Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 181 Sudden Changes

Chapter 181 Sudden Changes


On the plane, Jiang Ruixi fell into a deep sleep after being happy for a while. Jiang Shaoting asked the stewardess for hot Chinese medicine and put it in front of Xu Fusheng. Xu Fusheng glanced at him and said nothing. There sat an all-too-familiar person.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Meiwan would follow them back to the UK, and they were still in the same first-class cabin as them. If this can be described as a coincidence, then all of this is really too coincidental.

"Don't look at it, drink the medicine and go to sleep, and you'll be there when you wake up." Jiang Shaoting turned her face away, and there was a smell of Chinese medicine in the plane cabin. I don't know if Jiang Meiwan's stomach is too shallow. Started to retch.

Xu Fusheng heard Jiang Meiwan's retching in his ears, how could he drink any more, and the next moment, Jiang Shaoting had put the noise-canceling headphones on her head, and Xu Fusheng's ears immediately became much clearer.

The medicine that had just been microwaved was still a little hot, Xu Fusheng drank it slowly, but Jiang Shaoting glanced coldly at Jiang Meiwan, who was leaning weakly on the space chair. In the back seat, he looked at her back with worried eyes.

Until Xu Fusheng finished drinking the medicine, Jiang Shaoting didn't take another look at Jiang Meiwan, perhaps because she knew that her appearance was too ugly, and soon she calmed down, with a somewhat unwilling expression on her face...

After a long flight, Xu Fusheng woke up and realized that he was lying on Jiang Shaoting's shoulders. The man was motionless. He only moved his arms when he saw that she woke up. The hands are already numb.

As soon as we got off the plane, a special car drove over, and a group of people got on the car. Maybe Jiang Meiwan's wheelchair was too big, and the space always seemed too congested. Xu Fusheng had just woken up, so Jiang Shaoting stretched out his hand to hold her in his arms. The former didn't think too much, closed his eyes and fell asleep again.

From the beginning to the end, Jiang Meiwan saw all this in her eyes. It was hard for her to imagine that Jiang Shaoting would be so gentle with a woman. She did not forget the scenes shown on TV. What kind of marriage five years ago could entangle these two people together?
"Auntie, why are you picking your fingers? It's bleeding!" Jiang Ruixi was completely full of sleep and looked very energetic, but his voice made Jiang Meiwan's body stiffen a little, but she didn't speak.

The word "bleeding" made Xu Fusheng's drowsiness disappear all at once. He wanted to look up at Jiang Meiwan, but Jiang Shaoting's big palm held her head firmly, preventing her from looking in that woman's direction.

Along the way, no one made a sound, the journey was nearly an hour, but Xu Fusheng didn't feel sleepy anymore...

The mood was completely different from the last time he came to England. Xu Fusheng had just walked into the villa, and he saw Qu Yunxi in the European-style decoration atmosphere at a glance. This was the first time since the two of them met last time. meet.

Seeing Xu Fusheng's gaze, Qu Yunxi smiled faintly, holding the black teacup gracefully.

"Mom, Shao Ting is back." Jiang Meiwan was pushed by Tan to come to Qu Yunxi's side, but she peeked out a bit of sharpness from the bottom of her eyes, which made Jiang Meiwan's heart start to feel uneasy. Did you know something?

"I saw the press conference for the first time. I was really surprised that Ruixi's biological parents would be Shao Ting and Ms. Xu." Even though he said that, Qu Yunxi didn't have the slightest surprise on her face different.

Xu Fusheng didn't speak, but just looked at Qu Yunxi quietly, with a strange look in his eyes. After a long time, even Qu Yunxi felt strange because of her eyes, but it was Jiang Ruixi who teased Xu Fusheng. cuffs.

"That's why you asked us to come back?" Jiang Shaoting sneered. If it wasn't for Fusheng, he would have torn up his ticket a long time ago. Do we need to wait until now?

"Mrs. Qu, I have something I want to talk to you alone." Even when Jiang Shaoting's voice just fell, Xu Fusheng immediately opened his mouth. Not only Jiang Shaoting who was standing beside her was stunned, but even Qu Yun Xi's movements froze slightly.

Does she have something she wants to talk to herself alone?This is strange, but she really wanted to hear what Xu Fusheng wanted to say to herself!
"Okay, if Shao Ting is at ease, I'm welcome at any time!" Qu Yunxi put the black tea cup back, the meaning in the words could not be more obvious, I am afraid that the biggest obstacle to their conversation is Jiang Shaoting!
Xu Fusheng also knew in his heart that Jiang Shaoting didn't like being alone with Qu Yunxi, and naturally he didn't like having too much contact with Jiang Meiwan, but... how could she ask Qu Yunxi when she wasn't alone? Woolen cloth?
"Let the two of us talk alone."

Jiang Shaoting clearly heard Xu Fusheng's voice, he didn't speak for a long time, Xu Fusheng didn't rush him, but just quietly waited for his answer, although she knew very well in her heart that Jiang Shaoting would eventually compromise.

"Up to 10 minutes!" This was Jiang Shaoting's biggest concession.

"I can't finish talking, give me half an hour." Xu Fusheng didn't seem aggressive, but he almost made Jiang Shaoting angry.

