Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 208 Sudden

Chapter 208 Sudden
"Xu Fusheng, what exactly do you want to do?" Yin Luli rushed in front of Xu Fusheng, reached out and grabbed her by the front of her seat to lift her up from the seat, everything happened in a flash, and Jiang Shaoting almost subconsciously reached out Blocking Yin Luli's chest, the two sides formed a confrontation.

The sudden occurrence of this scene made everyone unprepared, and looked at them dumbfounded. Fu Yu seemed to have reacted to this episode, and her dull eyes slowly fell on Yin Luli's face, as if she was As if awakened instantly, he began to struggle violently.

"What I want to do, you will know soon!" Almost at the same time as the words fell, the siren of a police car sounded outside.

"Lu Li, save me, I don't want to..." Before Fu Yu finished speaking, the person behind her had already covered her mouth. Something was not quite right, and the others were naturally aware of this, they all stood up and looked towards the source of the confusion, their eyes including the reporter staring at Fu Yu's direction.

And when the police led by Ye Yiming came in from the main entrance, the tense atmosphere reached its peak. Ye Yiming walked towards Fu Yu. When the police came, Fu Yu unconsciously showed a relaxed expression. It seemed that being with the police was better than being with the two burly men behind him.

But just now Fu Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and before he even had time to say a word, his hands were already handcuffed by cold handcuffs, and there was only a click, and everyone couldn't help but be surprised by the sudden change, even The reporter also picked up the camera in his hand after buffering for a long time and started shooting frantically.

"Fu Yu, because you are related to Chen Yuxin's traffic accident case five years ago and Wen Huaisu's murder case now, we want you to go back and assist in the investigation." Ye Yiming restrained his usual sunny appearance, and now his eyes were fixed on Fu Yu, the sonorous and powerful voice made the people around him clearly hear what he said just now, and it was precisely because everyone heard what he said clearly that the expression on his face was even more exciting!
five years ago?Chen Yuxin?Wen Huaisu's murder?These few key words caused the crowd around to start arguing. As long as you are here, you may not be clear about the case of Chen Yuxin five years ago. As long as the people in City A knew about the five-year prison, no one in city A would know, but now the policeman said that there was someone else who killed Chen Yuxin back then?

Everyone's eyes wandered back and forth between Fu Yu and Xu Fusheng, except for the vagueness in the venue, there was no sound, Fu Yu's face was pale, although he could already imagine his own result, but in front of everyone The human face was taken away in this way, her face was ashen, she couldn't even utter a complete sentence, she could only look at her son tremblingly.

Yin Luli finally understood what Xu Fusheng wanted to do. She simply made a mess. The truth five years ago was revealed in such a naked way. She wanted to tell everyone in City A through all the reporters present. She was not the one who killed the person. After Wen Huaisu died, Fu Yu had nothing in his hands that could threaten her. It was precisely because of this that she now wanted to seek justice for herself!

"Ms. Fu, people are doing what the sky is watching, you will pay the price for everything you have done!" Xu Fusheng said coldly, his voice was particularly bleak in the mourning hall, but the cold wind outside was blowing past, and the dead branches were flying in midair. There was a rustling sound in the middle of the shake.

Although the words were addressed to Fu Yu, Xu Fusheng's eyes fell on the faces of Yin Luli and Jiang Jingshu. I don't know when it started, snowflakes were falling outside, and Yin Luli glared at Xu Fusheng, as if To tear her apart and eat her!
The reporter, who was finally awake, hurriedly used the camera in his hand to frantically capture the interaction between these people. As for Jiang Shaoting, who had been standing beside Xu Fusheng, he looked at Ye Yiming from the air, and the latter nodded as a greeting to him.

Ye Yiming's recapture of the video about five years ago is enough to restart the review process of that case. For the past few days, he has been standing still, desperately looking for all the information about the events of that year.

"Let's go." Ye Yiming and his colleagues walked past the two burly men. The handcuffs on Fu Yu's hands slammed. She looked back at Yin Luli helplessly, hoping that her son Can save her from the fire and water.

"Xu Fusheng, are you willing to ruin my family if you insist on ruining my family?" Yin Luli gritted his teeth and scolded in a cold voice.

"You're wrong in saying that, were the one who killed my family first!"

Xu Fusheng's indifferent voice rang in Yin Luli's ears, and his pupils constricted violently for a moment, as if he did not expect to hear this sentence from Xu Fusheng's mouth. It was only then that he clearly saw the light in those clear eyes. Resentment almost devours people.

"I didn't expect to embarrass you so much before your wedding, but I believe that with your thick skin, the wedding will not be affected. In this case, I don't need to apologize!" Although I said that, but From anyone's point of view, not only was Xu Fusheng not apologetic at all, but there was even a different flavor in his expression, which made Jiang Jingshu grit her teeth with hatred.

"Xu Fusheng!" These three words were literally squeezed out of Yin Luli's mouth. Jiang Shaoting was always paying attention to Yin Luli's movements, for fear that he would do something out of control. On the other hand, Xu Fusheng, But not so worried.

