Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 174 We Are Over 1

Chapter 174 We Are Over 1
"What happened on the wedding day, I have countless regrets in my heart and want to tell you, Xu Fusheng, but I can't say it! Everything is my fault. If I hadn't taken Ruixi away five years ago, I wouldn't be here now With these scourges, I don't have to be afraid of Qu Yunxi threatening me with these things! Everyone thinks that I am the leader in this marriage, but none of them would have thought that you are!"

Jiang Shaoting's voice was very hasty, as if Xu Fu was really angry, and those words hidden in his heart came out all at once.

Xu Fusheng just felt like falling into the clouds, she looked at Jiang Shaoting, looked at his eyes, could it be those words that hate her?all fake?
"Obviously, you hate me to the bone..." Xu Fusheng knew that she couldn't continue crying like this, but she couldn't control herself, she couldn't control her overflowing emotions, it was as if her heart was being held by someone. Little by little, it's like tightening.

"In this world, all I have are you and Ruixi. How could I hate you to the bone?" Even if it was true at the beginning, the meeting and acquaintance with Xu Fusheng turned out to be a rare and warm moment in Jiang Shaoting's life.

"I made the wedding a joke. I wasn't with you the first time your mother died. I... wasn't even there when you lost Little Cherry! Now you hate me, don't you? You want to leave, You want to escape, you even wanted to die!"

Jiang Shaoting smiled bitterly, every movement of the corners of his eyes and brows was lingering.

"I was just talking casually about the divorce..." Xu Fusheng recovered his voice after a while. She originally thought that Jiang Shaoting hated her, and she originally thought that he stayed by his side just to torture herself. But……

But in fact, after he came back from the hospital, everything he did was for her.

Afraid that she would be cold, afraid that she would be hungry, afraid that she would be bored, and also afraid that she...would hurt, all of this, everything that Xu Fusheng never thought about before, is now so clearly in front of his eyes , Scene by scene, is connected with what Jiang Shaoting said just now.

"Xu Fusheng, don't worry about what other people say. No matter how ugly their words are, it's you and me who live the life, right? Your most important task now is to recover your body as soon as possible, and you will be punished." empty, you know?"

Jiang Shaoting's body is stiff, he has already said what should be said, Fu Sheng believes it or not, he doesn't know, and he can't control it, he just wants to make her body better now, and he can make her a little fatter.

Jiang Shaoting raised his hand, as if he wanted to land on Xu Fusheng's face, but before he got close, she subconsciously avoided it.

Xu Fusheng was a little flustered, Jiang Shaoting's eyes dimmed all of a sudden, he said so much, but it doesn't really have any effect, does it?

"If you have anything to say, don't say bad things to me in the future? Don't worry about everything in your heart, don't... spoil your body! Even if you don't care about me, there is still Ruixi, who is your own flesh and blood, and also... "mine!
Jiang Shaoting couldn't say the last two words.

Xu Fusheng looked at Jiang Shaoting obsessively, she could clearly hear every word he said just now, his uneasiness, uneasiness and fear were also clearly captured by Xu Fusheng.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" She said softly, and her palms gradually warmed up. In just a few minutes, Xu Fusheng felt as if she had come back to life from the brink of death. During this life, her mind went blank.

The big palm landed on her knees, Jiang Shaoting looked at her face, and smiled wryly, how could he say it?

Xu Fusheng couldn't wait for his answer, but tears fell down one by one, rustling.

She bent down suddenly, and buried her face in the palm of his knee, her nose was filled with Jiang Shaoting's scent, mixed with musk and tobacco's strong masculine fragrance, he was as warm as a stove, making Xu Fusheng reluctant leave.

"I thought you hated me. I had so many things I wanted to say to you...but I didn't dare. I"

Like a small animal, Xu Fusheng approached him to keep warm.

"I thought you hated me, and I had a lot to say to you, but I didn't dare. It turns out...we are the same!"

Jiang Shaoting put his hand over the back of her head, stroked it gently back and forth, and the floating tears dripped down between his fingers, burning his skin like a flame.

Xu Fusheng shook her head lightly, but in fact she still had a secret in her heart that she hadn't told him, she didn't know how long she could hold on.

The same is true for Jiang Shaoting, tonight, he only said a part.

"No matter what happens in the future, don't leave me alone, okay? Don't leave me alone!" Xu Fusheng can no longer bear the heart-piercing pain, no matter what, she can be with her What he faces together, as long as...

He still needs himself!
"If you want, of course I...will never let you go!"

Hearing Xu Fusheng's words, Jiang Shaoting felt his heart was about to melt.

Floating life is his belief and everything to him. Of course... he will do everything he can, just wishing her happiness... There was a loud bang, and Fu Yu looked at the door in panic.

Still holding the dumplings in his hand, he wanted to wrap them up and ask Yin Luli to eat them, so as to ease the tense relationship between mother and child recently.

When she saw Yin Luli, she was not happy for two seconds before she saw the wound on his face.

