now!
"Who told you to come in, get out!" Like a bolt from the blue, Jiang Shaoting lost his temper.

Xu Fusheng looked at him in surprise, wondering why he was so angry.

"Miss Xu? Thank you for bringing the tea here. Put it here."

Qu Yunxi, on the other hand, put away all her previous expressions and spoke gracefully.

As for Qu Yunxi's appearance, something flashed in Xu Fusheng's mind.

She... looks like a person...

Just as Xu Fusheng was about to walk over, Jiang Shaoting grabbed her arm so hard that a lot of black tea spilled out.

In fact, even Xu Fusheng himself didn't know why he wanted to disobey him.

Just now, when she saw that the servant was about to deliver the black tea to the study, she naturally took it after discussing it with him.

But he never thought that when he first came in, Jiang Shaoting had such an irritable appearance.

"Go out, I don't need you here." Jiang Shaoting didn't give in at all, and Qu Yunxi looked at him without saying a word.

"Mr. Jiang..." Xu Fusheng didn't know what happened, but thought his attitude was very strange.

"I let you go out, do you not understand human language?"

Jiang Shaoting looked down at her, his eyes were as cold as ice slag, Xu Fusheng stood where he was, feeling his fingers were cold.

Seeing that she hadn't moved, Jiang Shaoting simply grabbed her by the collar and pulled her hard.

With a bang, the door of the study was closed again in front of Xu Fusheng!

With iron face and cold eyes, it seems that there is no emotion, as if he had the same attitude towards a servant.

Xu Fusheng still stood where he was, and there was only a little ground left in the black tea cup on the tray in his hand.

She suddenly felt a little wronged, looked down at the cup, her eyes were watery, and she was indescribably sad.

The servant also heard the dispute, and hurried over, seeing the black teacup in Xu Fusheng's hand...

It was only when the master was angry that his face turned pale.

"I accidentally knocked over the tea cup, you can send another cup in."

When Xu Fusheng heard her own faint voice, it was so calm that even she herself was surprised.

Hearing what she said, the servant breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly took it.

"I think she seems to be in love with you."

Jiang Shaoting's muscular body froze instantly when he heard Qu Yunxi's words.

"She is a very stubborn woman. I have spent such a long time, but I still haven't softened her!"

Jiang Shaoting's cold voice sounded, and the picture that emerged in his mind was before closing the door...

She has hurt eyes.

Over and over again, the playback is in front of your eyes!
"I'm a woman, and I know best, as long as you work harder, you will surely succeed."

Qu Yunxi rarely smiled happily, but Jiang Shaoting couldn't help feeling disgusted.

"I'm going back to the hotel. I'm going to coax her. Women like this the most. Take your little chick to bed..."

Let her be inseparable from you in heart and body.

Qu Yunxi stood up, straightened her back and walked outside, she seemed to be in a good mood.

Xu Songbai, did you ever imagine that one day we would meet again in this way?Jiang Shaoting was smoking.

Normally, his need for cigarettes is actually not great, and he can control it when he wants to.

Unless you're too upset to think, and right now, that's the case.

He opened the window to let the smog in the study room be blown away by the wind, and calm himself down a bit.

Over the years, he seemed to stand at the top glamorously, but in fact, the price he paid was too great!

Jiang Shaoting has never been too obsessed with one thing, since Caesar, he has warned himself like this.

The more he liked something, the more he forced himself to act indifferent.

Only in this way, Qu Yunxi and even the members of the Wensen family will not be able to find his weakness.

In Jiang Shaoting's life, he only needed hate, not love.

He is a man who lives to hate.

The burning sensation came from the fingertips, scalding his hands, and Jiang Shaoting really came back to his senses.

Suddenly, Jiang Shaoting seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly turned around.

Quickly walked towards the door of the study, walking anxiously!
Pushing open the bedroom door, the first thing Jiang Shaoting saw was the bed.

Except for the messy quilt, there is no trace of Xu Fusheng, the empty place...

Then Jiang Shaoting turned around and walked towards the bathroom.

Obviously the bathroom still carried the sweet scent from the previous bath, but the beauty was nowhere to be seen.

Jiang Shaoting fiddled with her hair manically like a child, where did she go?

Turning around and running towards the outside of the bedroom, the sound of footsteps was particularly clear and heavy in the dark night.




I've searched everywhere and found nothing!

(End of this chapter)

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