Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 195 Old Land 2

Chapter 195 Old Land 2
The corridor was quiet, Xu Fusheng went downstairs very slowly, and he was about to reach the door soon.

"Madam." Archie's voice came from the dark. Xu Fusheng's hand on the doorknob was a little stiff. Always be vigilant at 12 points.

"I know you won't agree if I go alone, come with me." Xu Fusheng's voice was very weak, as if he had already had two plans, and Aqi had already reached the point of his mouth, and the words stopped abruptly, as if there was no Thinking that Xu Fusheng would be willing to let himself follow.

"But I need to trouble you to buy some things for me on the way."

"Yes, ma'am."

Archie's expression was very strange, Xu Fusheng asked him to buy a lot of joss sticks, paper money and the like, almost a full box, and put them in the trunk.After buying it, she said thank you and never spoke to him again.

The car soon arrived near the location designated by Xu Fusheng, and Archie soon heard Xu Fusheng's voice telling him to stop at a place some distance away from the designated location.

He stopped as he said, and watched as Xu Fusheng got out of the car and took out the incense paper money from the trunk.

"I'm not far ahead, you wait for me from here, you don't need to go with me." After Xu Fusheng finished speaking, he didn't wait for Archie to agree or disagree, holding the pile of things, looking towards Go to a place that is quite dark.

Archie thought for a while, but just changed the lights to high beams, which made Xu Fusheng's walking less difficult.

He finally remembered where this place was. He had accompanied Mr. Jiang here before, and this was where Miss Chen Yuxin's accident happened!

Xu Fusheng didn't care what Archie was thinking, but walked silently to the place where the accident happened, squatted down quietly, and took out paper money and some yellow paper.

When the match was struck, it made a chirping sound, and a dark red light illuminated her facial features. The flame was jumping and flickering, and there was a weird feeling that people couldn't describe. The paper is on fire.

Xu Fusheng squatted in the same place expressionlessly, burning the paper, and seemed to be thinking about something. Archie in the distance saw this scene, and always felt an indescribable strangeness in his heart, but it was strange, He just couldn't say anything.

"There are so many things I want to say to you, but now I'm here, but I can't say anything." One by one, the paper money was thrown on the fire. The winter weather was a bit cold, but for Xu Fusheng, it was not There is no difference.

"I always thought that if I hadn't come here, you wouldn't have died, and the child in your womb...Although at the beginning, you used my innocence to let Yin Luli deceive my feelings, but later... ..."

The series of events that happened after that have completely gotten out of control.

"It seems that since I was released from prison, I haven't come to pay homage to you. Now, I am here." The flames were particularly dazzling in the middle of the night, and there was a faint smoke floating from the sky, which made people feel unspeakably melancholy.

The yellow papers were burning one by one, Xu Fusheng said very little, but the movements in his hands never stopped.

Archie sitting in the car couldn't hear what Xu Fusheng was saying, but looking at her expression, he could also feel the heavy emotion. He didn't know whether he should report this matter to Mr. Jiang. Want to give up in the end.

"Chen Yuxin, whether it was you who plotted against me or something else, it's been so many years, and we've all paid the price. It's all over... But there are some truths that I don't want to hide any longer."

People die like a lamp goes out, Xu Fusheng doesn't know if Chen Yuxin can hear what she is saying now, after burning the last piece of paper, Xu Fusheng stands up, squatting down for a long time before standing up, there will always be a kind of dizziness dizziness.

"So this time, I need to trouble you to appear in people's eyes again." Back then, the love triangle between Chen Yuxin, Xu Fusheng, and Yin Luli was widely rumored.

Standing in the same place silently, I don't know how long it passed like this, until another beam of headlights suddenly pierced the dark night sky, Xu Fusheng moved his stiff body, and looked in the direction of the headlights...

It didn't matter, but when he saw the conspicuous face on the passenger seat, he couldn't help squinting his eyes...

In the villa in the suburbs of England, the pharmacist Tiao Gaomeifeng took the things Jiang Shaoting handed him. He didn't test it last time, so why did he ask him to test the DNA this time?Jiang Shaoting made him fly around in the sky all day long, did he really think he was made of iron?
"Pharmacist, the situation this time is different from last time." Jiang Shaoting's expression was unexpectedly solemn. Seeing him like this, the pharmacist put away his dissatisfaction, as if he was considering the difference between this time and last time The place.

"I know best about the test I did, there is no possibility of problems, if it is your wife and your son's, then I will not do it a second time!" One point, he insisted.

"It's not Fusheng and Ruixi's." Jiang Shaoting's eyes were deep, and he fell to the side, but he was thinking about the heartless one. She should have gotten off the plane long ago, but she didn't even call herself. If it wasn't for Archie's report No, he didn't even know about her.

The pharmacist showed surprise in his eyes, but he didn't need to repeat the examination, as for what his intentions were, he didn't care.

"Who is that?" After the pharmacist finished speaking, Jiang Shaoting reached out with a pen and wrote a few words on the A4 paper in front of him, and then pushed the A4 paper in front of the pharmacist. The pharmacist just looked down, I couldn't react for a moment.

