Chapter 184
Before he had time to think about it, Xu Fusheng only saw a figure in a princess nightgown running down the stairs quickly, reached out and grabbed the chopsticks from Yin Luli's hand, and threw them on the ground with a slap, with a domineering expression on his face Can no longer be domineering.

As if thinking of something, he turned his head with a swipe, looked at Xu Fusheng, even though he was still a little guilty, he still spoke with great vigor...

"We're going to get married soon, don't seduce him!" Jiang Jingshu's appearance was somewhat paranoid, for Yin Luli, she was so obsessed that she was about to become dazed... Hearing Jiang Meiwan's words, Xu Fusheng was taken aback by her She was amused, did she really think that Yin Luli was a hot commodity?All women will bow down under this man's pomegranate skirt when they see him?Jiang Jingshu's defensive appearance made her laugh.

"Ah bah, Ah Sheng doesn't even look down on a handsome young master like me, would he fall in love with him?" As soon as Jiang Ruixi finished speaking, Jiang Shaoting stretched out his hand and patted the back of his head with incredible force!

"You don't eat or sleep, how do you usually teach you!" Jiang Shaoting threw the napkin on the table, first reached out to straighten the little tie around Jiang Ruixi's neck, then walked steadily in front of Jiang Jingshu, squinted at her, and walked by Looked at Yin Luli.

"I am taller than him, handsomer than him, and most importantly richer than him. I would choose him only if I am blind. Your aunt's aesthetics are fine!" After leaving these words, Jiang Shaoting went upstairs to change clothes. Jiang Jingshu petrified instantly, while Xu Fusheng pursed his lips and smiled.

"I'm sorry I'm full, you guys eat slowly." Seeing that Jiang Ruixi had almost eaten, Xu Fusheng wiped his mouth with a napkin, and then opened his mouth. Jiang Ruixi was amused, and hummed to Jiang Jingshu twice, Then he ran to Xu Fusheng's side with a proud face.

"Ah Sheng, let's go for a stroll in the yard today, I'm almost bored to death!" Jiang Ruixi pesters Xu Fusheng, after all, he has the character of a child, so why would he do anything if he was kept in the room every day!
Xu Fusheng and Jiang Ruixi were getting further and further away, Jiang Jingshu was still holding Yin Luli's arm, her teeth clenched her lower lip, what uncle meant just now could not be more obvious, doesn't it mean that she is blind?
Isn't she just blind?He paid so much just to marry this man. To be honest, he was the one who took good care of him first. He made himself unable to leave this man. He knew it was for a purpose, but he was not good enough for Yin Luli. of it?
Tiantian either provokes here or there, doesn't he just rely on himself to like him, what other skills does he have besides this?
The more Jiang Jingshu thought about it, the more wronged she felt, and the more wronged she felt, the more she felt that Yin Luli was sorry for her. Even the child in her stomach came here because she was angry with him...

"Eat it yourself, I don't have an appetite!" Jiang Jingshu threw the breakfast served by the servant on the table and ran upstairs. As for Yin Luli, until now he still hasn't forgotten the look in Xu Fusheng's eyes when he left !

Mixed with happiness, mixed with sarcasm towards him, thinking this way in my heart, the fingers placed on both sides of my body... couldn't help but clenched tightly!

Jiang Ruixi wanted to go for a stroll in the yard, but Xu Fusheng didn't object. She knew Ruixi was playful, so she deliberately picked out a thicker coat, and went downstairs with him. She didn't expect Jiang Meiwan and Jiang Jingshu to be there, it seemed Is to go to the hospital.

After reading that Brigitte's diary, Xu Fusheng now looks at Jiang Meiwan with some trepidation in his heart, but he doesn't see Tan accompany her who usually follows her, and Jiang Jingshu is pushing the wheelchair!After what happened in the morning, Jiang Jingshu's complexion is still ugly up to now, when she sees Xu Fusheng, she thinks of those weird dreams she had at night, and sees her mother looking for her with teeth and claws all over her face!
"Ruixi, slow down." Since the relationship between the few people is not that good, Xu Fusheng didn't bother to say hello, and since others look down on her, she wouldn't shamelessly insist on getting closer to them.

When Xu Fusheng's figure disappeared by the door, Jiang Meiwan's eyes instantly gathered a haze.

"Jingshu, we should go." Jiang Meiwan said lightly, Jiang Jingshu couldn't help shivering when she heard it, and looked down at Jiang Meiwan. The feeling of impending doom!

"Okay, Mom." She didn't talk nonsense, and pushed Jiang Meiwan's wheelchair forward...

It can be seen that Jiang Zongxun is actually a person who knows how to enjoy himself. The courtyard in the Wensen family mansion is designed in an extraordinary style, and one can feel a sense of luxury from a distance.Jiang Ruixi would obviously enjoy it, and since Jiang Shaoting left, Archie stayed to protect their mother and son. At this time, he stood upright not far away to ensure that he could arrive as soon as an accident happened.

Jiang Ruixi has been suffocated for the past two days. Just taking a few breaths of fresh air is like watering a dying plant. Xu Fu couldn't help but shake her head with a smile. She heard Jiang Shaoting say that Jiang Zongxun didn't like it before. With Ruixi's matter, it can also be seen that the relationship between the child and his great-grandfather is not good.

Sitting on the bench, Xu Fusheng let Jiang Ruixi play alone, but couldn't help thinking about Qu Yunxi's matter in her heart. She believed in the authenticity of the note her mother left for her. If the person her father cheated on was Qu Yunxi, this is obviously too incredible.

