Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 180 Re-chapter England

Chapter 180 Returning to England
It's a pity that Bi Ji died, otherwise she would be so pitiful, married in a commercial marriage, and her husband doesn't come home all day long...

How can I bear to stay alone in an empty room every day?
Brigitte is the most beautiful woman I've ever slept with, but unfortunately she just treats me as a bed partner!

Maybe's not sure if it's my son, you have raised my son for so many years...

Jiang Mutian shouted loudly through the receiver, and Jiang Shaoting played it expressionlessly, "Ian?"Pike's face became paler and paler, even Xu Fusheng was shocked when he heard this conversation for the first time.

ian?Pike staggered and sat down on the floor, as if all the strength in his body was taken away in an instant, Jiang Shaoting turned off the recording on his phone, and the lounge fell into a deathly silence, no one spoke, and no one wanted to break the silence .

"Fusheng, we're going home." Jiang Shaoting seemed to no longer want to continue with Ian like this?Pike continued to entangle, turned around and walked in Xu Fusheng's direction, but Xu Fusheng just looked at Ian sideways?Pike's dejected face suddenly became unbearable.

Hearing Jiang Shaoting's voice, he raised his head to look at him, and the man's hand was already stretched out in front of him.

"Follow me home." Jiang Shaoting didn't have the heart to deal with Ian?What is Pike's mood now, only worried about Ian?Before Pike came, the conversation between him and Fu Sheng was not enough to make her forgive herself.

Xu Fusheng looked at Jiang Shaoting silently, and also looked down at his palm with clear lines stretched out in front of him.

"Fusheng, come home with me." Jiang Shaoting said it again, this was the third time he said it, and each time it was louder than the first time.

I don't know how long it has passed like this, Xu Fusheng just sighed faintly, and finally, he handed him his hand...

Jiang Shaoting and Xu Fusheng had just returned to the villa, and what awaited them were two air tickets to London.

It was Jiang Meiwan who delivered the ticket in person, her eyes were slightly gloomy on Xu Fusheng's face, and it passed by in a flash, as if the previous dispute did not exist, but she first smiled lightly and turned her eyes to Xu Fusheng. Cover up all your emotions.

"Who are you fighting with?" Jiang Meiwan frowned slightly, and couldn't help but look at Jiang Shaoting's face and speak.

Jiang Shaoting didn't even look at her, which made the scene a little awkward.

"Mom said to let you two go back, she has something to ask you personally."

After coughing twice to relieve her embarrassment, Jiang Meiwan spoke.

When Jiang Meiwan received Qu Yunxi's call, she quickly asked Tan to buy two fastest air tickets and send them over.

"Don't go!" Jiang Shaoting didn't even think about taking the ticket and pretending to tear it up. Unexpectedly, Xu Fusheng, who had been silent all this time, stretched out his hand to stop him, and took the ticket into his hand.

"Let's go." The answer was completely different from Jiang Shaoting's. Jiang Meiwan looked at her coldly. She originally thought that according to Jiang Shaoting's temper, she would give birth to Xu Fu, but she never thought that even if the ticket was taken away, Jiang Shaoting would not respond.

Regarding that photo, Xu Fusheng had many questions in his heart and wanted to ask Qu Yunxi clearly, but she couldn't convey these words to the man next to him for the time being, so... this time, she must definitely To grasp.

"Are you sure?" Jiang Meiwan raised her tone, as if she didn't understand why Xu Fusheng was so proactive.

Xu Fusheng wanted to agree, but before he spoke, he subconsciously glanced at Jiang Shaoting beside him, and asked his opinion with his eyes.

Jiang Shaoting's face was a little gloomy. He didn't want Fusheng to have any contact with that old witch Qu Yunxi, in case there would be some accidents again, but... when Xu Fusheng looked at him with that kind of eyes, plus What happened just before...

How could he let her down?
"I get it, as long as you like it." Jiang Shaoting actually didn't care about meeting Qu Yunxi. Now that the matter had developed, he no longer knew how she could threaten him.

This man has never been so relaxed like now, he can't control how things will develop in the future, at least now Fusheng is staying by his side, he only needs to take care of their mother and child, other things are not important!
"Shao Ting, you have changed a lot." Jiang Meiwan's words were very meaningful, and there were other emotions in her eyes when she looked at Jiang Shaoting. Xu Fusheng saw this scene in his eyes, and couldn't help but recall what Jiang Shaoting said before , Jiang Meiwan once tried to seduce him.

Just thinking about it makes people shudder.

"I have a wife and a son now, so of course it can't be the same as before. Do you think everyone is living in the past like you?"

One sentence made Jiang Meiwan's face pale.

"Shao Ting, you..." Jiang Meiwan was so angry that she couldn't say a word, he was really her Achilles' heel!
"If it's okay, let Tan take you back to the hotel."

"Both of you are gone, I can take care of Ruixi for you for a while!" Jiang Meiwan's voice fell, and Xu Fusheng saw Jiang Ruixi's small head in the corner of the second floor shaking her head vigorously towards her, and kept shaking her head. It looks like he doesn't want to be beaten to death!

