Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 140 The Disturbed Marriage Proposal

Chapter 140 The Disturbed Marriage Proposal
Jiang Mutian smirked, his face and body were covered with bruises, the corners of his eyes were dull and there was eye mucus hanging from them.

The whole person is smelly and dirty, except for his own mother who is willing to get close to him, no one is willing to touch him.

"Jiang Shaoting, you made my son like this, I will not let you go!"

Elizabeth roared like crazy, staring at Jiang Shaoting with disheveled hair and bloodshot eyes. That appearance made the scalp tingle. At this moment, Elizabeth is really like a crazy woman!
"I'm a ghost and I won't let you go!" At the time when her husband died suddenly, Elizabeth regarded Jiang Mutian as her last life-saving straw. At this time, her son was killed by the wild species she looked down on the most...

How could she be willing?
"Auntie, if you are smart, you should take Jiang Mutian away now."

The corner of Jiang Shaoting's mouth slowly curled into a cruel thin smile, did she really think that she dared not touch her?
Did she think that being a member of the Vincent family was so rare for him? "Tan, help my aunt up and take them to the hotel." Jiang Meiwan broke the deadlock in time.

She knew Shao Ting well, and if her aunt continued to make trouble, it would be difficult to say how things would develop tonight.

Elizabeth naturally understood this truth, even though she was not reconciled, she still supported Jiang Mutian and walked out.

Jiang Meiwan's bodyguard Tan followed all the way, and soon disappeared by the door.

"That Xu Fusheng is so important to you?" Jiang Meiwan finally opened her mouth after everyone left.

Jiang Shaoting's eagle-like eyes slowly fell on Jiang Meiwan's face, and his thin lips curled slightly.

"It's none of your business. I'll ask the driver to take you to the hotel."

Jiang Shaoting stood up and signaled with his eyes to the servants to clean up the food.

"Can't I stay?"

Jiang Meiwan's expression changed slightly, and her tone was tentative.

"No." Jiang Shaoting replied firmly, leaving no room for her expectations.

Jiang Meiwan clenched her slender fingers tightly, her pretty face was a little disappointed and sad.

Jiang Shaoting didn't even look at her, and walked upstairs...

In the middle of the night, the international flight had just landed.

Ian in a black coat?As soon as Pike got off the plane, someone came to pick him up and walked towards the airport gate.

Inside the black airtight spacious luxury car, Ian?Parker looked at the street scene outside the window of City A, his handsome face was deep and resolute.

Come this time, Ian?Pike came to negotiate with Jiang Shaoting on behalf of the Ian family.

The Wensen family represented by Jiang Shaoting has expanded too fast in the past two years, which has seriously threatened them.

Although they taught J&C Group a lesson on the French chassis this time, in fact...

The price they paid was indeed a bit too tragic.

In addition, Jiang Shaoting also played dirty tricks a few times, which made the Ian's family into a turmoil.

If five years ago, Brigitte was still considered as the link between them to maintain balance, but now...

Open your palms and press across the temples on both sides, as if to relieve the headache.

You are indifferent to me, Ruixi is indifferent to me, it's as simple as that.

The hesitation of refraining from doing nothing is the real hurt.

ian?Parker, I never thought that Jiang Shaoting fell in love with me.

Xu Fusheng's cold and alienated voice suddenly sounded in his ear, and he smiled softly.

I just don't know if I'm lucky this time, if I can meet Xu Fusheng...

After all, they left too suddenly last time...

In the early morning, the autumn wind in the cemetery was rustling and the humidity was heavy.

In front of Xu Songbai's tombstone, the white flowers that Xu Fusheng had sent earlier had already withered a bit, and they were even more heavy after being hit by the dew.

The sound of high heels stepping on the ground could be heard clearly in the early morning cemetery.

Soon, that slender figure stopped in front of Xu Songbai's tombstone.

I don't know how long it has passed, I bent down and threw away the bouquet of white flowers, and then put on the ones I brought.

The wide sunglasses covered most of the woman's face, and the photos on the tombstone could be clearly reflected on the lenses.

"Xu Songbai." The woman took off her sunglasses, and it turned out to be Qu Yunxi who was supposed to be in England.

I'm afraid neither Jiang Shaoting nor Elizabeth would have thought that Qu Yunxi at this time...

It will appear here!

"Can you imagine what kind of life Wen Huaisu and your daughter Xu Fusheng are living now?"

Qu Yunxi smiled seductively and sarcasticly, her eyes fell on the photo of the tombstone like a torch, and her hatred floated.

"But it's not enough. How did you make me suffer at the beginning? I want to let your closest people taste it."

Smiling and laughing, looking at the elegant and gentle man smiling in the gray and white photo, Qu Yunxi's smile gradually froze.

