Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 173 Thought You Hated Me

Chapter 173 Thought You Hated Me

Xu Fusheng tugged on his sleeve and shook his head slightly.

"Jiang Shaoting, I know you're inside, open the door!" Along with the roar, Jiang Shaoting and Xu Fusheng already knew who the person outside the door was, but at this point, what is Yin Luli doing here?
Jiang Shaoting didn't have a good impression of this man in the first place, but it was even worse at this time. When he opened the door, Yin Luli's face was reddened by the cold, and he was breathing heavily, with white steam coming out of his mouth. The moment he saw Jiang Shaoting, his expression changed. complex!

"Yin Luli, what are you doing here?" Jiang Shaoting's eyes were dark, almost fierce.

"Xu Fusheng, come with me." Yin Luli didn't even look at Jiang Shaoting, he just wanted to squeeze in through the gap where the door was opened, but was pushed back outside by Jiang Shaoting's palm. It also instantly became gloomy.

"Yin Luli, what on earth do you want to do?" Is he crazy and addicted to running around people's houses every day?

Yin Luli's name-calling can only make Xu Fusheng feel deeply disgusted, what exactly does he want to do?
"Do you know who he is? Xu Fusheng, if you know the truth, you will understand why I am so excited!" Yin Luli looked directly into Xu Fusheng's eyes, and the deep meaning in the words made her unable to bear it. He frowned.

Yin Luli seemed to know something, Xu Fusheng just had this idea in his mind, but Jiang Shaoting, who was irritated, had already made a move, everything seemed to explode in an instant!
In fact, Jiang Shaoting is territorial like a beast in his bones. He stretched out his hand to grab Yin Luli's neckline as fast as lightning, and landed on his face with a fist, and the blood soon ran along his lips. Horns come out!Jiang Shaoting didn't let go of Yin Luli's plan, he punched him one after another, and kicked him hard in the abdomen!

This was the first time Xu Fusheng saw Jiang Shaoting completely angry. She lost her mind for a moment, but soon, she realized that she couldn't let the two of them mess around at the door like this, it was too conspicuous!

Yin Luli was also fighting back. Although he was not Jiang Shaoting's opponent, he was not passive enough to be beaten!
"Jiang Shaoting, you approached Xu Fusheng just for revenge, didn't you? You are Yuxin's brother! I know everything!" The tooth seemed to be loose from being beaten, and blood came out frequently, sticky and mixed with saliva!

Jiang Shaoting stopped for a moment when he heard the words, and Yin Luli relied on these few seconds to fight back heavily. The two of them seemed to be living in a primitive society, only relying on their fists to solve problems!
Not only Jiang Shaoting could hear clearly, even Xu Fusheng could hear clearly as well. The blood in her whole body seemed to freeze instantly, but it was not because of the content of Yin Luli's words, but how did Yin Luli know This question!
"Xu Fusheng, he doesn't fucking mean you at all, you still marry such a man like a fool, you are really the stupidest woman in the world!" Yin Luli was still roaring, Jiang Shaoting's fist was even more It fell like rain.

Jiang Shaoting's eyes had already started to turn scarlet, and the corners of his lips were also colored, which was much better than Yin Luli's!

He was the closest to this man, so Jiang Shaoting could of course hear what he said most clearly!
"Enough! Don't fight!" Continuing like this will only provoke the security guards. They are already on the cusp of the storm, and now they will only leave more ground for others to talk about, but how can the two men listen now? Enter Xu Fusheng's voice.

She pursed her lips tightly, turned around and ran into the villa, picked up the bucket of water as fast as she could, and lifted it vigorously with her light white fingers, even the joints were already turning white, seeing the two of them still fighting together , Without even thinking about it, it splashed on the two of them with a splash!
It was already winter, and cold water poured from head to toe, one can imagine the feeling.

When Jiang Shaoting and Yin Luli set their eyes on Xu Fusheng at the same time, her thin body trembled because of excitement.

"Have you calmed down?" With a bang, the bucket was thrown aside, Xu Fusheng's long messy hair was scattered around his cheeks, and his pale face seemed to be enduring pain.

"Yin Luli, stop being a villain in vain, you are not welcome here! Let's go!" Xu Fusheng walked quickly to Jiang Shaoting's side, stretched out his hand to grab his wrist, and walked towards the villa, his fingers trembling , I couldn't relax for a long time.

"Xu Fusheng, this man hates you to the bone, you killed his sister..." Yin Luli didn't seem to believe that Xu Fusheng had such an attitude, he suddenly opened his throat, as if anyone could hear him!
"Shut up! Yin Luli, I know what you're afraid of! You can rest assured that I won't say a word! Also, don't let me see you again!" Even if she didn't know Yin Luli five years ago , but five years later the situation is completely different. She knew that he came here now because he was more afraid that he would tell Jiang Shaoting what he really wanted five years ago. This man... can always refresh the lower limit all the time. !

"Xu Fusheng..." If it is true that Yin Luli came here because of the purpose that Xu Fusheng thought of at this time, but at the moment of hearing her words, a sense of emptiness that had never been felt before came from his fingers. Spread to the heart!

