Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 114 You Are My Medicine

Chapter 114 You Are My Medicine

Jiang Shaoting has never hated this big house covering an area of ​​[-] square meters like he does now!

Xu Fusheng might be hiding in every corner of the room!

Or maybe he left angrily like last time!

He is not sure, he has never been absolutely sure of this woman!

She resisted herself, disobeyed herself, and deliberately kept a distance from herself!

Like a tortoise, it will retract back into its shell casually.

God knows how much effort and time I spent to make that woman treat me better!
Maybe after those few words in the study, she will be beaten back to her original shape.

Just thinking about it like this made Jiang Shaoting very annoyed.

But soon, he seemed to remember where she was, turned around and walked towards Jiang Ruixi's room...

"To me, said the fox, you are just a little boy, like thousands of other little boys. I don't need you, and you don't need me either. To you, I'm just a fox , just like thousands of other foxes. However, if you tame me, we will need each other. To me, you will be the only one in the universe, and to you, I will be the only one in the world."

Just as Jiang Shaoting approached, he heard Xu Fusheng's voice.

It was as if all the irritability was lifted, and the strength returned to his limbs and bones.

Jiang Shaoting leaned quietly by the door, listening to her slowly and gently reading a bedtime story to Jiang Ruixi.

"Asheng, what is domestication?" Jiang Ruixi's childish voice sounded.

"Domestication is, breeding and making it tame."

"Asheng, I want to hear that part." Jiang Ruixi nestled in her arms and pointed casually.

"If you tame me, my life will be full of sunshine, and your footsteps will be different from others. Other people's footsteps will make me quickly hide underground, but your footsteps will be like Like music, summon me out of the cave." After Xu Fusheng finished speaking, Jiang Ruixi was already snoring slightly.

Xu Fusheng smiled, closed "The Little Prince", and helped Jiang Ruixi cover the thin quilt gently.

Out of the corner of his eye, he looked at the door inadvertently, and there was an elongated shadow indistinctly at the half-closed door.

Xu Fusheng stood up and walked softly towards the door.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Jiang Shaoting's haughty figure leaning against the door.

Seeing her come out, thin lips tried to evoke a smile that looked great.

But obviously, he failed.

From Xu Fusheng's point of view, Jiang Shaoting's smile was ugly, he might as well have a cold face.

However, even so, Xu Fusheng's heart still couldn't help softening.

"Are you hungry?" She tried to find her voice, but unexpectedly, these four words came out first.

Jiang Shaoting stood there for an unknown amount of time before finally nodding his head.

In the kitchen, Xu Fusheng's thin figure stood in front of the cooking counter.

She was really hungry, presumably Jiang Shaoting was too.

So all she cooks are simple dishes that don't waste time.

Jiang Shaoting just looked at her back like this, his frown never loosened.

Xu Fusheng's hands still had traces of burns and blisters, little by little, reminding him of what happened in the hospital.

For a moment, Jiang Shaoting's pupils were filled with haze.

Xu Fusheng lifted the lid of the soup pot, tasted the taste carefully, his profile was as beautiful as a painting.

When Jiang Shaoting came back to his senses, the man had already walked behind her, deliberately bent down and hugged her from behind.

Obviously, Xu Fusheng didn't expect him to do this.

The whole body was stiff, but he didn't resist, just kept silent.

The soup in the soup pot kept bubbling and bubbling, and white smoke surrounded the two of them.

"Why..." Xu Fusheng suddenly heard his voice in his ear.

"Huh?" Responded dryly.

" are Xu Fusheng?" Why can't it be someone else?

Why is it Xu Fusheng?The woman who ruined everything for him, why is this one in front of him?

"But Xu Fusheng."

I also want to be someone else, I want to live again, and I want to forget those sufferings...

"Xu Fusheng, I want to tame you."

It seemed that hot air had engulfed her eyes, making everything in front of her eyes foggy.

He said he wanted to tame her.

"If you tame a man, you risk tears."

"I'm not afraid."

"But I'm afraid." I'm afraid that after being tamed by you, I will cry every day.

Jiang Shaoting was silent, and slowly let go of the hand that was originally on her waist.

Xu Fusheng didn't look back, she didn't look at him, but she knew that he was looking at her.

"This is your choice?"

He knew she didn't look back on purpose, just as he knew she had been running away.

"Yes, this is my choice."

She didn't know why the topic between them became like this.

Jiang Shaoting has never been as strong as he is now, and he wants her to give an answer.

"Then I have nothing to say, let's go, I'll take you back."

Xu Fusheng suddenly raised his head and looked at him with complicated eyes.

