Chapter 126
She is well maintained, exuding that graceful classical beauty from the bottom of her bones.

"Xu Songbai, you and Wen Huaisu's daughter are living a miserable life now."

The red lips are slightly hooked, with the mellow aroma of red wine, and the voice is cold and mocking.

"I want to make the important things you think end up miserable one by one, Xu's is like this, Wen Huaisu is like this..."

"Xu Fusheng, it's the same!" Qu Yunxi said softly, but Dou Da's tears rolled down the corners of her eyes.

The "Aria" played by the violin was sad and moving, but before Qu Yunxi's eyes, it was that man who appeared...

Playing the violin with eyes closed.

With a snap, she turned her head and threw the goblet still containing red wine on the ground.

"I want your daughter not to live, not to die!"

It happened to be rush hour, and the urban area was very congested. Jiang Shaoting stopped and walked, and finally stopped on the viaduct.

The front was completely blocked, but Jiang Shaoting was rarely relieved.

From the corner of his eye, the woman next to him fell on him from time to time.

It was obvious that Xu Fusheng was playing a familiar song on the radio, her lips moved slightly, as if she couldn't help following the gentleness.

"You're peeking at me." Suddenly, Xu Fusheng turned his head and met Jiang Shaoting's eyes who couldn't dodge in time.

The corner of her mouth still had a jokey smile, which made her whole face look bright and charming.

Jiang Shaoting was right for a while, his deep eyes moved slightly.

In the next moment, Xu Fusheng only felt that his entire face was magnified in front of him, and he could feel the softness on his lips.

She only had time to open her eyes wide, but in an instant, Jiang Shaoting moved away without going deep.

A very simple kiss.

The speed was too fast, as if it had never happened, Xu Fusheng's finger fell on his lips unconsciously.

This kiss, however, was more touching than any of the previous ones, causing the light blush to spread from her cheeks to the roots of her ears.

"Well, I was peeking at you." Jiang Shaoting rarely admitted generously, and seemed to be in a good mood.

The road ahead finally eased up a bit, and the car moved forward slowly...

It took more than an hour to walk the road that could have been reached in half an hour.

It wasn't until he entered the community that Xu Fusheng heaved a sigh of relief and reached out to unbuckle his seat belt.

But her eyes fell not far away, and Xin Rui, who had a big belly, was arguing with someone emotionally.

From knowing Xin Rui to now, she has never seen such an excited appearance on this girl.

"I'll go down and see."

Before reaching Xin Rui's side, Xu Fusheng heard what they were arguing about.

"Go away, I don't need his people to guard me!"

"Miss Xin Rui, I'm sorry."

"stay away from me!"

"Xin Rui, what happened?" Xu Fusheng suddenly made a sound, which startled Xin Rui.

Seeing her hastily turn her head back like a frightened little white rabbit, there were tears in her clear eyes.

"'s nothing..." Seeing that it was Xu Fusheng, Xin Rui obviously relaxed.

Not far away, Jiang Shaoting had already got off the car, watching all this coldly.

In a white shirt and black suit, the man who was talking to Xin Rui was wearing earphones.

It's like being on the phone with someone all the time.

Are you a 'Wolf' woman?

Because you are a 'Wolf' person, I will not kill you today, but I must take you away!
In addition, 'Wolf'... has been looking for you!
ian?What Pike said before rang in Xu Fusheng's ears, the person in front of him...

Could it be the subordinate of the so-called 'Wolf'?
"Then let's go up." Xu Fusheng cleverly didn't say anything, just smiled and stretched out his hand towards Xin Rui.

There was gratitude in Xin Rui's eyes, and she handed Xu Fusheng's hand timidly, her little hand was cold and covered with sweat.

"Miss Xin Rui, Mr. has been looking for you and waiting for you, you..."

"I don't want to listen to anything, I won't go back!" After saying this, Xin Rui walked to Xu Fusheng's side.

It seemed that there was an acquaintance there, and he no longer trembled even when speaking.

Xu Fusheng subconsciously looked in Jiang Shaoting's direction, shook his head lightly, and signaled him not to come.

Jiang Shaoting naturally understood the hint and nodded.

Xu Fusheng held Xin Rui's hand and walked towards the corridor. She had a big belly and walked very hard.

Tears kept falling down, not sure if it was sadness or fear.

"Xin Rui..." She didn't know how to comfort her, she didn't know anything about that man.

Xin Rui walked up the stairs slowly, stroking her belly, and many images appeared in her mind, about that man...

She really, really misses him, but...

None of them noticed that a black Ferrari was parked in a corner downstairs.

