Chapter 216
And Yin Luli's pupils grew slightly the moment they passed by, but that's all...

Xu Fusheng leaned against the car window and fell asleep. Her plain face showed a kind of depression. Jiang Shaoting parked the car by the side of the road. He wanted to smoke, but after taking a look at her, he stopped immediately. own this action.

What the hell is wrong with her?
Suddenly, Xu Fusheng slowly opened his eyes, as if sensing Jiang Shaoting's gaze, he looked in his direction.

"I fell asleep?" Even she didn't realize it, it turned out that she fell asleep, but... where is this?
"Well, I saw that you were sleeping soundly so I didn't wake you up. I drove directly to the mountain. The air here is very good." Jiang Shaoting's eyes fell in the distance. The sun just rose not long ago, and everywhere was golden. After a whole night of snow, I didn't expect it to be sunny the next day.

Husband and wife are connected, he can feel that since meeting Jiang Jingshu and somehow leaving bruises on her body, she is in a bad mood, so bad that she can even turn her face against Qu Yunxi, this is a rational woman Never do.

In a daze, Xu Fusheng's gaze fell through the front windshield to the distance, as if he was recalling something.

"Come with me for a walk outside." After a long time, Jiang Shaoting finally heard Xu Fusheng's voice, hummed and got out of the car.

As soon as Xu Fusheng got out of the car, a gust of cold wind suddenly hit her, and she realized that she was only wearing a sweater. She was just thinking about why it was cold, but Jiang Shaoting had already put his thick windbreaker on her body, and suddenly, A wave of warmth hits.

Xu Fusheng glanced at him, his eyes were not as erratic as before, and he finally had something to focus on.

After snowfall, the world is covered in silver, and the feet creak and creak when they step on the ground. The snow has not started to melt, so it is not very cold. Xu Fusheng kept his head down, and Jiang Shaoting didn't urge her, just let her Walking slowly in front of him.

I don't know how far I walked like this, the car was no longer in sight, Xu Fusheng suddenly raised his head and looked at Jiang Shaoting, as if he finally decided to speak, and seeing her like this, Jiang Shaoting also stood still, just waiting for her to speak.

"Five years ago, Yin Luli moved the brakes of that car." Like thunder on the ground, Xu Fusheng's sudden words made Jiang Shaoting unable to recover for a while. When he recovered, his facial features suddenly became a little more fierce .

"The person he wanted to kill was me! But he never thought that the driver would turn out to be his mother, and the victim would be Chen Yuxin!" If it wasn't for the entanglement with Yin Luli in the hospital, how would she know? , Behind those self-righteous truths, there are actually other secrets hidden, and once these secrets are revealed, the so unbearable!
"It's ridiculous..." Xu Fusheng laughed dryly, and folded his arms with both hands.

"No wonder Yin Luli would ask me every time he saw me, why wasn't I the one who died? Why was Yuxin the one who died! It would be great if I was the one who died, but now..." Five years ago, She didn't say how good she was to Yin Luli, at least, she never wanted to hurt his heart, but Yin Luli actually wanted to put her to death. Such a man, he was actually the one he liked...

"Don't talk nonsense! Xu Fusheng, I don't allow you to talk nonsense!" Jiang Shaoting suddenly put his hand on her shoulder, forcing her to turn her head to face him, forcing Xu Fusheng to look up at him.

"There's nothing to be afraid of death, not to mention you didn't know me at that time, even if I died, what would you have..." Before he finished speaking, Jiang Shaoting had already leaned down, using his thin and forceful voice lips, blocking back all the words she wanted to say next.

If Jiang Shaoting took the initiative at the beginning, then it was Xu Fusheng who deepened the kiss. From the moment Jiang Shaoting leaned down, she had already opened her arms to embrace him, as if she wanted to embed deeply into his arms In the middle, the body softened.

"Don't talk nonsense, you're already married to me, you're already Mrs. Jiang, it's nothing, let alone!" Jiang Shaoting clasped her cheeks with great force, even deforming Xu Fusheng's cheeks.

"Shao Ting, this world is really strange. Those I loved wanted to put me to death, but those who hated me ended up loving me to the bone!"

Xu Fusheng lowered his head slowly, her eyes hurt a little from the large snow-white thorns, and soon even the eye sockets turned slightly red...

"It's okay, it's okay! Fusheng, leave it to me, leave everything to me, I won't let this mother and son have a good life again!" Jiang Shaoting hugged her tightly in his arms, and his eyes were gradually covered by a deep look. Severe color was enveloped.

Xu Fusheng buried his face deeply into Jiang Shaoting's chest, and did not speak for a long time...

"What the hell did you tell Xu Fusheng!" Yin Luli stared fiercely at Jiang Jingshu who was weak and still lying on the hospital bed, as if she didn't regard her as a woman who had just had a miscarriage at all.

This deliberately lowered roar reached Jiang Jingshu's ears, she slowly opened her eyes, and carefully observed Yin Luli's face, so feminine and handsome, it was precisely because of this He was picking on his face, but he never thought that under this face, there was a heart that couldn't be more vicious!

