Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 214 It’s Okay, I Hate You Too 1

Chapter 214 It’s Okay, I Hate You Too 1
Yin Luli's push just now made the pain in her lower abdomen, which she hadn't felt before, become apparent. As soon as she sat down on the ground, large streams of blood gushed out from under her buttocks, and wet the carpet on the floor. , This time it really hurt, it hurt so badly.

"Ah... help..." Jiang Jingshu lost her composure just now, and she became flustered, and Yin Luli obviously didn't expect that her push just now would have such an effect, his face was very ugly, and he sat down quickly. He got up, put on a windbreaker casually, picked up Jiang Jingshu, and ran towards the outside of the apartment...

After leaving the door of the apartment, Yin Luli realized that the outside didn't know when it would start...

Fluttering sprinkled with white snowflakes!
In a short period of time, a thin layer was laid on the ground, and the blood flowing from Jiang Jingshu's body just fell on the ground, drop by drop, like red flowers blooming in the snow, called People can't help...


Xu Fusheng was awakened by the ringing of Jiang Shaoting's cell phone. Jiang Shaoting picked up the phone with one hand, sat up from the bed after hearing a few words, and turned on the bedside lamp on his side.But Xu Fusheng was in a daze, and could only vaguely see his face in the light and shadow, which looked particularly dignified, as if something urgent had happened.

"Jiang Jingshu had a miscarriage, and she is in the hospital now!" Hanging up the phone, Jiang Shaoting said in a deep voice, and these words instantly woke up Xu Fusheng, even the last bit of drowsiness was gone. I don't know what to say.

"I'm going to the hospital." After finishing speaking, Jiang Shaoting had already walked towards the cloakroom. Xu Fusheng thought about it, and got up and put on his clothes as quickly as possible, but his eyes were a little uneasy, and he looked in the direction of the crib look.

"You stay at home..."

"No, I'll go with you." Before Jiang Shaoting could finish speaking, Xu Fusheng had already opened his mouth. Jiang Shaoting thought about it, but finally he didn't object anymore. He just needed to call Old William's housekeeper to take care of Canglang's daughter later.

After everything was arranged and the two went out, Xu Fusheng sat in the co-pilot and felt no sleepiness at all. How could Jiang Jingshu have a miscarriage for no reason?And before getting into the car, Shao Ting said that Yin Luli sent her to the hospital, and that's all. What kind of stimulus did Jiang Jingshu suffer to abort?

And the answers to these questions can only be found out in the hospital...

Outside the corridor of the hospital, Yin Luli was sitting on a bench with bloody hands. When he saw Xu Fusheng coming, complex emotions appeared on his feminine features, but because Xu Fusheng and Jiang Shaoting didn't look at him, they naturally didn't notice it. Yin Luli's change!

"What's going on?" Jiang Shaoting glanced at the emergency room. At this time, Qu Yunxi and Jiang Meiwan were late, especially Jiang Meiwan's wheelchair was stuck in the gap when she was approaching the door of the emergency room. No, it's not like retreating, it's quite embarrassing.

As soon as Jiang Meiwan looked up and saw Xu Fusheng looking at her, her face became more gloomy, but in fact, Xu Fusheng just glanced away unintentionally, she was not interested in watching Jiang Meiwan make a fool of herself, it was just Jiang Meiwan's troubles in her heart, she just felt that she wanted to Depends on your own jokes.

"Accidentally hit her, and she had a miscarriage." Yin Luli said simply, and Qu Yunxi frowned when she heard this. How could she have a miscarriage due to a bump in the middle of the night?Did Yin Luli regard her as a fool?
Xu Fusheng never thought that he had just left this hospital in the morning, but came back here at night. It seems that she and the hospital are destined for each other recently. Just as he was thinking this way, the lights in the emergency room went out. Jiang Jingshu was pushed out from inside.

After first aid, her bleeding has stopped, but the miscarriage caused by the two impacts has damaged her uterus. According to the doctor, I am afraid that if she wants to have a child in the future, she can only rely on God's will.

Jiang Meiwan's face was very gloomy when she heard this. She seemed to recall the scene after her car accident. Not only did she lose the most common walking ability, but the most painful thing was that she lost one of the most precious things as a woman!
Perhaps it was a coincidence that Jiang Jingshu, who was lying on the push bed, suddenly opened her eyes slowly when she passed by Xu Fusheng. Seeing her, Jiang Jingshu showed a meaningful but weak smile, which surprised Xu Fusheng.

"I have something... I want to tell you..." Jiang Jingshu didn't look away, everyone else was taken aback, even Xu Fusheng was a little surprised, what did Jiang Jingshu want to say to herself?The relationship between the two of them doesn't seem to have reached this point, does it?

"Alone... say..." The three words came to the ears of others again, and Yin Luli's whole body was shaken, and she narrowed her eyes dangerously and looked at Jiang Jingshu. Did she want to tell Xu Fusheng about that?
Jiang Jingshu looked at Xu Fusheng, the content in that diary, of course, not only recorded Yin Luli's incident, thinking in her heart, she couldn't help closing her eyes again, and laughed softly!
"Okay, I'll go to the ward with you." Jiang Jingshu seemed quite clear-headed, perhaps because Xu Fusheng already knew the origin of the child in her womb, so the moment he saw her, Jiang Jingshu felt a little relieved.

