Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 157 Love Is A Difference Between Thoughts

Chapter 157 Love Is A Difference Between Thoughts

When Jiang Shaoting entered the ward, doctors and nurses surrounded the bed, and he couldn't even see Xu Fusheng clearly.

"Everyone go out." Jiang Shaoting said suddenly, and the people around the bed all turned their heads. When they saw Jiang Shaoting, they fell silent and walked away from the ward. It was precisely because of this that he was able to see clearly the people.

Even though such a short time has passed, Jiang Shaoting feels as if his whole life is over.

In my memory, Xu Fusheng was still smiling beautifully when trying on the wedding dress, but in a blink of an eye, she was lying on the hospital bed wearing an oxygen mask and dying, her slender eyelashes fell on her face, she was already small, at this moment...

It was more like being submerged in the whiteness of the ward, which caused Jiang Shaoting's unspeakable fear.

First, he went into the bathroom to wash his face and clean the oil stains on his face and hands, and then he walked back to the hospital bed.

"Fusheng." He knew that in a short period of time, she had endured too many things that she shouldn't have endured. She was haggard like a magnolia that was about to fail. She was only 24 years old, which made people feel distressed.

Holding her hand, Xu Fusheng was as thin as firewood, lying there quietly, white mist appeared from time to time on the oxygen mask, barely proving how weak she was alive!

Jiang Shaoting felt that her hand was very hot, never before. In the past, when he held her hand, it was either as cold as ice or as warm as spring, but never like this moment, it was as hot as burning with life generally.

"Fusheng, I'm back. If you are angry, get up and beat me and scold me." Jiang Shaoting moved his lips to her palm and kissed her delicately. There was still desolation in his brows and eyes, but all he got in return was silence and tears. The beeping sound of the instrument running.

Xu Fusheng didn't respond at all, she seemed to just fall asleep, but her cheeks were accompanied by an abnormal blush, and due to the persistent high fever, there was a burst of heat from all of them.

Jiang Shaoting buried his face in her weak little hands, the familiar fragrance had gradually faded, as if it was her vitality, he had a fear from the bottom of his heart, for fear that Xu Fusheng would really leave like this.

"As long as you wake up, I will tell you everything, no matter good or bad, I will tell you whatever you want to know!" He hoped that Xu Fusheng would wake up in the next second, and he Expecting her to vent all the unfairness to him, he would rather she beat him hard than just lie here.

When it was time to change the dressing, the doctor came in again and replaced the infusion bag.

In a few words, explain Xu Fusheng's current situation to Jiang Shaoting clearly. The medicine has never been discontinued, but it has no effect on Xu Fusheng. Now there is only one possibility...

Xu Fusheng didn't want to live anymore!
If the patient himself has lost the will to survive, no matter how expensive the medicine stone is, it will not save his life.

After the doctor left, Jiang Shaoting's shoulders slumped, and his familiar eyes fell on Xu Fusheng's lifeless little face. After the short expressionless face passed, the tearing pain spread from his heart. .

It turned out that Fu Sheng didn't want to live anymore!
Jiang Shaoting couldn't imagine how desperation forced her to lose her sense of survival.

"Xu Fusheng, wake up, I command you to wake up, do you think your son is dead? No, I took your son away from prison five years ago! He is not dead, he is still alive! You just need to wake up Come here, and I'll tell you everything!" Jiang Shaoting propped his hands on the hospital bed, and whispered in Xu Fusheng's ear, she has become what she is now, what else is there to be afraid of?What else can he not say?

"I approached you for revenge. From the very beginning, my purpose was to make your life worse than death! Isn't your current appearance just in line with my wishes? You fell in love with me? It's ridiculous, How could I fall in love with you!" Jiang Shaoting kept talking, chattering, as if this was the only way to prove that he was still alive.

"You should hate me instead of lying on the bed so useless, unable to do anything!"

Xu Fusheng still didn't seem to have any reaction, lying on the bed without making any sound, as if he was just asleep, and she didn't listen to a word of his words, just immersed in her own world.

Jiang Shaoting didn't know what else he could say to arouse her will to survive.

But he clearly felt that he was going to die, and his heart was going to die of pain along with the delicate body on the hospital bed.

I really hope that I can give you my good luck, and hope that you can find your sister.

I seem to...Jiang Shaoting...I seem you a little bit.

"Fusheng..." He kept yelling these two words again and again, as if only in this way, Jiang Shaoting could prove that he was still alive, only in this way, he could prevent himself from falling into madness!

"Except for death, I can promise you anything." The exhaustion of the journey and the high tension of the nerves made Jiang Shaoting finally show his fatigue at this moment. He looked up at Xu Fusheng, whose little face was showing an abnormal blush , still without any expression.

In the ward, except for the sound of the equipment operating, there was no other sound. Jiang Shaoting looked at her obsessively, and felt that something in his body was passing away along with Xu Fusheng's weakness.

He has never regretted it like this in his life, maybe from the very beginning he shouldn't have anything to do with Xu Fusheng, after five years in prison, she is full of wind and rain, she should find a man who is a hundred times better than herself.

