Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 125 Hidden Danger

Chapter 125 Hidden Danger

The cold water rushes down, relieving the pain...

It also made Xu Fusheng clearly feel the cold sweat in the man's palm.

What is he worried about?
"Do you know that thing, how many people can't get it after all their lives?"

Jiang Shaoting's voice sounded in her ears, Xu Fusheng turned his head to look at him, but his eyes only fell on the water.

"Don't you think it's a pity to waste it on such meaningless things?"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Shaoting let go of her wrist.

"You think the matter about your sister is meaningless?" Xu Fusheng didn't understand why Jiang Shaoting would say that.

"I mean, do you really not understand, or are you just pretending to be stupid?" Jiang Shaoting sneered.

"Do we have to argue over this?"

Xu Fusheng turned off the faucet, but fortunately, the parts splashed by the oil were not many and not serious.

"Then what you are doing now, including picking up Ruixi in the afternoon, these dishes..."

"Is this sympathy for me?" This is also the most unbearable point for Jiang Shaoting, he doesn't need her sympathy.

"If it's just to sympathize with me, I don't need it, so let's go."

Jiang Shaoting pointed to the outside of the kitchen door, the expression on his face had no room for change.

"Jiang Shaoting, you..." Before Xu Fusheng finished speaking, Jiang Shaoting turned around and left the kitchen.

As soon as the door was opened, Jiang Ruixi, who had been eavesdropping at the door, staggered two steps and almost fell.

"Okay, I'll go." Without saying anything else, Xu Fusheng simply walked outside.

The moment they passed by Jiang Shaoting, the bodies of both of them stiffened involuntarily...

As soon as Xu Fusheng walked into the yard, he couldn't move anymore.

Looking back, Bai Satsuma was biting her sweater fatly and pulling it tightly.

There was still a soft whimpering sound from his mouth, as if he was wronged.

Xu Fusheng still wanted to take a step forward, but Pangpang simply squatted on the ground, still clenching his teeth and not letting go.

"It's okay if I don't leave, let me go." Xu Fusheng lowered his head and said to Bai Satsuma.

Fatty Bai Samo looked at her for a long time with his black eyes, and finally let go of his mouth.

Tilting his head, he was breathing heavily, as if he was giggling.

"Your master has a bad temper, you think so too." Xu Fusheng was amused by it and couldn't help but say.

"Wow!" Bai Satsuma seemed to be responding to her.

"Let's go, let's go in." The air seemed to disappear all of a sudden, and he turned around and walked towards the villa again.

At this time Jiang Ruixi was still standing in the hall, seeing Xu Fusheng coming in, her little face suddenly brightened.

"Asheng, are you and Dad arguing? Dad ran upstairs."

Jiang Ruixi had never seen such a cold and angry expression on Jiang Shaoting's face.

For a moment he was too scared to speak.

"He's upstairs?" Xu Fusheng glanced upstairs, Jiang Ruixi nodded sharply.

"We'll have to wait a while for dinner, Ruixi, watch TV first."

After Xu Fusheng said this, he walked upstairs...

As the sun sets, orange light pours in through the entire floor-to-ceiling glass windows.

Jiang Shaoting sat on the floor casually, his deep eyes fell outside the window, and his expression was so vague that people couldn't see clearly.

When he received a text message from Miss Lu Qiao, what frightened Jiang Shaoting the most was that Xu Fusheng would know all the truth.

If she knew, how could she still be here?stay by his side?
With a click, the doorknob was turned.

"Get out!" Jiang Shaoting yelled angrily without even turning his head.

Xu Fusheng stood by the door, looking at the man bathed in the orange light of the setting sun, his shadow stretched very long on the floor.

Pretending not to hear, Xu Fusheng closed the door and walked towards him.

"Hey, shouldn't I be the one who should be angry?" She kicked his arm with her toe.

Jiang Shaoting raised his head suddenly and saw that it was Xu Fusheng, his expression froze for a moment.

"Why are you pretending to be deep here? Why did you go crazy just now? You said I sympathized with you?"

Xu Fusheng's speech speed has never been so fast, Jiang Shaoting can't react for a while?

"It's not like I'm too full to sympathize with a big man like you! You have money and power..."

Xu Fusheng deliberately paused, and then spoke again.

"What do poor people like me have to sympathize with you?" He simply sat down beside him.

"Are you mocking me?" Jiang Shaoting heard Xu Fusheng's subtext, and looked sideways at her.

"You finally heard it? Boss Jiang!" Xu Fusheng didn't deny it at all, and even shrugged his shoulders.

"Don't do such stupid things in the future." Jiang Shaoting was ridiculed by her, but he didn't even feel angry.

"If you want to know anything, just come and ask me." followed by a sentence.

