Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 209 The Arrival of a New Life

Chapter 209 The Arrival of a New Life
"Are you looking for someone?" Xu Fusheng looked towards Zeng Jingyu when he heard this, but Zeng Jingyu looked hesitant. After several struggles, he shook his head. They didn't know each other for a long time. So there are some things I don't want to discuss in depth.

Others naturally saw this, and Qian Duoduo regretted that what he said just now had chilled the scene, but Xin Rui got up and took the empty juice glass on the table, and walked towards the kitchen.

"What do you want to drink, I'll pour it." This is to resolve the embarrassment caused by Zeng Jingyu just now.

Qian Duoduo naturally said milk along the pole, Xu Fusheng and Zeng Jingyu didn't choose much, Xin Rui walked slowly towards the kitchen, and soon heard the sound of the refrigerator being turned on, Xu Fusheng's eyes seemed vague When it fell on Zeng Jingyu, there seemed to be many secrets hidden in her body!

But before Xu Fusheng could think too much, he only heard the sound of a broken glass, followed by Xin Rui's painful groans from the kitchen. Xu Fusheng rushed towards the kitchen without thinking, Qian Duoduo and Zeng Jingyu followed closely behind.

At this time, Xin Rui sat down on the ground holding her stomach in pain, Xu Fusheng only took one look and understood that Xin Rui was about to give birth, but isn't the due date yet?How could there be a reaction so quickly?
"Call an ambulance quickly! Xin Rui is about to give birth!" Xu Fusheng quickly stepped forward and knelt beside Xin Rui, her pants were already slightly wet, Qian Duoduo didn't know what was holding her back, she was sluggish Standing where she was, Zeng Jingyu quickly reacted and rushed to the living room to find the phone.

"Xin Rui, you can't have an accident, absolutely nothing can happen..." Qian Duoduo's voice seemed to be squeezed out of his throat, he looked down at Xin Rui's appearance, with panic and panic in his expression, and Xu Fusheng's movements were nimble Helping Xin Rui up, looking at Xin Rui's painful expression, she knew that she must be in unbearable pain now.

"Duo Duo, hurry up and get some bath towels, hurry up!" Xu Fusheng's hands were already soaked, perhaps because of the sudden incident, her forehead was covered with sweat, Zeng Jingyu was worthy of being an announcer, At such a time, he was able to face danger without fear, and after clearly reporting his home address, he quickly found a bath towel from the room and handed it to Xu Fusheng.

"My child... my child... my child must be safe!" Qian Duoduo stood beside them like this, with tears streaming down his face, and Xu Fusheng anxiously looked up at her , subconsciously recalled that Qian Duoduo had unintentionally revealed that she had had a miscarriage!

"Duoduo, listen to me, Xin Rui will be fine, and the child will be fine too! Now get dressed and go downstairs. It's hard to find an ambulance where we live. When you see an ambulance coming, stop them quickly. OK?"

Due to the problem of parking spaces in the community, the ambulance took 10 to [-] minutes to arrive.

At this time, Xin Rui was sweating profusely and her face was pale with pain. When she was carried off by the stretcher, her whole body was curled up like a shrimp, and Xu Fusheng with messy hair came out behind, even forgetting to put on her coat.

Qian Duoduo's condition was so bad that Xu Fusheng simply let her stay at home and got into the ambulance with Zeng Jingyu. On the balcony at home, I scratched my head and looked down.

Xin Rui was sent to the hospital almost half an hour later and pushed to the emergency room.

Xu Fusheng and Zeng Jingyu stood outside the door, and they didn't come back to their senses for a long time. Xu Fusheng was sweating profusely, and his hands were still sticky and wet.

"Go to the bathroom to clean up first." Zeng Jingyu glanced at her, she was calmer than Xu Fusheng after all.

Only then did Xu Fusheng come back to his senses, nodded, and walked towards the bathroom at the end of the hospital corridor.

I turned on the faucet and let the bitingly cold water wash over my hands, looked at the pale face in the mirror, and washed my face again, until I was shivering from the cold, and then I realized that I was only wearing a sweater, and my back was also wet. Drenched in cold sweat.

"Can I borrow your mobile phone?" Xu Fusheng walked back and spoke softly to Zeng Jingyu. She was sitting on the bench with a dazed expression, but when she heard this, she quickly took out her mobile phone from her pocket and handed it to Zeng Jingyu. To Xu Fusheng.

Xu Fusheng was extremely thankful that Jiang Shaoting used extraordinary means to tell him to recite his number before. As soon as the phone was connected, he heard Jiang Shaoting's voice. It seemed as if he had found an outlet for his worries and worries that night, and finally hid in a corner sobbed to him.

"Fusheng? Where's your phone? What happened?" At this time, Jiang Shaoting had just come out of Jiang Ruixi's room, and deliberately lowered his voice. When he confirmed that the other party was Xu Fusheng, he was shocked.

"Shao Ting, Xin Rui is going to give birth...I'm...I'm in the hospital! Can you bring me some clothes?" Xu Fusheng was startled and cold, not to mention that the back of the sweater was already wet with cold sweat, and Jiang Shaoting on the other end of the phone was extremely efficient, and hung up the phone after asking for the name of the hospital.

Walking back to the door of the emergency room, Xu Fusheng handed the phone back to Zeng Jingyu, and the two sat side by side, quietly waiting for news from the emergency room...

Jiang Shaoting rushed to the hospital as quickly as possible, and as soon as he entered the emergency room, he saw a slender figure waiting at the door.