If so, she wouldn't have to suffer pain that she shouldn't have.

Xu Fusheng longed for an ordinary life, and she couldn't understand it from the side of her. She wanted to live an ordinary life, love an ordinary person, hold hands with him until old age, and have a child.

"So please, wake up quickly, okay, Fusheng?" Jiang Shaoting buried his face in her hot palm again, maintaining this position, as if completing a ceremony, quietly waiting for her reaction.

From the beginning to the end, Xu Fusheng was just quiet... lying on the hospital bed...

no sound...

The hottest news in City A in the past two days is naturally the wedding that ended without a problem. No matter where you go, you can hear other people's comments, most of which are sarcastic and sarcastic remarks.

After all, in the eyes of the general public, no rich and powerful group president would really fall in love with a woman who just got out of prison and has a not-so-famous reputation. That wedding was just to confirm the thoughts of others.

But at this time, no matter what the people outside thought, Jiang Shaoting just sat quietly beside the hospital bed, watching Xu Fusheng lying on the hospital bed without making a sound, he seemed to have aged all of a sudden, the corners of his eyes and brows were stained with frost.

Jiang Ruixi walked in holding two big red apples, and looked at Dad and A Sheng sadly.

"Father, I want to peel an apple for Ah Sheng to eat." Jiang Ruixi whispered, he knew that Ah Sheng was sick, otherwise he would definitely get up and make something delicious for himself as before.

Jiang Shaoting didn't speak, his expression was solemn, he stayed here all night and day, but Xu Fusheng didn't move at all.

Seeing that Jiang Shaoting didn't speak, Jiang Ruixi climbed onto the chair by himself, holding a fruit knife in his hand and struggling to peel the apple. Soon, the smell of the disinfectant was mixed with a little fruit fragrance.

After all, Jiang Ruixi is only a five-year-old child, and he is usually well-clothed and well-fed. It seems dangerous to peel the fruit, but he always wants to do something for Ah Sheng, which is better than waiting hard.

"Ah!" Suddenly, the fruit knife cut his hand, Jiang Ruixi screamed, Jiang Shaoting raised his head, looked at Jiang Ruixi holding his hands pitifully, with drops of blood slipping from his fingers.

"Why are you so careless." Jiang Ruixi originally thought that Jiang Shaoting would scold him, but he just said this softly, in a tone that he would never even dare to think about.

Jiang Ruixi suddenly felt aggrieved, holding an unpeeled apple in one hand, blood dripping from the wound in the other hand, tears fell like golden beans, and suddenly lay on the bed and cried.

"Asheng, what's the matter with you! Get well soon... Dad didn't stop going to the wedding on purpose, he did it to save me... I was taken away by bad guys... A Sheng..."

Jiang Ruixi lay on the back of Xu Fusheng's hand, tears streaming down unstoppably, as long as Ah Sheng can get better, he will no longer be jealous of Ah Sheng being with his father, he must be obedient!

"Wake up, I hurt so hand hurts..." Jiang Ruixi stretched out her hand in front of Xu Fusheng, and there was a smell of blood. Jiang Shaoting didn't stop him, he hoped that Ruixi's voice could be heard Fu Sheng heard it.

This is already his last hope!
But no matter how Jiang Ruixi called her, Xu Fusheng didn't respond at all, as if he had fallen asleep.

5 minutes, 10 minutes, Jiang Ruixi cried more and more sadly, even the blood was already dried on his hands, Jiang Shaoting felt a cold chill spread from his bones, did Fusheng plan to sleep like this for the rest of his life?
In fact, Xu Fusheng couldn't hear anything at this time.

She was in the wind and snow, still wearing the wedding dress on the wedding day, bloodstains could be seen everywhere on the white wedding dress, and there were people pointing at her around, it was very cold and lonely.

Xu Fusheng didn't know how long he had been walking like this, and he didn't know when there was a little girl beside him, she was like a glutinous rice dumpling, with red lips and white teeth, he stretched out his hand to hold her hand, and walked forward.

"Little Cherry, is that you?" She couldn't see the sneers of the people around her, Xu Fusheng just looked down at the little girl blankly, she seemed to be taking him somewhere, her smile was as sweet as honey.

"Where are you taking me?" The little girl didn't speak, but still just smiled, holding her hand, she kept walking, and finally turned into running, a row of footprints behind Xu Fusheng, and behind the girl, But there is no trace at all.

"Are you asking me to accompany you?" Xu Fusheng laughed softly, when this idea came to mind...

Her heart became extremely relaxed!

"Brother said he was in pain...Brother is looking for you..." In front of a door that was shining with white light, Little Cherry turned her head, pointed outside, and sweetly kissed Xu Fusheng's fingers.

"Little Cherry...I'll stay with you...isn't that okay?" Xu Fusheng squatted in front of her, the ridicule, insults and contemptuous eyes of the people around her almost overwhelmed her, and the loneliness and loneliness were about to overwhelm her.

Little Cherry was still smiling, but this time she desperately shook her head, her little hand kept pointing at the door behind the white light.

(End of this chapter)

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