Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 171 What kind of person is she? 1

Chapter 171 What kind of person is she? 1
"Toon, it's called Toon!" After Xu Fusheng finished speaking, he even took a special look at Jiang Shaoting. The latter seemed to recall something, and his face was neither ugly nor good-looking. The only happy person in the audience was Jiang Ruixi!
"Toon is good, toon is delicious! Ah Sheng, I still want to eat it!" Recalling that special taste, Jiang Ruixi's saliva was about to flow down.

"Change another name!" Jiang Shaoting looked at the cat grinning at him, and his mood instantly changed.

"Then call it Xiao Shaoting, it sounds nice." Xu Fusheng seldom let go, Jiang Shaoting was surprised by this, and shut up the next moment. Sure enough, she still had a trick waiting for him there.

"Tell me, what should it be called?" Xu Fusheng stretched out his hand and held the kitten in front of Jiang Shaoting, the kitten bared its teeth and claws.

"Whatever you want!" Jiang Shaoting pursed his thin lips expressionlessly.

"Little Xiang Toon, stay with Uncle Archie for a while, and when I come back, I will carry you upstairs!"

Xu Fusheng teased the kitten's chin. Although its hind legs were broken, it still didn't damage its cuteness.

Archie's face was expressionless, and he didn't know how long he had been brewing in his heart before he finally reached out and took the 'Toon' over!
After dinner, Jiang Shaoting drove the car out of the garage, and called the servant to clean the basement briefly. After all, it hadn't been opened for a long time, so you don't need to think about what it will look like inside.

"You did it on purpose just now." Halfway through the car, Xu Fusheng suddenly heard Jiang Shaoting's voice.

Deliberately looking away from the window, Xu Fusheng pretended not to hear anything.

"Save me some face in front of Ruixi." Knowing that she had listened, Jiang Shaoting spoke bluntly after a while.

Xu Fusheng pursed his lips, her half-smile face appeared in the reflection of the car window.

"Ruixi is my son." Xu Fusheng muttered softly. Jiang Shaoting snapped his fingers when he heard that Ruixi was also his son, but at this moment he couldn't tell Fusheng that she had killed his sister with a car. The design made her have a relationship with herself, cause and effect are entangled together.

He once wanted to take revenge on her, but fell in love with her in the end, and now they are husband and wife.

One thing after another, affecting others, now Fu Sheng already hated him enough, should she hate him even more?
The car quickly drove into the villa, and because Ruixi was not here, the usually bustling house seemed a bit empty at this moment.

Jiang Shaoting temporarily parked the car in the yard, reached out and handed Xu Fusheng's coat to her first.

"Put on your clothes, it's very cold outside." Fog had formed on the car window, and the winter wind howled past. Xu Fusheng put on his coat. The white fur collar was soft and fragrant, covering most of her small face. It's a very ordinary piece of clothing, but it's all specially made.

The servant has already cleaned the basement briefly, and it looks clean.

The old things belonging to this villa were placed in a corner very regularly, and they were covered with a dust cover. Jiang Shaoting walked in front, Xu Fusheng walked in the back, and the light was turned on with a snap, and the two walked down the steps. be illuminated.

Jiang Shaoting lifted the dust cover, and some dust splashed out, and was coated with soft light under the light.

After seeing the contents clearly, Xu Fusheng's eye sockets suddenly became sore. Many things belonged to her father and mother. She hadn't seen them for five years. Thinking of this in her heart, her feet couldn't help walking. to the front.

"I stay here alone for a while." Xu Fusheng turned around and looked at Jiang Shaoting, his voice was soft, but it carried a force that Jiang Shaoting could not refuse. Not long after, he walked towards the stairs.

It wasn't until the basement returned to deathly silence that Xu Fusheng reached out and took out the things that belonged to Xu Songbai from the box, including the glasses he had worn, some books, and the bits and pieces he had used. Things are all here.

You are not my daughter.

But I never thought that one day, your father would tell me that you are his and that woman's child!
In the letter her mother left her, it was written that she was the child of her father and another woman.

Xu Fusheng didn't know if there were any clues about this matter in these things, Xu Fusheng thought this way in his heart, the corners of his eyes and brows were full of sorrow, not strong, but it still made people feel sad when they saw it.

"Dad, I don't blame you." Although most of the pain she is enduring now comes from Xu Songbai's past indulgence, but Xu Fusheng never thought of blaming him. Parents' debts should be repaid by their children, and the cycle of cause and effect , she has no grievances in her heart.

"If you know anything, tell me...whose child am I, okay?"

In the huge basement, her subtle voice echoed in her ears, without any surprise, she didn't get any response.

Xu Fusheng lowered his head and looked at the things in his hand, there was a faint emotion surging in his eyes, he knew that it was impossible to get a response, but he still pinned his hopes on these, Xu Fusheng took two steps forward, but because of Sudden dizziness and staggered.

The things in his hand fell out without any warning, Xu Fusheng squatted down in a panic, for fear of damaging Xu Songbai's things.

But soon, her movements stopped without warning, and something was thrown out of the book.

