Chapter 200
"You're so smart, why don't you guess what I want to show you?" Jiang Shaoting's eyes fell on Xu Fusheng's face deeply.

Xu Fusheng didn't speak, but really thought about it seriously, but the more he thought about it, the more ugly his expression became. I don't know how long it has passed like this, she suddenly raised her head, looked into Jiang Shaoting's eyes, and seemed to finally decide to speak.

"After thinking about it, it can't be related to me and... Qu Yunxi?"

This sentence, Xu Fusheng said in a difficult way, Jiang Shaoting's pupils slightly opened for a moment, and his thin lips were slightly pursed...

Fu Yu hurriedly packed her things all night, and she didn't close her eyes for almost the whole night. As soon as it was dawn, Yin Luli knocked on the door and urged her to send her to the airport.For some reason, Fu Yu always had a bad premonition in his heart.

On the way to the airport, Fu Yu and Yin Luli didn't talk to each other. The two had their own concerns. To be honest, Yin Luli resented Fu Yu a little. If it wasn't because of her relationship, things wouldn't have turned into what they are now. look.

After about an hour's drive, the two finally arrived at the airport. Yin Luli took out the ticket and checked in the luggage, then turned around and took out some money and handed it to Fu Yu. In fact, it wasn't just that Fu Yu had something bad in his heart. I have a hunch that even Yin Luli is the same.

He always felt that Jiang Shaoting had seen through everything and was just waiting for an appropriate time to attack them. The stronger this thought was, the more fearful Yin Luli felt.

"When the limelight passes, I'll pick you up." After all, it's his biological mother, how could Yin Luli really have the heart to let her wander outside all year round, but the situation forced him to do so!
Fu Yu nodded with tears in his eyes. Seeing her like this, Yin Luli simply said a few more words and walked out of the airport.

During the early morning flight time, the airport was still a little empty. After Yin Luli left, Fu Yu felt that his heart was pulled away all of a sudden, and he seemed to have aged a lot in an instant. Know what to think.

I don't know how long it has passed like this, there seems to be a shadow covering the side, I raised my head in a daze, and saw a somewhat familiar face, but for a moment I couldn't remember where I saw it?

"Ms. Fu, I'm afraid you won't be able to catch up with this flight." Archie said expressionlessly. In a flash, Fu Yu finally remembered... Where did he see this person before...

Xu Fusheng sat on the sofa, looked down expressionlessly at the document Jiang Shaoting handed over to him in her hand, she didn't know how long she would maintain this position, but soon, she closed the document after reading it, and leaned on the sofa with her eyes closed on the back of the chair.

Jiang Shaoting gave her space to be silent, but his eyes stayed on Xu Fusheng's body, as if to guard against her being impulsive again.

Compared to his nervousness, Xu Fusheng acted calmly. Perhaps he had already prepared for it, so he wouldn't be caught off guard, but his expression was still ugly after all, even...somewhat obscure.

The relationship between her and Jiang Shaoting has been going back and forth along the way. At first, she thought that there was a slight turning point, but she never thought that there would always be such and such things that would bring the two of them back to the original point. What is even more ridiculous is that this document , Archie asked himself to send it to him yesterday.

"I'm already prepared." As for the relationship between herself and Qu Yunxi, she has been prepared since she saw the photo of her father and her, but Xu Fusheng still finds it incredible that he will be with the same seemingly People who have nothing to do with eight poles have such a deep connection.

"You must have read it, what about you? Are you ready?" Xu Fusheng threw the document on the table. To be honest, her nerves were even a little numb to such shocks, as if two Personally, I haven't had a good day since I met him.

"No matter who you are, in my eyes, you can only be my Jiang Shaoting's wife, and you can only be Ruixi's mother!" A simple sentence has already clearly expressed Jiang Shaoting's attitude. With these words, Xu Fusheng's tense heart was finally relieved.

The same tense body slowly softened, stood up and walked back to the hospital bed. I don't know how long it has passed, lying on Jiang Shaoting's chest, and let out a soft sigh of relief. This is enough, this... really... enough.

"Fusheng, let's settle the matter together. After everything is settled, we will take Ruixi to live our lives properly!" Jiang Shaoting placed one hand on top of her head, stroking her gently.

"Okay, let's live our lives."

Knock, knock, knock...the door of the ward was knocked from the outside, Xu Fusheng turned his back and wiped away the moisture from the corners of his eyes, Jiang Shaoting responded in a muffled voice, the door was pushed open from the outside, and a man in a black suit walked in , Passed the information in hand to Jiang Shaoting.

"Mr. Jiang, please take a look!"

Jiang Shaoting hummed, and took the file with one hand. If nothing else happened, this thing should be the call record that Qian Duoduo said before, and it was retrieved as quickly as possible.

The call had been circled with a pen, so Jiang Shaoting noticed it almost as soon as he opened it. As for Xu Fusheng who was sitting by the bed, he glanced at it, fell silent for a moment, took out his mobile phone and dialed the number on it.

