Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 123 Where Did You Go Today?

Chapter 123 Where Did You Go Today?
What Shen Lvqiao said was very thought-provoking, but it's a pity that Xu Fusheng didn't hear it.

"Well, but I didn't say much." Jiang Shaoting seemed to become extremely silent whenever this sister was mentioned.

"Do you know how many people can't get this brand in city A?"

Shen Lvqiao played with the green card in her hand, it was given to Xu Fusheng purely by chance.

Speaking of which, she quite liked her.

"Someone brought it to me before and exchanged it for real money, and someone used it to ask us to avenge him..."

But like Xu Fusheng, it was indeed the first time for Shen Luqiao to see him.

"And you, you came to me with such a precious thing just in exchange for Shao Ting's younger sister?"

Shen Lvqiao's transparent eyes fell on Xu Fusheng's face.

"You, love Shao Ting." Shen Lvqiao sighed in her heart after taking a sip of herbal tea.

If it wasn't for Xu Fusheng's special status, she would really like this woman in front of her.

It's a pity that Shao Ting...

Xu Fusheng froze in place as if struck by lightning, especially when Shen Lvqiao said the word 'love'.

"Sister Lu Qiao, have you misunderstood..." Xu Fusheng wanted to explain, but his words were so weak.

"Then why did you think of Shao Ting instead of yourself when you used such an important thing?"

Shen Luqiao's unhurried words completely left Xu Fusheng speechless.

Obviously, this thing can be exchanged for her son's news, but she doesn't know why...

Who would choose to know about Jiang Shaoting?
Maybe it's the lonely look on his face when he's talking about his sister?Or maybe...

Is it because she also lost a loved one, and understands how joyful it is to find it again?
"Because Jiang Shaoting is a good person."

This sentence is not like an explanation, even Xu Fusheng himself sounds a little ridiculous.

Shen Luqiao looked at Xu Fusheng silently.

She looked like she was in a hurry, and the coat was a simple loose knit at home.

"Shao Ting is a good person? I've known him for so many years, and you are the first to say that about him."

Shen Lvqiao felt a little emotional in her heart, she knew Xu Fusheng's identity, and it was because of this that she felt sad.

It's sad that the woman who can understand Shao Ting is the one he should hate.

And judging from all signs, Shao Ting's presence by her side seemed to have other plans.

"I'll give you another chance. Do you really want to know those things, or... want to take the sign back?"

Shen Lvqiao sighed, and decided to give her another chance to choose.

"Sister Lvqiao, I was in prison, and my mother was lost during this period, but today I found her again..."

Xu Fusheng smiled, but also with tears.

"I know what the happiest thing is to lose a loved one, and I want to make..."

Although this sentence was quite difficult, Xu Fusheng still said it in front of Shen Lvqiao.

"I want him to taste happiness too."

"Okay, I see." Shen Lvqiao looked at Xu Fusheng in front of her, feeling a little sad.

How could such a woman have anything to do with that incident five years ago?
If nothing happened back then, she must be the most suitable woman for Shao Ting.

It's a pity...creatures trick people...

In the ward, Jiang Jingshu accompanied Yin Luli, while the latter sat leaning against the head of the bed with a gloomy face.

Jiang Jingshu was obviously absent-minded, peeling an apple, while Yin Luli had a blue nose and swollen eyes...

I don't know what I'm thinking, but I look depressed.

What happened that night was like a nightmare, Jiang Shaoting punched down like steel fists.

In the end, Yin Luli even began to doubt whether he would die under his hands.

Since when did Jiang Shaoting have such strong feelings for Xu Fusheng?
Yin Luli's eyes were filled with gloom, and his first reaction to this thought was discomfort.

Uncomfortable from the bottom of my heart!
The bursts of aroma of apples made Jiang Jingshu swallow frequently, she seems to be a little uncomfortable recently.

"Lu Li, mom made fish soup for you, you can drink some."

Fu Yu walked in carrying the thermos bucket, looking a little tired.

I went to see Xu Fusheng at noon, and she was frightened all the way because of the 10 yuan on the table.

Finally, she had to call the police to take her home.

Fu Yu lost all face in this life today!
Thinking of this, she hated Xu Fusheng even more.

"Ouch...vomit..." Jiang Jingshu immediately began to feel uncomfortable when she smelled the fish soup.

While retching, he ran towards the bathroom, followed by the sound of violent vomiting, which made people lose their appetite.

"What the hell is this kid..."

Fu Yu poured out the fish soup while talking, but soon, he seemed to remember something...