Fingers gently caressing his now flat belly, how many past events drifted past his eyes like mist.

A tear of emotion slowly slipped from her eye socket and flowed down her cheek...

Even in his sleep, Xu Fusheng could feel that someone was watching him.

That complex and heavy gaze weighed heavily on her, making her breathless.

Slowly opened his eyes, there was nothing in front of him, but there was nothing, maybe...

Are you dreaming?

Today happens to be her day off, so she doesn't have to go to work.

Before leaving yesterday, Jiang Shaoting also specifically told him not to go to Ruixi's for breakfast today.

Taking this opportunity, she happened to want to go to the orphanage and ask about Sakura.

Jiang Shaoting's younger sister, Sakura, is always a heartache in her heart.

After leaving the bedroom door, Qian Duoduo hadn't come out yet, but Xin Rui was sitting on the sofa with a heavy heart.

He was still fiddling with the necklace around his neck.

Seeing Xu Fusheng come out, he smiled.

"Xin Rui, what's the matter with you recently?" Xin Rui often looks preoccupied recently.

"I'm fine." Xin Rui and Qian Duoduo have completely different personalities.

Coupled with the particularity of her identity, she will always give people the feeling of a little white rabbit.

"Tell us next time you have a prenatal checkup and let us go with you, okay?"

There are many things that happened to me and Duoduo recently, and I ignored Xin Rui.

"Fusheng, if..." Xin Rui hesitated to speak, but her character is like this, Xu Fusheng waited patiently.

" found out that the person you love is actually someone who wants to kill you, what would you do?"

After Xin Rui's words fell, Xu Fusheng's expression was slightly stunned. The answer to this question is really difficult to answer.

"If he wants my life, maybe I will give it to him if the love is deep."

Although Xu Fusheng didn't want to think so.

Even hypothetically, she didn't want to treat Jiang Shaoting as someone who wanted to kill her.

Xin Rui lowered her head and said nothing, her expression was a little lonely.

"Are you going out? Auntie and I will just take care of you. Go quickly."

But Xin Rui soon pulled herself together, as if what happened just now was just Xu Fusheng's illusion.

"Okay, I'm going to the orphanage and I'll be back soon."

"Okay." Xin Rui smiled and waved to her.

A City Welfare Institute.

When Xu Fusheng explained his purpose of coming, the staff responsible for receiving her was stunned.

"It's really strange. Why do so many people come to ask about this child recently?"

The staff searched for keywords from the computer while muttering.

He just looked at it for a while and frowned.

"Did a lot of people come to ask about this Sakura recently?" That sentence was beyond Xu Fusheng's expectation.


"Sorry, all the information about this child has been deleted."

After the staff checked it once, they raised their heads and replied to Xu Fusheng.

Xu Fusheng was taken aback, eliminated?What is eliminated?

"Just a while ago, the record of this child named Sakura was completely deleted from the system, and the relevant information seems to have been taken by someone else before." After the other party finished speaking, he temporarily answered the phone and left.

Xu Fusheng stood up with a heavy heart, and walked out of the office.

Someone took away Sakura's information?Did Shao Ting do it?the most important is……

Who is the person who came here specifically to ask for information about Sakura?

Since the orphanage did not find any useful information, Xu Fusheng returned in vain, and walked aimlessly towards the subway station, his eyes were somewhat slack...

When the phone rang, Xu Fusheng glanced at the caller ID, and there were obvious scratches on the top of the screen.

It was left behind after being kidnapped by Jiang Mutian last time.

"Hello, what are you doing?" Jiang Shaoting's voice came from the other end of the phone, accompanied by the sound of brushing paper.

"I went to the orphanage just now. Did you ask someone to delete the information about Sakura from the system?"

"Well, I asked Archie to delete it." Jiang Shaoting replied quickly.

"It was you who sent Archie to take away the relevant information before that?"

As soon as this sentence was said, Jiang Shaoting fell silent instantly.

"What information?" Jiang Shaoting's nerves were suddenly hooked by Xu Fusheng's words.

"It's not yours? When I went to the orphanage, the staff told me that someone had taken the information about Sakura before erasing the records!" Xu Fusheng was surrounded by a bustling crowd, and their voices were a little noisy.

Jiang Shaoting didn't speak, but a piercing scream suddenly sounded near Xu Fusheng!

Almost like a conditioned reflex, Xu Fusheng turned around with the phone in his hand.

I saw a Mercedes-Benz car rampaging in the center of the downtown area, knocking down many people one after another.

Seeing that, the car was driving towards the direction where Xu Fusheng was standing...

When Jiang Shaoting drove to the scene, a cordon was pulled up near the bustling subway station.

There were bloodstains and scattered shoes and garbage everywhere, and the sirens of police cars and ambulances were extremely piercing.

(End of this chapter)

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