After all, Qu Yunxi's identity is here. If she is really her biological mother and she is pregnant in October, how can she hide it from the eyeliners here?What's more, when the family's internal struggle was at its peak, Elizabeth couldn't let go of such a good opportunity!

Thinking of this in her heart, Xu Fusheng's expression didn't fluctuate at all. For her, a large part of this trip to England was to find out the relationship between Qu Yunxi and herself. Judging from the last meeting alone , she was already very sure that Qu Yunxi must have had a deep relationship with her father, which can also be reflected in Fu Yu...

She didn't understand at first why it was Fu Yu, but after thinking of Fu Yu's resemblance to Qu Yunxi at that family banquet, she finally understood that this was simply empathy. To put it bluntly, Fu Yu Yu is just a stand-in!

Perhaps because he was too immersed in his own thoughts, Xu Fusheng didn't notice that the green plants next to him started to move from the inside. These short green plants were specially transplanted when Jiang Zongxun was still there, even when the weather was cold. It also grows without any damage, row by row.

"Madam..." Archie's vigilant voice rang in her ears, and Xu Fusheng woke up suddenly, but even so, what happened the next moment was so frightening that she almost stopped her heart, only to see a shadow suddenly emerge from the bushes Li stretched out his hand and rushed towards her!
"Ah..." With a short sound, Xu Fusheng reacted quickly and dodged to the side. Archie arrived almost within two steps, and kicked the opponent down hard with a flying kick, that is, in the blink of an eye. After a while, the alarm was lifted.

"Asheng, are you okay!" Jiang Ruixi, who had been playing elsewhere just now, ran back when she heard the sound, but when she saw Jiang Mutian's face lying on the ground, she couldn't help but widen her eyes in surprise .

Is this still the useless uncle in his memory?Like a lunatic, and one hand is missing!

Xu Fusheng was still in shock. When she saw Jiang Mutian's face clearly, she didn't expect it to be him. Since that incident, she never saw him again. She never thought that when they met again, he would become so miserable.

"It hurts... woo... lamp... lamp..." I didn't care if the clothes on my body would get dirty, I sat on the ground and started messing around, Xu Fusheng was blocked by Archie, in case there was any danger, Xu Fusheng's face remained unchanged, looking at Jiang Mutian, he always felt that something was wrong.

"Deng... Deng... Wuwuwuwu..." A big man has fallen into such a field now, and he doesn't know what evil he did in his previous life, but when Xu Fusheng thought about the things he did to himself before, There is no longer any mercy for this man.

"Mutian...Mutian where have you been?" Elizabeth's voice sounded not far away, Xu Fusheng glanced at the direction not far away, did not speak, let the voice slowly approach to his side, believe that It will not be long before Elizabeth will be able to find them.

"Lamp...lamp...lamp...Jiang Mutian kept talking about lamps from there. It seemed that his head was really not clear. Archie looked at him with a blank face, guarding against Jiang Mutian's next moment. Will act manically.

"Mutian..." Elizabeth finally saw where Jiang Mutian was, but she also saw Xu Fusheng, Jiang Ruixi and the others, and she was really surprised. She was just walking forward anxiously, but now she started to trot!

Xu Fusheng glanced at Archie, and Archie quickly moved away. Elizabeth wanted to help her son up, but she was not as strong as Jiang Mutian, so she was dragged down by him, her arm was broken and bleeding Come.

"Hiss..." Elizabeth couldn't help crying out in pain, Xu Fusheng took a look, and finally asked Archie to help her up Jiang Mutian.

After all, Archie must have more strength than Elizabeth!
"Asheng, be careful up here..." Suddenly, Jiang Ruixi's sharp exclamation came from next to his ear, Xu Fusheng looked up subconsciously, but saw a huge carved street lamp on top of his head that was crumbling from above, as if it was about to fall down in a second .

"Madam..." Archie wanted to reach out subconsciously. If such a large carved street lamp fell from above and landed on someone, even if he survived, he would be seriously injured, not to mention... Xu Fusheng's weak body?

Almost as a conditioned reflex to danger, Xu Fusheng rushed towards Jiang Ruixi without even thinking about it, and firmly protected Jiang Ruixi, who was only five years old, under his body. When everything was at a critical moment, Elizabeth protected Jiang Mutian. The shouts are not over yet...

The carved headlight suddenly fell from the sky, and the special material fragments exploded, making a loud bang, like an explosion!

Xu Fusheng hugged Jiang Ruixi tightly, with his back facing the direction where the lamp fell, and the broken debris splashed over like rain. Xu Fusheng only hoped that the danger would pass quickly, as for Jiang Ruixi, he curled up in her arms, holding onto the light with his small hands. He hugged Fusheng's waist tightly.

Until the surroundings became quiet, the footsteps of workers tidying up the yard could be heard from afar.

Now everyone in the Wensen family does not know that the old man has passed away, and those who can work in the villa are all caring people. They know in their hearts that the world of the Wensen family may be about to change, and it is precisely because of this that they have recently started to work. Things are more or less sloppy.

Originally, all the settings in the courtyard would be inspected once every three days, but no one has ever come to inspect them during this period of time. These workers ran over, and seeing this scene, their faces turned pale with fright, and they stretched out their hands to grab Xu Fusheng first. Help me up.

(End of this chapter)

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