Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 122 I Want to Help Him

Chapter 122 I Want to Help Him
How could Jiang Shaoting let Xu Fusheng go back alone?

On the way back, Xu Fusheng sat in the co-pilot's seat, while Wen Huaisu huddled in the back seat.

Jiang Shaoting seemed to have something on his mind. When the red light was on, he casually put his elbow on the edge of the window.

Rubbing her thin lips with her fingertips, she didn't know what she was thinking.

"What are you thinking?"

When Xu Fusheng recovered, she found that she had actually asked the question in her heart.

"It's nothing." Jiang Shaoting still had no expression on his face, just looked at Wen Huaisu through the rearview mirror.

Naturally, this action did not escape Xu Fusheng's attention.

Subconsciously, she recalled the yellowed photo in her mind, but in an instant, she understood.

His mother was found, so did he think about his sister even more?
Thinking of this in his heart, Xu Fusheng looked at Jiang Shaoting with some different emotions in his eyes.

"You are so powerful, haven't you ever looked for her?"

The 'she' that Xu Fusheng said was naturally his younger sister.

Jiang Shaoting didn't speak at first, and it took a while to realize what Xu Fusheng asked.

His eyes were familiar, and he glanced at her.

The usual indifference on that small face has faded a lot, I don't know if it is because of Wen Huaisu's being found.

"Looked for it." After a long time, Jiang Shaoting finally gave Xu Fusheng the answer.

Xu Fusheng felt a little strange when he heard the words. With Jiang Shaoting's power, is there anyone he can't find?
"What happened later?" Xu Fusheng asked again seeing that he dropped those two words as if he was not going to say any more.

"There is no later, I didn't find it." With Jiang Shaoting's appearance, she already knew that he didn't want to mention it again.

"It's okay, it took me a long time to find my mother, and your sister will definitely find it too."

Unusual, Xu Fusheng smiled lightly, and Jiang Shaoting looked sideways at her when the red light was empty.

His eyes were as dark as a gloomy ancient well, and there were even bursts of cold air.

Inexplicably, Xu Fusheng seemed to read some gloomy emotions from Jiang Shaoting's eyes.

"What if I can't find it for the rest of my life?" Suddenly, Jiang Shaoting spoke in a low voice, his voice suppressed and restrained.

Xu Fusheng didn't speak, just looked back into his eyes, couldn't find it in his whole life?

When he said this... did he give up hope?
"As long as people are alive, they will definitely be found."

She has always had this thought, looking for her mother and that child.

Didi Didi... The car behind kept honking its horn, but Jiang Shaoting didn't move at all.

It seemed that he was meditating after hearing Xu Fusheng's words.

Xu Fusheng glanced at the rear window, and there was a long line of cars behind him.

"Green light." She reminded him aloud.

Jiang Shaoting silently restarted and started the vehicle, and never spoke again along the way...

Downstairs in the community, Xu Fusheng glanced at Wen Huaisu who was having fun with him in the back seat, and smiled.

"Thank you, I'm here." After finishing speaking, Xu Fusheng wanted to open the car door...

But the next moment, Jiang Shaoting quickly grabbed her wrist, without any intention of letting go.

"Jiang Shaoting..." Xu Fusheng seemed to want to say something, but when the events of the morning appeared in his mind...

Finally give up.

"You told me not to mind your business, but in fact..."

Looking at Xu Fusheng's face, Jiang Shaoting didn't seem to restrain himself because Wen Huaisu was still sitting in the back seat.

Xu Fusheng's heart skipped a beat when he heard this, why did he bring up this matter again?
"Do you think that the two of us can really be separated completely after being entangled to this day?"

As Jiang Shaoting said, Xu Fusheng subconsciously held his breath because of his sudden words...

"Guess how much I suffered when I found out that someone gave you roses today?"

His voice was very slow, as if he was telling a story, which made Xu Fusheng's cheeks feel hot...

Jiang Shaoting's eyes seem to have magic power, making people addicted and unable to extricate themselves...

Jiang Shaoting's eyes fell on her for a moment, taking her blush into his eyes.

Xu Fusheng subconsciously wanted to avoid his gaze, but when he recalled that Wen Huaisu was still in the back seat, he was startled as soon as he turned his head.

Wen Huaisu tilted his head to watch the interaction between the two, looking as ignorant as a child.

Even though I knew she might not understand, but being with Jiang Shaoting in front of my mother...

Xu Fusheng always felt an indescribable awkwardness in his heart.

"Mr. Jiang, it's time for me to get out of the car." Jiang Shaoting couldn't see that she was avoiding his previous question.

"Xu Fusheng!" There was an indescribable feeling in his heart, for both her and himself.

"I don't know who sent the roses." Pushing open the car door, Xu Fusheng whispered.