"Your head is not broken, is it?" The pharmacist couldn't help looking at him and said this.

Jiang Shaoting remained silent, but tapped his fingers on the table impatiently. The pharmacist naturally knew what this meant.

"Okay, okay, since I have taken your money, I will naturally do things for you, and I will tell you the result within 24 hours, hey...don't bargain, I still need to sleep to refresh myself!"

Xu Fusheng glanced at Chen Yurou who got off the taxi, the expression on his face didn't change at all, but Chen Yurou's expression was very weird, angry didn't seem to be angry, awkward but awkward, seeing Xu Fusheng was there, he snorted coldly Twice.

"Why are you here..." I haven't said the word here, but when I saw the unburned paper on the ground, there was a strange light in my pupils. No one knew what Chen Yurou was thinking, but it was not what a good thing.

The taxi left first, this is the old town, and there are very few taxis going this way at night, it would be a problem for Chen Yurou to go back, but she was absent-minded, obviously not paying attention to this.

"I've always wanted to meet you alone, how about I buy you a drink now?" Chen Yurou said.

The nightlife in City A is very rich, and many shops are open 24 hours, so even at this point, you can still find a place to have a drink.

Xu Fusheng glanced at Chen Yurou, she seemed to know the nightlife in City A very well?
"Okay, take the car on my side and go back." With Archie here, Xu Fusheng was not too worried about what Chen Yurou would do to him. He silently turned the black jade wrench on his thumb, but this inadvertent tiny movement was ignored. Chen Yurou noticed.

So much so that they saw the small version of the black jade wrench on her thumb together, and there was jealousy burning in her eyes, although it couldn't be more subtle.

"Then I will trouble you." Suddenly, Chen Yurou's smile bloomed like a flower, and that young and beautiful face immediately gave people a kind of youthful vigor, and Xu Fusheng felt an indescribable strangeness in his heart. Some can't tell.

The two got into the car with their own concerns, while Archie, the driver, drove quietly towards the city center...

The two found a Starbucks to go in and sit down. In fact, Chen Yurou originally wanted to find a bar, but Xu Fusheng was not very interested in that kind of place, so the location was temporarily changed to a Starbucks. They ordered two cups of coffee, but there was a sense of relative innocence. meaning of words.

Chen Yurou's eyes were rolling, Xu Fusheng ordered a cup of coffee for Archie, and asked the clerk to deliver it to a table not far from her.

"I don't understand why Brother Jiang just fell in love with you." The moment Brother Jiang said the three words from Chen Yurou's mouth, Xu Fusheng, who was drinking coffee, almost choked, as if... Chen Yurou and Jiang Shaoting did not have a particularly deep relationship relationship?

"Do you like Jiang Shaoting very much?" Xu Fusheng asked without answering, but this question successfully made Chen Yurou tightly close his lips.

Even the flicker in the eyes is quite hesitant, the answer is self-evident, presumably that kind of liking is not just as simple as liking...Xu Fusheng thought to himself, but Jiang Shaoting's appearance does attract this kind of Little girls love it.

Chen Yurou really likes Jiang Shaoting, even more after knowing that he is the president of J&C Group.

"I definitely don't love him because he is the president of J&C Group." Chen Yurou added a sentence, and simply spread it out in front of Xu Fusheng, Xu Fusheng was speechless for a while, just silently holding his coffee.

However, Chen Yurou had other plans in her heart. When she saw Xu Fusheng, she couldn't help recalling the things she heard at Yin Luli's house back then. If Xu Fusheng knew that her mother was murdered, what would be... what would be the reaction? ?
"Love? You have only met him a few times? He has reached the level of love?" To be honest, Xu Fusheng felt very uncomfortable, recalling that she seemed to have never called Jiang Shaoting since returning to City A. Counting the time difference, I will give him a call when I go back later.

"Xu Fusheng, you killed my sister, why do you still have the face to stay by Brother Jiang's side? My sister is Brother Jiang's younger sister, so it's impossible for you not to know about it? Brother Jiang even let you go at the wedding, Isn't this attitude obvious?" Chen Yurou naturally knew that what she said was nothing more than nonsense, but she still felt unwilling, why did Big Brother Jiang fall in love with her?
Xu Fusheng simply put the cup back on the table this time, regretting coming out with Chen Yurou, and squeezed between his eyebrows.

Even if there was something going on between her and Jiang Shaoting, based on her understanding of Jiang Shaoting, she would never fall in love with a girl like Chen Yurou, let alone... If he really had any interest in Chen Yurou in the early morning, then these I have nothing to do with myself!
Originally, Xu Fusheng wanted to see that Chen Yurou was Chen Yuxin's younger sister, and to reveal the truth about the car accident that year. After all, she didn't know what kind of disturbance would arise at that time. She didn't expect that she would grab Jiang Shaoting as soon as she sat down. Let it go, it's giving me a headache.

(End of this chapter)

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