"Get out!" Xu Fusheng didn't listen, and subconsciously clasped fingers with Jiang Shaoting without any hesitation.

With just one look, Yin Luli already understood that Xu Fusheng probably already knew about this matter and the relationship between Jiang Shaoting and Chen Yuxin, but he... came too late?

Every time Jiang Shaoting took a step forward, the water on his clothes would drip onto the floor. Xu Fusheng walked in front of him, but the two of them still did not let go of their hands. Although they were both bone-chillingly cold, to Xu Fusheng, I don't know how many times better than when I faced Yin Luli just now!
"Go take a shower, it's too cold, be careful you'll get sick tomorrow." Xu Fusheng said vaguely, with deep exhaustion.

Wanting to pull his hand out of his big palm, Jiang Shaoting suddenly tightened his grip, but with a slight tug, Xu Fusheng was pulled back in front of him, ignoring that his body was wet, Jiang Shaoting hugged her tightly in arms.

"Don't cry! Don't be afraid!" When Jiang Shaoting's voice rang in Xu Fusheng's ear, Xu Fusheng realized that his face was covered with tears belatedly, but she didn't realize it at all.

He wanted to leave, but in the end Xu Fusheng buried his face in his chest, allowing tears to overflow from his eyes little by little.

She didn't know why she was crying, but she couldn't stop her tears. Jiang Shaoting originally held her tightly with one hand, but in the end it was both.

"Don't cry, it's okay." Jiang Shaoting kept kissing her ears and temples, and blood appeared from the split corner of her lips at some point, but he didn't feel it at all. The sobbing woman!
Xu Fusheng calmed down for a long time before letting his emotions settle down. He raised his head and met Jiang Shaoting's deep gaze, only then did he see the wound on the corner of his mouth, so obvious, a short line, which was particularly abrupt on his face.

"Go take a shower quickly, I'll just calm down by myself." Xu Fusheng looked at him, tears finally stopped, and pushed Jiang Shaoting, signaling him to go up and take a bath quickly, even if she went out for such a trip. It was unbearable from the cold, not to mention him being poured from head to toe.

Jiang Shaoting glanced at her silently, and finally went upstairs...

Jiang Shaoting rinsed briefly, and quickly walked out of the bathroom. As soon as he went out, he saw Xu Fusheng sitting on the side of the bed with his back facing him. He seemed to have heard the sound of him coming out, and turned his head to look over.

"Come here, I'll help you disinfect." Xu Fusheng held the disinfectant that he had already prepared in his hand, his eyes were still a little red and swollen, Jiang Shaoting's heart tightened, and he walked towards her without saying anything, and sat down. by her side.

Xu Fusheng looked at him silently, stretched out his hand quietly, and the disinfectant touched the wound at the corner of Jiang Shaoting's mouth, causing a little pain.

"Who told Yin Luli? How did he know?" Yin Luli was like a ticking bomb, always making Xu Fusheng nervous, especially when he would get nervous from time to time.

Jiang Shaoting remained silent. He didn't know how Yin Luli knew that he was Yuxin's brother, and he didn't know what else he knew besides this incident!
"Jiang Shaoting, now I am worried about you. Marrying me, it seems that all kinds of troubles will come one after another. Are you sure...don't divorce me?" Xu Fusheng's words were half-truthful, but Jiang Shaoting was completely cold when he heard the words face.

"Xu Fusheng, the two of us just got married, and you can't wait to divorce me?"

Jiang Shaoting's voice was cold to the bone, and he turned his face away, preventing Xu Fusheng from approaching the cotton swab with disinfectant in his hand.

"Then why did you marry me in the first place? Why did you agree to get the certificate?" Jiang Shaoting's question followed.

"Didn't you force me?" Xu Fusheng's temper also came up, and what he said immediately blocked Jiang Shaoting. The fact is true, it was Jiang Shaoting who took her to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the certificate.

"Xu Fusheng, you..." Jiang Shaoting laughed angrily at her, and didn't say another word for a while.

Xu Fusheng didn't feel that what she said was wrong, but at this time she was smart and didn't speak anymore, the temperature in the room was very warm, and she felt a little hot after a while while still wearing a coat, but Jiang Shaoting's eyes were so straight Staring at her, it is not easy to take off the coat.

"I said those words at the time because I found out that you don't want to live anymore." Suddenly, Jiang Shaoting's voice reached her ears, and Xu Fusheng froze in place, holding the cotton swab in his hand tightly, unable to say anything for a while come out.

"You are lying there, lying on the hospital bed, not angry at all, as if you will die in the next moment, what can I do? I admit that I have never been rational about things about you. You seem to be You can leave me anywhere, but I...have fallen deeper and deeper into you!"

"The purpose of my approaching you at the beginning was not pure. At that time, I had the idea of ​​wanting to hurt you, but I was the one who fell into it in the end. You are still the woman who wants to get away and get out, and who wants to divorce and get divorced." What about me? Carefully, even just your smile is enough to satisfy me, you... to me, you are like the sun! Xu Fusheng, do you understand?"

With a snap, the cotton swab in Xu Fusheng's hand was cut off by her own hands. She stared at Jiang Shaoting in a daze, unable to say a word for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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