Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 156 This is his son, his own

Chapter 156 This is his son, his own

On the contrary, Jiang Shaoting still looked lukewarm, while Jiang Ruixi's eyes widened. After he heard that he was not his father's child, he kept swallowing his tears. If his father said no to crying, he would not cry. !
"Now that the results are here, let's announce them quickly! To save each other's time!" Elizabeth said, walking forward quickly, almost snatching the test results from the opponent's hand and opening them.

He didn't notice that the man wearing the mask blinked at Jiang Shaoting inadvertently.

"How is it possible? It's impossible!" Elizabeth scanned quickly, until her eyes fell on the last line, her eyes were wide open!She couldn't believe what she saw before her eyes, but what was written in black and white...

"How could this child be your own! I don't believe it!"

When Jiang Zongxun heard this sentence, he already knew the results on the paper test sheet, wasting six hours in vain, Elizabeth was just messing around!The cough became louder, and he waved away the servant who was about to come over to support him, and walked upstairs angrily!

But Elizabeth was still looking back and forth at the identification sheet in her hand. This was absolutely impossible. When her own people went to the hospital, the news they got was that the child had indeed died with Brigitte. How could it be...

How could Jiang Ruixi be Jiang Shaoting's own flesh and blood?

"Auntie, now that the results are out, you can give up! This farce should come to an end!" Jiang Shaoting stood up and gave Archie a look. Block and kill the Buddha!
"What the hell did you do! This thing is definitely not real!" Elizabeth watched Jiang Shaoting approaching her step by step, and couldn't help but feel backwards with the test sheet.

"You found people, what can I do?" Jiang Shaoting sneered, his voice cold.

"Don't forget what you said before, your little finger is the same as your son's left hand, I won't let you go!" I stretched out my hand to hold Jiang Ruixi in front of me, and when I was sure that there was no wound on his body, I warned Voice!Jiang Ruixi hugged Jiang Shaoting tightly, although it was very uncomfortable, Jiang Shaoting did not let him let go.

"Father, you came to see me, what should you do, Asheng..." Jiang Ruixi muttered in a low voice, and Jiang Shaoting stopped for about two seconds, and then walked forward in silence.

In the shortest time, all the people he could dispatch in London have already arrived here, and he is not at all worried that Elizabeth and Jiang Mutian will run away. Since she has the courage to choose to act at such a moment, then she will Be conscious of losing everything!After all, he once gave her and her stupid son a chance!
"Mr. Jiang!" A familiar voice came from behind, and Jiang Shaoting turned around to look over. The white coat who was doing the examination just now came over, taking off his mask as he walked, revealing his stunning handsome face.

"'Pharmacist', thank you."

He replaced Elizabeth's original person in the fastest time and solved his worries.

"Thank you and see you, and don't forget to remit the money to my account. Besides! This is my private job, don't tell 'Canglang'!" The greatest joy of life of 'Pharmacist' is making money, and the biggest shortcoming is 'Stingy', he is simply a living Pixiu, he can only get in and out!

He used to eat steamed buns for a whole week and eat them cold for nothing, and he also used to eat rice with soy sauce for a week, and he was so harsh on himself, let alone others. If you want to take even a point from him, he will tell you. Desperate.

It is impossible for such a man to fall in love, not to mention that no girl is willing to follow this man to eat steamed buns soaked in white water and rice with soy sauce, let alone his various life habits that are so outrageous.

"By the way, there is something I want to tell you, but it's a bit expensive, 500 million dollars,'s definitely worth the price!" The 'pharmacist' took out a small abacus from his pocket, fiddled with it, and finally A buy it now price!

This little abacus is made of pure gold, and each bead is expensive.

"Together with the previous money, it will be transferred into your account!" Jiang Shaoting cast a sidelong glance at 'Pharmacist', and then responded in a deep voice, and 'Pharmacist' wanted only his words.

"I was free just now. I did a DNA test for you and your son. I think you will find it worthwhile to buy such a test result for 500 million dollars!" Throwing the things he had prepared before to Jiang Shaoting, 'Pharmacist' caressed his little gold abacus. He was just idle and bored at the beginning, anyway, the fake report was already done.

But... He never expected that there would be unexpected gains!

By the way, I made myself another fortune. This time I came to London, I made more than 1000 million in just one flip. It's really worth it!
Jiang Shaoting tightened his eyebrows, he didn't know what mystery the 'pharmacist' was playing, but he didn't open the file in person, after all, he trusted the 'Canglang' people, he said it was worth 500 million US dollars, so he thought it was worth the price!
Looking down at the testimonial in his hand, suddenly, there was a terrifying scream from the villa behind him, but it quickly became silent again!Jiang Shaoting sneered, his expression made people shudder, like the incarnation of death.

Ruixi has been successfully brought back, and he was finally able to return to City A.

"Oh, by the way, do me a favor. When I get back, help me find a female forensic doctor named Jasmine."

'Pharmacist' coughed twice suddenly.

Jiang Shaoting glanced at him without saying a word, but felt that the name sounded familiar...