"Ask you? Ask you and you'll tell me?" Sitting on the ground, Xu Fusheng put his arms around his knees and looked at him.

"Of course I won't tell you." Jiang Shaoting said it as a matter of course.

This time Xu Fusheng didn't speak, he stood up and was about to go out, but before he took two steps, he was grabbed by Jiang Shaoting.

The force was so great that Xu Fusheng staggered two steps and sat down again.

The ginkgo leaves that had been in his pocket floated out and landed on Jiang Shaoting's body.

"I never feel that it is a pity to use that brand, so don't be angry."

Xu Fusheng suddenly spoke softly, when he saw Jiang Shaoting pick up the ginkgo leaf.

Jiang Shaoting looked up at her, his eyes were vague, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"I really hope that I can give you my good luck, and I hope you can find your sister."

When my mother was found, although she shed tears, the joy that was lost and found in her heart...

But nothing can compare.

She understands the pain of losing a loved one, so she hopes that he can find his sister.

As if suffering from aphasia suddenly, Jiang Shaoting just looked at her expressionlessly.

If one day, the woman in front of her knew his purpose of approaching her, would she wish to kill her?

If one day, the woman in front of him knew his purpose of approaching her, would she be gone forever?

He absolutely can't let this happen, absolutely can't...

Xu Fusheng could sensitively perceive the emotional ups and downs of the man in front of him, but he didn't know what was wrong with him.

"Perhaps, your good luck disappeared from the day you met me."

Jiang Shaoting said softly, Xu Fusheng didn't hear clearly...

"What did you say?"

"I said I was hungry."

When Xu Fusheng followed Jiang Shaoting downstairs, Jiang Ruixi who was sitting on the sofa let out a sigh of relief like a little adult.

"Father, don't be so willful in the future, okay?" Jiang Ruixi ran over and slapped her chest with her hands.

"I'll be worried if you're like this, Ah Sheng will go to you because I'm worried..."

He muttered, the last sentence was obviously quieter.

"What did you say in the last sentence?" Jiang Shaoting suddenly raised his voice, his eyes fell on Jiang Ruixi coldly.

"I wasted the time I spent alone with Ah Sheng!"

Jiang Ruixi plucked up the courage to shout, and then hurriedly hid behind Xu Fusheng.

"Are you sure she came back for you?" Jiang Shaoting snorted coldly, turning his gaze to Xu Fusheng.

"Say, Ah Sheng/Who are you doing for?"

It's rare that Jiang Shaoting and Jiang Ruixi spoke in unison and spoke out unanimously.

Xu Fusheng, who was trapped in the middle of the storm, looked calm, first bypassing Jiang Shaoting, and then bypassing Jiang Ruixi.

Walk calmly towards the kitchen.

After a long while, the father and son standing in place suddenly understood.

Xu Fusheng's actions were simply too lazy to talk to the two of them!
As for the old butler William who had been peeking in the corner, he couldn't hide the sad tears in his eyes.

Even Fatty Bai Samo almost forgot about him, and circled around Xu Fusheng.

That white-eyed dog!
This dinner took twice as long as usual, but the final effect was good.

Seeing the table full of food, Xu Fusheng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Take out the freshly squeezed kiwi juice from the refrigerator, put it on the table, and take off the apron.

"I should go, my mother is still waiting for me at home." Looking at the time, it's almost time.

"Asheng, won't you accompany us to dinner?"

Although drooling over the table of delicious dishes, Jiang Ruixi was still most reluctant to part with Xu Fusheng.

"No, you and your father will have dinner together, and Butler William and Archie will accompany you."

Xu Fusheng bent down and stroked his little head, pretending not to see his pouting mouth.

"But none of them are you, Ah Sheng."

Jiang Ruixi was a little disappointed, but now he wished they were still in that old house.

At least Ah Sheng was with him every day.

"I'll take you back." Jiang Shaoting stood up and walked towards Xu Fusheng.

"No, I'll go back myself..."

"I said I'd send you back, so I'll send you back. There's so much nonsense."

Jiang Shaoting snorted coldly, Xu Fusheng turned his head away and pretended not to look at him, this awkward man.

It's obviously doing something good for you, but you still have to put on an appearance of reluctance, so as to make people misunderstand.

He didn't retort, he took his coat and put it on, and walked outside the villa...

The melodious violin music kept ringing in the room, and Qu Yunxi was holding a red wine glass with misty eyes.

The interior design of the Vinson family villa is extravagant and luxurious, like a palace, not to mention the interior decoration.

But in Qu Yunxi's view, this place is more like a cage, a cage that traps herself.

The red wine was like blood, and it entered her throat instantly. She drank it quickly, one cup after another, but felt extremely empty and lonely.

Subconsciously stroking his lower abdomen, it was flat without any fat, and his figure couldn't be more well-proportioned.

(End of this chapter)

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