Does this mean that everything between them is coming to an end?

"This phone... I'll give it back to you." Xu Fusheng pushed the phone onto the sink with a crisp voice.

"You keep it." Jiang Shaoting didn't even look at her, and his eyes fell not far away with a blank expression.

Maybe it didn't even start in the first place.

There was no accidental meeting on a rainy night, no interview, no... He deliberately met again and again.

He knows that she cooks deliciously, he knows that she is actually very gentle in her bones, he knows...

Inside her riddled body is a heart that should be protected.

He hated her, and the purpose of approaching her was not pure from the beginning.

Although she didn't say anything, Jiang Shaoting saw through the inferiority complex deep in her bones.

It is because of low self-esteem that he uses indifference to protect himself and prevent that police officer named Ye Yiming from getting deeper and deeper.

She knew he liked her, but she always thought that she would hurt others.

Xu Fusheng turned off the fire, until now she still feels a little dazed, as if everything that happened just now...

It's all so unreal.

With his head down, he walked slowly to Jiang Shaoting's side, until the familiar musk scent surrounded her, and then...

I have a sense of security.

He raised his head and looked at Jiang Shaoting, his handsome face was so unforgettable, just like the first time we met.

She smiled shallowly, as if sensing that she was smiling, Jiang Shaoting turned back to her.

Perhaps following the inner guidance, Xu Fusheng came to him and stood still.

Jiang Shaoting looked down at her with a complicated gaze.

Xu Fusheng just smiled and stood on tiptoe, closed his eyes and put his lips on top of him.

Kiss gently, as if it was the last time.

When such thoughts rose in Jiang Shaoting's mind, he instantly wanted to grasp Xu Fusheng again.

But Xu Fusheng seemed to be aware of his movements, and it ended quickly.

There was a crystal tear rolling back and forth in her eye socket, but it still couldn't bear the weight and fell down after all.

"Shao Ting, you deserve a better woman."

This was the first time she called out his name without being forced by Jiang Shaoting... Jiang Shaoting turned off the car, and the two of them kept the same silence along the way.

Xu Fusheng's gaze fell outside the window, presumably Qian Duoduo was still awake and the lights were on.

She didn't expect that the road that usually seemed very long was actually so short.

"I'm going up." Unbuttoning his seat belt, Xu Fusheng said softly to the man beside him.

Just as she thought, Jiang Shaoting didn't speak, his eyes fell on the front windshield.

Pushing open the door, Xu Fusheng got out of the car and walked towards the entrance of the corridor.

"Xu Fusheng." Suddenly, Jiang Shaoting's voice came from behind.

He chanted her name so hard that her subconscious heartbeat was disturbed.

"Huh?" She didn't turn her head, but responded softly.

Jiang Shaoting paused for a long time. There were actually a lot of things he wanted to say, but when he really wanted to say...

But couldn't say a word.

"Go up." In the end, there were only these three words left.

Jiang Shaoting turned the key and opened the door of the room he hadn't been in for a long time.

He was used to not turning on the lights, and sat tiredly in front of the window, under the moonlight, his eyes fell on the pictures on the wall.

It was still all Xu Fusheng, Xu Fusheng with various expressions, all of them were her.

Jiang Shaoting has never felt lonely and tired like this moment.

"I sent you away." It was still a deep and mellow voice, resounding in the lonely room.

"Obviously it's about to succeed, why should I send you away?" Jiang Shaoting's finger landed on a photo.

"Obviously it should be hate, why am I so sad?"

Jiang Shaoting moved his hand away from the photo, and then chose to cover his face.

Even if he is alone, he doesn't want to look vulnerable.

Suddenly, Jiang Shaoting stood up, starting from the starting point of the photos, and took off the photos of Xu Fusheng one by one.

"Is it fair to blame everything I have suffered on you?"

Taking revenge on Xu Fusheng was the only motivation in Jiang Shaoting's life during the dark period!
This is different from hating everyone in the Wensen family, it is more paranoid, and more... able to support him!
When he hated her, he never thought about whether it was fair or unfair, but this time, he hesitated.

One person's tragedy cannot be entirely blamed on another person.

What's more, that woman is also living a miserable life.

The photos that were originally posted on the wall fell to the ground, and soon covered the entire floor.

Jiang Shaoting stretched out his hands to smooth out the wrinkled ones, and slowly wiped away the dirty ones.

His head, his heart, had never been as empty as it is now.

"I clearly said that I want to domesticate you, but now... why do I seem to be domesticated by you?"

(End of this chapter)

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