Xu Fusheng fainted, and after reading the letter, the cold weather made her already broken body weaker.

Because the ward had been sealed off, it was already 10 to [-] minutes later when the nurse came in and found out. The snowflakes that came in from the wide open window even covered her in a thin layer.

Soon, she developed a high fever, and the temperature of her whole body continued to rise, like a boiled shrimp. Even the doctors were helpless, but Xu Fusheng himself lay on the hospital bed as if he had just fallen asleep.

Beautiful and quiet, just like an oil painting, it makes people reluctant to take their eyes off.

Although he took all measures to deal with the high fever, the temperature on Xu Fusheng's body did not drop by half. Soon, he couldn't even breathe independently, and he had to rely on the ventilator to continue.

Xu Fusheng's situation is getting worse...

On the way to the airport, Jiang Ruixi stared wide-eyed at Jiang Shaoting whose expression changed instantly after opening the file.

He had never seen his father's expression so out of control. There was a kind of... as if he had been struck by lightning.

Jiang Shaoting ignored Jiang Ruixi's gaze, and just looked down at the DNA test report given to him by the "pharmacist" in front of him. When he saw the above conclusion clearly, the blood in his whole body seemed to be drained within a second.

Slowly and mechanically flipping through the documents in his hand, for a moment, he felt that the first half of his life had been wasted for more than 30 years, he slowly raised his head, his eyes fell on Jiang Ruixi, and the latter looked back at him with puzzled eyes Own.

"Father, would Ah Sheng be very angry that you didn't show up at the wedding? Would he not want you if he got angry?" Jiang Ruixi tried to liven up the atmosphere in the car, thinking of Ah Sheng, he couldn't help but want to lose his mind tears.

Jiang Shaoting still didn't speak, but Jiang Ruixi had long been used to Jiang Shaoting's silence, not to mention that if he hadn't been accidentally kidnapped this time, his father would not have failed to marry Ah Sheng.

"Jiang Ruixi..." Jiang Shaoting read Jiang Ruixi's name word by word. On the other hand, Jiang Ruixi tilted his head and looked at his father in puzzlement. His expression was so strange, and so was his face.

How could Jiang Ruixi have a blood relationship with him?He is obviously Fu Sheng's son, but Fu Sheng... how could he give birth to his own child?Rao Jiang Shaoting, who had spent a thousand sails, still had a blank mind that could not be sorted out.

That night!Like lightning and thunder, his abnormal loss of control and madness, the night after that beautiful night without any traces except for the red dots, came back to his mind continuously at this time!
That night, he originally met Sakura first, and the joy of the reunion was mixed with strangeness and tension. He just drank a few sips of coffee... Now in retrospect, the things that followed are no longer clear.

He really didn't want to suspect that Sakura designed him, but if the woman that night was Fusheng...

That child is not Yin Luli's.

Who is the child's father...?
I do not know……

Xu Fusheng, you actually said you didn't know?Don't you know that someone who slept in made your belly bigger?

Jiang Shaoting couldn't bear to think about it, he even felt that as long as he moved this thought a little and thought of the word Fusheng, he would feel fear from body to heart, fear of the truth.

Never before at this moment, Jiang Shaoting felt that his limbs were weak, and he was in dire straits...

But one thing has been made clear.

Jiang Shaoting's eyes slowly fell on Jiang Ruixi's face...

This is his son, his own!
Jiang Shaoting's plane landed at City A International Airport in the early morning.

Almost as soon as he got off the plane, Jiang Shaoting took Jiang Ruixi directly to the hospital. He didn't even take a break. Before he got to the ward, Jiang Shaoting's heart couldn't help but tighten, as if an ominous premonition enveloped him.

Before reaching the door of the ward, Jiang Shaoting saw many doctors and nurses coming in and out of the room, as if they were giving first aid. He let go of Jiang Ruixi's hand and unconsciously took two steps forward.

And Qian Duoduo, who had been blocked outside the ward door all this time, felt as if the pot had exploded when they saw Jiang Shaoting appearing, especially Qian Duoduo, who walked towards Jiang Shaoting aggressively, and without thinking about it, she bought it last night Soup was thrown at him.

With a snap, Archie wanted to reach out, but was stopped by Jiang Shaoting. The cold soup fell without any hindrance.

"Why do you still have the face to show up? Ah Sheng is going to die! She is going to die!" Qian Duoduo lost control of her emotions, and Jasmine and Xin Rui, who were still wearing small dresses, stood beside her with red eyes.

The doctor came in and out several times, and Qian Duoduo and the others could hear the conversation between the doctors through the crack of the door. Ah Sheng would not be able to keep going like this. The fear and panic in their hearts made them stay outside, unable to sit still. install.

Jiang Shaoting reached out to wipe off the leftovers on his face expressionlessly, and walked towards the inside of the ward without looking at the money. Jiang Ruixi originally wanted to follow him, but was stopped by Archie.

"Don't hit my father, he is trying to save me... woo..." Jiang Ruixi held back the tears all the way and finally couldn't help falling down, and Jiang Shaoting's figure had already disappeared in the door...

(End of this chapter)

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