Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 119 Found Your Mother

Chapter 119 Found Your Mother
"I... Mr. Jiang, if I have nothing else to do, I will go out."

Noticing the change in his eyes, Xu Fusheng became vigilant, turned around and wanted to leave after saying that.

But before he could take a step, the back of his neck was grabbed by the man's hand.

She, who was already petite, suddenly seemed to be struggling in place.

"Didn't you hear it just now?" Jiang Shaoting stood there easily, holding her collar.

"I will never say a word."

If it were someone else, I am afraid that Jiang Shaoting would kill him to silence him, but Xu Fusheng is not afraid.

It's just that this posture made her feel very uncomfortable, like...

Like a disobedient child being carried by an adult.

"There are only two kinds of people who can keep secrets, one is called our own people, and the other is called..."

Jiang Shaoting's voice was very intriguing, as if he was not affected by Jiang Jingshu at all.

"Dead." He spoke slowly, as if to let Xu Fusheng hear clearly.

Xu Fusheng bit his lower lip tightly and did not speak. What does Jiang Shaoting mean, either his own or a dead person?

"Who did you go out to eat with at noon?"

Jiang Shaoting suddenly let go of the back of her neck, allowing her to be free. The familiar light fragrance made him feel good.

"Who I go out to eat with seems to have nothing to do with you, Mr. Jiang."

Xu Fusheng took a deep breath and turned around, looking at Jiang Shaoting, trying his best to keep his voice cold.

I really want to hold her in my arms and ravage her fiercely!
Just in case that little mouth would say anything that would make him angry again.

"Is it the boy who gave you roses? Is it Ye Yiming? Or..." Someone else he doesn't know?

"Mr. Jiang, these questions you asked are all personal questions, and I don't need to answer them."

Xu Fusheng took a step back, as if he felt something was wrong, how did he know that he went out at noon?
"You..." He belatedly recalled those rose petals and the empty lunch box.

"You stole my meal?" Xu Fusheng suddenly looked up at him with an incredulous expression.

No one can imagine that a man like Jiang Shaoting would steal food?
"I don't understand what you are saying." Jiang Shaoting turned his face away, expressionless.

"Jiang Shaoting, don't play dumb for me, I know you understand."

Xu Fusheng's voice was somewhat weak, she had been hungry for a long time, and she hadn't eaten well for several meals.

In addition, when something happened, everyone came to make trouble for him, which made him even more anxious.

"Then tell me who sent the roses?" Jiang Shaoting looked at her with burning eyes.

"I didn't ask you about Chen Yurou, why do you ask me about roses?"

Maybe it was because of hunger that Xu Fusheng lacked his usual judgment, and he could even say such non-brained words.

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Shaoting's originally serious expression suddenly became warm like an iceberg melting.

"If I tell you about Chen Yurou, will you tell me about Rose?"

Jiang Shaoting lifted her chin with his hand and raised Xu Fusheng's head, as if he wanted to see the expression on her face clearly.

Xu Fusheng hated this action, Jiang Shaoting suddenly recalled and moved his hand away.

"Mr. Jiang, I think I should go out."

It was only a whole morning, Xu Fusheng had never hated his influence on him so much as now.

The invisible wall stood between the two of them again. Such a discovery made Jiang Shaoting very unhappy.

Xu Fusheng, who originally wanted to leave, turned around and looked at him as if he remembered something.

"I will not tell anyone about Jiang Jingshu. I will forget about it when I leave this door. Don't worry."

In fact, Xu Fusheng felt that the members of the Wensen family were quite pathetic.

Living in such a place full of calculations and traps everywhere, it is no wonder that people have other thoughts.

Jiang Shaoting didn't speak, and Xu Fusheng wasn't going to wait for him to speak, so he turned around and walked outside.

But before walking a few steps, Xu Fusheng flickered and felt dizzy. If he hadn't held on to the sofa...

"Fusheng, what's wrong with you?" Jiang Shaoting walked over to support her in two steps at a time.

That little face was not only pale but also covered with thin sweat, Xu Fusheng clutched his stomach and bit his lower lip tightly.

"I'm fine..." Xu Fusheng wanted to shake off his hand, but the hunger made her feel weak.

Coupled with severe stomach pains...

"If you dare to say that it's okay, I'll take you out, believe it or not?"

Jiang Shaoting locked her eyes tightly, his eyes alert.

"I..." She was a little embarrassed to say it, but she was afraid that he would be really presumptuous.

"My stomach hurts from hunger..." There is usually a lounge in the president's room, and Jiang Shaoting and Xu Fusheng are in the lounge at this time.

The coffee table is filled with all kinds of meals that have just been delivered, all of which are special snacks from well-known tea restaurants in the surrounding area.

"Aren't you hungry? Eat quickly." Jiang Shaoting urged while sitting aside.

The table was full, and there were still a few unopened delivery boxes next to the coffee table.

Xu Fusheng glanced at him, if he hadn't stopped him just now, he might have ordered more.

