Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 121 She is too tired

Chapter 121 She is too tired
"None of your business!"

On the way back, Xu Fusheng has been carefully taking care of Wen Huaisu's emotions.

Qinshui's eyes are all red. It doesn't matter how badly she was bullied during the five years in prison...

Never been so groggy.

As if opening the hole of lack of emotion, all the emotions were overturned together.

"Officer Ye, thank you, thank you very much." Thousands of words, Xu Fusheng merged into one sentence.

"I promised to help you find it at the beginning. This time it was really a coincidence. I didn't expect..."

In fact, even Ye Yiming felt that he was very lucky this time, and usually there is no news...

But this time I got lucky, and I found it unexpectedly.

Jiang Shaoting, who was sitting in the driver's seat, didn't speak a word all the way. In fact, no one knew what happened better than him.

"Fusheng, it's you, what are you going to do in the future?"

Ye Yiming is very worried about her, he still thinks that Jiang Shaoting is too dangerous for Xu Fusheng.

Such a dangerous existence cannot be easily controlled by Fu Sheng!

"At least at the credit agency, I can pay less money every month, as long as I find my child again..."

Xu Fusheng's expression has never been so relaxed as it is now, and it is rare to even show a smiling face.

"Even if it's hard, at least there's hope, isn't there?"

Wen Huaisu carefully stared at her surroundings along the way, but she didn't recognize Fu Sheng sitting beside her.

"Don't go to the credit agency again, let me help you." Jiang Shaoting said suddenly, and the car suddenly fell silent.

Xu Fusheng didn't speak for a while, and even the hand holding Wen Huaisu didn't feel tight.

"Xu Fusheng, let me help you." No answer was heard, Jiang Shaoting spoke again.

Perhaps he will never be able to forget the moment when he clearly heard her bleak cry in the corridor.

"Mr. Jiang, this is my private matter, so I won't bother you..."

She was still wearing Jiang Shaoting's coat, surrounded by his unique musky scent.

Ye Yiming's cell phone rang suddenly, and he knew it was a temporary mission almost as soon as he heard the sound.

Fortunately, they had already entered the urban area of ​​City A at this time.

Jiang Shaoting put Ye Yiming down on the side of the road, while Wen Huaisu was drowsy, and the car was filled with the sour smell of her body.

Xu Fusheng could also smell it naturally, and looked at Jiang Shaoting apologetically.

He was not angry, nor did he throw the two of them out.

"Send your mother to wash first."

After Jiang Shaoting finished speaking, he turned the steering wheel, his actions were as domineering as he used to be, and there was no doubt about it.

Soon, a high-end private club appeared in front of the two of them.

After Jiang Shaoting made the phone call, someone greeted him from the clubhouse.

"Give your mother to them for an hour, and I'm sure you will be satisfied."

Jiang Shaoting turned off the engine and got out of the car, directly opened the door on Xu Fusheng's side, put his hands on the door frame, and leaned over to look at her.

When Wen Huaisu was led out of the car, it was strange that he didn't cry, as if he was really sleepy.

"Sorry for making your car dirty." Xu Fusheng followed slowly, his eyes falling on Wen Huaisu.

The words were addressed to Jiang Shaoting.

Jiang Shaoting didn't speak, and brought Xu Fusheng directly to the VIP room.

The clothes on her body were a little dirty, especially the trousers, especially at the knees.

The eyes that had been crying became red and swollen, and it seemed that she was still worried about Wen Huaisu, even if she sat down, she was very uneasy.

The waiter brought over the fruit platter with his head lowered.

Jiang Shaoting and Xu Fusheng sat side by side on the sofa, not too close or far away.

No one opened their mouths to speak, Xu Fusheng was so preoccupied, he was extremely sleep deprived before, and cried a lot...

Now the whole person is groggy, not to mention that there is still a comfortable warm wind blowing, and he is even more sleepy.

"What happened in the morning..." Jiang Shaoting stared straight ahead, his stern expression looked stiff.

Without even looking at the woman beside him, there was a rare trace of tension in his eyes.

"It's because I spoke too badly. I was..."

In this life, Jiang Shaoting had never bothered to explain why, but this time, he just stopped talking.

Her throat felt dry, and occasionally she tensed up and lost her voice.

"I admit, I was very angry at the time."

No one knew better than himself what his candid admission represented.

"I also did some impulsive and rough things, you..."

Jiang Shaoting's back was tense, his whole body was like a bow about to be shot, and his muscles were tense.

Xu Fusheng next to him didn't make any sound, maintaining a dead silence.

Jiang Shaoting was used to her quietness, even though she said so long without responding, she didn't feel strange.

"In short, I'm apologizing to you." Although this apology is like his personality is different, he is superior.


Jiang Shaoting put his hands on his knees, sitting in an obedient posture like a kindergarten child.

And Xu Fusheng next to him was still so quiet that he couldn't be more quiet.

