Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 183 What did you see

Chapter 183 What did you see

"Why are you here? How could the door of the room be locked from the outside? If it wasn't for the lights in the room, I don't know how long it would have taken me to find you!" Jiang Shaoting didn't look like he had just woken up. He didn't see Xu Fusheng when he opened his eyes, he felt a little bit in his heart, he was afraid that there would be some accident, but fortunately he went around and saw the lights in Bi Ji's room, so he rushed over.

"By chance, what do you think this is?" Xu Fusheng didn't intend to tell him about Elizabeth, but bent down and took the emerald green diary in his hand. Jiang Shaoting glanced at it and paused.

"Is this Bi Ji's?" These things have been sealed here since Bi Ji left, and I didn't expect to be found by Fu Sheng by accident. I don't know if it's luck or misfortune?
Compared to Xu Fusheng, Jiang Shaoting is very calm. He didn't have any major emotional changes because of the sudden appearance of the diary, but Xu Fusheng pulled him to sit on the sofa. I don't know if it was a coincidence, but he was thrown off. When it opened, the first sentence said...

There are ghosts in this house.

It was precisely this sentence that attracted Xu Fusheng's full attention, and made her continue to look down with curiosity about Bi Ji and this family. Jiang Shaoting couldn't hold back her, and finally sat beside her.

I began to regret choosing Jiang Shaoting in order to fight Pike.

Seeing this sentence, Xu Fusheng couldn't help raising his head to look at Jiang Shaoting, and after confirming that he had no reaction, he was a little relieved.

There is a weird atmosphere everywhere in this house. Jiang Shaoting's mother and grandfather don't like him, but what makes me most surprised is his sister and his bodyguard. I think the relationship between the two of them is very different. Ordinary, until one day I broke through a scene that was enough to shock me for the rest of my life.

What did Brigitte see that shocked her so much?Perhaps because of the excitement and tension, the letters written by Bi Ji were a bit blurred. Turning to the next page, Xu Fusheng couldn't see it clearly, so he could only hold the diary in front of Jiang Shaoting and ask him to help continue. translate.

"I actually saw her bodyguard helping her..." Here Jiang Shaoting paused for a long time, his expression changed subtly, Xu Fusheng looked at him suspiciously, waiting for Jiang Shaoting to explain her doubts.

"Help her meet her physical needs." The original text is of course not written in this way, but Jiang Shaoting chose a more elegant way to explain to Xu Fusheng, Xu Fusheng looked at him sideways, and it took a long time before he opened his mouth in disbelief eyes.

Jiang Shaoting originally lowered his head and wanted to continue reading, but when he saw the next sentence clearly, his face changed suddenly, and his thin lips were pursed in an instant.

"What's wrong?" Seeing his expression, Xu Fusheng's eyes moved slightly.

"What are you doing?" Almost at the same time, Xu Fusheng and Jiang Shaoting heard the sound coming from the door. Jiang Meiwan, who was in pajamas, was pushed by Tan to the door, and saw the two of them sitting in Bi Ji's room , the expression on his face was a little flustered.

Jiang Shaoting didn't look at Jiang Meiwan's side, stretched out his hand to close the diary, and the next moment he stood up holding Xu Fusheng's hand, and walked towards the door. Jiang Meiwan couldn't see clearly what he was holding in his hand just now. The moment they passed by, I subconsciously wanted to hold Jiang Shaoting's wrist, but before I could get close, it was already separated by Jiang Shaoting's refreshing movements.

"What's that? Shao Ting?" Jiang Meiwan was still not reconciled, the automatic wheelchair blocked Jiang Shaoting, her angry eyes swept across Xu Fusheng, but even Xu Fusheng didn't understand where Jiang Shaoting's emotions came from just now.

"Go away!" If Jiang Shaoting was still a little calm when facing Jiang Meiwan before, then at this time he no longer hid his disgust, but showed it straightforwardly. This time Jiang Meiwan was stunned, Xu Fusheng Also a little surprised.

What did Jiang Shaoting see just now, such a big emotional ups and downs?
The next moment, Xu Fusheng's wrist was tightened, and he walked out of the room, his footsteps resounding heavily on the floor.

"Just now, what exactly did you see?" Xu Fusheng whispered, Jiang Shaoting suddenly stopped and looked back at her...

For a moment, Xu Fusheng clearly saw the profound disgust, humiliation, and... all the emotions in his eyes that he wanted to forget on purpose, she was stunned, she didn't understand why Jiang Shaoting had such a reaction, could it be that he thought of the previous he once said...

Did Jiang Meiwan ever seduce him?But when I talked about it that time, it looked completely different from this time, as if...

"You look like a dog whose tail has been stepped on." Xu Fusheng said directly, not worried that Jiang Shaoting would be angry. In fact, when Jiang Shaoting heard it, he was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head, as if he was interested in her. There is really nothing to do.

"If I'm a dog boy, you're a dog girl, we're just a good pair!" After leaving these words, Jiang Shaoting dragged her and continued to walk towards the bedroom, but Xu Fusheng let him drag him, as if it was nothing Tempered.

Now, she really wanted to know, what was that sentence in Brigitte's diary?
The answer to this question, the process Xu Fusheng obtained was a bit troublesome. Jiang Shaoting seemed to have made up his mind not to let her know the content behind it, but the more this happened, the more Xu Fusheng wanted to know what was written behind it. .