He had a sullen face, his eyes seemed to be saying "Is there anything I need to talk to her for half an hour", Xu Fusheng didn't speak, just looked at Jiang Shaoting, the two seemed to be competing with each other to see who would respond Compromise first.

"If you don't come down for half an hour, I will go upstairs and take you away!" Knowing that she has made up her mind, and although she doesn't know why Xu Fusheng decided to meet Qu Yunxi alone for half an hour, Jiang Shaoting still decided to respect her. her decision.

"I see." Xu Fusheng curled his lips silently.

"In that case, let's go upstairs and chat in the study." Qu Yunxi didn't even look at Jiang Shaoting, she also wanted to know what Xu Fusheng wanted to talk to her alone, but watching the interaction between the two of them, it seemed that there was no Any influence from the time of the wedding ceremony.

Thinking of this in her heart, the expression on Qu Yunxi's face became a little strange...

In the study room, Qu Yunxi slowly sat in the seat that Jiang Zongxun had always been sitting in. The aura exuded from the inside out made her look a bit superior. Even if she sat down, she just smiled speak out.

"Mrs. Qu, don't you wonder why I want to talk to you alone?" Xu Fusheng sat on the sofa opposite her, with a haggard face that had just recovered from a serious illness. Her temperament should not have been borne by her at this age.

"So next, do you want to solve my doubts for me?" Qu Yunxi is very famous in the Wensen family now. Even though her daughter is disabled, Jiang Shaoting is now the pillar of the family. Based on this alone, It was enough to make her shine.

"What is the relationship between Mrs. Qu and my father?" Just as Xu Fusheng finished speaking, the smile on Qu Yunxi's face froze instantly, her eyes stared at her coldly, as if she wanted to see clearly Xu Fusheng who was sitting opposite her Chu.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Soon, Qu Yunxi realized that her voice was calm, as if she really didn't know.

"Qu Yunxi, Mrs. Qu, what is your relationship with my father Xu Songbai? Is it clear enough for me to say this?"

Xu Fusheng repeated it again, but this time it was slower and clearer than the last time.

"What relationship can we have? Your father and I don't even know each other. It's too strange for you to ask this question..." Qu Yunxi sneered twice, and it could be seen that his expression was no longer as relaxed as before.

Xu Fusheng wasn't in a hurry, didn't rush, just sat where he was, watching her quietly.

"Why do you ask me that?" Qu Yunxi's expression became more and more gloomy, that face that could not see the traces of time, seemed to be shrouded in dark clouds, as for Xu Fusheng, he still remained silent, as if trying to whet her appetite.

"You said you don't know my father? But why, in my opinion, it's not the same thing!" Xu Fusheng looked at her silently, then pulled out the photo he had always carried with him from his pocket and pushed it to Qu Yunxi's before.

"Don't tell me that the woman inside is Fu Yu who looks similar to you, I don't believe it."

The moment she saw that photo, Qu Yunxi was struck by lightning, as if she couldn't believe it. She looked down at the photo that suddenly appeared in front of her. It had been many years, and hers had been destroyed long ago. She never thought that she would see her again in her lifetime. to this thing.

"How did you have this photo!" Qu Yunxi finally recovered her voice after an unknown amount of time, she stared at Xu Fusheng, trying to find the answer from her body!
"If I told you where I got this photo, would you tell me about you and my father?"

This is a relationship of equivalent exchange. After Xu Fusheng finished speaking, he looked at Qu Yunxi and waited for her answer.

Qu Yunxi gritted her teeth tightly, looked down at the photo, and it seemed that many images kept appearing in front of her eyes, Xu Fusheng didn't urge her, and let Qu Yunxi remain silent, quietly waiting for her answer... The air seems to be here It froze in an instant, maybe even Qu Yunxi didn't realize that her hands were trembling, and the frivolous photo swayed with the frequency of her trembling fingers, dazzled the viewers, but she seemed to come to her senses very quickly.

"I don't know what's going on with this photo, and I don't know where you synthesized it from. Anyway, it's not me!" Qu Yunxi laughed suddenly, leaning back on the back of the chair seemingly lazily , but the eyes are very sharp.

"Is that so?" Xu Fusheng was unhurried, stretching out his hand to pick up the photo that Qu Yunxi pushed back to the table just now, as if he didn't see the flash of nervousness in Qu Yunxi's eyes, just The photo is in my hand and I am playing with it.

Suddenly, Xu Fusheng made a gesture to tear the photo in half. At the very moment, Qu Yunxi's body was like an arrow in a bow, and he shot it out with a snap. Fu Sheng seemed to have understood all of her movements, and he avoided the ferocious Qu Yunxi just by turning his body slightly!
The sound of panting breathing was ringing in his ears, Xu Fusheng looked at Qu Yunxi's face coldly, there was no fluctuation in the amber pupils.

"Until now, Ms. Qu still insisted, did I compose this photo?" In the understatement, there were enough turbulent emotions. Xu Fusheng looked at Qu Yunxi from a close distance, and she couldn't help thinking. I dare not think that I will be with this woman...

What kind of relationship will there be!
Qu Yunxi's hair was a little messy, and she stared at Xu Fusheng fiercely, as if she wanted to swallow her in her stomach, but Xu Fusheng was not afraid at all, she knew that as long as her voice was heard, Jiang Shaoting would rush Come in and take her away.

(End of this chapter)

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