Jiang Shaoting waited for another four or five seconds, but couldn't hear her response after a long time, and his brows became tighter and tighter.

"Is there nothing you want to say to me?" Jiang Shaoting turned his head to look at her after the words fell.

Almost at the same time, a head with a warm fragrance leaned over heavily.

The well-proportioned breathing made Jiang Shaoting unresponsive for a while.

She... is she asleep?
Xu Fusheng was indeed asleep, he didn't even notice that he was leaning on Jiang Shaoting's shoulder.

She is too tired, Jiang Shaoting thought.

Try to relax your stiff body so that Xu Fusheng can sleep more comfortably.

Looking down at her face, from his angle, the slender eyelashes were like a small fan.

The hot breath sprayed on his neck, for Jiang Shaoting, it became the sweetest torture at this time.

He stretched out his hand to hug Xu Fusheng's slender body in his arms, his movements were cautious, as if he was afraid of waking her up.

"In front of a man, you fall asleep without any precautions. You are not afraid of danger."

Jiang Shaoting snorted twice, seemingly dissatisfied.

Although it was not obvious on the surface, there was an uncontrollable joy bubbling in my heart.

Xu Fusheng didn't hear it, but unconsciously rubbed his head against his neck twice.

It's like a tired puppy.

I don't know if it's because Xu Fusheng slept too soundly, but Jiang Shaoting couldn't help feeling sleepy after seeing this scene.

Stretching out his hand and hugging Xu Fusheng into his arms, the sofa was originally big enough to accommodate two people...

It just happened to be used as a single sofa by Jiang Shaoting.

Closing his eyes, Jiang Shaoting rarely curled his thin lips into a slight arc...

When there was a knock on the door, Jiang Shaoting was the first to wake up.

The people outside pushed the door and entered, and when they saw Jiang Shaoting sitting on the sofa with Xu Fusheng in his arms...

I was shocked!
"Mr. Jiang..." The other party seemed to want to say something.

"Hush..." Jiang Shaoting made a direct gesture to silence the other party.

The other party was not talking, but Xu Fu's long eyelashes trembled slightly, already intending to wake up.

When Xu Fusheng opened his eyes and saw the infinitely magnified handsome face in front of him, his mind went blank for a moment.

"Did I fall asleep?" It took a long time before I came back to my senses.

Jiang Shaoting didn't speak, but just looked coldly at the waiter standing not far away.

Just one look is enough to make people's hands and feet cold, and they dare not say a word.

Xu Fusheng didn't notice it. Just as he was about to get up, he felt that something was wrong.

Looking down, he was still sitting on the sofa, and he was already in Jiang Shaoting's arms!
"You..." It took Xu Fusheng a long time to react.

I finally understood why the waiter had such a strange expression just now.

"Since it's been cleaned, bring the person over."

Giving the order coldly, although Jiang Shaoting spoke to the waiter, his eyes still fell on Xu Fusheng.

"Yes, Mr. Jiang." After the other party said this, he turned around and walked outside.

Don't forget to close the door of the VIP room from the outside.

"Can you...let me go first?"

Xu Fusheng originally wanted to get off him, but Jiang Shaoting didn't know where he pinched her...

It made her unable to move!
"You relied on it yourself, and it has nothing to do with me."

Jiang Shaoting deliberately put on a cold and arrogant look, from Xu Fusheng's perspective, he can only see his thick and long eyelashes.

"I'm sorry." Xu Fusheng thought for a while, and finally only uttered these three words.

It seemed that she didn't expect her to apologize, and Jiang Shaoting didn't know what to say for a while.

"What did I say before, you didn't hear at all?" Jiang Shaoting looked at her as if remembering something.

Xu Fusheng was stunned for a moment, she only remembered that she was too sleepy, she really didn't pay attention to what Jiang Shaoting said.

However, Wen Huaisu, who was washed quickly, was brought over, which also broke the awkward silence between the two.

"Let's go, I'll take you home." Although she was washed clean, Wen Huaisu didn't look much better.

"I...I can take my mother back by myself." It seems that he has wasted too much time today.

Xu Fusheng was thinking like this, but Wen Huaisu looked at her with the old clothes in his arms.

"Mom, what's the matter?" Xu Fusheng subconsciously touched his ear temples, while Wen Huaisu kept staring at her.

But she saw her trotting all the way to Xu Fusheng, carefully took a small plastic hairpin from her bosom.

With a click, he helped Xu Fusheng put it on.

In fact, it is a very cheap and ordinary plastic hair clip, and Jiang Shaoting thinks it is a waste to even look at it on weekdays.

But he never thought that the little thing would look surprisingly good-looking when worn on Xu Fusheng's black hair next to his ear.

"It's's beautiful..." Wen Huaisu clapped his hands, then flinched aside.

Xu Fusheng touched the hairpin next to his ear, and his eyes turned red again...

(End of this chapter)

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