Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 120 Wen Huaisu

Chapter 120 Wen Huaisu

Maybe you can find a way to remedy it!

Xu Fusheng turned around and went into the office to pack his things, while Jiang Shaoting and Ye Yiming looked at each other.

"Fusheng has suffered a lot, I don't think you are suitable for her."

With the refreshing smile gone, Ye Yiming spoke in a deep voice.

"Are you the right person for her again?" Jiang Shaoting said with sarcasm, his eyes made Ye Yiming angry.

It's just that the anger was fleeting, but soon calmed down.

"Even if I am not the right person for her, I still hope she can be happy."

This time, Jiang Shaoting didn't respond, but his eyebrows frowned.

Xu Fusheng quickly packed up his things, greeted Secretary Yu, and came out again.

A pair of brimming eyes fell on Ye Yiming.

"Let's go." Ye Yiming obviously didn't want to continue the topic just now, and said in a deep voice.

After about an hour's drive, they arrived at the Homeless Rescue Station in City B.

Jiang Shaoting was driving the car on the way here, and Ye Yiming was on shift all night last night, so he was afraid of accidents.

In the co-pilot, he fell asleep all the way in a daze.

But Xu Fusheng who was sitting in the back seat just silently looked out the window without saying a word.

But Jiang Shaoting was able to see her true emotions from her tightly pursed lips and trembling hands.

Perhaps it was because Ye Yiming had already greeted him.

When I arrived at the door of the rescue station, I just asked a few words, and the guard quickly let me go.

After stopping the car, Jiang Shaoting pushed Ye Yiming, who was on the co-pilot, to signal him to wake up.

Ye Yiming woke up, saw the place, wiped his face, and wiped away the tired look.

"Get out of the car, the dean is waiting for us on the second floor."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Fusheng opened the car door, and the longing in his eyes could not be concealed.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Shaoting was even more worried.

Passing through the long corridor, Xu Fusheng could see a few homeless figures from time to time.

It was someone who had just come here and was arranged in a hurry. The more Xu Fusheng looked at it, the quieter he became, and the more he looked at it, the more sour his heart became.

The dean was quickly found.

Jiang Shaoting didn't listen to what the other party was saying at all, his eyes only fell on Xu Fusheng.

She seemed to have fallen into her own world, standing there quietly, even breathing lightly.

"Come with me." The dean briefly introduced the situation, then turned and walked downstairs.

Xu Fusheng had never felt that this corridor was so long, it seemed like it was endless.

She was very scared, what if the other party was not her mother?
The joy turned into disappointment again and again, how many times can she bear it?

"Here we are." After the dean finished speaking, he pushed open a white door.

The room was empty, except for a large bed that was particularly conspicuous, and a thin and thin woman was sitting there.

With their backs to the four people at the door.

Xu Fusheng's tears welled up all of a sudden, he covered his mouth with his hand, his shoulders shrank.

"Mom..." The voice seemed to be squeezed out of the throat, small and uncertain.

Even from the back, you can see the dirt, the hair is messed up, the back is bent, and the bare feet are cracked.

He didn't seem to hear it, just kept nodding his head and muttering something.

"Mom...I'm Fusheng..." Xu Fusheng walked slowly over to the woman's side.

Hearing the voice, the woman who had been lowering her head slowly raised her head...

Xu Fusheng tried his best to calm himself down, but when he saw the other person's face clearly...

Suddenly, she squatted down in front of the woman, buried her head deeply in her knees, so that no one could see her expression.

It's just that the shoulders kept trembling, anyone could tell that Xu Fusheng was crying.

Thankfully, this person is indeed her mother, Wen Huaisu!
But now Xu Fusheng didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

But in just five years, the mother in my memory has changed beyond recognition!
Wen Huaisu was originally elegant, clean, and beautiful, and even romantic and naive in his bones.

But the woman in front of her, with dull eyes, haggard face, broken and dirty fingernails, was indescribably desolate.

"I want to be alone with her for a while." Xu Fusheng looked towards the door after not knowing how long it had passed.

The dean was the first to turn around and leave. He had seen too many such scenes and was already numb.

Ye Yiming was the second to turn around and leave. He knew that Xu Fusheng should be given some time.

Only Jiang Shaoting stood there with his deep eyes on Xu Fusheng.

Her already thin body looked even thinner at this moment, as if it would collapse in an instant.

"I'll just stand at the door and not go anywhere. If you need anything, just call me."

Jiang Shaoting walked over, took off his coat and put it on Xu Fusheng who was still squatting in front of Wen Huaisu.

