Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 175 We Are Over 2

Chapter 175 We Are Over 2
"I'm sorry Ruixi, there are too many things, and I didn't clean them up in a while, so don't be angry, okay?" Xu Fusheng clasped his hands together and made a gesture of begging for mercy, and the expression on Jiang Ruixi's little face looked much better now.

"Hmph, that's pretty much the same!" Jiang Ruixi turned her face away, with a proud expression on her face.

"Where's Dad?" He just glanced behind Xu Fusheng, but didn't see Jiang Shaoting.

"Go to the company, what do you want to eat, I'll make it for you." After Xu Fusheng finished speaking, Jiang Ruixi tilted her head and looked at her thoughtfully, as if she was thinking about something, but made Xu Fusheng laugh.

"What are you looking at?" It was as if a flower had bloomed on her face.

"Asheng, there seems to be something different about you, your face is shining!" As soon as Jiang Ruixi finished speaking, Xu Fusheng was shocked for a while, she had to admit that some children are really sensitive, remember the last time ...It's also Ruixi, who smells Jiang Shaoting on her body...

Smiling softly, squatting in front of Jiang Ruixi who was still wearing cotton pajamas.

"Ruixi, let's have a good time as a family in the future, okay?" Xu Fusheng put his hand on the back of Jiang Ruixi's hand, his eyes were full of warmth, she didn't want to waste time on those insignificant people, even if she couldn't do it in the future It is expected that as long as there are Jiang Shaoting, Ruixi, and this family, she will work hard to get her body better quickly.

"Okay...Of course! Ah Sheng can't be sick anymore, and he can't scare me. Last time I peeled an apple for you to eat, I broke my hand!"

Jiang Ruixi raised her finger towards Xu Fusheng, with a grievance in her expression, even though the wound was almost healed.

"Okay, I promise, I will be healthy and healthy! Pull the hook!" Xu Fusheng hooked his little finger and stretched it towards Jiang Ruixi.

Jiang Ruixi twisted her stomach awkwardly, and extended her hand, with a shy smile on her lips.

The pharmacist yawned and came down from the stairs. At first, he glanced at Xu Fusheng's face inadvertently, but he stopped soon. As a doctor, he naturally understood the change of Xu Fusheng's mind, and it was precisely this kind of change. It brought her back to life.

But... I couldn't help shivering.

Why is it so cold in winter in City A...

10:30 am, inside the J&C Group.

Today, all the high-level executives can feel Jiang Shaoting's good mood during the meeting, which makes the high-level executives who have only experienced severe cold in the past half a month really not used to it, especially Jiang Shaoting will show an intriguing smile on the phone from time to time Come on, it's even more chilling.

Finally, the meeting came to an end, but the secretary walked in from the outside, and whispered something to the man sitting in the chair. His expression suddenly changed from a warm spring day to a cold winter, and the change was so fast, People can't help but click their tongues.

"Bring her to my office first." Jiang Shaoting said in a low voice, what is Chen Yurou doing here?
And this question continued until the end of the meeting. Jiang Shaoting said the meeting ended in a calm voice, and the others walked out of the office one after another. After all, no one wanted to face a pair of eyes that know people's hearts and feel anxious.

Pushing open the door of the president's office, Jiang Shaoting immediately saw Chen Yurou sitting on the sofa.

Different from Chen Yuxin, Chen Yurou's facial features are softer and more beautiful, coupled with a bad heart, so it will always give people an intuitive feeling that they will fall when the wind blows. In Jiang Shaoting's view, Xu Fusheng's weakness is acceptable to him , Chen Yurou's, but it didn't arouse any pity in him at all.

Although Yuxin's heart was still beating inside her body.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Shaoting's suit jacket was still draped over the leather chair back, and he didn't notice that there were a few strands of hair on it, the result of Chen Yurou's rubbing just now.

"Mr. Jiang, I'm here today..." Chen Yurou raised her head and looked at Jiang Shaoting with admiring eyes. Her soft eyes seemed to be able to catch water. Jiang Shaoting responded blankly, without any pity in her eyes Mark of.

"Well, what are you here for today?" Jiang Shaoting pressed the phone in the room and asked the secretary outside to bring in a cup of black coffee. The rich aroma wafted into the room, and it also relieved his fatigue from the morning meeting.

"Mr. Jiang, are you really Sister Yuxin's elder brother?" As soon as Chen Yurou opened his mouth, Jiang Shaoting stopped drinking coffee, and his eyes fell on Chen Yurou's face like a sharp sword. Can't help but stiffen.

"What do you want to say?" But soon, Jiang Shaoting put down the mug, waiting for Chen Yurou to continue speaking.

"If you are really Sister Yuxin's biological brother, how can you hang out with that woman Xu Fusheng! She is obviously the murderer who killed Sister Yuxin, isn't she! She is your enemy!" Chen Yurou couldn't help getting excited , with urgency in his eyes.

Last night, Big Brother Yin's mother called her to have dinner. She didn't expect that she would hear that. Mr. Jiang, the president of J&C Group, would be Sister Yuxin's biological brother. No wonder Mr. Jiang paid so much for it later. money to her.

