Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 199 Live Our Lives

Chapter 199 Live Our Lives
When Archie opened the door and came in, he saw the two people lying on the bed at the first sight, and slowed down his pace. Even so, Jiang Shaoting woke up sharply, looked up at Archie who came in, and signaled his steps with his eyes slow down.

Archie glanced at Xu Fusheng inadvertently. Obviously, he did not agree with what she did today, not to mention that Jiang Shaoting was injured, but this is a matter between the master after all. Although it is not convenient for him to say What, there is always some grudge in my heart.

After all, the two have been masters and servants for many years. Jiang Shaoting couldn't understand the meaning of Archie's eyes. Immediately, his eyes swept across him sharply. Archie was very sensitive to catch the displeasure in Jiang Shaoting's eyes, and he already understood his actions just now. , touched Mr. Jiang's bottom line.

"Ah Qi, I'll let you take care of Fusheng's mother's funeral. Use the fastest time to get this matter done." Jiang Shaoting's voice was very low, obviously worried about waking up the woman beside him, and Archie was stunned. Now, why is Mr. Jiang so anxious to deal with this matter?

"Yes, Mr. Jiang." Archie just needs to follow the order, but he is here because there is one more thing.

"Mr. Jiang, Ms. Mei Wan knows that you are coming back to City A, and wants to send someone to take Tan back." Archie just got the news in the afternoon, and as soon as the words fell, Jiang Shaoting sneered, as if he had already thought that Jiang Mei Wan would do such a thing. things to come.

"As long as no one is killed, you let them figure it out." After saying this, Jiang Shaoting waved at Archie and closed his eyes again. Archie was silent, as he understood the meaning.

"One more thing..." With eyes closed, Jiang Shaoting's voice came in a low voice.

Archie's footsteps that were about to leave suddenly stopped, and he turned back to wait for Jiang Shaoting's further instructions.

"Yin Luli's mother, Fu Yu, find someone to follow her. If she wants to leave recently, stop her at all costs..."

Archie nodded expressionlessly. Although he didn't understand why Yin Luli's mother Fu Yu was involved, all he had to do was to fulfill Jiang Shaoting's orders.

That's it!

Yin Luli's heart was restless all the way. He always felt that something was going to happen recently. Obviously, he thought that this matter had nothing to do with Xu Fusheng. On the other hand, Jiang Jingshu, who was sitting next to him, had a very unsightly expression. .

After getting off the plane, Yin Luli originally wanted to send Jiang Jingshu back to the villa, but she wanted to go with him, so she went home together.

As soon as she opened the door of the house, Jiang Jingshu saw Chen Yurou, her whole face darkened, as if she was very upset because she was there.

"Lu Li..." Seeing Yin Luli come back, Fu Yu's tensed heart finally relaxed a little. To be honest, these few days have been really hard for her, and it is precisely because of this that seeing Yin Luli come back , she was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Mom, I'll buy you a plane ticket. Go out and have fun recently! Don't come back anytime soon!" Yin Luli had a premonition that Xu Fusheng wasn't just talking about it this time, maybe...she was Really want to shake things out.

"Why do I want to leave? If I don't leave, I want to see you marry Jing Shu home with my own eyes!" Fu Yu thought that Yin Luli wanted to let her go, so she sat on the sofa and turned her back in a fit of anger, looking like Chen Yurou It was a bit embarrassing to be there, but she didn't feel anything personally.

"Mom! Can you stop being so willful, if Xu Fusheng reveals what happened back then, you will be the first person Jiang Shaoting will deal with!"

Yin Luli let out a low growl, and Fu Yu shrank his shoulders, as if he was a little scared.

"But you are married..."

"What do you care about marriage now? I'll buy you a plane ticket, hurry up, I won't let you come back, so don't come back!"

Yin Luli didn't care about his busy life, picked up his phone and booked Fu Yu's flight ticket to leave the next day. He didn't even choose a destination, he just wanted the fastest flight...

Qian Duoduo was worried, and came to the hospital early the next morning. As soon as he arrived at the door of the ward, he saw Archie standing there, talking to the bodyguard at the door. Seeing Qian Duoduo coming, Archie nodded to her , motioning the bodyguard to get out of the way and let her in.

With chicken soup in his hand, Qian Duoduo pushed the door open and entered without politeness. Xu Fusheng had already woken up, and he didn't know what he was talking to Jiang Shaoting.

"Fusheng, I brought you chicken soup, hurry up and drink it while it's hot!" Qian Duoduo glanced at Jiang Shaoting, she knew that good people don't live long and they will live for thousands of years, and Jiang Shaoting looked more energetic than Xu Fusheng after just one night .

"If I remember correctly, I should be the one who was injured!" Seeing that Xu Fusheng's face was rarely happy, Jiang Shaoting was more or less polite to Qian Duoduo, but Qian Duoduo glanced at him, and then quickly poured out the chicken soup Handed it to Xu Fusheng.

"You have rough skin and thick flesh, so it doesn't matter if you hit it a few more times. Fusheng just had a miscarriage a while ago, and she hasn't had a good rest recently. It's so cold, what if the root cause of the disease is left?" Qian Duoduo is like a nurse Like an old hen, no one is allowed to bully Fu Sheng.