The call was connected quickly, unexpectedly, the lazy voice Jiang Shaoting and Xu Fusheng were very familiar with.

"This is the Yin family, but the master is not here, so we can talk about it later." After Jiang Jingshu finished speaking, she immediately hung up the phone. As for Xu Fusheng on the other end of the phone, her fingers tightly gripped the phone without leaving a trace trembling.

This phone number is the Yin family's number!

The cell phone of the man in black suit rang, and he turned his back to answer it, but after a while he turned around and came to Jiang Shaoting's side, deliberately lowering his voice, not knowing what he said, Jiang Shaoting's face was very calm.

"Fusheng, Fu Yu has already stopped her. Where do you think it would be better to send her?" After Jiang Shaoting finished speaking, Xu Fusheng turned around slowly. The scene I saw, the sadness and despair of that day, has evolved into the raging anger of today.

"It's better to let her accompany my mother during this time, but I don't know what useful news I can get from her!"

Xu Fusheng sneered, clenched the phone in his hand tightly, and there were faint blue veins on the back of his hand...

Fu Yu's head was covered with a layer of opaque cloth, which completely blocked her view. She huddled in the corner of the car, and she could clearly feel that there were at least two burly men sitting next to her. After taking this car, I don't know how long I drove it, and I don't know where the destination is. My heart keeps beating, fearing that I will be taken to the suburbs to solve it in the next moment!
She didn't know how long the car had been driving, but Fu Yu only felt a jolt, and the car seemed to stop just like that. She was nervous for a while, and always felt that this was her burial place!The other party kept pulling her forward, regardless of whether she staggered or not. At the end, Fu Yu squatted on the ground and refused to leave!
With a crash, the fabric on her head was ripped off, and the unkempt Fu Yu shrank back in fear at first, but after her eyes adjusted to the surrounding light, she finally saw clearly where it was!
It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, it almost scares Fu Yu out of his mind.

Archie didn't give her any time to buffer, he stretched out his hand and pulled Fu Yu up, whose legs had completely weakened, and threw it towards the door, only to hear a loud bang, and the door was slammed from the outside. close.

Fu Yu came to his senses belatedly, stretched out his hand to grab the doorknob to open it, but the iron door remained unmoved, gusts of cold air came out from behind him, and there was even a white mist around him. All this made Fu Yu's scalp tingle!

Outside the iron gate, Archie stood there with a cold face, as if he was waiting for something. After a while, he heard screams from inside, and the old man at the gate took the money from another person. up, and turn a deaf ear to the scream.

Fu Yu yelled and yelled, struggled and struggled, but finally couldn't bear the exhaustion of physical strength, and slowly sat down on the ground.

She only felt very cold, and the coolness on her back was even more obvious. Originally, she just casually looked back, but when she saw a figure on a push bed parked not far away, she shivered suddenly.

The lights in the room were flickering, which seemed to complement the atmosphere at this time. Fu Yu held her breath and walked towards it. There was a little frost in her eyes. It was really cold inside, but That kind of coldness seems to be pouring out uncontrollably from the heart!
After walking like this for a long time, Fu Yu felt that her feet were already numb, but her pupils grew suddenly, her mouth opened as well, as if it was about to tear apart, and a voice was squeezed out from her throat!

"Ah... help... let me out..." She finally saw clearly!It turned out that the person lying on the push bed was actually Wen Huaisu who hadn't been cremated until now. She lay there quietly, her face covered with frost, and she didn't move at all. Even so...

After thinking about the things she had done, Fu Yu's scalp was still numb, as if her whole body was about to collapse...

Time passed by, and Xu Fusheng stood in front of the huge French window in the ward for an unknown amount of time. The warm sunshine poured down on her body, as if coating this slender figure with a faint golden layer. , but could not melt away the grief around her.

Jiang Shaoting didn't make a sound to ask her to sit down. He knew that she was brewing. Although the room was warm and windless, the woman's heart might already be full of strong winds. Although on the surface... Fusheng still maintained the calm it should have.

The sound of knocking on the door came from outside, and soon Archie's face appeared in the ward. Xu Fusheng turned around slowly, his fingers inadvertently clenched into fists, took a deep breath, and waited for Archie to speak.

"People have been locked inside for three and a half hours, the temperature is moderately controlled, and they can stay awake for an hour at most. Do you need to go now?" Archie's voice was calm and calm, as if the person he was talking about was not the same person. same as people.

"Okay." With a simple word, Xu Fusheng's voice was also without any ups and downs.

On the contrary, Jiang Shaoting looked at her profile, always seemed a little uneasy.

"I'll go with you." He finally opened his mouth, pretending to lift the quilt out of bed, if Xu Fusheng hadn't stopped him quickly, the wound on Jiang Shaoting's body would probably burst open again.

(End of this chapter)

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