Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 172 What kind of person is she? 2

Chapter 172 What kind of person is she? 2
"Xu Songbai, if you knew that I brought down the Xu Corporation, would you hate me to the core? Like me at that time... hated you to the core!"

Qu Yunxi's cheeks were dyed crimson, not as if she was drunk, but more as if she was venting her inner resentment.

"It's a pity that you are dead, hahahahahahahaha..." The ear-piercing laughter was in stark contrast to the tears streaming down from the corners of his eyes, like the most blatant irony, Qu Yunxi...

But in the middle of the game, I can't see clearly!

In the living room, the servants all went to rest, and Xu Fusheng sat on the sofa alone, watching lively TV programs.

Jiang Shaoting came down after changing clothes upstairs, his eyes fell on her side face, she was quiet, but her pupils were slack, others could tell that she was not focused on the show, until he walked to the sofa, Xu Fusheng suddenly realized He recovered and raised his head.

"If you're not busy, watch TV with me." Xu Fusheng's voice was faint, and his eyes fell on Jiang Shaoting's face. The latter sat down, and she could obviously feel the other end of the sofa sinking.

"What are you watching, so serious." Jiang Shaoting casually glanced at it, it was a variety show from Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Xu Fusheng snuggled up and leaned against Jiang Shaoting's side, making his body hot again after just taking a cold shower.

"Tell me about your past? I mean... what happened after you joined the Wensen family." Xu Fusheng curled his legs up on the sofa, wearing a loose sweater that looked very homely, Jiang Shaoting's expression froze for a moment , but fleetingly.

"Why do you want to hear this?" Jiang Shaoting keenly sensed something strange about Xu Fusheng.

"It's fine if you don't want to say it, it's just chatting anyway." Xu Fusheng smiled indifferently, and returned his gaze to the TV.

"Life is very bad. After I was taken back, because my identity was too embarrassing, I was regarded as a thorn in the side of many people. The Wensen family was also at the time when the internal fighting was at its worst. You have tried the kind of food that would cost you a meal. Do you live your life in fear?"

What Jiang Shaoting said at this time was calm and breezy, but Xu Fusheng's hearing was shocking.

"In order to save my humble life, Qu Yunxi started to ask someone to test the poison for me before the meal. This way didn't work, so those people tried to kill me in other ways, but I have to thank Qu Yun Xi, at least what she taught me is useful."

Xu Fusheng listened quietly, did she ever listen to Ian about poisoning?Parker talked about it.

"Qu Yunxi, what kind of person is she?" Recalling the Qu Yunxi he met before, Xu Fusheng really couldn't connect the woman in the photo with the woman sitting opposite him if it wasn't for the obvious evidence in the photo together.

Jiang Shaoting was silent for a short while, as if he was thinking about the answer to this question.

"Even if it's me, I can't understand her." After a long time, Jiang Shaoting finally spoke, and Xu Fusheng's eyes dimmed.

"Then do you hate her?" Her voice was soft, but it couldn't dispel the frost that instantly covered Jiang Shaoting.

"Hate to the bone." This hatred contains too many old grievances.

There was a brief silence between the two of them.

"Is Jiang Meiwan still in City A?" Suddenly, Xu Fusheng seemed to have thought of something, and Jiang Shaoting's expression instantly became gloomy.

"What did you ask her for?" He didn't like Fusheng meeting Jiang Meiwan, and he felt uncomfortable just thinking about it.

The questions Fu Sheng asked this evening... seemed to be very strange.

"I'm afraid that when I meet her at Yin Luli's wedding, the scene will be ugly." Hiding his true thoughts, Xu Fusheng smiled and said nothing.

"Isn't it uglier that you went to your ex-fiancé's wedding than meeting Jiang Meiwan at the wedding?"

Jiang Shaoting was half joking, Xu Fusheng thought about it, and it seemed to be the truth, not to mention Yin Luli and Jiang Jingshu are still calling him aunt, the scene just thinking about it like this makes people feel funny.

"It seems that I am in deep trouble by marrying you." He knew that it was a wrong start, but things were developing in an uncontrollable direction. Xu Fusheng's eyes slowly fell on Jiang Shaoting. What did Xi have...

If I am really like what my mother said, not her child, if... If I have a relationship with Qu Yunxi... Xu Fusheng can't imagine that this love-hate relationship between her and Jiang Shaoting How will it continue to develop towards an inestimable situation?He already hated himself enough, and he hated Qu Yunxi to the bone...

"I'm tired, I want to go to bed first." Just thinking about this, Xu Fusheng felt that he was exhausted!

Jiang Shaoting couldn't figure out what she was thinking, why did her mood become so low in an instant?
Could it be that she regretted marrying herself?
Jiang Meiwan sat face to face with Yin Luli, and she didn't have much emotional change for Yin Luli who came to find her at night.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Meiwan asked someone to pour him a cup of coffee. As for Tan Jingjing standing in the corner, if there was any danger, he would stand up immediately to protect Jiang Meiwan's safety.