Like a photo!
Her heart was pounding, her eyes fell on that photo, the white side of the back was facing up, and Xu Fusheng could clearly see a line of writing on it, it was Xu Songbai's writing, she remembered it clearly of.

After taking two deep breaths, Xu Fusheng stretched out his hand to pick up the photo. The words written with a pen penetrated the back of the paper, as if he had poured out all his emotions and strength, and it was deeply imprinted on it.

Even if they meet, they should not know it, dusty face, temples like frost.

Xu Fusheng's head buzzed, and he already had a premonition in his heart that this photo would become something very important to him.

Slowly flipping the other side of the photo, when the figure in the photo was reflected in Xu Fusheng's eyes, her pupils contracted violently, and all the things she picked up just now fell back to the ground heavily, crackling!

She knew everyone in the photo, and this photo, which looked old, was well protected. If it hadn't been for her unintentional fall just now, she would never have seen this thing again!

Holding the photo tightly, Xu Fusheng squatted on the ground slowly and weakly, burying his face in the soft fur of the collar. could...become like this...

Jiang Shaoting lit a cigarette for himself, and his lonely figure was clearly reflected by the floor-to-ceiling transparent glass window.

He didn't know how long Xu Fusheng would stay down there, he was thinking in his heart, but the door of the basement was turned from the inside, Xu Fusheng's simple and elegant face appeared in front of Jiang Shaoting's eyes, he surrounded himself with empty hands, seeing him smoking, He didn't move for a while... "You don't like me, I'll put it out." Jiang Shaoting made a gesture to crush the smoke between his fingers.

Xu Fusheng looked at him standing not far away. In such a cold day, Jiang Shaoting only wore a thin shirt from beginning to end.

"Why do you wear so little?" Xu Fusheng said without beginning and end, Jiang Shaoting paused and did not speak.

Xu Fusheng walked up to him silently, his pale face was raised up as if he wanted to see the man's face clearly, complex emotions flowed in his eyes, Jiang Shaoting took all this into his eyes, he didn't know that she saw it in the basement What.

But the next moment, Xu Fusheng had already reached out and grabbed Jiang Shaoting's shirt around his waist, getting closer.

Jiang Shaoting's ears seemed to be empty in an instant, and he couldn't hear anything. Xu Fusheng was the only one in his line of sight. Seeing her slowly approaching him, he seemed to have found an exit at this moment for so many days of apprehension and fear. His steady exit.

Xu Fusheng's body was already slender, and when covered by the white fur collar, most of his face could not be seen clearly, a small ball leaning against his chest.

"What's wrong? Why all of a sudden..." Of course Jiang Shaoting knew that Xu Fusheng's strangeness must be related to the things in the basement, and he should have stayed there no matter what she said.

From his arms, Xu Fusheng shook his head, she didn't know what to say, and she didn't know what to say.

"Jiang Shaoting..." Xu Fusheng suddenly felt that he was not as brave as he imagined. The hand that was holding onto the thin shirt around his waist was cold, but Jiang Shaoting deliberately lowered his head so as not to miss any of her voices.

"Kiss me." It's just that when these two words reached his ears, it was like a thunderbolt in the clear sky, and he was so shocked that he didn't move for a while.

At first, he wondered if he had heard it wrong, and looked down, just when Xu Fusheng raised his head, those black pupils that looked like small animals made Jiang Shaoting's reason burst for a moment, just looking at each other like this, after a while, their lips Naturally meet.

At first, Jiang Shaoting's cautiousness was obvious. Xu Fusheng's bright eyes gleamed in the dark, and he opened his mouth to bite, but the strength was not strong, but it made Jiang Shaoting's blood rush, who hadn't smelled a woman's fragrance for a long time.

His breathing gradually became heavy, and he knew he couldn't do this, but he still couldn't control his body's reaction.

"No, your body is not good." Jiang Shaoting didn't know how much effort he had to divert his attention away from her.

"The two of us will live here tonight. I still want to clean up some things." Xu Fusheng's face was flushed, his hands were still on his back and he was rubbing back and forth. one light.

"Okay, I'll call the butler, you wait here for me." Jiang Shaoting turned around to make a call, but he didn't see the sadness in Xu Fusheng's eyes, and the richness gradually overflowed...

Qu Yunxi is very tired. Recently, she represented the Wensen family at various banquets. She could not wait for 24 hours. She didn't even have time to eat or rest. When she returned to the mansion, her feet were swollen from standing for too long. very high.

I poured myself a glass of red wine and let the wine-red luster shine in the crystal glass. The rich aroma gradually diffused in the air, making Qu Yunxi feel less lonely in the huge room.

It's so quiet, everything around!
Walking in the bedroom with bare feet and lightly holding a red wine glass, she fell askew on the chaise longue, with a touch of loneliness on her charming face.

I don't know how long it has passed, Qu Yunxi took out a yellowed photo from a hidden corner, and looked at it quietly, as if recalling something.

In the photo, she covered her ears with her hands, her long hair was casually scattered on her side, her timid smile was tinged with shyness, while Xu Songbai stood beside her, looking at herself with the most affectionate eyes, the photo intentionally It was made into black and white, and now it looks more like a sacrifice.

(End of this chapter)

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