Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 215 It’s Okay, I Hate You Too 2

Chapter 215 It’s Okay, I Hate You Too 2
Xu Fusheng originally wanted to say something, but stopped abruptly when he heard the last sentence. He stood up calmly and walked towards the door of the ward. Unexpectedly, just as he walked to the door, Jiang Jingshu said another sentence, And this was really the last sentence the two met this time.

"Xu Fusheng, in fact, from the beginning to the end, you are the most innocent person!"

Xu Fusheng opened the door with a dignified expression. He turned around and closed the door of the ward. He was about to leave, but when he saw Yin Luli in the corner, he subconsciously stood still. A gloomy and oppressive feeling.

Yin Luli didn't seem to expect that he would be seen by her. Standing in the corner, where the light and shadow intersected, the blood on his hands was more obvious, and the faint smell of blood wafted from the air. Now that he was seen, he Simply came out from the dark.

"What did she tell you?" Different from her usual state when facing her, Yin Luli was obviously absent-minded at this time.

"What did she tell me, I don't seem to need to explain to you!" Xu Fusheng threw down these words, turned around and wanted to walk towards the other end of the corridor, but Yin Luli reached out to grab her regardless. With his wrist, he dragged Xu Fusheng back in front of him.

"Are you crazy?" Xu Fusheng tried his best to withdraw his wrist, but he was still no match for Yin Luli's strength. He seemed to be haunted by something, his eyes were red, not to mention the smell of blood on his hands It was almost disgusting, but he still acted like he didn't smell anything.

Xu Fusheng saw the fear in Yin Luli's pupils, and inadvertently shifted his gaze to the door of the ward. Could it be that the reason why he was so scared was because he was worried about what Jiang Jingshu had said to her?Jiang Jingshu did say some unclear words to herself, but she didn't understand most of them. Could it be... Yin Luli was afraid that Jiang Jingshu would tell him how she had a miscarriage?Was Jiang Jingshu's miscarriage related to him?

There were many thoughts in his mind, but Xu Fusheng pressed his lips together and sneered.

"What? Are you afraid? What are you afraid of? Is it about Jiang Jingshu...or..." Xu Fusheng pursed his lips slightly as the content of the dream appeared inexplicably in his mind.

"Or is it related to what happened five years ago?" As soon as the words fell, Xu Fusheng only felt that she was pushed against the wall in the corner by Yin Luli. She gasped in pain, but did not look back in any compromise. looking at her.

"Why wasn't you the one who died back then? The one who died back then should belong to you! It wasn't Yuxin, it was you!" From the moment Jiang Jingshu wanted to meet Xu Fusheng alone, Yin Luli was always in fear until Xu Fusheng Get out of the ward!

Hearing these words, Xu Fusheng's heart trembled suddenly, and for a moment, her whole body began to feel cold.

It wasn't until this moment that she felt that Yin Luli's words were flawed from beginning to end. He always emphasized that he was the one who should have died at the beginning, but at the beginning, she didn't realize that Yin Luli said this deep meaning of the sentence.

"The person who should have died was me. If I drove that car, and if it wasn't such a coincidence that I was going to see Chen Yuxin, maybe... the person who died at that time should be me, not Chen Yuxin!" Xu Fusheng spoke slowly, as if thinking What happened? Ye Yiming said that the brake line of the car in the accident was tampered with. It was precisely because of this that Xu Fusheng stared at Yin Luli in a daze, with anger gradually smearing in his eyes.

Hearing a crisp sound of slap, Xu Fusheng raised his hand and slapped Yin Luli hard at lightning speed, without any hesitation or hesitation. Yin Luli didn't react at first, but was just reacting. He wanted to fight back in an instant, but the moment his eyes met Xu Fusheng's, a corner of his heart seemed to collapse.

In fact, Yin Luli knew better than anyone what kind of bastard he was!
During the days when he was with Xu Fusheng, he was once confused, perhaps wavered, but so what?In the end, he still chose to ignore it, for the sake of money, maybe also for the child in Yuxin's belly.

When meeting Xu Fusheng for the first time, when he saw her flowery face and jasmine petal-like shells, he was in a trance for a moment. At this time, Yin Luli had already forgotten why he was in a trance. But in the end, he still walked towards him and intervened in her life.

"Get out!" That slap didn't seem to be able to dispel the anger in Xu Fusheng's heart. She raised her hand again, but she didn't slap it down. The disgusted look in her eyes seemed to make her dirty if she touched him too much. of!

"What else did she tell you? What else did Jiang Jingshu tell you?" Yin Luli didn't roll away, his gaze fell on Xu Fusheng's face, as if he wanted to dig open her memory-stored brain and look inside What exactly is in it.

Xu Fu didn't want to talk to him anymore, even breathing the same air as him felt that it was an insult to him. He staggered and pushed him away, but Yin Luli's eyes suddenly became fierce.

"I can call Shao Ting right now!" Xu Fusheng spoke slowly, but Yin Luli felt like he was struck by lightning. Even if he could force Xu Fusheng to stay here, he still couldn't compare to Jiang Shaoting. Strong iron fist!
Yin Luli has already tasted the bitterness more than once, and naturally he will not be willing to try that kind of taste easily again!

