Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 210 Interesting things

Chapter 210 Interesting things
Almost subconsciously, Xu Fusheng reached out and grabbed the man's back collar. If she hadn't reacted quickly, the man would have rushed into the emergency room by now, affecting Xin Rui's operation. When the other party saw someone obstructing him, Subconsciously want to reach out to fight back.

Jiang Shaoting saw this scene clearly, and controlled the man with lightning speed, only to hear a loud bang, the man who wanted to hurt Xu Fusheng just now fell down on the marble floor of the hospital in embarrassment. on the floor.

Curled up in pain, moaning from time to time.

"No one can touch my wife in front of me." Jiang Shaoting said indifferently, as if he didn't notice Dong Yufen's ugly face at all, and at the same time, the people brought by Archie also surrounded the people brought by Dong Yufen Hold on, the two sides formed a state of confrontation.

The situation seemed to suddenly become tense!

"Mr. Jiang, what do you mean? I can take my own daughter away, can't I?" Dong Yufen said with a smile, as if she didn't want to tear herself apart with Jiang Shaoting, but her ugly face was hard to hide.

"You can take her away, but not now, at least you should ask the child's father if he agrees!" Jiang Shaoting made a gesture, and Archie led his men to secure the door of the emergency room from the outside. Do not leave it behind.

"Our family's Rui'er is not married yet, so it's not good to hear about it? As for the child's father, if he wants to see her, he can go to City S. Now, I'm going to take Rui'er away!" Dong Yufen was also not polite. , the people who followed her were also blocked in front of the emergency room, looking like they were dying. Xu Fusheng stood beside Jiang Shaoting, staring deeply at Dong Yufen.

In fact, it is very easy to tell the difference between hypocrisy and hypocrisy. Dong Yufen, who was standing in front of her at this time, although Xu Fusheng heard her call out 'ruier' one after another, did not feel any element of concern from her. , but if it was really for Xin Rui's good, how could she send someone to break into the emergency room, after all Xin Rui is still inside, if something goes wrong, no one can afford it.

"Then I can also throw a word at you. It is impossible to take her away!" If the wolf came here and found that the woman was gone, I am afraid that he would do anything. There is no room for negotiation.

Just when the two parties were at a stalemate, the door of the emergency room was opened from the inside. Seeing the door surrounded by crowds, the people inside were obviously stunned, and the crying of the baby was heard more and more clearly. Among them, especially Xu Fusheng Qian Duoduo and Zeng Jingyu, the expressions on their faces were particularly pleasantly surprised, even the eye sockets turned red in the next moment!

On the contrary, Dong Yufen, who just kept calling Xin Rui "Ruier", suddenly became very ugly.

"Give way, we're going to push the patient out." The little nurse looked young and couldn't figure out what was going on in front of her, so she could only speak like this. The doctor inside had good eyesight, and dragged the little nurse from behind. He shook his head at her without a trace.

"It's not a solution for everyone to be so stalemate, how about..." Xu Fusheng seemed to think of something, the cold voice suddenly interjected, Dong Yufen's eyes fell on her face, she knew the gossip well What kind of person is Xu Fusheng.

"Why not?" Dong Yufen knew that the longer the matter dragged on, the more unfavorable it would be for her. It was precisely because of this that she wanted to find a solution to the matter more than anyone else here. Although she thought so in her heart, her expression did not any changes.

"Why don't you wait until Xin Rui wakes up and decide for yourself whether to go or stay?" Xu Fusheng walked towards Qian Duoduo, and with two crisp sounds, she had already slapped away the person who was restraining Qian Duoduo, and the other party quickly glanced at Dong Yufen After confirming that her expression hadn't changed, she breathed a sigh of relief, and Qian Duoduo was about to yell at Dong Yufen once she regained her freedom!
It's just that Xu Fusheng's hand was holding her tightly, making Qian Duoduo subconsciously hold back her temper. She naturally knew that if she really got into a fight with Xin Rui's stepmother at this time, there would be absolutely no good results, so it's better to calm down !
Dong Yufen looked at Xu Fusheng. If she hadn't met her today, she would have thought that the rumors about Xu Fusheng before would be true. She never thought that meeting her today would completely break her contempt for her. It's just... too It's a pity, she and Xin Rui have a very good relationship.

"That's fine, anyway, it's late today, why don't we just wait for Rui'er to wake up, and we're discussing whether to stay or not!" After the words fell, Dong Yufen gestured to her subordinates, and the men in black who had originally surrounded the door of the emergency room quickly walked away .

For a while, the tense atmosphere just now gradually dissipated. Jiang Shaoting glanced at Archie, and his subordinates who were blocking the door of the emergency room also left. The doctors and nurses inside walked outside and lay on the bed. Xin Rui was lying quietly, as if she had fallen asleep, while the child... was held in the arms of the nurse, and Dong Yufen took a few glances, looking thoughtful.

"This child, leave it to me to take care of it later." Xu Fusheng said softly, as if he was afraid of disturbing Xin Rui. She had doubts about Dong Yufen's appearance. Before Xin Rui woke up, who would give this child to him? She is not at ease.

