Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 170 Toon

Chapter 170 Toon
Jiang Shaoting became sullen all by himself, and everyone in the company also became nervous. It wasn't until he came home after work that his dull and cold face became a little better.

As soon as he entered the house, he saw Xu Fusheng sitting on the sofa. There was a strong smell of Chinese medicine in the air. The 'pharmacist' disappeared, but Bai Satsuma was lying on the ground sluggishly unable to smell the smell of Chinese medicine.

"What are you looking at?" Jiang Shaoting walked towards Xu Fusheng, and as soon as he got closer, he saw the invitation card in her hand.

But at a glance, he knew who sent it, just because this invitation also appeared on his desk today.

"It was just delivered today, on the 17th of this month." Yin Luli and Jiang Jingshu dragged on for so long, and finally they were going to hold a wedding. Xu Fusheng handed the invitation to Jiang Shaoting, but he threw it away without even looking at it. on the table.

I'm drunk!Jiang Jingshu put a big hat on me, it was still green!hehe!
The shouting voice of Yin Luli running in front of him after being drunk that day echoed in his ears. For some reason, Xu Fusheng always felt an inexplicable feeling. That day... did Yin Luli know something?

"Are you going?" Jiang Shaoting casually took off the tie and threw it aside, and landed on Bai Samo impartially, only to see it jumping up with a whimper, looking left and right to make sure there was no danger, and then he landed at the master's feet.

"The invitations have all been sent, wouldn't it be bad if I don't go?" There are still some days left, and I finally have some strength in my hands and feet these days, although I still feel uncomfortable from time to time, but compared to the first For a few days, she had improved countless times, and it was precisely because of this that she did not hesitate to drink the medicine.

"No one dares to force you if you don't want to go." Jiang Shaoting deliberately narrowed the distance between the two of them, and reached out his hand to her shoulder. Xu Fusheng, who was immersed in his own thoughts, didn't notice it.

Seeing that she didn't want to talk to him, Jiang Shaoting stretched out his hand and wrapped her long hair between him, and became very interested in this game in a short time.

"Can you stop being so boring." Xu Fusheng, who came back to his senses, realized Jiang Shaoting's actions, and rescued his hair from his fingers, dumbfounded. Just such a sentence, unexpectedly made the man unhappy.

"What were you thinking just now?" You were so absorbed in your thoughts.

"Think about some things from the past." Xu Fusheng didn't intend to tell him what he was thinking. Unexpectedly, Jiang Shaoting, who was unhappy at first, suddenly became gloomy, and put his hand on her chin, forcing her to look at him.

"Now counting seniority, you are Yin Luli's aunt, what is there to think about in the past?"

Jiang Shaoting's voice sounded gloomy, just like the expression on his face, Xu Fusheng realized later that he had misunderstood.

"When Fu Yu was not defeated in our Xu family, he gave me a jade bracelet reluctantly. At that time, it was said that it was left by Yin Luli's grandma. After so many things happened, the bracelet was taken away. Among the old things, I don’t know where they are now.”

If it can still be found, Xu Fusheng will of course want to return the original thing, after all, that thing is valuable.

"I don't like to owe others things. It's best if I can find them, but if I can't find them..." Xu Fusheng sighed, he probably couldn't find them. They were originally placed in that villa, but after a turnaround sell off...

"What's so special about a bracelet! It's the old thing you mentioned..."

When Xu Fusheng mentioned it just now, Jiang Shaoting really remembered something.

"Huh?" Xu Fusheng looked at him, and the servant brought out the freshly boiled Chinese medicine from the kitchen, which was bitter and pungent.

"When I bought your villa, there seemed to be some old things in the basement, but I never asked anyone to clean them." Speaking of it, Jiang Shaoting had other plans at the time, and later he didn't go there at all, but Completely forgot about it.

"Are you serious?" Xu Fusheng's eyes widened in an instant, but he didn't expect to be pleasantly surprised.

"Really." Seeing her rabbit-like appearance, Jiang Shaoting couldn't help but smile.

But soon, Xu Fusheng thought of something else, and his eyes suddenly changed.

"It's not just a coincidence that you bought our house?"

Or, he had already calculated that after he was released from prison, he would come back here because he was reluctant?
Jiang Shaoting didn't expect her to think of this layer, and the smile on the corners of his thin lips froze for a moment, but it was only fleeting.

"Where are there so many coincidences in the world? I bought your villa at the beginning because I was sure you would come back."

Jiang Shaoting told Xu Fusheng his thoughts very straightforwardly. Five years ago, he really made up his mind. He knew that Xu Fusheng was a nostalgic person and would definitely come back here. Xi's nanny.

Fate is really the most wonderful thing in this world!
For his straightforwardness, Xu Fusheng just responded silently for a while, yes, where are there so many coincidences in the world?
She should have thought of it a long time ago, but she never thought about it at all. This is just a trick to lure her into the bait.

"Fusheng..." Unable to guess what she was thinking, Jiang Shaoting felt uneasy.

"After dinner, take me back. I want to go and have a look." She didn't keep silent for too long, but soon made a sound, but Jiang Shaoting didn't dare to relax easily. I like to keep unhappy things in my heart, and it becomes a disease over time.