In the end, Jiang Shaoting simply hid Bi Ji's diary, not letting her find it, no matter how Xu Fusheng asked him, he would not let go.

But the turning point of the whole thing happened in a few minutes after Jiang Jingshu and Yin Luli returned to the Wensen family mansion. Regarding the arrival of these two people, Jiang Shaoting didn't want to deal with them, but Qu Yunxi came back from the hospital. Reasonable, he will go down.

Xu Fusheng has been sulking with him since he came back because of the diary. Jiang Shaoting glanced at the little woman whose back was facing him, and said nothing. He just stretched out his hand to cover her with a thin quilt. Looking at Jiang Ruixi, this little guy can really sleep, and he has no intention of waking up until now.

As soon as Jiang Shaoting closed the door, Xu Fusheng opened his eyes and sat up. She looked around, but it was empty, and she didn't see Bi Ji's diary at all. It is impossible for Jiang Shaoting to carry such things with him, and he must still be in this room somewhere.

With limited time, she sat by the bed and thought about it, what is the best place for Jiang Shaoting to hide things?He glanced at the closed wooden door of the cloakroom, and remembered that Jiang Shaoting seemed to have gone inside when he came back!
Without even thinking about it, Xu Fusheng walked towards the cloakroom, opened the door, and there was a faint smell of washed clothes. There were Jiang Shaoting's clothes everywhere, and a few of them were brought by Xu Fusheng from City A. A partition hangs neatly inside.

Nowhere seemed to be able to hide things, Xu Fusheng thought about it, stretched his hand into the suit rack, and rubbed it back and forth, it was empty, there was nothing!She was not discouraged, and continued to reach out to the next partition, but still found nothing...

Until he opened the tie drawer, Xu Fusheng's hand moved a little, and pushed open the interlayer...

Finally found it!

First he was relieved, but Xu Fusheng felt a little complacent, knowing that no matter how smart Jiang Shaoting was, he would never be able to avoid her.

Thinking like this in her heart, she sat on the side, quickly flipped through the inner pages, and spent a little more time, she had already reached the familiar content, but when she saw that sentence immediately after reading down, the expression on the corner of Xu Fusheng's mouth completely froze!
Just now when she came in without closing the door of the cloakroom, Jiang Shaoting's figure suddenly appeared.

Jiang Jingshu and Yin Luli went back to the room to rest first, Qu Yunxi took a look at him and let him come up, Jiang Shaoting came back to the room and saw that the door of the cloakroom was open, he knew that the matter had been settled.

To be honest, he was not afraid of what Fu Sheng saw, but he was afraid that if she saw it, it would leave a shadow in her heart.

"The most frightening thing is that Jiang Meiwan kept calling my husband's name, every sound, and the expression on his face made me shudder. At that moment, I finally understood that when Jiang Meiwan looked at me on the day I got married, I cried The real reason for the fear in my heart!"

Xu Fusheng's voice was very calm, he raised his head and looked at Jiang Shaoting standing not far away, he didn't know what he thought in his heart, he stretched out his hand to signal him to come over, when Jiang Shaoting really came over, she opened her mouth, but for a moment she didn't know what to say say what.

"This diary, deal with it, and the rest about Ian Pike, give it to him." In fact, Ian mentioned the oil painting of Brigitte before?The attitude shown by Pike couldn't be more obvious. The Sri Lankan man has passed away, and it is right to leave him a thought.

As if he didn't expect Xu Fusheng to say this, Jiang Shaoting was silent for a while, then nodded.

"The other parts should be destroyed. I think it's safer to turn all those dirty things into ashes." As for Jiang Meiwan, if Xu Fusheng didn't have a good impression of her, then now, the kind of people who don't have a good impression The degree is deeper.

"I've never..." When he said this, Jiang Shaoting's expression was very difficult, but it was just the previous sentence, but Xu Fusheng already knew what he wanted to say, and wanted to stop him from continuing, but in the end he chose Be quiet and listen.

"I never thought that Jiang Meiwan would report such thoughts to me, I just feel disgusted." Rao Jiang Shaoting, no matter how powerful he is, he is just an ordinary man, he also has all the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys of ordinary people, this disgust, Nature is also clearly divided.

"I know, that's why you didn't let her live in the villa these years. Every time Jiang Meiwan came to City A, you only asked Archie to arrange a hotel for her." Even if Xu Fusheng didn't understand it before, how could he not understand it now?

Flipping the page with no purpose in his hand, he just glanced at it briefly, but his expression paused when he saw a certain line of writing.

"Hey, come and read, it says..." Xu Fusheng pointed to a page of the diary, the surprise in his eyes hadn't faded away, when Jiang Shaoting heard her calling him, he leaned his head towards him, but after a glance, his eyes flickered Surprised.

"Bi Ji said that even if she gets involved with Jiang Mutian, she also has something to do with Jiang Meiwan?"

Recalling Jiang Meiwan's face, the woman in the wheelchair was so soft and weak that a gust of wind could blow her away, but now she has to accept it, but it happens to be such a woman. Plays an unimaginable role!
Jiang Shaoting reached out and closed the diary again. In fact, there was one thing that he had never mentioned to Xu Fusheng until now.

Back then, Brigitte's death seemed far from being as simple as it appeared on the surface. Even Ian?Pike also had the same question in his heart, but because too much time passed, he couldn't verify it!

(End of this chapter)

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