"Fusheng." His voice was thick and powerful, and he quickly walked to Xu Fusheng's side, covered her thin body with the coat he brought from home, and squatted in front of her, holding her little hand tightly with his big palm, trying to Make these hands warm up faster.

"Do you want to call Canglang?" Xu Fusheng raised his head and looked at Jiang Shaoting, feeling much better than before.

"I already called him on the way here just now." Jiang Shaoting reached out to wipe off the sweat on her face, and from the corner of his eyes, he noticed Zeng Jingyu sitting next to Xu Fusheng. Naturally, he knew it was A new resident in Qian Duoduo's house.

"I'm going to buy something to drink, you guys talk slowly." Zeng Jingyu stood up knowingly and walked outside to the 24-hour supermarket, leaving space for the two of them. After she left, Jiang Shaoting sat in Xu Fusheng's seat. beside.

"Are you scared?" Jiang Shaoting put one hand on Xu Fusheng's shoulder, and pressed her into his arms. In the not-so-lit corridor, she looked particularly reliable. Xu Fusheng automatically leaned over and sniffed her It belongs to his taste.

"It's just that it happened so suddenly, I panicked for a while." The farewell ceremony during the day had exhausted all her strength, and Xin Rui brought up her tense nerves again, not sure that she could come out safely, Xu Fusheng Can't relax for a moment.

"The child will be fine, right?" Immediately afterwards, Xu Fusheng raised his head and asked Jiang Shaoting again.

"Well, it will be fine, the wolf species will definitely not be that weak!" Hearing this, Xu Fusheng glanced at him angrily, and then his eyes fell on the door of the emergency room worriedly, not knowing what was going on inside. How is it?

"By the way, Yin Luli and Jiang Jingshu's wedding will be held in a week." Jiang Shaoting seemed to have remembered something. Although Fu Yu's matter was rumored outside today, it could not shake the wedding at all. After all, Jiang Jingshu had tried everything possible Keep Yin Luli by his side.

Hearing this, Xu Fusheng smiled indifferently, shallowly, faintly.

"The child in Jiang Jingshu's belly is not Yin Luli's." Soon, she looked at Jiang Shaoting and spoke softly.

Jiang Shaoting's movements paused, his expression was deeply hidden, but even so, he remained silent for a long time because of Xu Fusheng's words.

"I see. I will deal with this matter." Jiang Shaoting said, seeing that he understood what he meant, Xu Fusheng didn't bother with this issue too much. It happened that Zeng Jingyu came back with drinks and coffee. I didn't say anything more.

"Drink something warm to warm your body."

Zeng Jingyu handed the coffee to Xu Fusheng, the sound inside the emergency room could not be heard from the outside, so waiting here was also a matter of anxiety.

After saying thank you, Xu Fusheng didn't refuse. After all, she really needs something warm to warm her body. While the two of them were talking, there was another rush of footsteps in the corridor. At the same time, she raised her head and looked at the end of the corridor. It turned out that Qian Duoduo found it.

I don't know how long he ran, his little face turned red, and behind him two rows of men in black surrounded the corridor leading to the emergency room. Xu Fusheng stood up abruptly, almost knocking over the hot coffee in his hand. Duoduo's expression was slightly painful, and Xu Fusheng knew something was wrong at a glance.

"Who are you?" But his hands behind him gestured to Jiang Shaoting, telling him to call someone.

"Fusheng, they said...they said they came to pick up Xin Rui!" Qian Duoduo's hands were twisted behind him, and he seemed to maintain this position for a while. Fu Sheng winked.

Just now she was waiting for the news at home, but she didn't expect this group of people to rush in and open the door, saying that she wanted to see Xin Rui, of course she couldn't say it, but she didn't expect someone to say something to the leader, and those people dragged her Came to the hospital.

Jiang Shaoting sent a text message to Archie at the fastest speed, and then walked to the front. If the situation is not right, he will not let Xu Fusheng fall into any danger. Fortunately, Archie is nearby. I believe he will Bring people to come with the fastest speed.

"Release a lot!" After Xu Fusheng finished speaking, a well-maintained middle-aged woman came out from the end of the line. She walked slowly to the front, and the other men in black looked respectful towards her.

"I'm Xinrui's mother, and I'm going to take her back now." She was dressed in jewels, and the emerald necklace on her neck was green and crisp. It was expensive at a glance, and when the woman's eyes fell on Jiang Shaoting, her expression was obvious. Be cautious a lot.

"Mr. Jiang, hello." Dong Yufen smiled and greeted Jiang Shaoting very politely.

"You are?" Jiang Shaoting didn't have any impression of her, but his tone still made Dong Yufen feel embarrassed.

"My husband is the president of the Xin Group in S City. He passed away a few days ago, and now my son is taking over the Xin Group." Dong Yufen restrained her emotions. She knew Jiang Shaoting's weight, so she was naturally polite to him. .

Originally, she just wanted to rush to pick her up as soon as she got the news from Xin Rui, but she didn't expect that Cheng Yaojin would come out halfway, and what she didn't expect was that she was now involved with J&C Group Relationship, this is someone she can't afford to mess with.

Mentioning the Xin Group, Jiang Shaoting's expression moved slightly. He finally knew the identity of this woman.

"I'm taking my daughter back, so Mr. Jiang won't hinder me?" After Dong Yufen said this, she gave the person next to her a look. Rush into the room.

(End of this chapter)

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