"Okay." Jiang Shaoting wanted to say something, but finally swallowed it back.

Xu Fusheng pretended not to know what he was thinking, and set his eyes on the bowl of medicine...

"Brother Yin, what shall we have for dinner?" Chen Yurou glanced at the takeout list. These days, Yin Luli always comes to her place to sit for a while, as if she has a very serious heart. She knows it is for the wedding, after all, she also Invitation received.

"Whatever." Yin Luli had no appetite or mood.

He felt groggy, didn't want to go home, and didn't want to be found by Fu Yu, so he could only hide here from Yurou.

"Brother Yin, you don't seem to want to marry that Jiang Jingshu very much." Chen Yurou walked up to Yin Luli and sat down, her brows were full of concern, Yin Luli looked up at her and said nothing.

"Actually, my sister has been away for so many years, you..." Chen Yurou seemed to be unable to speak, with a deliberate dodge in her expression, as if she was waiting for Yin Lu to leave her mouth to question herself.

"Yurou, what do you want to say?" Yin Luli had been thinking about a lot of things recently, and his mind was in a mess.

"Actually, when you were together back then, my sister told me many things. She... had something to hide from you." Chen Yurou's sudden voice made Yin Luli slightly startled. Just now, Yurou said that Yuxin had something to hide from you. Own?

"What's the matter?" Yin Luli's expression was numb, as if it took him a long time to find his voice, and he looked at Chen Yurou.

"You also know that my sister was adopted. One day five years ago, she suddenly told me with a very excited and nervous expression... She told me that she had a brother, and now she came back to find her!" After Yuxin's death, Chen Yurou has been hiding it until today.

"What did you say? Yuxin has an older brother?" Obviously, Yin Luli knew nothing about it.

"Well, that's what Sister Yuxin told me. She said she was from the same mother and half father. Later, she told me that I don't need to worry about money and so on. You already know about it, if it weren't for Mr. Jiang, I'm afraid... I would have died a long time ago!"

When Jiang Shaoting was mentioned, Chen Yurou's expression instantly became dreamy. As soon as she thought of that handsome man, she couldn't help but feel elated, but when she thought of Xu Fusheng, that elation was mixed with other negative emotions!
Yin Luli was thinking about something else. Why didn't Yuxin tell him about it back then?
Yuxin only told him that she was adopted by the Chen family, but she never mentioned about her brother. Yurou just said that Yuxin's brother came back to find her, so did he know about it five years ago? Yuxin was hit to death by Xu Fusheng?
If he knew, why was there no movement for five years?But if he doesn't know, this matter is a bit unreasonable!
"You said, it was Jiang Shaoting who paid the surgery fee for you?" If Yurou hadn't come back, no one would know about it.

Why did Jiang Shaoting help a stranger?There's... nothing in it...

Yin Luli seemed to have some premonition in his mind, which made him... unspeakably depressed!During dinner, Jiang Ruixi clearly felt that there was some problem between Jiang Shaoting and Xu Fusheng.

Just halfway through the meal, Archie came in from the outside with a cleaned kitten in his arms. The kitten struggled not to let Archie hug him, and looked around with clean and clear eyes from time to time until it fell on Xu Fusheng's. body.

Meow, meow, and meow kept calling, as if he had found the owner.

"Ah Qi, did you take it back?" Xu Fusheng was overjoyed, he put down the bowl and chopsticks and walked towards Archie.

When Jiang Ruixi saw a kitten, he also ran over, and even Pangpang Baishamo followed him around.

But the kitten didn't look for anyone, it just struggled towards Xu Fusheng. Archie had been hit on the back of his hand several times to catch it, but now he looked at Xu Fusheng lying in Xu Fusheng's arms with a depressed face. My kitten, I have only one question on my mind...

Why hasn't it tickled her yet?

"Little cat, little cat... Asheng, I want to hug you too!" Jiang Ruixi twisted her mouth and stretched out her hand to take it from Xu Fusheng's arms. When Jiang Shaoting heard that he was still calling Xu Fusheng Asheng, his eyes dimmed .

The kitten bared its teeth and frightened him. Although it didn't have any deterrent effect, it still made Jiang Ruixi take a step back.

"It doesn't look for anyone, it just looks for Asheng!"

Jiang Ruixi figured it out, except for A Sheng, no one could make this kitten so honest!

"A full set of cleaning and epidemic prevention has been done, and it can be kept at home." After Archie finished speaking, he stood aside.

Jiang Shaoting came over, his tall figure was cast on the floor, the shadow was elongated, standing behind Xu Fusheng, his eyes fell on the cat, Xu Fusheng was nervous when he saw it, his fingers scratched back and forth on the kitten's belly, hoping that it would You can be honest.

"What name are you going to give it?" Jiang Shaoting frowned, and the kitten bared its teeth, as if trying to scare him.

Hearing what he said, Xu Fusheng felt relieved, Jiang Shaoting was able to say this, so he should be able to keep it.

It's just... what's the name?
Xu Fusheng really couldn't make up his mind for a while, suddenly, she seemed to think of something, and a smile bloomed at the corner of her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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