"No need, Ruixi will go to England with us this time, I don't want to leave him here alone."

After Xu Fusheng finished speaking, Jiang Ruixi grabbed the carved railing with both hands and nodded desperately.

In fact, not only Xu Fusheng, even Jiang Shaoting would not give Ruixi to Jiang Meiwan's 'care'!

"Whatever you want." Jiang Meiwan's face was sour, and she dropped this sentence coldly...

"We really want to go back!" After Jiang Meiwan left, Jiang Ruixi reluctantly jumped down from upstairs. She was taken back so cruelly before, no one would have a good impression of that place.

"Archie, go book a ticket for Ruixi." Jiang Shaoting didn't seem to hear Jiang Ruixi's murmur, looked down at the two tickets in his hand, Archie nodded, turned around and went out to book a ticket.

"What do you think?" Throwing the two air tickets on the coffee table, there are still more than five hours before the plane takes off, so don't worry about not having enough time to go to the airport. What Jiang Shaoting is most worried about is Qu Yunxi. what the hell.

On the contrary, Xu Fusheng, her heart has never been so settled and calm like now, perhaps after Jiang Shaoting's repeated training, there is nothing that can arouse her real emotions anymore.

"What else could it be for? Nine out of ten it is because of Ruixi." Xu Fusheng chuckled, but what came to mind was the photo and the sentence... Even if we meet each other, we should not know each other, with dusty face and temples like Frost……

If there is really something between her father and Qu Yunxi, if...she really has something to do with Qu Yunxi...

Then where should she go with Jiang Shaoting?

"Actually, leaving for a short time now is not a bad thing. After all, the impact of the press conference was too great, and it should take time to cool down!" Worried about what happened, it is better to live well now.

She doesn't have the mind to plan for a rainy day, and she doesn't want to live so tired anymore, it will only drag herself down.

"You..." Jiang Shaoting cautiously looked at Xu Fusheng out of the corner of his eye. From the press conference to now, she has been calm beyond his imagination, so at this time he still has some worries in his heart, worrying whether Fusheng will Outburst.

"You don't have to be so nervous. Since I'm back with you, what you think won't happen." But at a glance, Xu Fusheng had already seen through Jiang Shaoting's thoughts. The moment she opened her mouth, there was a sense of dust settled in her expression .

"You know what I'm thinking?" Jiang Shaoting reached out and lifted Jiang Ruixi, who wanted to sit on Xu Fusheng's lap, onto his own lap, and let the little guy struggle, but he still didn't let go. He lowered his head and glared at him. Be honest.

Although he was still mumbling in his mouth, he also understood the reason for the disparity in power.

"I understand you just as you understand me." Xu Fusheng spoke calmly, and Jiang Shaoting's heart moved slightly, silently.

"Go upstairs and pack your things, and leave when Archie comes back after booking tickets."

"it is good."

Jiang Zongxun's health is getting worse and worse. Qu Yunxi just came back from a dinner party outside. Her body was still smelled of alcohol. She collided with Elizabeth, who had a gloomy expression, in the corridor. During the day, I shrank at home and couldn't see each other.

"Don't think you're the one who won now!" Elizabeth's voice trembled, and she didn't look at Qu Yunxi. Ever since she married into the Wensen family, she has never liked Qu Yunxi. It's no wonder others are in this situation now.

"At least I won't be like a dog, avoiding people everywhere!" Qu Yunxi rarely showed a hint of coquettishness at the corners of her eyes and brows, but Elizabeth didn't jump with anger like before, but with a complicated Emo looks at her.

"Actually, the women who married into this family are very pitiful. Look at are looking at me... Qu Yunxi, did something happen the year you went to City A to find that bastard? Otherwise... ...Why did you change your temperament from then on? I still remember that you have..."

Elizabeth smiled deeply, as if she had understood something, Qu Yunxi's drunkenness was frozen in ice for an instant, and she slowly turned her head to look at her, as sharp as if she was going to kill her, making Qu Yunxi Yun Xi sensed danger.

The next moment, Elizabeth was slammed into the wall by Qu Yunxi, her slender arms tightly wrapped around her neck, and soon she couldn't breathe, and even her expression showed an indescribable ferocity.

"Elizabeth, you'd better make it clear that the lives of you and your dog son are in my hands. I want you to live and you can live. I want you to die, and no one can stop me!"

Qu Yunxi seemed to have been stabbed in the sore spot, and her whole body was enveloped in angry flames. Elizabeth felt that she was so close to the god of death for a moment, and she didn't dare to vent her breath, so she could only stare at her with wide eyes.

The panic in the pupils could not be more clearly presented, this is the first time in so many years, Qu Yunxi showed this appearance, without any meekness and forbearance in the usual days, in the past, others knew that she had a bellyful of bad water in her heart , but it just doesn't show up outside.

"The old man is about to die, Elizabeth... You have to think about the road ahead!" Qu Yunxi smiled meaningfully, reached out and landed on Elizabeth's shoulder, and patted it lightly!

(End of this chapter)

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