Jiang Shaoting could hear it clearly, but the original anger in his heart seemed to be extinguished by a fire extinguisher, and it disappeared without a sound.

He felt that Xu Fusheng was really doomed in his life, and he couldn't escape it.

Watching Xu Fusheng take Wen Huaisu out of the car, Jiang Shaoting thought to himself.

Xu Fusheng is really grateful to Qian Duoduo, after explaining the cause and effect to her...

Qian Duoduo very loyally let her mother live, and didn't charge a penny. In fact...

If it is said that I found this place just for the sake of cheapness at the beginning, then now I have to say...

Being able to live here and getting to know Qian Duoduo and Xin Rui was the luckiest thing for Xu Fusheng after he was released from prison.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, she helped Wen Huaisu cover the thin quilt when she was asleep. Maybe she had a short rest, but she was not very tired.

Unintentionally opened the bedside table, but accidentally touched a green hand card on the back of his hand.

It was very delicately made, and the flying nine and green characters on it reminded Xu Fusheng of the origin of this thing.

I hit it off with you, and I'm giving you this item. If you encounter any difficulties in the future, you can come to Dragon Help to find me with this item. No matter what problem you have, I can help you solve it once for free.

Shen Luqiao's voice was faintly heard, Xu Fusheng caressed the little green sign, as if he was thinking about something.

looked for.

There is no later, did not find.

What if you can't find it for a lifetime?

"Duoduo, if my mother wakes up, please take care of me, I have something to go out."

Xu Fusheng put on his coat again, and put the things Shen Lvqiao gave him in his pockets.

While walking outside, he spoke to Qian Duoduo who was sitting in front of the computer.

"OK! I'm at ease!" Qian Duoduo waved casually, as for Xin Rui...

He didn't know what he was thinking, but his expression seemed a little worried.

In Bar Street, because it's not night yet, the whole street is not lively.

Even though he is from City A, this is the first time Xu Fusheng has come to this kind of place.

It wasn't until he reached the door of the largest bar that Xu Fusheng took a deep breath and stopped.

The characteristic of Bar Street is the rows of ancient ginkgo trees. When the leaves turn yellow in autumn, the scene is very beautiful.

Therefore, Bar Street also has another good name, called Lover's Street.

In the yellow leaves all over the sky, Xu Fusheng stood quietly at the door of the bar, as if hesitating whether to go in or not.

But soon, she made up her mind.

The moment the door was pushed open, the sound of an ancient bell being struck rang in my ears.

"It's not open yet, little girl, you..." A burly man with a tattoo on his arm blocked her way at the door.

There was doubt in the other party's eyes, looking at her appearance, is she an adult or not?
"I'm here to find someone." Xu Fusheng stood there with clean and clear eyes.

"We are not in charge of finding people here. Turn right 100 meters when you go out, and there is a police station."

The other party obviously treated her like a child, Xu Fusheng knew it in his heart, but he didn't say anything.

He just lowered his head from his bag and hung the emerald green sign that Shen Lvqiao had given her in front of her.

"I'm here to see Miss Lu Qiao."

Shen Lvqiao stood in front of the indoor ornamental fish pond in a dark green retro dress with her back to the door.

He casually squeezed a small amount of fish food and sprinkled it on the koi group, when he heard a knock on the door behind him...

The two words came in unhurriedly, and the gestures were full of elegance.

"Sister Lu Qiao, someone brought it here." It was still the tattooed man, and Xu Fusheng stood behind him.

"You're here." Seeing that it was her, Shen Lvqiao didn't have any strange expression on her face, she just said a few words.

"Yeah." Xu Fusheng didn't expect the second floor of this bar to be decorated so freshly.

"I didn't expect you to come to me so soon."

When Shen Lvqiao said this, she glanced at Xu Fusheng, what matter did she have that was so important that she wanted to use the sign she gave her?
"Come on, what can I do for you?"

Shen Lvqiao was sitting on the sofa, and the scented tea in the crystal cup on the table was quietly blooming.

Xu Fusheng put the emerald green sign that he had been holding in his hand before going upstairs on the coffee table, as if he was tidying himself up.

Shen Lvqiao didn't urge her, and even reached out to add some water to the glass in front of her.

"I hope Miss Lu Qiao can tell me something."

After Xu Fusheng's words fell, Shen Lvqiao's hands paused.

"Things? What things?" What things can be important enough to use this brand to trade with her?

"It's about Jiang Shaoting's sister."

After Xu Fusheng's voice fell, Shen Lvqiao's movements stopped, and even the way she looked at her became subtle.

Ever since Shen Lvqiao and Jiu Ye appeared at Jiang Shaoting's house, Xu Fusheng knew about their relationship...

It must be extraordinary, and she also believed that Shen Lvqiao must know about Jiang Shaoting's sister.

"What about Shao Ting's sister? He actually... told you that he has a sister?"

(End of this chapter)

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