"Duo Duo, I'm fine." What happened yesterday was her fault, she was too impulsive and willful.

"It's nothing! I have something to do, okay! I didn't have a good rest at the beginning, and now when it's windy and rainy, it hurts here and there..." Qian Duoduo threw out a long string of words like lighting firecrackers, but it was very painful. Quickly realizing what he said was wrong, the voice stopped abruptly.

"Drink chicken soup." He raised the bowl playfully, as if nothing happened just now, Qian Duoduo sat on the sofa beside the hospital bed, with a whitewashed expression on his face.

Xu Fusheng glanced at Jiang Shaoting, Jiang Shaoting signaled her to drink it with his eyes, and his eyes soon fell on Qian Duoduo, he felt that Qian Duoduo should have something else to say when he came here so early in the morning.

Sure enough, soon, Qian Duoduo spoke again.

"Fusheng, after you told me those things yesterday, I was thinking that on the day you got married, didn't Xin Rui say that your mother went out after answering the phone call? See if you can find out where the call came from. Calling? After all, you can let your mother go out at such an important moment, the person on the other end of the phone is really...suspicious!" After Qian Duoduo's voice fell, Xu Fusheng's movements stopped suddenly, she had never thought of that In this regard, who made that phone call to call her mother out?What happened next?

Jiang Shaoting is well aware of the glint in his eyes. If the call is real, he can send Archie to check the records. This is not a difficult task for him. No matter who the caller is , may be the last person to see Wen Huaisu.

It is also possible that it is the person who really ended Wen Huaisu's life!
"I'll let Archie investigate carefully, and we will have an answer to this matter soon." Jiang Shaoting glanced at Xu Fusheng, who had a serious expression on his face. As for Qian Duoduo, after he had finished speaking, he stood up and asked Walking outside, when passing by Xu Fusheng, he pulled her to the side, and turned his back to Jiang Shaoting, as if he wanted to whisper to her.

"The news of the car accident was on the news yesterday, but without you, the picture of Jiang Shaoting just passed by in a flash." After saying this, Qian Duoduo patted Xu Fusheng on the shoulder, turned around and walked towards the door of the ward.

After Qian Duoduo left, Xu Fusheng turned his head to look at Jiang Shaoting who was still lying on the hospital bed, and did not speak for a while.

"What happened yesterday..."

"What happened yesterday was speeding on our side, but the other party was traveling in the opposite direction, so we each paid half of the responsibility. I have tried my best to suppress the matter, so don't worry..." Jiang Shaoting knew what she was thinking, and said in a deep voice...

Hearing what Jiang Shaoting said, Xu Fusheng didn't feel relieved. She felt that she didn't want to touch a car again for the rest of her life. She thought this way, but she didn't notice that Jiang Shaoting looked at her eyes. A little touch of affection.

"I..." Just as Xu Fusheng turned his head, Jiang Shaoting turned his eyes away, his thin lips parted slightly.

"Don't tell me you're sorry again." In one sentence, what Xu Fusheng wanted to say next came to an abrupt end, and he looked at him with a sullen expression, quite a feeling of being detained by the teacher when he was doing homework when he was a child.

"Come here." Jiang Shaoting sat up, his stretched muscles were wrapped with white bandages due to injuries, and he slightly opened his hands towards Xu Fusheng.

Xu Fusheng walked over and sat on the side of the bed, chicken soup oil stains on her small lips, bright and warm, Jiang Shaoting stretched out his hand to rub it, but the wound involved her, he wanted to give up, but unexpectedly, Xu Fusheng Fu Sheng saw his intention, lowered his body and got close to his palm.

The soft and fragrant hair fell on Jiang Shaoting's palm with her movements, and it was so itchy that he couldn't help but sigh after all.

"I think I should treat you better."

Jiang Shaoting didn't know whether he was talking to himself or telling her what Jiang Shaoting said, Xu Fusheng was taken aback when he heard it.

"Fusheng, I'm sorry." He seems to owe her a serious apology. He was too excited after learning the truth yesterday. In fact, he should be the one who should panic and go crazy. Now that I think about it, the injury I suffered is a little bit Guilty deserves it.

"You don't let me talk, but you speak up yourself." Xu Fusheng knew what he was thinking, just as he knew himself.

"Let's just turn this page over, shall we? After all, I was the one who concealed it first. Even if you want to do something to me, it is reasonable. In the whole thing, you are also a victim, aren't you? I was looking for After that, my mother wanted to hide this matter completely, and only hoped to live a peaceful life, but she never expected..."

If it weren't for the ups and downs that followed...

Xu Fusheng must have never thought that one day he would get back the evidence that was hidden in the beginning!
"Fusheng, I want to show you something." After a brief silence, Jiang Shaoting said suddenly, Xu Fusheng looked at him, with faint doubts in his eyes, his expression seemed very strange, which made her feel a surge of emotion. Indescribable feeling.

"Every time you face me with that look, you always bring some news that I don't want to know."

She didn't know what mood she should use to face it, but at least she was mentally prepared. The two of them had already experienced so many things, and there must be nothing that could bring her another blow.

(End of this chapter)

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