"Lu Li, do you and Jing Shu have that recently...?" Fu Yu asked her son, ignoring other things.

Yin Luli was stunned for a moment, he knew what Fu Yu meant, could it be...

Is Jiang Jingshu pregnant?

"Since Shao Ting has told you about his sister, you should also know who his mother is."

Shen Lvqiao threw the green sign aside.

She knows what she should know and what she should not say.

Hearing this sentence, Xu Fusheng nodded.

The last time Jiang Jingshu made a fuss in Jiang Shaoting's office, she uttered vicious words, how could she not know.

"His mother married her husband a few years after giving birth to Shao Ting."

"That man was an alcoholic and domestic violence man. He often beat his mother half to death in front of Shao Ting."

Shen Lvqiao said, but her eyes fell on the potted plants not far away, as if she recalled something.

"What happened later?" Xu Fusheng was startled, she couldn't imagine Jiang Shaoting now...

There was a past like this.

"Later, his younger sister was born. The arrival of a new life did not make that man restrain himself."

"Did you know? In fact, Jiang Shaoting almost looked up to his sister."

Jiang Shaoting is a man who desperately longs for family warmth.

But in fact, the more you long for something, the more you lack in reality.

"Alcohol, crying, wailing... filled Shao Ting's life."

Shen Lvqiao spoke gracefully, her voice was as gentle as water, making people reluctant to listen, but she couldn't bear to continue.

"One night, his mother died. She was beaten to death by that man, and the blood flowed all over the floor."

These were all Jiang Shaoting told her personally.

Shen Lvqiao will never forget in her life, Jiang Shaoting's calm eyes when he narrated, as if...

It's telling stories about other people's families.

"Shao Ting said that he was sitting not far away holding his sister, and the blood flowed down to his feet."

"He saw his mother's eyes were wide open, she was dying, and there was no other way but to hold her sister tightly."

Just thinking about such a picture, Xu Fusheng couldn't help but tremble all over, she couldn't imagine it.

"It's very interesting. That man was drunk, and when he saw someone was killed, he was so scared that he wanted to run out..."

"I didn't expect to step on blood, slipped to the back of my neck and stuck into the broken wine bottle I was holding..."

"Can you imagine how bloody it was that night?"

Shen Lvqiao glanced at Xu Fusheng, her voice was cold and indifferent, even her eyes were the same.

Xu Fusheng could imagine it.

"Then when were he and his sister... discovered?"

When she asked this sentence, there was a feeling of colic in her heart.

So that night, it was Jiang Shaoting who hugged his sister and stayed next to the two corpses?

"Two days later." Shen Lvqiao replied softly, even she could hardly imagine such a thing.

two days?Two full days?Has no one found them?
"Later they were sent to an orphanage, and later my younger sister was adopted away, leaving Shao Ting alone."

"Can you imagine when Ah Jiu and I met Shao Ting? He was like a lonely tower, neither talking nor laughing."

"So was his sister lost at that time?" Xu Fusheng seemed to have heard the point.

Shen Lvqiao didn't speak for a while, just looked at Xu Fusheng.

"Shao Ting is indeed not a bad person. I hope that after you know these things, you can..."

For a moment, she didn't know how to describe it.

"Can understand him."

Xu Fusheng looked at Shen Luqiao suspiciously, she didn't understand what Shen Luqiao said...

understand?What means?
"About his sister, that's all I know."

Shen Lvqiao lied, she knew more than this, but she couldn't tell her other things.

"In this case, how should we help him find this child?"

Xu Fusheng was very sad, she never imagined that Jiang Shaoting was even more miserable than she imagined.

If the inhuman treatment in London was already chilling enough, she never imagined that there would be something even worse than this...

Something even more frightening happened.

Xu Fusheng didn't even dare to imagine how Jiang Shaoting survived in the first place?

"By the way, you can tell me the address of the orphanage and the name of the child."

Since it was adopted, it must have been recorded, so she can try it!When Xu Fusheng left from Shen Lvqiao, about an hour and a half had passed.

As if fighting a tough battle, there is a feeling of exhaustion.

I only know that the child Shao Ting called her Xiaoying, as for the orphanage...

After Sakura was adopted, she changed many families for various reasons.

Not everything is documented, and it is too difficult to find.

Have you ever thought that even Shao Ting can't find someone, you come to my place...

Even after getting on the bus, Shen Luqiao's words still echoed in Xu Fusheng's mind.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, she really did something stupid.

(End of this chapter)

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