"If you have time to talk to me here, you might as well think of a way to rescue Ms. Fu quickly, oh yes, I seem to have forgotten to tell you that five years ago my car was equipped with a driving recorder, after the accident I was very careful and pulled out the SD card. I didn't expect it to come in handy five years later. I had given that SD card to Officer Ye not long ago. I believe...the law will give us a fair judge!"

When Qu Yunxi pushed Jiang Meiwan over, she heard this sentence. She looked up at Xu Fusheng's side face. For a moment, she felt that Xu Fusheng's side face was so familiar to her, but where did she come from? seen?She couldn't speak for a while!
Xu Fusheng realized that Qu Yunxi was looking at him, and also raised his head to look at her. There was finally a different emotion in those eyes. After Qu Yunxi clearly caught it, he didn't understand why Xu Fusheng looked at him. The look in his eyes was like that.

"What kind of trouble do you want to make! Is Jing Shu and Lu Li's wedding going to be held?" Qu Yunxi deliberately lowered her voice, bombarded Xu Fusheng, and then glanced at Jiang Shaoting dissatisfied.

"My wife is just asking for justice for herself, and I know this matter from the beginning to the end. If you have any dissatisfaction, you can tell me." Jiang Shaoting put his hand on Xu Fusheng's shoulder, in a protective gesture Stand beside her.

Perhaps because of Jiang Shaoting's touch, Xu Fusheng's emotions were instantly withdrawn from Qu Yunxi's body.

"Reporter, handle it well, let's go!" After Qu Yunxi finished speaking, she glanced at Yin Luli and Jiang Jingshu. As for Jiang Meiwan, she handed it over to her subordinates. He kept silent from the beginning to the end, and only at this time did he reveal some real emotions...

Fu Yu was taken away by the police because of the car accident five years ago. Because of the media reports, this news had already been known to everyone in the entire city A before night. The matter of the car accident a year ago has also been heated up again.

After the farewell ceremony, Xu Fusheng did not return to the villa, but directly followed Qian Duoduo and the others back to the small suite. However, from the broadcast on TV, she already knew that her decision was definitely not wrong. At this time, the entrance of the villa was surrounded by reporters Surrounded, even if Archie found bodyguards, he could barely control the form.

"I might... have to leave for a while!" Xin Rui was sitting on the sofa, holding a fruit plate that Xu Fusheng helped her peel, her pure little face showed a dull expression, and her bulging belly indicated that a new life was coming soon , should have been joyful, but it couldn't hide the sadness on Xin Rui's face at all. Xu Fusheng was shocked when he heard this, and he and Qian Duoduo looked at each other.

"What happened?" Qian Duoduo was impatient and couldn't help but speak.

"They found me." Xin Rui muffled, but she no longer had the soft and weak look at the beginning, as if she had made a decision in her heart, as if she could see Xu Fusheng's worry, her face bloomed like a jasmine flower smile.

"Who are they...?" As soon as Qian Duoduo finished speaking, Zeng Jingyu elbowed her, signaling with her eyes that there was something wrong with Xin Rui's expression.

"My stepmother and my brother's people, they found me, I'm afraid it will cause trouble for you, so I'm going back." Mentioning those two people, Xin Rui's expression was ugly, and she subconsciously reached out and touched herself Stomach, as if hoping that the child in the stomach would give him courage.

"Why are you so afraid of them? Did they treat you badly?" This was the only possibility that Qian Duoduo could think of, but the matter seemed to be more than that simple, at least in Zeng Jingyu's view.

"They are very 'nice' to me, so 'nice' to me!" Xin Rui sneered, as if recalling something, with some strange emotions on her expression, this time anyone could hear the meaning of her words clearly on the contrary.

"Do you want to go back with their people? Or... contact Canglang?" Xu Fusheng spoke softly, and when he said the word Canglang, Xin Rui's expression obviously fluctuated, but that kind of complexity , perhaps no one can understand except the person concerned.

"Fusheng, he wants to kill me." After Xin Rui's words fell, not only Qian Duoduo was stunned, but even Xu Fusheng didn't recover for a while. What Xin Rui said just now was... the wolf Want to kill her?When hearing this, Xu Fusheng subconsciously gave a negative answer. She had seen the wolf, and she didn't believe that the wolf wanted to kill her like Xin Rui said. There must be something in it. Misunderstand!
"No, although I don't know what happened between you, but I believe that Canglang couldn't possibly have murderous intentions towards you!" Xu Fusheng couldn't help but recalled when he saw Canglang, he mentioned Xin Rui's What's more, if he really wanted to kill her, the pharmacist alone would have thousands of ways to kill Xin Rui immediately, but not only did he not, but he was still protecting her when he saw her, so this There must be a misunderstanding!

Xin Rui looked away, there were water stains in the corners of her eyes, she didn't know whether her trip was bad or good, but the only thing she was worried about was the child in her stomach, what she would face if she really wanted to return to S City It's hard to say.

"By the way, Fusheng, your man knows a lot of people. Ask him to help Jingyu when you have nothing to do. She is always looking for someone!" Qian Duoduo seemed to have remembered something, and hurriedly turned his head and said to Xu Fusheng , although Zeng Jingyu didn't say a word about what she was looking for, Qian Duoduo felt that she could help if she could, and it was just a matter of little effort anyway!

(End of this chapter)

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