When he saw Jiang Shaoting sending Xu Fusheng back, the man in the driver's seat was gripping the steering wheel tightly with cold eyes.

When I got home, Qian Duoduo's good friend Jasmine happened to be there too, with two large portions of pizza on the table.

"Hey, you guys are back, come and eat pizza!" Jasmine waved her hand, calling for the two of them to hurry over.

Wen Huaisu had already woken up, looked at the pizza in his hand curiously, tilted his head, and said nothing.

"Mom, I'm back."

Xu Fusheng walked to his mother and sat down, Wen Huaisu still didn't speak, just eating.

"You are Xu Fusheng, right? The one who was imprisoned five years ago?" Jasmine was straightforward, but she had no bad intentions.

Qian Duoduo poked her with his elbow, and Jasmine stuck out her tongue.

"Well, I am the Xu Fusheng who was imprisoned five years ago." On the contrary, Xu Fusheng admitted generously.

"I have read the materials of your case, and I always feel that there is something strange, there is no surveillance video..."

Jasmine seemed to be muttering to herself, but she didn't notice Xu Fusheng's short pupil changes at all.

Xu Fusheng just smiled and didn't speak again, as if he didn't want to say anything more about this topic.

"Hey, why is Auntie crying?" Jasmine looked at Wen Huaisu in surprise, two tears were streaming down her face.

Xu Fusheng's eyes fell on his mother, but he quickly took out a tissue to help her wipe it.

"Eat slowly." Xu Fusheng said softly, Wen Huaisu still just lowered his head and bit the pizza.

But the speed of eating is getting faster and faster, like wind and clouds, and looks like he has been hungry for a long time.

"I... I didn't do it on purpose!"

Jasmine was a little embarrassed, but Xu Fusheng shook his head, expressing that it was okay.

Just looking at Wen Huaisu's eyes, but there is an indescribable sadness...

Early the next morning, Xu Fusheng woke up.

Without waking up Wen Huaisu beside him, he slowly changed his clothes and made breakfast before leaving.

Just like every day before, when Xu Fusheng came to Jiang's villa, only the old butler William squatted in the vegetable field.

After finishing everything as quickly as possible, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After Wen Huaisu came back, Xu Fusheng seemed to be busier, but on the other hand...

But she was very busy, and she was no longer as lifeless as before.

"Hurry up, I'll take you to the company." After breakfast, Jiang Shaoting approached her and said something.

Xu Fusheng just wanted to refuse, but unexpectedly the other party turned around and left without even listening.

"At least ask me what I mean." Xu Fusheng muttered in a low voice, but he didn't seem to be angry.

First sent Jiang Ruixi to the kindergarten, Xu Fusheng took advantage of the gap and took a little sleep.

Archie, who was driving, seemed to be familiar with this scene, while Jiang Shaoting looked down at the document.

Time passed in such an orderly manner, and soon, the company was about to arrive.

"Archie, please let me down at the intersection." Still get off at an intersection.

Xu Fusheng didn't want people to see that he got off Jiang Shaoting's car.

And Archie also knew her habit, after glancing at Jiang Shaoting, he stopped the car at the intersection.

Xu Fusheng tidied himself up and walked in the direction of the company, but he seemed to have thought of something again...

He turned his head and waved his hand in the direction of the car, then quickly turned around and walked in the direction of the company.

As soon as he walked to the square at the entrance of the company, Xu Fusheng vaguely heard someone calling his name.

Turning back almost subconsciously, I just looked over...

Something with a fishy smell hit him in the face!

Accompanied by bursts of pain...

Xu Fusheng immediately froze in place, but the other party did not intend to let her go now.

The sticky yellow liquid covered the whole body, including hair, face, and clothes, and the stench was unpleasant.

"You murderer! Bitch!"

A louder roar sounded at the door of the company before the rush hour.

"Do you think you'll be fine after you get out of prison!"

A few rough men stood in front of Xu Fusheng, throwing eggs at her continuously.

Xu Fusheng stood there quietly, even though he knew there were many people around him, he still didn't run away.

The egg liquid slowly slid down her cheeks, and her fair little face was flushed red from the blow.

The force of a raw egg hitting his face was no less than that of being slapped, and Xu Fusheng's cheeks felt numb.

The onlookers who were talking around had no intention of helping, and just watched with cold eyes.

You won't hide?Can't run?

Suddenly, what Jiang Shaoting had said came back to his mind.

Xu Fusheng's fingers hanging on the side of his body trembled slightly...

Just when everyone was watching the joke, even the boxed eggs in the opponent's hand were changed again...

(End of this chapter)

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