Jiang Jingshu's words surprised everyone. God knows that her relationship with Xu Fusheng is almost incompatible. Now that something happened, she wanted Xu Fusheng to accompany her, and even had something to say to her?What is she trying to say?What are you thinking?
"Fusheng..." Jiang Shaoting said immediately, Xu Fusheng turned around to look at his face when he heard the words, shook his head with a light smile, she didn't think that Jiang Jingshu still had the strength to intrigue with her, let alone, she believed that she had Ability to protect yourself.

"Let me take care of her..." Yin Luli stood up first and walked to Jiang Jingshu's side, looking very anxious, even Xu Fusheng could see it, let alone other people.

"Since Jingshu said to let Xu Fusheng accompany you, Lu Li, you should rest first, she is weak now, and there are still many places that need your care!" Qu Yunxi said lightly, although she felt abnormal, but still let Jiang Jingshu be self-willed What's more, how she had a miscarriage seems to have something to do with Yin Luli.

Xu Fusheng lowered his head to look at Jiang Jingshu, that flower-like face was pale without a trace of blood at this time, but it was a bit pitiful, but unfortunately, in his memory, Jiang Jingshu was too arrogant...

"Let's go..." She only thought that Jiang Jingshu wanted to use this opportunity to take care of her to torment herself...

Just as the nurse closed the door of the ward from the outside, Jiang Jingshu opened her eyes again.

"Do you know? Actually, I really hate you..." Her voice was weak, Xu Fusheng laughed when she heard it...

"It's okay, because I hate you too." Xu Fusheng didn't mind at all, and didn't even lose the slightest bit of his smile. On the contrary, when Jiang Jingshu heard her words, her expression froze for a moment, as if she wanted to subconsciously fight back. But he couldn't say a word for a long time.

"You're not curious, what do I want to talk to you alone?" Jiang Jingshu felt as if her whole body had been emptied out. She still didn't know what kind of condition her body was in. She only felt that after the child was lost, The whole person is much cleaner.

"Then what do you want to talk to me alone?" Between the question and the answer, Jiang Jingshu felt that she hadn't taken the initiative at all, as if the direction of the topic was still controlled by Xu Fusheng, she was silent for a few seconds, and looked again back to her face.

"You shouldn't have married my uncle." Jiang Jingshu said this suddenly, and Xu Fusheng was stunned. Is this what she wanted to say to herself?
"If I don't marry your uncle, don't you be afraid, I will pester your Yin Luli?" After Xu Fusheng said this, almost at the same time, goose bumps appeared on his skin like a conditioned reflex, as if he was being raped by himself. I was shocked by this.

Originally thought that Jiang Jingshu would be furious and refute to herself, but she just lay quietly on the hospital bed, her complexion was as white as the sheet under her, when she heard this, she smiled indifferently.

"Don't get me wrong, I said you shouldn't marry my uncle, not that you are not worthy of him. In addition, I know very well that even without my uncle, you and Yin Luli would not be together. You and him, Not a class of people!"

Xu Fusheng never thought that one day he would be able to sit with Jiang Jingshu and talk calmly about Yin Luli, and he didn't even think that he would hear these words from Jiang Jingshu's mouth.

"How do you know that he and I are not the same kind of people?" Xu Fusheng was rather curious, where did she come to the conclusion, not to mention that she didn't say it from the beginning, she hated her.

"Xu Fusheng, although you look cold on the outside, you have warmth in your heart. Yin Luli is different. Yin Luli is black from the outside to the inside. Only a woman like me is worthy of him. At least... the two of us Human lives are all on their bodies!" Jiang Jingshu said pointedly, Xu Fusheng was stunned for a moment, Jiang Jingshu thought it was the aborted child, but Yin Luli's?

"As for my uncle, you shouldn't be with him. If you're with him, you'll be in a deep vortex again. One'll understand what I mean by what I said to you today!" To be honest, If it wasn't because of Yin Luli's matter, Jiang Jingshu would not have rejected Xu Fusheng so much from the beginning, at least if she had become friends with her, she would not have come to where she is today.

But now... Jiang Jingshu closed her eyes, it was too late to say anything, it was useless!
"What's the matter with you?" Xu Fusheng only felt puzzled in her heart. She thought that Jiang Jingshu knew something to say such a thing to herself, but she kept it hidden, making her feel like a fog, and she didn't listen at all. not understand.

Although Jiang Jingshu and Yin Luli did a lot of things together, and even almost killed her in the last bank robbery, Xu Fusheng always felt a little bit unbearable when she saw her like this, after all...she It is no different from removing the uterus.

"Xu Fusheng, be careful of Yin Luli, be careful of the Wensen family, be careful... this is my last advice to you..." Jiang Jingshu obviously didn't intend to tell Xu Fusheng about the contents of that diary, but after she saw it, After finishing that diary, it has been hidden away.

"I'm tired, you go out, I want to sleep for a while." After Jiang Jingshu finished speaking, she fell into a kind of fatigue, sinking her face deep into the pillow, her face was so haggard that no one could find the slightest arrogance in her past Domineering traces.

(End of this chapter)

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