Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 196 Where Does Her Confidence Come From

Chapter 196 Where Does Her Confidence Come From

"Then what do you think I should do? Divorce Jiang Shaoting? Make the two of you happy?" When Xu Fusheng said this, there was a kind of helpless sarcasm in his tone, but Chen Yurou didn't know whether he really didn't hear it or pretended not to hear it. , actually nodded!

Xu Fusheng felt that the conversation between the two of them could really come to an end.

"It's too late, and I'm tired too. If Ms. Chen Yurou thinks it's almost done, I'll ask Archie to take you back!" After saying this, Xu Fusheng stood up and walked outside without waiting for Chen Yurou's reaction. go.

Archie looked at Chen Yurou with a strange look. To be honest, he also heard the conversation between the two of them very closely. He only felt that Chen Yurou's head was really broken, and he didn't know what she was Where does the confidence come from...

On the way back, Xu Fusheng thought for a while, took out his phone, and dialed a shortcut key to Jiang Shaoting who was far away in England.

At this time, Jiang Shaoting was in the video conference. When he saw Xu Fusheng's number, he immediately suspended the meeting, but he didn't pick up immediately. He just waited for a few seconds, but he was very uneasy during the waiting time. , I'm afraid that the call will hang up anytime, anywhere.

In the end, it was Jiang Shaoting who was the first to compromise, but Fusheng didn't have the account to call him immediately when he arrived in City A, so he would settle the matter with her when she came back, slide his finger on the screen, and the call was answered soon.

"Hello?" He deliberately pretended to be very busy, and his voice was a little cold.

"Mr. Jiang's popularity is really beyond my expectation, but you can meet Mr. Jiang's admirers every time you go back to City A!" Xu Fusheng also sneered back, but Jiang Shaoting was confused when he heard it, as if I had no idea what she was trying to say at all.

However, the three words 'admirer' were clearly captured by him, could it be that there are some rumors?

"What nonsense are you talking about? Isn't it very late over there?" In the middle of the night, who did she meet?And it's worth making a special phone call back and talking sarcasticly to him?
"I met Chen Yurou just now, she seems to like you very much, oh no, what she said was 'I definitely don't love him because he is the president of J&C Group'" Archie looked at you from the corner of his eye through the rearview mirror Touching Xu Fusheng, although his voice sounded like he was angry, his expression was as calm as ever.

Jiang Shaoting frowned when he heard the words, did Chen Yurou really tell Fu Sheng that?Is there really something wrong with her head?

"Fusheng, I don't mean anything to her at all, I don't even know why she would..." Before Jiang Shaoting finished speaking, he heard a puff in his ear, but Xu Fusheng couldn't help but laughed first, the laughter As soon as it rang, he knew he had been fooled.

"I thought you were really angry, but it made me happy for nothing." Xu Fusheng was angry, but he also cared about his own performance. Her husband is so popular, but she didn't respond at all. Is it because she is too arrogant?Or really don't care?

"I just... went to the place where Chen Yuxin's accident happened..." Xu Fusheng's voice fell, and Jiang Shaoting didn't make a sound for a long time... Jiang Shaoting didn't make a sound, Xu Fusheng's heart was somewhat uncertain, if it wasn't for the faint voice on the other end of the phone With the sound of breathing, she would even think that Jiang Shaoting had left, and the two of them were deadlocked like this.

"What are you going there for?" After a brief stalemate, Jiang Shaoting's voice finally came again, Xu Fusheng heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, and his expression softened, holding the small mobile phone with both hands, listening to the sound of his breathing On the other hand, I really feel lonely.

"Burn some paper money or something." She simply answered this sentence, and Jiang Shaoting fell silent again.

"Oh." The topic about Chen Yuxin was rarely brought up between the two of them, and it was unknown whether it was deliberately avoided, or if they chose to forget it on their own initiative. It was rare that Xu Fusheng would take the initiative to talk about it today.

"Why didn't you call me after getting off the plane?" Jiang Shaoting's tone was somewhat resentful when he mentioned this matter, Xu Fusheng didn't know if he deliberately changed the topic just now, but he wisely chose to ignore it.

"It's not that I won't go back, I'll just stay here for two or three days." Although he muttered in a low voice, he was still heard by Jiang Shaoting on the other end of the phone.

"Two or three days? You left Ruixi and me in England to go back alone, and you didn't tell me what to do, are you still confident?"

Xu Fusheng pursed his lips and smiled, this awkward man, is it so difficult to think of her?Do you have to beat around the bush?
"Shao Ting..." Xu Fusheng deliberately lowered his voice. After all, Archie was still driving ahead, which somewhat affected her.

"Huh?" Still dissatisfied.

"I miss you." Since he was unwilling to take the initiative, she would take the initiative. Anyway, one of the two must take a step forward, and Xu Fusheng didn't mind being the one who moved forward at all.

There was a snap, and I don't know what the sound was on the other end of the phone, followed by a series of noisy movements.

"What's wrong with you?" Xu Fusheng couldn't help asking.

There was no movement on the other end of the phone, but after a while, Jiang Shaoting's voice came.

"It's nothing, Qu Yunxi has to help Yin Luli and Jiang Jingshu organize their wedding, the date has been moved up."

