Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 127 The Second Bouquet of Roses

Chapter 127 The Second Bouquet of Roses
The crowded crowd was abruptly divided into two sides!

Jiang Shaoting walked like the wind, ignoring the exclamations coming from around him!

He took off his suit jacket and walked towards Xu Fusheng's thin figure.

Without saying a word from the beginning to the end, he walked up to her and put the suit on her with a clatter!
Xu Fusheng only felt that there was darkness in front of her eyes, and when the familiar musk scent came, she held her breath.

The hustle and bustle around seemed to fade away.

All that was left was his smell, and the arms wrapped around her through the suit jacket.

The egg that was too late to take back hit Jiang Shaoting's face heavily, only to hear a slap...

The staff of J&C Group who had already recognized Jiang Shaoting's identity all shut their mouths.

A deadly silence spread around, only the sound of the fountain was still heard clearly.

Xu Fusheng, who was covered by his suit, didn't know what was going on outside. He just wanted to reach out, but was held down by Jiang Shaoting.

The other party could obviously feel the different atmosphere, and several people stood there holding egg boxes.

I don't know what big shot I have offended!

"Archie." Jiang Shaoting's sinister voice sounded, and Archie was already ready.

Just now, Mr. Jiang rushed over before the car stopped. He looked like that, even if he saw it, he would feel scared.

Xu Fusheng couldn't know what happened outside, because the surroundings were still dead silent.

But immediately afterwards, Xu Fusheng only felt that he was lifted into the air and hugged horizontally.

She was startled, there were too many employees of J&C Group outside, if this scene was seen by others...

"President Jiang, let me down!" Through the suit jacket, Xu Fusheng's voice seemed muffled.

"Don't let go." When the simple and clear words came, Xu Fusheng's heart trembled slightly.

"With me, a murderer, aren't you afraid that your image will be affected?"

Xu Fusheng has never been so sad like this moment, she can feel him stepping up the steps step by step.

"I'm not a murderer, too." His hands were also stained with blood, so what's there to be afraid of?

The hall of J&C Group should be the busiest time at this time, but since Jiang Shaoting walked in...

The original noisy environment is like a fire that has been doused by water, silent, as if J&C is empty.

Xu Fusheng's face was covered with a suit jacket, so he didn't know what was going on outside...

All they could see was their superior President Jiang Shaoting walking into the company with a woman in his arms!

And the body is sticky and yellow, and I don't know if I have been beaten by something!

After Jiang Shaoting entered the elevator, the originally silent environment seemed to be boiling like a pot exploded!
There are separate bathing facilities in the president's lounge.

Xu Fusheng let the water wash over him, and the unique fishy smell of egg liquid was gradually washed away.

Suddenly, her movements stopped, and the scene of the suit jacket being taken off appeared in front of her eyes.

Jiang Shaoting, who likes to be clean and cares about his own image, has eggs all over his hair and face.

"Fool, what's good about me."

The water was washing over her fair face, making it hard to tell whether it was shower water or tears...

Sitting on the sofa, Xu Fusheng was wearing Jiang Shaoting's shirt.

Fortunately, the temperature of the air conditioner in the room is suitable, so she doesn't feel cold. Her gaze falls on the bathroom door from time to time.

The slender eyelashes blinked like butterfly wings, and when the sound of the water stopped, she hurriedly retracted her eyes.

With a click, the bathroom door was pushed open from the inside.

"Bring me my clothes." Jiang Shaoting's voice sounded, and Xu Fusheng was stunned and subconsciously stood up.

It wasn't until I walked to the closet that I suddenly remembered, when did I become so obedient?

He just took his clothes and turned around when he saw the naked Jiang Shaoting standing there with a big grin.

"You..." Although the two had had intimate relationships many times, she was still not used to being so direct.

Jiang Shaoting took the clothes and put them on. There was an important meeting at 10:30.

"I'm sorry..." Xu Fusheng felt that he had to apologize for the trouble he caused today.

"Did you invite those people?" Jiang Shaoting said in a calm voice without looking at her.

"Of course not!" How could it be that she found it?

"Then what do you have to apologize to me?" Jiang Shaoting's next sentence left her speechless.

For a moment I didn't know what to say.

His movements of dressing are elegant and fast, and everything looks well-trained.

"The secretary will come to give you a suit later, you wait for me from here, don't go to the secretary's room for now."

Jiang Shaoting glanced down at the tie area, and Xu Fusheng pointed to the silver-gray one.

The unobtrusive Jiang Shaoting glanced at her, but actually pulled out the tie and put it on the collar of his shirt.

"It's impossible for me not to go to work all my life?" I have to face it sooner or later.