"Some things, I don't know who to ask other than you." Yin Luli didn't even look at the coffee, he was eager to find an answer to the question in his heart, urgently!
"Oh? What's the matter?" Jiang Meiwan's eyes were playful. Yin Luli in front of him seemed a little irritable, and his tie was not on, but he was quite uninhibited, and his handsome face made women fascinated. Even Jiang Meiwan had seen so many Everyone in the world has to admit...

Yin Luli's looks are top-notch!No wonder, Jiang Jingshu was fascinated the moment she saw him!

"Mr. Jiang... I mean Uncle Jingshu. I heard that he... came to England later, didn't he?" Yin Luli tried his best to pay attention to his words, but it still sounded a little weird after all.

"Why are you asking this?" Jiang Meiwan glanced coldly at Yin Luli, as if trying to figure out his intentions.

"Shao Ting did come to England later." But she finally gave Yin Luli the answer.

"Is he originally... from City A?" Yin Luli felt that he had never been so nervous as he is now. Jiang Meiwan looked at Yin Luli with deep eyes. His purpose of coming this time could not be more obvious, it was for Shao Ting thing!

"Yes." Yin Luli's expression was intriguing, and she silently glanced at him.

"Then does Uncle Jingshu have any... brothers and sisters here?"

The moment Yin Luli asked this sentence, he seemed to hear his heart beating.

Jiang Meiwan didn't speak for a long time this time. She had heard from her mother that Shao Ting had a younger sister, but Yin Luli asked herself, what is his purpose?What did he know?
"I heard that Shao Ting once had a younger sister, but I don't know what happened afterwards..."

In an instant, Jiang Meiwan clearly saw that Yin Luli's face changed drastically, from livid to pale, as if he was trying to understand something.

"Lu Li, are you alright?" Jiang Meiwan looked at him, curious about his gaffe, what did he find... that made him look like this?
"I...I'm fine, I...I have something to do, I'm leaving first..." Yin Luli didn't match his words, and even his eyes were in a daze.

Before Jiang Meiwan could speak, she staggered to the door, opened it and walked out of the room.

Only Jiang Meiwan was left looking at his leaving back, thoughtful...

In the hotel parking lot, Yin Luli was sitting in the car, and he could clearly see his ashen face through the rearview mirror.

The answer he got from Jiang Meiwan and what Chen Yurou said to him before, he already had a rough idea in his heart. In fact, Jiang Shaoting now only needs to admit that he... Could it be that Yuxin suddenly appeared five years ago? brother?
If he is really Yuxin's elder brother, then the relationship between him and Xu Fusheng... Yin Luli can't imagine, if Fusheng told the truth five years ago, if...Jiang Shaoting knew the truth of killing Yuxin five years ago The murderer is his mother?

For a moment, Yin Luli's head was in a mess. He stared blankly at the front windshield, unable to say anything.

How could Jiang Shaoting be Yuxin's elder brother?Yin Luli didn't dare to think about it, did Xu Fusheng know about it?No...she probably didn't know yet, if she knew that Jiang Shaoting was Yuxin's brother, how could she marry him?

The two of them must never be together!
The moment this thought rose in his mind, Yin Luli seemed to have found the target very quickly. At the same time, he turned the car key to start the car. He wanted to find Xu Fusheng, and he wanted to tell her about it!

Go tell her right now!
after an hour.

Xu Fusheng was actually not sleepy, but he didn't know how to face Jiang Shaoting. The photo was now in her coat pocket, something that Jiang Shaoting absolutely couldn't see.

At the same time, Jiang Shaoting downstairs was also having a hard time, surrounded by anxiety and other emotions, which made him irritatedly take out the cigarette back and forth and put it back.

The two people upstairs and downstairs struggled like this for a long time, but it was Xu Fusheng who came down first, seeing him still sitting on the sofa, he couldn't help but pause.

Knowing that it was Xu Fusheng who came downstairs again, Jiang Shaoting turned around and stood up to look at her.

"You never came up." Originally, he wanted to start with something better, but when Xu Fusheng really opened his mouth, he only said this sentence.

"So you came down to find me?" Realizing this, Jiang Shaoting smiled happily, even his eyes were different.

Before Xu Fusheng could speak, there was a rush of doorbell ringing outside the door. Xu Fusheng and Jiang Shaoting looked at each other, wondering who would come here at such a late hour, but Jiang Shaoting reacted quickly.

"I'll go with you." In fact, from just now, Xu Fusheng felt that there seemed to be an indescribable worry in his heart, his heart was beating suddenly, and he didn't know what would happen.

Before Jiang Shaoting refused, she had already put on her coat and came to Jiang Shaoting's side.

"When did you start to like being inseparable with me so much?" Jiang Shaoting opened the door with a half-joking smile, and he still had to walk a certain distance to reach the carved gate. Xu Fusheng didn't answer him, but just followed behind silently.

Seeing that no one answered the door, the people outside had already started knocking on the door. Jiang Shaoting frowned, his expression clearly displeased.

(End of this chapter)

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