Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 226 Confrontation

Chapter 226 Confrontation
But now, the appearance of this Chen Yuxin diary made Jiang Shaoting clearly realize how stupid he is. From the beginning to the end, he was played by Qu Yunxi in the palm of his hand. The result was that Jiang Shaoting could not do it no matter what. accepted!
In fact, it wasn't just Jiang Shaoting who couldn't accept it, even Xu Fusheng was stunned for a moment. She just looked at Jiang Shaoting like this, unable to say anything for a long time. Although she had expected the ending to be cruel, she never thought of it. However, the truth of the matter would be like this!

For a moment, she felt as if she had knocked over a bottle of five flavors, and she couldn't say anything!

"I'm going to find her! I'm going to ask her for clarification!" Suddenly, Jiang Shaoting still said this, turned and ran towards the door of the room, Xu Fusheng didn't react for a long time, when he realized what Jiang Shaoting said just now, She chased out in horror!
When the downstairs bar was bustling, Jiang Shaoting suddenly rushed down from the upstairs. When Shen Lvqiao was surprised, Xu Fusheng followed closely behind, with a nervous expression on his face!
"Fusheng, what happened?" Shen Lvqiao came out from behind the bar, Xu Fusheng heard her voice, turned around and looked at her with blank eyes, at this glance, Shen Lvqiao felt a strange feeling in her heart, she knew she was sure problem occurs.

"Ah Jiu!" Shen Lvqiao's voice was sonorous, although it was not loud, it instantly quieted down the noisy environment!

Chen Jiujun's rough face soon appeared in everyone's sight.

"Ah Jiu, something happened to Shao Ting, send someone to follow him, and send Fu Sheng there! Make sure that no accident happens to Shao Ting!" Shen Lvqiao said in an orderly tone, and did not ask Xu Fu Sheng what happened before.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to Shao Ting, he has a sense of proportion!" Chen Jiujun snorted coldly, turned and walked towards the bar entrance...

Jiang Shaoting drove all the way to the hotel where Qu Yunxi lived. What happened at the wedding today, everyone around was talking about it. Jiang Shaoting threw the car at the door, regardless of what the doorman shouted behind him, his face He walked gloomyly towards the elevator entrance!

He just wanted to ask Qu Yunxi himself, what she really wanted to do after all these years of deliberation!Now that he is in front of her, he wants to hear Qu Yunxi say with his own ears, where did Xiao Ying go!
The elevator door opened with a ding, and just as Jiang Shaoting walked in, Xu Fusheng and Chen Jiujun's men had already arrived in the hotel lobby. Xu Fusheng seemed to look towards the elevator in response, and happened to see Jiang Shaoting's gloomy face!
"Jiuye, he's gone upstairs! Front desk, let me ask about Qu Yunxi's room at the front desk!" Xu Fusheng was a little flustered, and Chen Jiujun slapped Xu Fusheng suddenly, which made Xu Fusheng, who was defenseless at all, stagger a step.

Chen Jiujun looked at his palm in embarrassment, he seemed to be using too much force.

"No need to ask, room 1024." Chen Jiujun's voice was calm, and he directly took Xu Fusheng into the next elevator, heading for Qu Yunxi's floor.

At this time, Jiang Shaoting had already arrived at the door of Qu Yunxi's room, and the sound of knocking on the door crazily sounded from the corridor again and again. There was only a click, and the door was opened from the inside. It also emerges from within...

Almost at the same time, Jiang Shaoting stretched out his hand and grabbed Qu Yunxi's neck firmly. His stern facial features were like a layer of frost, which made people tremble with fear, but Qu Yunxi had no defense at all. Just like that, Jiang Shaoting grabbed his neck and pushed him straight into the room!
Jiang Shaoting's whole body was covered by a strong hostility. Qu Yunxi was like a dead leaf swaying in the wind. Under Jiang Shaoting's control, his whole face soon turned red with the color of a pig's liver, and the feeling of suffocation fell from the sky , is scary.

"Why...why are you so ruthless!" Jiang Shaoting seemed to be asking Qu Yunxi, and seemed to be talking to himself, Qu Yunxi's sharp nails dug deep into the back of his hand, and quickly drew out Many bloodstains.

"Xiao Ying is just a child!" Xiao Ying has no grievances with her, why does Qu Yunxi use Xiao Ying so ruthlessly to control herself?Since Chen Yuxin is fake, where did the real Sakura go?

Except for Qu Yunxi, I am afraid no one else will know about it!

On the other side, the elevator was about to reach the top floor, Xu Fusheng's face showed nervousness, she was very worried about what would happen to Jiang Shaoting, not to mention after knowing the truth about Qu Yunxi manipulating Chen Yuxin to pretend to be Sakura!

There was a ding sound next to her ear, and the elevator doors slowly opened to both sides. Xu Fusheng walked out impatiently, and Chen Jiujun followed her, so as to take care of her in case of any accident.

But as soon as he walked to the door of room 1024, the half-open hotel door made Xu Fusheng's heart skip a beat, and then he heard a faint voice coming from inside, which made Xu Fusheng's heart even go up in his throat.

Without any hesitation, she directly opened the door and walked inside. After walking through the long entrance, Xu Fusheng soon saw Jiang Shaoting grabbing Qu Yunxi's neck with one hand, and the back of his hand was covered in blood by the woman. But he seemed to feel no pain, and wanted to put Qu Yunxi to death.

"Shao Ting!" Xu Fusheng turned pale with shock, and rushed over quickly, stretched out his hand and landed on the back of his hand, not because he felt sorry for Qu Yunxi, but because he was worried about Jiang Shaoting's state!
Hearing Xu Fusheng's voice, Jiang Shaoting's mind seemed to wake up a little bit, and even his slack deep pupils gradually became in focus, his eyes slowly fell on her face, and the strength in his hands finally decreased a little.