Jiang Shaoting didn't say a word, looking at the emotional Chen Yurou, in fact, from the first time he saw this girl, he knew that this girl who looked weak was not as simple as she appeared on the outside, and the eagerness in her eyes was clearly mixed with with selfish desires.

"Mr. Jiang, the woman you married was the murderer who killed your sister, and you should stand on the united front with me!" Chen Yurou's eyes were filled with tears, and it seemed that she really had a kind of I feel pitiful.

"Standing in the united front with you?" Jiang Shaoting repeated this sentence with a half-smile, which was very intriguing.

"Yes! Xu Fusheng killed Sister Yuxin on purpose at that time. The child in Sister Yuxin's stomach was also killed. Isn't Brother Jiang angry? Don't you hate her?" Chen Yurou suddenly stood up Come, walk to Jiang Shaoting's side, squat down slowly, and look up at him.

"Sister Yuxin was so pitiful when she died. Brother Jiang, do you really...have the heart?" Chen Yurou said word by word. Until then, tears fell down as if the time had been counted. Jiang Shaoting still His face was expressionless, if Xu Fusheng's tears made him terrified, then facing Chen Yurou's tears, he never wavered at all.

"Are you saying this for Yuxin, or for yourself?" Jiang Shaoting finally spoke in Chen Yurou's expectant eyes, but just one sentence made Chen Yurou's expression change, even though the tears on his face had not been wiped clean.

"What united front should I stand with you?" When his voice came into his ears again, Chen Yurou only looked at him with an incredulous look. What did Mr. Jiang say just now?Doesn't he hate Xu Fusheng?
"Miss Chen Yurou, I think you seem to have misunderstood something! I am indeed Yuxin's brother, but I am also Fusheng's husband. I thought... this sentence has clearly explained my position!" Jiang Shaoting With a light wave, Chen Yurou's hand on his thigh was slapped away. There was a scent of perfume on her body, although it was not strong, it still made him uncomfortable.

"Brother Jiang, you have real feelings for Xu"?No matter what, Chen Yurou couldn't say this sentence, even her expression was filled with unacceptable shock.

"How could you do this? If Sister Yuxin knew, how could she forgive you!" Chen Yurou's tears fell like rain again, and Jiang Shaoting didn't respond. Hearing her tone of voice as if she was singing an opera, she felt it was ridiculous.

"A hundred years later, if I meet her again by fate, I will personally apologize to her. In this life, our brother and sister's fate is over, and in the next life I will be a bull and a horse! And you have no qualifications to treat me and Fu Sheng. Point fingers!"

Jiang Shaoting stood up slowly, keeping a certain distance from Chen Yurou, he hated the smell of other women on his body!
Chen Yurou couldn't believe that these words came from Jiang Shaoting's mouth. The Jiang Shaoting she imagined was not like this, and...he would not be so vicious towards her!He must have been confused by that woman Xu Fusheng!

"If you have finished speaking, please ask Miss Chen Yurou to leave my office now!" Jiang Shaoting sat back in the leather chair, the meaning in his words was obvious, he did not welcome her to stay here, and Chen Yurou's eyes widened, After a long while, he finally reacted.

He was really pushing himself away!
"Okay, I'm leaving, I'm leaving immediately! Believe me, marrying Xu Fusheng is definitely your biggest mistake!"

Before leaving, Chen Yurou threw down these words angrily, turned around and ran outside the CEO's office...

Xu Fusheng was sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows. Jiang Ruixi hadn't finished school yet. She was accompanied by only a dog, a cat, and a hamster pudding that had been hiding on the dog all year round. The warm sunlight fell lazily on her body. The branches were blown messy.

With a bang, the pharmacist sat down heavily on the chair in front of her, but his eyes fell on Xu Fusheng, as if he was sizing her up carefully, but his carefree gaze didn't make people feel abrupt, nor Makes one feel offended.

"Aren't you curious why I'm staring at you?" In the end, it was the pharmacist who was defeated first. He leaned on the rattan chair and kept fiddling with his golden abacus. Kitten Xiang Toon couldn't help grinning at the pharmacist.

"If you stare at me, there is a reason for staring at me. If you don't want to say it, how can I force you?" Xu Fusheng's voice was very weak, and he stretched out his hand to hug the toon that had jumped onto his knee , but Bai Satsuma snorted twice, then fell asleep on the ground with his head tilted again.

"You are so interesting. No wonder Jiang Shaoting would spare no expense to let me save your life!" The pharmacist shook his neck back and forth. He could drink the medicines he prepared without changing his face. He had only seen three of them over the years. Both are men, and the remaining one is her!

"As a doctor, you must have met more interesting people than me."

Xu Fusheng caressed the kitten in his arms, and under the warm sun, it shrank into a ball and lay safely in her arms.

The pharmacist was about to say something, but there was a sound outside the door. Jiang Shaoting pushed the door open. He just changed his shoes and walked over from the entrance. One sound, out of sight, out of mind.

"You're back." Xu Fusheng's eyes were bright, his whole body was caged under the warm light, he stood up with the kitten in his arms and walked towards Jiang Shaoting, but just as he walked to him, he smelled a very The strange smell does not belong to Jiang Shaoting...a strange smell.

"Have you met anyone today?" She asked casually, stroking the kitten in her arms, with a bright smile and bright eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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