"What do you think I can tell her?" Jiang Jingshu sneered, seeing through the deepest fear hidden in Yin Luli's heart. This is a villain, a villain who couldn't be more insidious. It's too late.

"Did you tell her? No, how did you know what happened five years ago? Jiang Jingshu, how on earth did you know?" Apart from herself and the dead Yuxin, no one else knew about these things. Yuxin is dead, but how did Jiang Jingshu get the news now?
"Since you have done it, why are you afraid now? Oh yes, you are very afraid of my uncle, like a mouse is afraid of a cat! Yin Luli, without me, you are just a small department manager up to now , what are you, dare to speak loudly to me?" Jiang Jingshu no longer condescended to Yin Luli as usual, and with her pale complexion, Yin Luli, who was standing in front of her, dared not look directly at her!
"Jiang Jingshu, don't think that I dare not kill you!" Yin Luli suppressed his emotions, the rolling veins on the back of his hands floated back and forth, it seemed that Jiang Jingshu's words would make his emotions completely out of control!
"Kill me? Okay! It's like you wanted to kill Xu Fusheng but failed to kill Chen Yuxin! Speaking of Chen Yuxin, hmph, in my opinion, she is just a bitch who took in Xu Fusheng's family The money, you made your belly big...uh..." Before Jiang Jingshu finished speaking, Yin Luli had already grabbed her neck viciously, just like he had grabbed Xu Fusheng's wrist before.

Yin Luli's hands were trembling violently due to excitement. The innate physical strength gap between men and women was clear at this moment, not to mention that Jiang Jingshu had just had a miscarriage, and she didn't have any strength to resist, but soon she stopped struggling and opened her eyes. Looking at Yin Luli with a strange smile, it seemed that he was laughing at his overreaching behavior.

Being looked at by such a pair of eyes, Yin Luli was really scared from the bottom of his heart. This is the ward. If Jiang Jingshu really died, then as the only one who entered the ward, he would definitely be the first to be suspected. Even if he wanted Jiang Jingshu to die, Yin Luli couldn't just take her life rashly and impulsively!

Thinking of this in his heart, Yin Luli hurriedly let go of Jiang Jingshu's neck. Once free, Jiang Jingshu coughed violently and took the opportunity to breathe heavily, but the weird smile on the corner of her mouth did not diminish by half!

"Yin are really a coward! If you killed me just now, I wouldn't look down on you like now!" Jiang Jingshu coughed until tears came out, and she couldn't tell whether she was sad or really choking .

"The two of us really match each other! One has no heart, the other has no brains!" Jiang Jingshu leaned crookedly on the head of the bed, her eyes were still red, she couldn't help but recall the moment when she pushed Chen Yurou into the sea, her fingers trembled slightly.

"Yin Luli, you asked me just now, how did I know? I found something that you can never imagine, but I hid it! After the two of us get married, I will naturally find a suitable one. The time will come back to you, when the time will not be threatened in any way!" Jiang Jingshu smiled coldly, she knew that Yin Luli would definitely agree, just like he had just compromised with herself.

She has already seen through him, he is a coward!Apart from a face that is tempting to commit crimes, there are no other advantages...

Yin Luli stared at her viciously, and didn't speak for a long time...

At the same time, Qu Yunxi has calmed down. As for Jiang Meiwan next to her, her eyes are still gloomy. Tan seems to have disappeared out of thin air. There is no way to know about him.

"Mom, she's too presumptuous." This she, of course, refers to Xu Fusheng just now. When this name is mentioned, Jiang Shaoting's figure will naturally appear in her mind. The man she loves and hates is like a thorn in the On Jiang Meiwan's heart.

"Hmph, it's just a grasshopper after autumn. It won't be a few days." In fact, these days, Qu Yunxi always feels a little uneasy in her heart. When the things she thought she had forgotten reappeared in front of her eyes with incomparable clarity, the feeling was indescribable even in thousands of words.

What's more, in those dreams, the crying of the baby would be mixed in from time to time, and it was the crying of the baby that really caused her heartburning pain!

It's very strange, after so many years of being cruel and merciless, there will still be things that make Qu Yunxi suffer heart-burning pain. She doesn't want to recall the original scene at all, and it is precisely because of this that she hates that person even more in her heart. A man named Xu Songbai!
The promise the man said at the time was true and true. Even now, even with her eyes closed, Qu Yunxi can still recall the sincerity and depth of Xu Songbai's words. promise broken.

It's ridiculous, maybe everyone is like this, the moment you make a promise, you think that what you said will be true for the rest of your life, unexpectedly, you can forget it completely in a blink of an eye, and there is still plausibility.

Qu Yunxi sneered, and pulled off the rose petals in the vase in front of her one by one. This seemed to be her usual action, but at this time, it was also mixed with some emotions that she was never willing to reveal in front of Jiang Meiwan. .

(End of this chapter)

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