There were tears in Xu Fusheng's eyes, and she slowly raised her head to look at Jiang Shaoting.

Just one glance made Jiang Shaoting's heart tighten.

"it is good."

Soon, the room became quiet.

Xu Fusheng took several deep breaths before he calmed down.

"Mom, I'm Fusheng, I'll take you home." She wiped away her tears with her hands, surrounded by Jiang Shaoting's musky scent.

At such a moment, Xu Fusheng felt extremely at ease.

Wen Huaisu looked at Xu Fusheng timidly, as if he hadn't recognized her yet.

His fingers tightly clasped the pockets of his clothes, as if there was some valuable treasure inside.

Hearing Xu Fusheng's voice, Wen Huaisu flinched in fright, a foul smell emanating from his greasy head.

"Mom, I am Fusheng, Mom..."

The sudden lack of language made Xu Fusheng repeat this sentence continuously, his voice was dry.

"Fusheng...Fusheng..." Wen Huaisu didn't even look at Xu Fusheng, muttering something.

He even covered the pockets of the clothes tightly, and the skin exposed under the sleeves of the clothes was covered with bruises and redness.

"Mom, I'm here, I'm here, it's okay."

No matter how much Xu Fusheng had suffered in the past five years, he never shed tears easily.

It's just that the moment he saw Wen Huaisu, tears flowed down like a floodgate.

Xu Fusheng originally wanted to hold Wen Huaisu's hand, but before he got close, Wen Huaisu backed away in fright.

"Don't grab... don't grab my things..."

Wen Huaisu accidentally fell off the bed, and simply knelt down in front of Xu Fusheng with a plop.

Xu Fu backed away again and again in shock, and the tears that could not be stopped fell down even more.

"Mom, I beg you not to do this!" She also knelt in front of Wen Huaisu, reaching out to hold her in her arms.

"Don't touch...don't grab my stuff...for Fusheng...for Fusheng..."

Wen Huaisu was so frightened that she wanted to get under the bed, but she was an adult after all, so she couldn't get in at all.

"Mom, I won't steal your things, come on, let's go home."

Xu Fusheng was very sad, but what made her even more sad was Wen Huaisu's originally clear eyes...

Indescribably cloudy.

"For Fusheng...all for Fusheng..." Wen Huaisu sat cross-legged on the ground as if he didn't hear it.

Then he took out small hair clips of different colors from his pocket, wiped them carefully, and put them back in his pocket.

Our Fusheng is the most beautiful girl in the world, no one else can compare.

Wherever I go in the future, I will help Fusheng bring your favorite hair clips.

Xu Fusheng knelt on the spot as if struck by lightning, watching Wen Huaisu carefully guarding against her approach.

I'm afraid it looks like I've been robbed of my treasure!

The shrill cry resounded in the ward in the next second...

The cry came so suddenly, Ye Yiming, who was standing by the window, almost reflexively wanted to re-enter the ward.

The next moment, Jiang Shaoting, who had been guarding the door, stretched out his hand and stopped him firmly without any concession.

"Can't you hear her crying? Can't you feel that she's sad?"

Ye Yiming couldn't believe that he could still stop him at this moment, didn't he want to go in?
"Because I heard it, you can't go in!"

In his life, Jiang Shaoting had never felt such pain on his skin.

Xu Fusheng taught him another word.

And the name of that word... is empathy!
"Why?" Ye Yiming's jaw tightened, as if holding back his anger.

"She has endured it for too long, and it's time to vent."

There were piercing cries in my ears one after another, heart-piercing.

The muscles of Jiang Shaoting's hand blocking Ye Yiming's front were completely tense, without any sign of relaxation.

Ye Yiming froze in place for a moment, just looked up at Jiang Shaoting...

On the big bed of a luxury hotel in City A, Jiang Mutian and Louise were in a turmoil.

Jiang Zongxun and Elizabeth Qu Yunxi have already returned to London, only Jiang Mutian stayed.

Louise has been doing nothing since being kicked out of the J&C Group.


Louise lay lazily on the head of the bed, as expected of a hotel VIP suite, even the bed was so comfortable to sleep on.

He lit a women's cigarette and smoked it leisurely, and inadvertently saw a small ticket protruding from his wallet.

"Florist? Which woman did you buy the flowers for?" Louise pulled it out and said coquettishly.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Mutian directly took the small ticket from her hand, tore it into pieces, and threw it into the trash can.

(End of this chapter)

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