"Do you know who Jingshu's uncle is? He's Yuxin's brother!" Before Fu Yu could speak, Yin Luli's voice came, and Fu Yu's hands stopped suddenly. What did he say?Uncle Jingshu is Chen Yuxin's brother?How is this possible?
"That's impossible. Isn't that Uncle Jingshu British? He's not from the Wensen family..." Fu Yu's heart skipped a beat, her expression was astonished and terrified. How could Uncle Jingshu have anything to do with Chen Yuxin?
"He was an illegitimate child, and he was taken to England later!" Yin Luli sat on the sofa slumped, his face was frosty, and he didn't even look at Fu Yu's appearance.

"Then he...Xu Fusheng is marrying him now..." Before recovering from the initial shock, Fu Yu suddenly thought of this, her hands and feet became cold all of a sudden, and she hurriedly walked up to Yin Luli, intending to hold her back He, who never thought about it, was thrown away by him.

"We're finished. If Fu Sheng tells the story, we're all finished!" Yin Luli sat on the sofa with his hands in his dense hair.

Shut up!Yin Luli, I know what you are afraid of!You can rest assured that I will not say a word!
Xu Fusheng's voice kept echoing in his ears, and Yin Luli's eyes were filled with gloom. Then, he recalled what Jiang Jingshu said in the car before, and suddenly raised his head and stared at Fu Yu.

"Did you and Jiang Jingshu do what happened to Xu Fusheng's mother? Did you kill Wen Huaisu?"

After Yin Luli finished speaking, he saw Fu Yu looking towards the kitchen with a shocked expression, followed by a bang.

It was only then that Yin Luli realized that there were other people in the room, and walked quickly towards the kitchen. In the half-open room, there were pieces of plates scattered on the floor, while Chen Yurou maintained a dazed posture, looking at each other with Yin Luli...

It was late at night, and everything was quiet.

Xu Fusheng and Jiang Shaoting were lying on the bed side by side, neither of them wanted to sleep, they looked at each other with their eyes open, this was the most comfortable and peaceful night for the two of them since the wedding, it was hard to tell whose finger was messing with whom .

"You look at me like this, I can't sleep." Xu Fusheng's skin without makeup was clean and clear, and even the few strands of blood vessels on his forehead could be seen clearly. Jiang Shaoting just stared at her like this, even himself I find it incredible...

Obviously he has seen many women who are prettier than Xu Fusheng, but none of them can compare her position in his heart.

"I'm afraid I'm dreaming. When I close my eyes and wake up, everything that happened just now is fake."

Jiang Shaoting had never been so worried about gains and losses, but Xu Fusheng laughed when he heard it, and took the initiative to lean towards him, and Jiang Shaoting also stopped and brought her into his arms, with a smile on his thin lips, and the wound that had just been sterilized once again split.

In this world, there will always be such a person who makes you so happy that you can't close your mouth.

"Fool, am I right here?" Didn't you say you won't go anywhere?
"You told Yin Luli just now that you knew what he was afraid of and reassured him that you wouldn't say a word? What did you know about him that made him so afraid?" Jiang Shaoting seemed to have remembered something, his voice After falling, Xu Fusheng's expression was a little strange.

"It's nothing, anyway, I know he won't go out and talk nonsense." Unless Yin Luli is crazy, he already knows that he was taking the blame for Fu Yu, and he has seen Jiang Shaoting's way of dealing with the enemy. , he will not have a good life.

"Are you so sure?" Jiang Shaoting was very curious about what kind of handle Fu Sheng had on Yin Luli.

"Well, I'm very sure." Xu Fusheng closed his eyes, and he simply packed up some of his parents' old things in the basement before, his body was already exhausted and out of breath after just a few casual exercises, thinking of this, she was really a little discouraged .

"Playing with mystery." She didn't want to tell him, and he didn't force her, whenever Fu Sheng wanted to say something, he would naturally tell himself.

Jiang Shaoting thought so in his heart and didn't try to force her.

Xu Fusheng smiled and buried his face in his arms, taking in the familiar smell from him.

"It will be great when Ruixi can call me mother." Before going to bed, Xu Fusheng couldn't help sighing, even though she knew that she was Ruixi's biological mother, Ruixi still cared about her. "Sheng Ah Sheng" screamed, although there was no difference between being happy and before, I was still a little bit disappointed after all...

"Hey, go to sleep." Kissing her forehead, Jiang Shaoting listened to the words in his heart...

Early the next morning, Jiang Shaoting sent Xu Fusheng back first.

But it's only been one night, and I don't know what method Bai Satsuma Pangpang used. He has received the little 'Xiang Toon' from the night before, and when Xu Fusheng entered the room, Bai Satsuma took a look. The cat pricked up its ears, stretched out its paws to protect the sleeping kitten lying on its belly, its black eyes were wide open.

Seemingly hearing movement downstairs, Jiang Ruixi ran down the stairs, seeing Xu Fusheng snorted, and deliberately turned his face away, as if sulking.

"Ruixi, what's wrong with you?"

"You lied. You said you would come back last night. I waited for you until very late and you didn't come back. You must have left me with my father to have a good time!" Jiang Ruixi looked very angry, last night he deliberately cleaned up He ran to his father's bedroom and waited for Ah Sheng to come back, but when he slept until dawn, the bed beside him was still empty!
(End of this chapter)

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