Jiang Shaoting glanced at Archie when he heard the words, and Archie knowingly sent someone to guard the nurse who was holding the child. The little nurse glanced at him, thinking that this family is really strange, who is not happy when a child is born in a family? When you get to them, it becomes a matter of you fighting over me!

But she had nothing to say, she held the child and walked forward with her head down, pretending that she didn't feel the people around her.

In the special ward, Xin Rui hadn't woken up yet, Qian Duoduo and Xu Fusheng sat in the corner of the room with Zeng Jingyu, looking at the pale Xin Rui, wondering what she was thinking. His abdomen was now deflated.

People inside the house were waiting for Xin Rui to wake up, and people outside the house were also waiting for her to wake up, but Xu Fusheng couldn't help but sigh, if Jiang Shaoting were not here today, not only Xin Rui would be lost, but even the child would be taken away.

"Right is such a good thing, it makes people awe and fear." Zeng Jingyu said softly, pointing out what Xu Fusheng was thinking in his heart. Xu Fusheng was surprised and looked up at her, without any expression for a while.

In fact, she originally thought that Zeng Jingyu had a sense of distance from them, but she helped them a lot tonight, and because of this, the distance suddenly narrowed a lot.

Before Xu Fusheng could speak, the door was opened from the outside, and a baby who had been washed was carried in by the nurse. Archie and another man with a blunt face held each other from left to right, and it seemed that the child carried in in the middle had a special identity. up.

"Madam, I brought the baby here." The little nurse smiled sweetly. Even though it was midnight, she couldn't tell she was tired. Neither Qian Duoduo nor Zeng Jingyu dared to hold the baby. They only felt that the baby was limp. pocket, for fear that I would be broken by the hug.

There was no way, Xu Fusheng could only stretch out his hand to hold the child in his arms. As soon as he touched the child, his eye sockets became slightly moist. The child in his arms slept soundly, wrinkled like a little monkey. The nurse saw her From this expression, one can tell that she has given birth to a child.

"It's a girl, she must be beautiful when she grows up!" The nurse smiled, turned around and wanted to go out, but Archie and the man blocked the door, directly blocking her way.

"Hey, big man, let me go!" The little nurse looked up at Archie unceremoniously. She has other work to do and can't stay here all the time, but these two people have followed her since just now. Now, those who don't know are laughed at by colleagues for hiring two bodyguards.

Archie was taken aback. From before to now, no one has dared to speak to him like that. He lowered his head and stared at the little nurse. The expression on his face when he didn't speak or smile made people feel the most frightening, but the little nurse was not afraid of him either. A pair of clean eyes looked at him.

"Archie, make way." Xu Fusheng smiled, this little nurse is really young, she doesn't even know what to be afraid of.

Archie bowed his head sullenly and let the little nurse out of the way first, but he also deeply remembered the little nurse's appearance.

"By the way, big man, come here." The little nurse walked out a few steps, but she seemed to remember something, turned around and looked at Archie, wondering if it was a story, then looked again and followed her another person.

Archie didn't move, but Xu Fusheng couldn't help laughing happily.

"Archie, go over here!" This little nurse is really interesting, and it seems quite suitable to stand with Archie.

Hearing Xu Fusheng's words, Archie finally walked towards the little nurse, but he didn't know what the little nurse said to him on tiptoe, which made his originally expressionless face look a little dignified. Xu Fusheng also became curious.

"I'm leaving." After the little nurse finished speaking, she walked towards the end of the corridor without looking back.

Archie came back in silence, thought for a while, walked back to Xu Fusheng's side, and said a few words in a low voice, the original curiosity in Xu Fusheng's heart suddenly changed. children in.

"Ah Qi, send someone to guard here. Except for Shao Ting, no one else is allowed to leave or enter until Xin Rui wakes up!" Xu Fusheng said in a deep voice, Qian Duoduo knew something was up when he heard it, and Zeng Jingyu sat in There was no movement.

Fortunately, this is a VIP ward, with all the toilets and everything, so there is no need to worry about internal urgency. Archie nodded, turned and walked outside, taking the people who had been following him out along the way.

"Fusheng, what's the matter?" As soon as Qian Duoduo opened his mouth, Xu Fusheng hissed, afraid that there would be ears outside the wall.

"Let's work harder tonight, don't go to sleep, this child, don't lose it in our hands!" She said meaningfully, Qian Duoduo became energetic when she heard it, and even Zeng Jingyu opened her eyes. Big eyes.

What Xu Fusheng meant by saying this, is it possible that someone will come to snatch the child tonight?
Before the person sent by Dong Yufen arrived, Xin Rui, who was lying on the hospital bed, woke up slowly.

"Xin Rui? Xin Rui?" Qian Duoduo, who was closest to the hospital bed, was the first to find it. He approached her face and opened his mouth carefully, for fear of disturbing Xin Rui who had just woken up. But Xin Rui's eyes were blank, and the The pure little face is quite lovable.

Xu Fusheng carefully bent down and put the baby girl who had just been put to sleep in Xin Rui's arms. In an instant, tears burst out of Xin Rui's eyes, like a burst of embankment.

"Don't cry, Xin Rui, you just gave birth. Tears are harmful and useless to your body." Xu Fusheng understood her inner feelings, and deliberately lowered his voice. Haw twice.

(End of this chapter)

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