"Hurry up and eat." Seeing that Xu Fusheng did not move for a long time, Jiang Shaoting simply handed the chopsticks to her hand.

"Thank you." Hearing this polite word, Jiang Shaoting looked a little displeased, but he didn't say anything.

He had tasted the taste of hunger, so he naturally knew what it was like to starve himself until he almost passed out.

Jiang Shaoting didn't want Xu Fusheng to experience such a feeling when he was by his side!
Xu Fusheng ate quietly, although he was hungry, he didn't gobble it up.

In fact, she felt a little ashamed, especially in front of Jiang Shaoting.

"Even if there are important things, you will have to eat in the future."

What he said was almost an order, and the domineering in his bones did not decrease a bit.

With that appearance, Xu Fusheng muttered to himself, somewhat like a father scolding his daughter.

"What did you say?" Jiang Shaoting didn't hear clearly, and leaned over to ask her to say it again.

"I mean, I wanted to eat, but when I came back, I didn't know who ate it."

Xu Fusheng didn't mention his name, but it just made Jiang Shaoting's ears feel hot. Of course he knew who was eating him.

Not only did he know, but he was also very familiar with that person!
"Don't talk when you eat, don't talk when you sleep, don't talk and eat quickly." Besides, Jiang Shaoting didn't know how to change the subject.

How could Xu Fusheng not know what he was thinking?
Instead, he lowered his head and ate another shrimp dumpling, the rich and delicious soup spread on his lips and teeth.

To Xu Fusheng, being able to taste such delicious food when he was hungry could already be called happiness.

"I'm full." Although she was hungry for too long, she was full without eating much.

"That's all you eat? No, at least eat this plate."

Jiang Shaoting directly pushed all the plates in front of her, as if she would not give up until she finished eating.

Just as Xu Fusheng was about to speak, there was a knock on the door from outside, followed by Secretary Yu's voice.

"President Jiang, there is a police officer outside looking for you." Secretary Yu's voice sounded a little strange.

"Tell him I'm not free." The tug-of-war between Jiang Shaoting and Xu Fusheng has not yet achieved a phased victory.

Don't mention Officer Ye, he won't be free no matter who comes!
"But...the other party is not looking for's looking for Secretary Xu."

Without Jiang Shaoting's intention, Secretary Yu naturally didn't open the door, and of course he couldn't see the scene in the lounge.

Jiang Shaoting's movements stopped suddenly, as for Xu Fusheng, he didn't know what he was thinking, and quickly stood up.

"I'll be right there."

It really was Ye Yiming!

When Xu Fusheng saw the tall figure in casual clothes, he felt a little guilty for the dispute in the morning.

She actually knew that Ye Yiming was doing it for her own good, and wanted to keep herself away from danger.

"Officer Ye, you came to see me, what's the matter?"

Xu Fusheng spoke softly, but he was actually a little uncertain whether Ye Yiming was still angry about what happened in the morning.

"Fusheng, hurry up and ask for leave, I have definite news about your mother."

No matter what happened in the morning, Ye Yiming didn't even care about rest once he got the news of Xu Fusheng's mother...

Hurry up to J&C Group to find her, and can't wait to tell her about it.

"What did you say? Is there any news about my mother? Is this true?"

Xu Fusheng only felt that the blood in his whole body seemed to be flowing backwards, and even his fingers became cold and stiff.

"It's true, Fusheng, I found your mother!"

For this matter, Ye Yiming did not know how many people he found, how many roads he traveled, and now finally there is news...

He was even happier than Xu Fusheng.

Just as he was talking, Ye Yiming discovered that someone was nearby with his vigilance as a policeman for so many years.

As soon as he raised his head, he saw Jiang Shaoting standing with his hands behind his back not far away, staring at him coldly.

"I'm going to ask for leave right away, you wait for me from here."

Xu Fusheng said in a trance, happiness came so fast that she felt that everything was so unreal.

Suddenly, a shadow covered her petite figure and blocked her way.

"Jiang Jiang, I want to take a few hours off."

Maybe it was a moment of confusion, but Xu Fusheng reached out and grabbed Jiang Shaoting's wrist, his eyes were slightly red.

Her head was in a mess, Jiang Shaoting could even feel the trembling coming from Xu Fusheng's palm.

"What are you panicking about? Calm down." The steady voice was like a shot in the arm, making Xu Fusheng's pupils gradually focus.

Jiang Shaoting held her back, almost deliberately showing intimacy in front of Ye Yiming.

And all this...

If it were an ordinary Xu Fusheng, he would be able to find out, but now she doesn't care about those little tricks.

"I'll go with you and see if I can be of any help."

There was nothing unusual on Jiang Shaoting's face, but he was a little annoyed in his heart. The news about her mother was that he let...

He asked Archie to let him go, so he naturally knew how heartbreaking Xu Fusheng would be when he saw her mother.

He has some regrets, just because he completely forgot about this matter, otherwise...

(End of this chapter)

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