Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 141 Love is to take a step back

Chapter 141 Love is to take a step back

"Turn around and face me!" Xu Fusheng took a step forward, and his voice sounded again.

Jiang Shaoting paused, his muscles were obviously tense and stiff, but he still turned around as he said.

Maybe even Xu Fusheng didn't think that Jiang Shaoting would listen to her like this.

For a while, it was a little bit, and I didn't know what to do next.

"I know I was wrong this time..." After hesitating, Xu Fusheng decided that it would be best to apologize first.

"What's my phone number?" Before she could finish speaking, Jiang Shaoting spoke, but Xu Fusheng's voice stuck in his throat.

He couldn't get up or down, and his expression became weird because of this.

"I... can't recite it." Xu Fusheng admitted directly.

Then subconsciously closed his eyes, ready to endure the storm.

But after waiting for a long time, Jiang Shaoting was not seen getting angry. He opened his eyes slightly, but he was still standing where he was.

The deep black pupils fell on him like this, without blinking.

His gaze was very complicated, disappointment, loss, helplessness and so on were intertwined, which made her unconsciously feel guilty in her heart.

"You think I'm domineering, you think I don't care about your feelings, but have you ever thought about..."

While Jiang Shaoting was speaking, there was still the smell of smoke, and in the quiet space, there was nothing but the sound of the air purifier operating.

"How scared am I that something will happen to you?"

Just like today, the sudden scream on the other end of the phone made his already uneasy heart tremble even more.

Who could have imagined that when he put down all the work at hand and rushed to the scene...

The personal belongings and bloodstains scattered all over the place, Fusheng disappeared, who can understand his fear?

Xu Fusheng knew he was wrong, and after Jiang Shaoting finished speaking, the two fell into silence again.

"Those were just...accidents."

She was still trying to justify herself, after all, she didn't think she was in a dangerous vortex.

"Accident? Once or twice can be called an accident, but three or four times?"

Jiang Shaoting didn't want to count how many times she was in danger because of herself, and she didn't want to count.

"Perhaps those people are right. My life is too hard, and I will overcome everything around me..."

Seeing Jiang Shaoting say this again, Xu Fusheng didn't even think about taking a step forward.

Stretching out her hand to hold his almost cold face, she stood on tiptoe and kissed his thin lips deeply.

It wasn't until this time that Xu Fusheng realized how much he hated the self-defeating man in front of him!
What she hates even more is that his self-abandonment is caused by himself.

The deep kiss made the lips of the two keep tearing, and Jiang Shaoting slowly let go from the initial stiffness.

Until Xu Fusheng felt that the air in her lungs was about to be squeezed dry, she subconsciously wanted to separate from each other.

Unexpectedly, how could Jiang Shaoting really make her wish come true?

Jiang Shaoting was the type who could easily be set on fire by Xu Fusheng, not to mention that she took the initiative to throw herself into his arms.

In fact, from the moment Xu Fusheng opened the door, the anger in Jiang Shaoting's heart has eased a lot.

Xu Fusheng leaned against his arms with his eyes closed, feeling drowsy.

Exhausted but not to the point of unconsciousness, so when Jiang Shaoting helped her wipe...

She still shyly blocked it with her hands.

Jiang Shaoting was more persistent and tough than she imagined, regardless of Xu Fusheng's obstruction, he wiped it skillfully.

Xu Fusheng instantly felt much refreshed, while Jiang Shaoting just sat by the bed, fiddling with her fingers back and forth.

I don't know how long it has passed like this, there is a click in Xu Fusheng's ear.

Then Jiang Shaoting gently put something cool on his ring finger...

There is no more than one point and no less in the circumference of the fingers!
Xu Fusheng's eyes opened suddenly...

Wrapped in a sheet, she sat up from the bed and looked down at the ring he had put on her finger.

She put the ring in her pocket after Jiang Shaoting threw it to herself before.

When the two of them were going crazy in the study just now, the ring box rolled out of his pocket and he took it back again.

"Like it?"

His expression was sincere and serious, even with a little paranoia that Fu Sheng didn't understand.

It seems that the question of whether the ring looks good or not is a thousand times more important than the tens of millions of investment projects in his hands.

The style of the ring is so unique that it cannot even be found in the ordinary market.

Diamonds are cut into bright fan-shaped surfaces by a special process, and are refracted by light to emit dazzling light.

"It looks good." However, it is too ostentatious and not suitable for wearing every day.

"I chose it on purpose, I think you will like it."

Hearing she said it looks good, Jiang Shaoting finally showed a relaxed look, as long as she likes it.

"But..." Although I feel that this sentence is a bit inappropriate...

But Xu Fusheng felt that it was necessary for him to explain clearly to him.

The smile on the corner of Jiang Shaoting's mouth froze like ice in an instant, and his face changed quickly, making Xu Fusheng dumbfounded.

"It's too ostentatious to wear this at work." Xu Fusheng didn't want others to chew on his tongue.

"Do you think there is anyone who doesn't know that the two of us are having an affair?"

Jiang Shaoting raised his eyebrows, and what he said made Xu Fusheng blush instantly. Can he speak?
What does it mean that the two of them have an affair?
"You're not angry anymore?" After eating her up, it should calm down a little, right?

Jiang Shaoting snorted coldly, turned over and lay down on the other side of the bed, and fished her into his arms.

"Let's take a step back, shall we?" Xu Fusheng rested his pillow on his neck, and rarely let go.

Jiang Shaoting looked down at her, her body had become a little cold again under the thin quilt, but only for a while.

Hugging Xu Fusheng even tighter, sometimes, her body temperature is no different from that of an ice cube.

"Why do you take a step back?" He was very interested to hear how she took a step back.

"I agree with you sending someone to follow me, but it cannot affect my life, and besides..."

Xu Fusheng looked sideways at the man lying beside her, this was already her biggest concession on this issue.

"Besides, when I get home, your people will leave."

In fact, until now...

Xu Fusheng felt that it was unnecessary for Jiang Shaoting to send someone to protect him.

Even though she thought so in her heart, she had learned to be smart not to confront Jiang Shaoting.

In case the two of them quarreled again because of this topic.

"Are you serious?" To be honest, based on Jiang Shaoting's understanding of Xu Fusheng...

He really didn't expect her to compromise easily!

"Of course it's true, what did I lie to you for?"

When two people are together, one of them always needs to compromise.

(End of this chapter)

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