"Yin Luli, your heart is really dark!" Before turning around to leave, Xu Fusheng finally opened his mouth again. With a simple sentence, he almost ground his own silver teeth. disdain……

When Xu Fusheng returned to Jiang Shaoting's side, her expression was still in a daze. She didn't know that a dream of her own unexpectedly became the tip of the iceberg of the accident five years ago. She originally thought that the truth of the incident had been revealed. But I never thought that the plot would have such a reversal.

"What's the matter with you?" Jiang Shaoting was left behind by Qu Yunxi. He didn't know what to say, and his face was not very good-looking. He only calmed down a little when he saw her come back, but when Jiang Shaoting raised his head, he never expected that her face Uglier than myself.

Xu Fusheng didn't say anything, just leaned against Jiang Shaoting's side, originally wanted to reach out his hand, but never thought that just as he reached out, Jiang Shaoting stretched out his hand to clamp her wrist with fierce eyes.

"Who made this?" As soon as Jiang Shaoting said this, Xu Fusheng looked down in a daze. It turned out that it was the bruise left by Yin Luli when he grabbed his wrist just now. I know how much effort he used at that time.

Thinking this way in his heart, Xu Fusheng shook his head, for a moment he didn't know how to speak to Jiang Shaoting.

The matter between her and him has been entangled from five years ago to now. At first, I thought that there was nothing to hide from each other, but I didn't think that heaven never fulfilled people's wishes, and there would always be secrets of one kind or another revealed, even if it was just a little bit. Even the little things can leave an uproar in the lives of the two of them.

You shouldn't have married my uncle.

Jiang Jingshu's words echoed in her ears at this time, causing Xu Fusheng's eyes to blur. She knew that Jiang Jingshu must know something inside, so she said such words to herself under such circumstances.

"Jiang Shaoting..." Xu Fusheng suddenly called Jiang Shaoting's name, maybe the voice was too ethereal, Jiang Shaoting didn't move for a while, just raised his head and looked into her eyes, as if he didn't know why she suddenly used such a voice calling himself.

"Let's go home, I want to go home..." This was the only thing Xu Fusheng could say at this time, she just wanted to go home now, to that safe place without any burden.

Just at this time, Qu Yunxi and Jiang Meiwan walked over talking something, Qu Yunxi saw Xu Fusheng, those deep eyes showed a hint of prey, but it was only fleeting, and soon he was gone. disappeared.

"Go home? What happened to Jingshu, you, as an aunt, just want to go home?" Qu Yunxi seemed a little displeased, and also made some excuses. Xu Fusheng heard it clearly, and saw her clear eyes. Just like this, she raised her head and looked at her, as if she wanted to engrave her deeply in her mind. For a moment, Qu Yunxi felt a little dazed because of her eyes.

It seemed that Xu Fusheng saw the existence of another person.

"Yes, as an aunt I just want to go home, why? Now I'm not even allowed to go home?" Xu Fusheng sneered, but he didn't even talk back to Qu Yunxi in the slightest. No one seemed to have imagined the accident, even Qu Yunxi herself was choked by Xu Fusheng's words, and after a while, the expression on her face suddenly became angry!
"What did you just say? Xu Fusheng, you said it once!" Qu Yunxi's voice suddenly increased by an octave, and even Jiang Meiwan looked at Xu Fusheng as if she had lost her mind and went crazy.

"I said, I just want to go home now, and I don't need anyone's permission!" After saying this, Xu Fusheng looked at Jiang Shaoting who was standing beside him, and just looked at him quietly and stopped talking.

"Okay, let's go home!" Jiang Shaoting's thin lips slowly curled up, as if he was not angry at her rudeness.

"Jiang Shaoting!" Qu Yunxi was furious at his attitude, rare, a few wrinkles appeared on her well-maintained skin.

"What? My wife is tired. Do I need your permission if I want to go home and have a rest?" After Jiang Shaoting finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and landed on Xu Fusheng's shoulder, hugging the slender figure into his arms middle.

"Shao Ting, are you crazy?" Jiang Meiwan's voice was gloomy, the floor-to-ceiling glass window next to the rising sun tilted down and landed on several people, Xu Fusheng heard Jiang Meiwan's voice, coldly He laughed, but didn't speak.

But this laughter, to Jiang Meiwan, seemed like the greatest irony to herself.

"Xu Fusheng, I think you need someone to help you learn what is polite!" After Jiang Meiwan finished speaking, the subordinates beside her were already slowly trying to walk towards Xu Fusheng, with a fierce look on their faces.

"Jiang Meiwan, do you want him to be the second Tan?" Jiang Shaoting's voice interjected at the right time, and Jiang Meiwan, who was originally sitting in a wheelchair, trembled when the name 'Tan' was mentioned, as if she had woken up , but still stared at Jiang Shaoting with that betrayed look unwillingly, as if he felt hurt because he didn't stand on his side.

Xu Fusheng didn't want to know what she was thinking at all, but was hugged by Jiang Shaoting, turned around and walked slowly towards the elevator at the end of the corridor. I don't know if it was a coincidence or a real accident, Yin Luli walked towards the elevator from the other side. Come over here.

Xu Fusheng acted as if he hadn't seen him at all, and kept a blank expression the moment he passed by!
(End of this chapter)

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