"Let go! You're going to strangle her!" Xu Fusheng whispered to him, fearing that he would irritate this man again.

Jiang Shaoting didn't speak at first, but it was obvious that his sanity had returned. Chen Jiujun slammed the door shut from the inside, until Jiang Shaoting finally let go of Qu Yunxi's grip.

Qu Yunxi's body was limp and slumped on the carpeted floor, and she opened her mouth to breathe in a shapeless way, perhaps because she wanted to breathe fresh air too urgently, so she kept coughing dryly.

Xu Fusheng didn't even look at her, he firmly held Jiang Shaoting's palm with his fingers, the back of his hand was scratched badly by Qu Yunxi, Xu Fusheng was about to shed tears when he saw it.

"Jiang Shaoting, you bastard, how dare you hurt me!" Qu Yunxi managed to calm down, her heart was burning with anger, she staggered to her feet and glared at Jiang Shaoting who was blocked by Xu Fusheng!

There was a loud bang, Qu Yunxi shivered suddenly, and turned her head to look in Chen Jiujun's direction. She naturally knew this man. Chen Jiujun, who was honored as the ninth master by the people of City A, conquered the world with his fists !
At this time, Chen Jiujun was holding a whiskey bottle in his hand. The bang just now was the sound of the thick whiskey bottle hitting the cabinet. Only the sharp part remained on the body of the bottle, which was full of threats. .

"In front of me, do you dare to call Shao Ting a bastard?" Chen Jiujun had a natural ruffian on his body, and he couldn't help but want to distance himself from him, for fear of being scolded by him. Spread to!

Qu Yunxi sneered, the bruised circle on the neck was the deep imprint left by Jiang Shaoting when he was presumptuous just now, his eyes were full of sarcasm on Jiang Shaoting and Xu Fusheng, this pair is like a dog and a man. She was deeply disgusted, what's more, Xu Fusheng was the daughter of Xu Songbai and Wen Huaisu!

"Where is Sakura?" Seemingly aware of Qu Yunxi's gaze, Xu Fusheng suddenly turned his head to look in her direction, and his light-colored lips outlined these questions that the other party definitely knew the answer to.

"I don't understand what you are talking about! If you don't leave, I will call security!" Qu Yunxi sneered, how could she not understand, she planned the whole thing at the beginning.

"You don't understand? No, no one knows this better than you! Chen Yuxin is not Shao Ting's younger sister Sakura, she was the person you paid to pretend to be Sakura, and even when you paid her to think Shao Ting and I already know all about the way to ruin my reputation!" Xu Fusheng looked at Qu Yunxi with cold eyes, and she carefully looked at the slightly messy hair in front of her, but there was still a trace of A woman with an aloof and arrogant manner, what a feeling in her heart she can't explain!

Qu Yunxi's expression twisted for a moment, as if she didn't expect Xu Fusheng to say such words, those eagle-like eyes fell directly on Xu Fusheng's face, what did they know?
It's no wonder that the little bastard would be so excited as soon as she opened the door. Thinking of this in her heart, a thin smile slowly appeared on the corner of her lips, mixed with a strong taste of irony!
"I don't understand what you're talking about! Isn't Chen Yuxin Shao Ting's younger sister? Why spend money? What kind of pretense? I don't understand what you're talking about!" Until now, Qu Yunxi is still pretending to be stupid!

Xu Fusheng could clearly feel Jiang Shaoting's palm stiffen like a rock under his palm, fearing that he would go crazy again, Xu Fusheng tightly held the back of his hand!

"I'm afraid you don't know! Chen Yuxin has always had the habit of keeping a diary! Jiang Jingshu gave us this diary before she surrendered. In that diary, it clearly recorded how you used money to bribe her back then!" Xu Fu Sheng's voice was cold, and the smile on the corner of Qu Yunxi's mouth tightened for an instant, but only for an instant.

"So what? Even if I bought her with money, so what?" Sitting slowly and gracefully on the chaise longue, Qu Yunxi is like a picture scroll. If it were in any situation, she would feel very beautiful.

"So what? Don't you feel any guilt for what happened?" The people around her left her one by one, and now there is only one person left in Qu Yunxi. Could it be that even so, she didn't Any repentance mean?

"Guilty? Why should I feel guilty towards you? A bitch and a bastard, what should I feel guilty about?" The moment Qu Yunxi said this, Xu Fusheng could clearly feel that Jiang Shaoting wanted to The trend is getting out of control, and she has a new understanding of Qu Yunxi's shamelessness!
"Your hatred for me stems from my father. I can understand it, but Shao Ting, what can he do to you? You need to plan all this with great care and painstaking efforts!" Xu Fusheng took a deep breath , She feels that every conversation with Qu Yunxi is like a waste of life!

Hearing Xu Fusheng mention her father, Qu Yunxi's face suddenly became ugly, Xu Songbai is a taboo for her that she can never hear from other people in her life!However, Xu Fusheng mentioned him again!
"Shut up!" Qu Yunxi finally had the expression that a normal woman should have, but it wasn't for Jiang Jingshu who was taken away because she surrendered herself, nor for Jiang Meiwan who killed herself in front of Xu Fusheng!

The most ridiculous thing is that she is for a man who has been dead for five years!
"Are you ordering me? It's a pity that you have no right to order me!" Xu Fusheng sneered, as if he had seen through the woman in front of him. In this world, she didn't care about anything. The only thing she cared about was an old friend. !I really don't know if we should say that she is in love?I should say she is ridiculous!

(End of this chapter)

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