"Can you listen to me a little bit?" With the tie still on his neck, Jiang Shaoting seemed to be waiting for something.

Xu Fusheng didn't speak, Jiang Shaoting simply faced her and turned around, staring down at her.

Xu Fusheng, who hadn't reacted at first, was just wondering why he stared at him like this.

But after a while, I finally understood what Jiang Shaoting meant.

Smiling helplessly, he stretched out his hand and tied the tie hanging loosely around Jiang Shaoting's neck into a beautiful tie knot.

Due to her height, she could only stand on tiptoe slightly, and her figure seemed unstable.

However, Jiang Shaoting directly put his hand on her waist, and with one force, the distance between the two of them became closer.

"Don't take this matter to heart, I will find out." His voice was calm and reliable.

"If there was an election for 'The Most Disliked Woman in City A', I think I would definitely be elected."

Xu Fusheng is very self-aware.

"If there is an election for 'Most Valuable Single Man in City A', I think I will definitely be elected."

Jiang Shaoting didn't look sideways, Xu Fusheng was suddenly amused by him.

But he has to admit that he does have the capital to be elected.

But when he said it to himself in such a serious manner, without any reservation, Jiang Shaoting really...

"However, if you are willing..." Jiang Shaoting said again, Xu Fusheng looked up at him.

"I might as well not be single."

With a bang, it was as if a flower bloomed in his heart in an instant, and Xu Fusheng only felt his cheeks burning hot.

Her hand was still on his tie, and his hand was still on her waist.

I have to say that this man's so-called love words are always more exciting than ordinary people.

Especially when he deliberately put on a serious look.

"I'm not forcing you, you can think about it carefully."

Jiang Shaoting's thin lips moved slightly, if he regretted the moment he said it in the old house last time...

So now, no one knows better than Jiang Shaoting how seriously I bring up this topic.

"Xu Fusheng, if you miss me, you may never find a man with better conditions than me!"

Jiang Shaoting raised his jaw slightly, although his face was expressionless, he looked as arrogant as he could be.

But in this man's heart, there is a completely different answer.

Fusheng, if you miss me, you still have many excellent men to choose from.

But if I miss you, I'm afraid I will never find another woman like you in this life.

So, let's get married, let's... let's get married... Jiang Shaoting, who was sitting at the head of the conference room, had a frosty expression on his face.

The tempered glass on the outer layer of the J&C Group building refracts sunlight, and the warm light instantly becomes cold and hard.

Everyone in the company has heard about what happened this morning, but no one has the guts to ask him directly.

The stern face gave people the feeling of being secretive, making it impossible to figure out what this man was thinking at this time.

"Mr. Jiang, recently...the Ian family has been making frequent moves. Several of our bidding projects in France..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Shaoting's sharp and deep eyes had already swept over him coldly, and the other party was so frightened that he didn't dare to take a breath.

"Keep talking." Ruru casually turned the black jade wrench on his thumb, leaning against the back of the chair.

Jiang Shaoting is like a cheetah that is about to wake up, even if he hasn't made any movements, it is already frightening!

"Snatched away by the Ian family one after another." Bite the bullet and finished the whole sentence, even the sound of breathing disappeared.

"Steal it? One after another?" Jiang Shaoting's cold voice was full of sarcasm.

Surrounded by silence, no one dared to speak to him, but Jiang Shaoting glanced around for a week with eagle-like sharp eyes.

Since leaving the old house, Ian?Pike's movements seemed to be presumptuous again.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Jiang."

As soon as the words fell, there was only a snap, and the folder was thrown heavily in front of the other party!

"I paid you to come here, not to listen to you saying sorry to me!" His eyes were full of sarcasm.

"Yes, Mr. Jiang."

"France is the territory of the Ian family. I know that some things will not go well..."

Jiang Shaoting turned his thumb and fingers, feeling full of oppression.

"However, you are all elites from all over the world. As long as you are not dedicated, nothing is impossible!"

It was Jiang Shaoting's plan to extend his hand to the French territory, and naturally he also thought of the obstacles from the Ian family.

"But...the Ian family belongs to your late wife after all..."

Before the other party finished speaking, they already looked at Jiang Shaoting's eyes!

"Are you teaching me how to do things?" Jiang Shaoting smiled, but the smile didn't reach his eyes.

The other party was so scared that he almost didn't bring it up.

There was a knock on the door, and Archie's face appeared in front of everyone the next moment.

I saw him coming to Jiang Shaoting's side, possessing himself and whispering something into his ear, but in an instant...

Jiang Shaoting's face was gloomy for a moment, gloomy is not enough to describe his expression at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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