Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 217 Chen Yurou is Dead

Chapter 217 Chen Yurou is Dead

"Jing Shu has become like this now..." Jiang Meiwan sighed, originally thought that after Elizabeth and Jiang Mutian died, they would be able to calm down for a while, but unexpectedly, things were connected one by one, making people gasp There is no time.

"No matter what, the wedding must continue. The wedding invitations for Jingshu's wedding have already been sent out, and there must be no delay!" Qu Yunxi said blankly. She didn't care what happened to Jiang Jingshu, she just knew , The face of the family cannot be lost!
"Jingshu's miscarriage this time seems to be inseparable from Yin Luli..." Before Xie said that word, Qu Yunxi's eyes had already glanced over. Jiang Meiwan was caught by that look, but the next words I couldn't say a word.

"You think I'm stupid? Do you think I can't see it?" As soon as Qu Yunxi said this, Jiang Meiwan became completely silent. That's right, how could her mother not see things that she could see?I'm afraid no one knows...

"But so what if you can see it? The wedding must not be delayed!" Qu Yunxi sneered, and Jiang Meiwan looked at her deeply like this. This hard-hearted woman is her mother. Many times, even her Looking at her, you will get goose bumps all over your body because of the shudder!

"Mom, have you ever thought about..." Jiang Meiwan said suddenly, she was sitting in a wheelchair with a haggard face.

Qu Yunxi looked at her, as if waiting for her question.

"Have you ever thought about it, if I died with them in that car accident, it would be great!" This is what Jiang Meiwan has always wanted to ask but dared not ask. At this moment, she finally summoned up her strength. Courage to ask the questions in my heart.

"Yes! All the time!" Qu Yunxi's voice was cruel, and she gave Jiang Meiwan what she most wanted to know...the real answer!Inside the detention center, Fu Yu slowly walked into the reception room from the outside. In fact, according to the regulations, Fu Yu was not allowed to visit during this period, but Jiang Shaoting still completed the procedures through special channels, and at this time, Xu Fusheng was sitting there.

Seeing Xu Fusheng, Fu Yu was stunned for a moment, then sneered, what is she doing here?Look at yourself downcast?Or do you want to use yourself to hit your son?Or... is there any other unknown purpose?

For a while, Fu Yu had many thoughts in her mind, and all kinds of negative emotions entangled herself. Since entering the detention center, every night when she went to sleep, she would dream of Chen Yuxin covered in blood, and her nerves were highly tense.

"What did you come to see me for?" In just a few days, Fu Yu became emaciated and emaciated, and the large prison uniform was empty. Xu Fusheng took all this into his eyes, but he didn't feel any sympathy for her. .

"Let's see how you are doing here." Xu Fusheng replied indifferently, Fu Yu's cheeks twitched unconsciously, but quickly regained his composure.

"Then after seeing it?"

"Seeing that you are not doing well, I am relieved." As soon as Xu Fusheng finished speaking, Fu Yu finally couldn't help standing up suddenly, looking down at her, and the policeman standing not far away saw this The scene seems to want to come over.

Fu Yu was still a little timid in her bones, so she sat down awkwardly, and faced Xu Fusheng who was obviously deliberately trying to provoke her with words, this time she didn't act impulsively, she just wanted to find out why she came.

"What's the matter with you?" Fu Yu looked at Xu Fusheng indifferently, with disgust in his expression.

"Five years ago, it was your son who moved my brake cable, that's why that accident happened." Xu Fusheng looked back at Fu Yu, without any sympathy in his expression, he just relayed the incident indifferently To Fu Yu.

In an instant, Fu Yu seemed to have been poisoned, his face was livid, his breathing became rapid, and his chest rose and fell violently. Xu Fusheng saw all these changes, but he only thought it was so ironic .

"You didn't expect that the most fundamental cause of that accident would actually be your own son who loves you so much!"

Xu Fusheng's words were more like the straw that broke the camel's back. The strong irony in those words made Fu Yu shake his head desperately.

"I don't believe it! I don't believe it! There's no reason, Lu Li has no reason to do this!" Fu Yu couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe it. The whole thing was because of his son Yin Luli, because he used the brakes back then. In fact, she also felt the strangeness of the brakes at that time.

"Yin Luli wants my life, the truth is that simple."

"No, even if you want your life, Lu Li just needs to tell me, I will do it! I am willing to give everything for him!" Fu Yu suddenly raised her head to look at Xu Fusheng, as if she was an evil spirit, and her emotions became particularly agitated.

"What a great mother's love!" Xu Fusheng's eyebrows and eyes were cold.

"There's no reason, Lu Li shouldn't..." Fu Yu muttered to himself, it seemed that only in this way could he vent his doubts, and Xu Fusheng didn't bother to listen to these words anymore. Yin Luli's matter, although Yin Luli She confessed in front of her in a disguised form, but in fact she didn't have any evidence to prove that this happened, and this was what made Xu Fusheng the most gloomy!
But now, she told Fu Yu these words, repeating the scene day and night, that torture will definitely make this woman sleepless at night, perhaps, only the heart demon's torture year after year, day after day, can make her feel better. It is the best punishment for the enemy!
Xu Fusheng stood up, intending to end the meeting, but before he reached the door, Xu Fusheng heard Fu Yu behind him speak suddenly, and what she said made him subconsciously stop.