Xu Fusheng must not have imagined that Jiang Shaoting on the other end of the phone was propped on the ground in such a strange posture at this time. He was so excited when he heard the four words just now, he couldn't sit still and fell to the ground.

Of course Jiang Shaoting would not tell Xu Fusheng such a shameful thing!
"You mean Yin Luli and Jiang Jingshu's wedding has been brought forward?" Xu Fusheng's face suddenly became serious.

"Well, it was originally said to be in the UK, but later it was decided to be in City A. Yin Luli's mother must have received the news." This is the latest news Jiang Shaoting has received, and Xu Fusheng's eyes instantly became serious. For her, it might not be a bad thing.

"I see, it looks like it's been the past few days, Ruixi... you've taken care of it." Of course Xu Fusheng is most worried about Ruixi, but fortunately she has made up her mind this time, and she will never hesitate again up.

"Be careful, and besides... Yuxin is Yuxin, Chen Yurou is Chen Yurou, do you understand what I want to say?"

After a long time, Jiang Shaoting's voice came from the other end of the phone again, Xu Fusheng felt warm in his heart, how could he not understand what he meant?
"Where does she get the confidence to compare with you?"

Xu Fusheng's cheeks became hot, there is no woman who doesn't like her man saying such things...

Qian Duoduo slept soundly, Xu Fusheng was still curled up in that position when he came back.

It was only when Xu Fusheng approached the bed that he realized that her face was already covered with tears.

Even in his sleep, Qian Duoduo still felt very insecure, lying on his side curled up like a shrimp, the pillow was already wet with tears, but Qian Duoduo himself didn't notice it at all.

Sighing, Xu Fusheng took out a tissue and slowly wiped away her tears.

Xu Fusheng didn't know what Qian Duoduo had experienced during the days when she was away, but she was crying even in her dreams, which must have tortured her for a long time...

Lying slowly beside her, she has more important things to do tomorrow...

Early the next morning, when Xu Fusheng woke up, he vaguely heard Qian Duoduo's phone call from the bathroom.

It was obvious that the conversation with the other party broke down, and they hung up the phone unhappily. When Qian Duoduo came out and saw Xu Fusheng who had woken up, the expression on his face was somewhat awkward, but Xu Fusheng smiled generously He said, as if he was afraid that she would have some psychological pressure.

"You heard everything." Sitting by the bed, Qian Duoduo threw the phone on the bedside table and smiled wryly.

"Duo Duo..." Xu Fusheng wanted to persuade her, but he couldn't say anything, but Qian Duoduo wiped his face, as if he thought he was too worthless.

"I'm fine, don't worry! I'm Qian Duoduo, no one wants to bully me!" Qian Duoduo snorted coldly. The happy heart on the other end of the phone just now was extremely arrogant. She really didn't understand what Xu Jingnan liked about her. , There is a green tea whore smell all over the body.

"Well, you have a lot of money, but if you need it, you must tell me." When she was the most destitute, it was Qian Duoduo who helped her. Now that she has the ability, she will naturally not ignore it.

Qian Duoduo looked at Xu Fusheng, and it would be a lie to say that she was not moved, but she didn't like to say it, she kept it all in her heart.

"By the way, Fu Sheng, why didn't you bring that little thing with you this time?" The little thing naturally refers to Jiang Ruixi.

"I came back this time to get something. Duoduo, my mother... didn't commit suicide, just like you guessed, she was killed by someone!" As soon as Xu Fusheng's voice fell, Qian Duoduo's eyes widened instantly. eyes.

"Who is it?" Qian Duoduo sat by the bed, anxious.

"I'm not sure, but Jiang Jingshu and Yin Luli must be inseparable. I'm so stupid. I really thought that I could live in peace without saying a word. Duo Duo, I won't bear it any longer." When Xu Fusheng said this, he said softly He smiled, but there was another emotion in that smile.

"What are you going to do? I'll help you!"

Qian Duoduo straightened his body. He used to only think of Yin Luli as cheap, but he didn't expect that he was not only cheap but also ruthless!

"Duoduo, I don't want to involve you in this matter, I can solve it myself, don't worry."

Seeing her firm tone, Qian Duoduo didn't speak anymore, but he was still very worried about Fusheng...

After breakfast, Qian Duoduo left with Xin Rui and Zeng Jingyu, and before Xin Rui left, Xu Fusheng told her exactly what the wolf had entrusted her with, Xin Rui's flower-like little face It suddenly became whiter.

When the three of them left and sat on the sofa, Xu Fusheng looked at the empty villa, feeling a little sentimental for a moment.

"Archie, please send me to the bank. I'll get something and come out, and then... please send me to meet a friend." This kind of sentimentality didn't last too long, and Xu Fusheng restrained himself very quickly. all emotions.

She only has a limited time to stay in City A, so now she can only get everything sorted out quickly, so as not to cause trouble!
The bank has a dedicated VIP manager who led Xu Fusheng to the safe deposit box inside the bank, then turned around and walked out.

Here is a safe deposit box belonging to Wen Huaisu, with a lease period of 20 years. Xu Fusheng slowly opened the door of the safe deposit box. Inside the safe deposit box with limited space, it was empty, except for a small box lying quietly inside.

(End of this chapter)

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