"It must be her...she must have asked Lu Li to do this!" Fu Yu wanted to rush towards Xu Fusheng, but was blocked by the sharp-eyed policeman, who could only frantically open his hands in her direction out of thin air. Turning around, this is what she saw.

"Who?" Just based on Fu Yu's words, Xu Fusheng couldn't tell whether Fu Yu was talking about a man or a woman.

"Chen Yuxin! She must have asked Lu Li to do it! It's like she asked Lu Li to approach you!" Fu Yu opened her eyes wide, as if to convince Xu Fusheng of what she said, and also revealed that it was indeed Chen Yuxin who asked Yin Yin to do it. Lu Li went to get closer to her truth.

Rao Xu Fusheng was already mentally prepared, but at that moment, she still fell into the ice cellar.

"Chen Yuxin? Are you crazy! Why did Chen Yuxin let Yin Luli harm me?" Xu Fusheng only felt that Fu Yu's words were full of loopholes, and she didn't believe what she said at all, but Fu Yu desperately stretched out his hand towards her.

"Someone asked Chen Yuxin to do this! I know...someone asked her to do this!" Fu Yu's eyes were red, as if she wanted to make Xu Fusheng believe what she said, but there was no credibility for that crazy appearance ?

The policeman was a little impatient, and pushed the crazy Fu Yu towards the outside of the reception room.

"Believe me...what I said is can ask Lu Li if you don't believe me..." Fu Yu's voice got farther and farther away, but Xu Fusheng's heart sank more and more. Could it be that what Fu Yu said was true? of?Someone asked Chen Yuxin to...

For a moment, she felt that there was something she couldn't figure out, so she covered her face with her hand, and then left...

As soon as Xu Fusheng walked out of the gate of the detention center, he saw Jiang Shaoting answering the phone with a gloomy expression. Seeing her come out, he hung up after a brief chat. Exceed Xu Fusheng's eyes.

"What happened?" Putting aside the news that he had just received from Fu Yu, Xu Fusheng looked at Jiang Shaoting worriedly. His expression was unexpectedly ugly. Something serious must have happened. .

"Chen Yurou is dead." The five simple words, which took only a few seconds to finish, made Xu Fusheng's scalp start to tingle. What did Jiang Shaoting just say, Chen Yurou died?But wasn't she fine a while ago?How could he die suddenly?
" did you die?" Xu Fusheng took a long time to find his voice.

"Perhaps they were drowned. People were fished out of the sea." The call Jiang Shaoting received just now was to report this incident to him. It just so happened that a non-fishing boat approached the sea area where Chen Yurou died. When the net was caught and then picked up again, something caught it, and the body was pulled out. The crew was terrified at that time, and then called the police.

"How can you go into the sea so well? Besides... what do you mean by drowning?"

Intuition told Xu Fusheng that there must be something wrong with this matter.

"You have to be prepared. I'm afraid the police will come to your door in the next two days. Just tell what you know."

Jiang Shaoting's complexion still showed no signs of improvement, and he did not answer Xu Fusheng's question just now.

Chen Yurou died, and the last thing Yuxin left in this world was gone.

"I see." Xu Fusheng understands that if the death is determined to be abnormal, the police will definitely investigate the people and things around Chen Yurou. It is inevitable to be questioned, but... how could Chen Yurou die for no reason like this? up?
"That..." Xu Fusheng suddenly recalled what happened in the detention center just now. He originally wanted to tell Jiang Shaoting, but seeing his ugly face, he finally held back. After all, Chen Yurou's news was too sudden, let alone Jiang Shaoting. , Even I was stunned when I heard it.

"I'll take you home first." Jiang Shaoting opened the car door, Xu Fusheng was about to get in the car, but the phone rang suddenly, and when he looked down, the number displayed was Ye Yiming's name.

"Then you send me to the subway station in front, I'll go back by myself, you go and do your work!" Xu Fusheng knew that he must be in a bad mood now, after all, Chen Yuxin would really be gone in this world once Chen Yurou died. exists.

Jiang Shaoting wanted to say something, but seeing Xu Fusheng's expression, he finally gave up, and he really wanted to go back to the hospital.

"Okay." Jiang Shaoting stepped on the accelerator and quickly turned over the front of the car.

"Ye Yiming called me. I don't know what it is. I should meet him before I go home." Xu Fusheng thought for a while, and told Jiang Shaoting about Ye Yiming's call to her. , usually something important.

Jiang Shaoting didn't speak for a few seconds, and he didn't know whether he agreed or disagreed. Xu Fusheng was somewhat nervous, but unexpectedly Jiang Shaoting curled his lips, although it looked ugly.

"I seem to be a very narrow-minded man?" Xu Fusheng really couldn't answer Jiang Shaoting's words, because she didn't want to lie at all.

"Ask where he is, and I'll send you there before we go." As soon as Jiang Shaoting finished speaking, Ye Yiming sent a text message, which contained the address. Xu Fusheng told Jiang Shaoting the address on the text message, and Jiang Shaoting didn't talk nonsense. , heading directly towards the location on the address...

(End of this chapter)

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